View Full Version : Preorder weps and the current respawn system

03-05-2011, 01:18 PM

So it happened again last night. I decided to PvP.

After looting my victim of everything I could and leaving he respawned on top of me and attacked with his preorder weapon. I killed him and ran for my tribe.

This happened about three more times (As I was low on energy) until I finally got back to my safe zone. He then proceeded to stand in my safe zone (while being killed) begging for his armor back.

What in the hell kind of PvP system is this? Is anyone satisfied with this crap? After I kill someone they shouldn't be able to spawn on top of me wielding the most powerful weapon in the game.

Show of hands of people who've participated in group PvP. Anyone satisfied with that mess? The fight going on and on until one side decides they're bored and leaves? I was hoping with the war server we might get a place to voice our concerns about this mess but it seems like we wont. I can tell you with out a doubt pvpers are going to leave this game in droves if this crap isn't addressed.

Preorder weps need to be changed. They ruin armor crafting and weapon crafting.

Respawn system needs to change. It totally ruins PvP.

03-05-2011, 01:30 PM
No, no one likes the current respawn system. Jordi already said that it will change, everyone will respawn back at their totem.

03-05-2011, 01:44 PM
Both current pre-order weapons AND respawn rules are teh suck.

We know that respawn rules will change, & there is hope that pre-order weapons will be nerfed. I just hope Jordi has time to squeeze these changes in before re-pre-launch.

03-05-2011, 02:10 PM
further detail on the po weapon debacle.

i'm sure the po weapons are perfectly balanced against end game, master crafted armor.
the problem is we will not see the equipment to counter the weapon for quite a while.

The relative 'power' of the weapons needs to be reduced by 30-40%, this will still make them better than anything anyone will be able to craft for quite a while, but not be just crazy powerful compared to anything else in the game.

03-05-2011, 02:41 PM

So it happened again last night. I decided to PvP.

After looting my victim of everything I could and leaving he respawned on top of me


sounds more like a pk.

game is not done yet, who knows how the po weapons will act in 4 months (random number of time) once the new combat system is in place.

03-05-2011, 02:56 PM
its called mutual assured destruction!!! and if u think it will take weeks to get the good stuff well play harder ur doing it wrong lol