View Full Version : Login Land Rush???

03-06-2011, 08:13 AM
So, lost in all the spirited debate about the server setup is this tasty nugget from the original March 4th update:

3) The final wipe and land rush will proceed in a controlled manner.

On the day of the final wipe, players will be able to enter the game and form their tribe charters, but not claim any land. This will allow tribes to form their groups and find their locations and then log on.

On the second day, players will be able to claim land, but terraforming will be turned off and combat will not be allowed on the Peace server. This will allow players to claim their lands without entire tribes being online, and once totems are placed, players can log off to reduce stress on the servers.

On the third day, everything will be turned on as normal and game play can begin.

We will do this do reduce potential lag and chaos. The goal of the early entry is for tribes and players to settle in, while the game will officially start with a creature reset on the 15th.

In a nutshell, this is gonna be a cluster$%*#.

People are going to form up on the first day, go to their chosen locations, & either sit there all day or log off until totems can be placed the next day.

At this point, I'm guessing the totem placement will start with a 2nd day server reset. I just don't think this game's code is sophisticated enough to incorporate "timers" on such short notice. Once the server comes back up, the tribe leader will just have to login & plop down the totem.

Easy, right?

Ok, now what if there are 5 tribes that all want the same choice piece of land. Only one of them is going to get it. Which one? Well, whoever has the best PC & is closest to Chicago (server location), of course!!!

Does that make sense to ANYONE? I understand trying to alleviate the opening day lag fest, but this "solution" is tailor made for griefers who only want to "steal" the spots of the large peace-loving tribes (I'm lookin' @ you, Hopi LOL). And even in non-griefing scenarios, somebody is going to feel like they got royally screwed.

And this really won't even impact the lag as much as Jordi is thinking/hoping. People have been salivating for the day this game goes live for months. Just because totem placement is delayed a day doesn't mean that people are going to log on for 5 minutes to form a tribe & then cheerfully log off for the rest of the day.

Instead of an exciting land rush where tribes are fighting & running & fighting while running to get their advantage towards the prime spots...we get an anti-climactic "login land rush" that is almost certain to cause major drama for Jordi on these forums.

So, when you get down to it...we're still going to have lag AND there will be an increased amount of bitching & moaning.

No thanks!!!

Potential solutions discussed within this thread:

1) Revert to original land rush scheme. It won't impact the lag, but neither will the login scheme. At least the original scheme is exciting & gives people a better chance to fight for their rights.

2) Implement an action timer for placing the totem of 1+ minutes. This will allow totem placement to be disputed & will possibly add some fantastic excitement in/around hot spots.

3) Who cares, life sucks, let's play. Obviously not really a solution, so much as bending over & taking it...but some people seem to fine with that.

4) Enable combat on day one, but configure the game so everyone respawns back at the nearest starting/load-in zone (until their totems are placed the next day). This will allow tribes to stake out a location & properly defend it.

*** EDIT ***

Virtus has confirmed that the 3 stage launch is still in effect with the single server. Also, he confirmed there will be no combat enabled for the first two days.

03-06-2011, 08:30 AM
Everyone will have same chances, so it's all ok.

03-06-2011, 08:35 AM
Five people want something. Only one of them can have it. Four people will have what they can probably at least rationalize as a very good reason for why they're unhappy and why it was all unfair.

If you succumb to the rationalization and take the wanted thing away from the person who got it and give it to one of the four unhappy people, you'll still have one happy and four unhappy people.

Life is hard and then you die.

03-06-2011, 08:35 AM
Everyone will have same chances, so it's all ok.

So you think it's a good idea for 10 clans to all stand right on the Hopi (or Apache or whoever, doesn't matter) spot & give themselves a 10 to 1 chance on stealing that land without even a fight? Interesting...

03-06-2011, 08:37 AM
So you think it's a good idea for 10 clans to all stand right on the Hopi (or Apache or whoever, doesn't matter) spot & give themselves a 10 to 1 chance on stealing that land without even a fight? Interesting...
I am. Now stop crying. You sound like some annoying teenager girl.

03-06-2011, 08:38 AM
Five people want something. Only one of them can have it. Four people will have what they can probably at least rationalize as a very good reason for why they're unhappy and why it was all unfair.

If you succumb to the rationalization and take the wanted thing away from the person who got it and give it to one of the four unhappy people, you'll still have one happy and four unhappy people.

