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View Full Version : LFT English, European, good or neutral, mature

02-27-2011, 01:01 PM

I am Dutch, born in '69, hopefully that is mature enough. :D Looking for an English speaking multinational Tribe that is mainly European. Not that I hate Americans or Canadians but the time difference is always a hassle. ;) Also I really hope NG will set-up an European server soon so we can enjoy a lower ping. With the current fighting system low ping seems important.

Bought two accounts since I want to play a warrior based char and a crafter. Might drop one of the two in future though. Alignment, good or neutral is okay but don't want to be sitting ducks. :D Former experience with MMO's: GW, EQ, VCO, Aion.


02-27-2011, 01:50 PM
Hey fellow dutchie !
Be welcome to check out The Hopi tribe !
We speak mainly english but some of members have a different mother tongue.
It is a mature tribe with a lot of different people. Be sure to check it out :D

02-27-2011, 03:46 PM
Whehe awesome!!
I am dutch as well.
We have another dutch member in pandemic tribe.

We Pandemic tribe are an international tribe but have alot of players from EU.

We Offer:

* Stable Tribe
* Expierience players from Beta days & Helpfull members
* Vibrant Tribe and community
* Teamspeak 3 comms
* PvP raids
* RL always come first

If you want you can hop into our teamspeak to chat around and see if it fits you.
We have dedicated pvp and crafters in our tribe, that can give you guidence if needed.

Check our recruitment thread : http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/3256-Pandemic-Tribe
Or our Website : http://www.pandemictribe.com/
Teamspeak 3 : port:9987

02-28-2011, 02:26 AM
Deathwatch - Neutral Trading Outpost / Mercenaries

Currently we have 1 more canadian and a handfull of americans about 20 people in total.

Here you go: We are mainly EU TZ (that said it doesnt mean we aint looking for other TZ, game doesnt stop just because some go to bed).
We are a established community looking for new members.
We are trying to establish a neutral trading outpost, at the same time we'll act as mercenaries.

We Live next to a river and behind a mountain quite abit away from the central areas so its very viable to live of the land at our location
Images can be found on our website in the forum

The Mercenary role is something we've taken on in every game we've played so far, with more and less success depending on game mechanics but its something we know and live by.

The Trade Outpost is to establish a neutral trade area for everyones benefit, and this is something we will control with the help of our mercs.


03-09-2011, 01:31 AM
Divided Allegiance is a gaming community that has been playing games together for 12 years since the UO days. We strive on community and helping each other out. We have an amazing location picked out for Xsyon that will be a trading hub for the surrounding area. We have direct access to all resources in the game and very close access to the green mist for when it gets pulled back. Every player will get a small plot of land to call their own that they can more or less do what they want with. Our tribe is run like a democracy: every player has a voice within the tribe. This is so no-one feels like they're just another number in the tribe and that they actually matter. In our tribe, everyone is welcome to do what they want. We're not the type of tribe to tell you that you have to do something you don't want to do. We are a neutral tribe that will PvP when necessary but not go out and gank people. We have a few basic self explanatory rules: don't be a jackass, don't make the tribe look bad, and don't go out ganking people left and right. We already have 30 members and counting and plan on becoming the biggest and baddest tribe in the world of Xsyon, so I invite you to join if you want to be a part of something amazing.

Short version:
Big tribe that will be a dominating power in the game
Awesome location picked out with tons of resources nearby
Awesome community that loves helping eachother out
Freedom to do kinda what you want (within generous limits)
Everyone gets their own plot of land
Awesome city plans
Big ventrilo server with backup TS3, mumble

Don't let these other tribes fool you. Most of them are one (or many) of the following: inactive, surrounded by drama, disorganized, bad leadership, trolls, etc. We WILL be the best tribe in this game and once we hit the maximum allowable land radius, we will be closing recruitment. Get in on the action while you still can. You will not regret it =)

Our website is http://www.divided-allegiance.com/forums/index.php. Head on over and register if you like. You'll see that there are several game forums on the site--just head into the Xsyon recruitment area and fill out a very short application. If you have any questions before applying, PM Shaggy, Sionide, or SlightlyEvil on our forums and they'll be willing to help you out.

03-09-2011, 03:10 AM
He is already in hopi.