Life is hard and then you die.

I don't think you guys are grasping the dilemma here. If it's a land rush where everyone has a fighting chance to defend their territory until they can claim it, fine. Losers will have accept they lost the fight.

There is no fight here, though. Well, unless you consider "who can log in the fastest" to be a fight?

And what of the people who don't really want the land, but just will use this as an opportunity piss in somebody's cheerios?

03-06-2011, 08:40 AM
If everyone of your tribe has a shitty computer and lives on moon, worry not! The world is big enough, so you can find another spot.

03-06-2011, 08:41 AM
I am. Now stop crying. You sound like some annoying teenager girl.

So petty that you turn to insults...

03-06-2011, 08:42 AM
So petty that you turn to insults...
Define: Insult

03-06-2011, 08:43 AM
Define: Insult

"You sound like some annoying teenager girl." This is an opinion that was intended to be derogatory. That is an insult. You can use dictionary.com to confirm.

Please stop mucking up my thread with your trolling.

03-06-2011, 08:45 AM
"You sound like some annoying teenager girl."

Please stop mucking up my thread with your trolling.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a better way to describe my feelings regarding your post.

03-06-2011, 08:46 AM
get your spot, kill eveyrone that comes near it until you can place your totem.

i foresee 24 hrs of nekkid slaughtering.

03-06-2011, 08:47 AM
I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a better way to describe my feelings regarding your post.

LOL, sure sure.

This isn't a therapy session. Nobody really care about your feelings on the matter.

You may disagree that this issue is a problem, but please stop letting your emotions get the better of you.

Now, as I said, please stop mucking up my thread. It is intended for rational discourse, not trolling.

03-06-2011, 08:51 AM
get your spot, kill eveyrone that comes near it until you can place your totem.

i foresee 24 hrs of nekkid slaughtering.

This could go one of two ways, though...and neither is what you're expecting.

1) Combat is disabled for the first two days, like Jordi said it would be for the Peace server. Since the combined server appears to have the Peace rule set, this is a likely outcome.

2) If combat is turned on, people who die & still want the land will just rez where they want the totem to be & log off. Once the server comes back up the next day, they'll still have just as much chance of getting the spot as the people who stayed up all night fighting.

03-06-2011, 08:52 AM
So you think it's a good idea for 10 clans to all stand right on the Hopi (or Apache or whoever, doesn't matter) spot & give themselves a 10 to 1 chance on stealing that land without even a fight? Interesting...

I't no ones spot until the totem is placed. The community voted...

03-06-2011, 08:55 AM
Gota Agree here whit Baka77, People will stay logged in, just running around to chat, some folks will go to known Tribe locations and will try to put a homestead down just to deny any tribe from placing a totem. there will be tribes who will use this grief tactic to their adv. there a lot of anti-hopi anti-care tribes whit more then enough members to form a 10+ tribe AND tell members to drop homesteads just for Lolz onto the known tribe spot.

That said, Nobody, not a Solo,not a "clan" not a "tribe" as any rights to any spot when then launch starts. no mater how long you bin on one spot in beta , history will be wiped clean and does not mater at all. First come, first served.

03-06-2011, 08:56 AM
"Damned if you do, damned if you don't"

No matter HOW the land rush is done, there will always be losers.

If you make it so that a tribe has to defend their totem claim spot, the small groups and solo'ers will complain that it unfairly benefits large guilds.

The planned "login rush" will probably result in some large tribes being griefed by single homesteaders trying to "stick it to the big guys, just because they can", so it will be unfair to the large guilds.

Perhaps we should just have a postal lottery...

Whatever happens, I just want it to happen soon and get it over with !!

03-06-2011, 08:56 AM
I't no ones spot until the totem is placed. The community voted...

Ah, but when people voted, they expected there to be a land rush where they could fight for their spot & defend it from potential usurpers. If you lost the spot, at least you had a fighting chance at it. Now it's luck of the draw, at best.

03-06-2011, 08:57 AM
really think that the he who gets there firsteth with the mosteth and planteth is a better idea.

have a feeling this is going to be a mess.

03-06-2011, 08:58 AM
Sorry for butting in - i just came back from a few months away from Xsyon.

Is the totem placement instant?

If so - why not change it so it takes some time to place, such as 1 minute or something? In that time if you are attacked the timer resets or you have to re-enable the totem?

Once again i havnt read much about the new tribe system so sorry if this has already been answered.

03-06-2011, 08:59 AM
Sorry for butting in - i just came back from a few months away from Xsyon.

Is the totem placement instant?

If so - why not change it so it takes some time to place, such as 1 minute or something? In that time if you are attacked the timer resets or you have to re-enable the totem?

Once again i havnt read much about the new tribe system so sorry if this has already been answered.
It's instant and combat will be disabled for 2 days after head-start.

03-06-2011, 09:00 AM
I'd really like to see something like a 2 minute planting timer put on the totem, during which time the tribal leader can't move and needs to be defended by his guild. That would need to go hand in hand with something like a 2.5 minute long respawn timer (just for the day one land rush) so that people don't ghost in and pop to stab the leader in the back as soon as they become visible.

Then just allow the normal day one land rush on a first come first served basis. All they need to do to make that fair is announce a date and a reasonable time. Something like7 or 8 PM Est so that east and west coast players all have a chance to be home from work and participate.

03-06-2011, 09:02 AM
I'm not sure what solution OP is offering.

Is there a better way?

Or are we just pointing out the negative of every scenario?

03-06-2011, 09:03 AM
I'm not sure what solution OP is offering.

Is there a better way?

Or are we just pointing out the negative of every scenario?
He's not offering a solution, he's just CRYING.

03-06-2011, 09:04 AM
Ah, but when people voted, they expected there to be a land rush where they could fight for their spot & defend it from potential usurpers. If you lost the spot, at least you had a fighting chance at it. Now it's luck of the draw, at best.

You do have a vaild point but no matter how this is done someone will be screwed.

03-06-2011, 09:04 AM
Sorry for butting in - i just came back from a few months away from Xsyon.

Is the totem placement instant?

If so - why not change it so it takes some time to place, such as 1 minute or something? In that time if you are attacked the timer resets or you have to re-enable the totem?

Once again i havnt read much about the new tribe system so sorry if this has already been answered.

It is instant now, but I really like this suggestion!

03-06-2011, 09:06 AM
I'm not sure what solution OP is offering.

Is there a better way?

Or are we just pointing out the negative of every scenario?

I personally think the original scheme was good, with the chaotic land rush & fighting along the way.

However, I also really like xenoclix idea of having a 1 minute + action timer to place the totem.

I have edited the OP to add solutions proposed in this thread & will update periodically.

03-06-2011, 09:11 AM
I'd really like to see something like a 2 minute planting timer put on the totem, during which time the tribal leader can't move and needs to be defended by his guild. That would need to go hand in hand with something like a 2.5 minute long respawn timer (just for the day one land rush) so that people don't ghost in and pop to stab the leader in the back as soon as they become visible.

Then just allow the normal day one land rush on a first come first served basis. All they need to do to make that fair is announce a date and a reasonable time. Something like7 or 8 PM Est so that east and west coast players all have a chance to be home from work and participate.

Dont be selfish ;) 8pm est = 2am europe. theres a huge portion of the player base from europe. the only day ait be a fair day would be a weekend day between 11am-1pm est not much later due to unforseen server delays and crashes ;)

03-06-2011, 09:14 AM
It all comes down to who can get on the fastest when actual totems can be placed - no matter when you have the actual placement take place or how you implement this someone will probably lose a spot they wanted. Heck the internet could go down for some reason in part of the world, someone will lose a spot. Your tribal leader could get distracted by naked pizza delivery man/woman just at the wrong moment, someone will lose a spot. Stuff happens - let's not worry about it anymore and just do it and START PLAYING FOR REAL.

03-06-2011, 09:14 AM
Dont be selfish ;) 8pm est = 2am europe. theres a huge portion of the player base from europe. the only day ait be a fair day would be a weekend day between 11am-1pm est not much later due to unforseen server delays and crashes ;)

It is for this reason that I don't expect re-pre-launch to happen until the evening of the 18th (early AM in Europe).

That said, I still like Soul's idea.

03-06-2011, 09:28 AM
Implement a timer and you bias toward groups over individuals and fighters over crafters. Individuals and crafters cry 'foul!' One winner, one loser.

Implement a timer - especially on Day One - and a server crash causes the timer to reset, granting someone who was losing The Battle of the Clock a second chance. He seizes this chance and this time prevails over the guy who was three seconds away from winning, prior to 'circumstances beyond his control' costing him that victory. One winner, one loser. (And should the original guy who was three seconds away from winning convince the devs that he really and truly deserved the spot, and they give him the spot after all, the guy who won the second time will just shrug and smile and walk away. Right?)

The developers have chosen a compromise solution to a situation where there will inevitably be 'winners' and 'losers' and some of the 'losers' are not going to be happy.

Given the 'no-win' nature of this, the announced plan is as good as can be expected. If you don't get the best-est spot in the whole game this time around, who knows what opportunities await for the poor, huddled, land-less wretches in a few weeks when whole new tracts of unexplored land open up?

Let's just get it over with, please.

03-06-2011, 09:32 AM
Another point: What about the people who can't be there on Day One or Day Two or however this is going to work? Surely it's all unfair to them. Right? What about the people who join the game on the 15th? If equality of result and making sure everyone is happy is the measure, what about them if they want a really good spot down by the Lake? What about the people who join the game next month? Or next Summer? Or next year?

What - if anything - do we do about all of that?

03-06-2011, 09:40 AM
Another point: What about the people who can't be there on Day One or Day Two or however this is going to work? Surely it's all unfair to them. Right? What about the people who join the game on the 15th? If equality of result and making sure everyone is happy is the measure, what about them if they want a really good spot down by the Lake? What about the people who join the game next month? Or next Summer? Or next year?

What - if anything - do we do about all of that?

You're comparing apples & oranges now. We all know that not everyone is going to get everything they want in this land rush. Nobody is suggesting a scenario where we all get that. The issue at hand is this: for the people who are here during the initial land rush, do you want to a fighting chance at getting your land or do you want to relegate your fate to pure chance with no impact on the situation?

03-06-2011, 09:51 AM
...do you want to a fighting chance at getting your land...

As has been pointed out, the proposed plan gives people a 'fighting chance' - or at least one kind of equal chance. It's evidently just not the 'chance' you feel you have the best odds of winning.

...or do you want to relegate your fate to pure chance with no impact on the situation?

What 'impact' do the people who can't be there on Day Two have? Or the people who join on the 15th? Or next month? Etc. It's not apples to oranges. It's the reason why your argument is flawed.

03-06-2011, 10:00 AM
As has been pointed out, the proposed plan gives people a 'fighting chance' - or at least one kind of equal chance. It's evidently just not the 'chance' you feel you have the best odds of winning.

No, the proposed plan only gives people a chance. They have no impact on who logs in first. There is no fight. They cannot affect who manages to get through the login server & load screens first. The land rush has, in essence, been reduced to a lottery. To me, this is a downgrade over having the opportunity to race to my spot & fight people along to way to slow their progress.

What 'impact' do the people who can't be there on Day Two have? Or the people who join on the 15th? Or next month? Etc. It's not apples to oranges. It's the reason why your argument is flawed..

Those people have no impact & shouldn't. You're failing to grasp the concept that this debate only applies to people who are present. If people are not present, they wouldn't have a chance at the land in any scenario.

On a side note, here is another potential solution.

Enable combat immediately, but make it so you respawn at the nearest starting zone if you die. This will actually allow tribes to stake out a location & defend it properly.

03-06-2011, 10:48 AM
Those people have no impact & shouldn't. You're failing to grasp the concept that this debate only applies to people who are present. If people are not present, they wouldn't have a chance at the land in any scenario.

Why shouldn't they have an impact? That is; if the whole basis of your complaint is that people ought to have some impact over their fate?

You say the only way to make this fair is if you can run and gun and interfere with others' ability to beat you to your chosen site. What if, on Day One, you can't log in before I can? What if I want the same spot you want and I get a five minute head start on you? Or a day? Or a week? Or a month? How will granting you the ability to fight alter any of those advantages? 'You are not present' to contest my planting my totem.

I sympathize with your passion, but the simple fact is that your argument is fundamentally flawed. You're looking for a way to introduce and elevate the importance of combat in a situation where practical considerations beyond your control render combat a minor variable at best, and you're trying to justify your argument with a rationale that contradicts itself.

03-06-2011, 10:59 AM
Why shouldn't they have an impact? That is; if the whole basis of your complaint is that people ought to have some impact over their fate?

You say the only way to make this fair is if you can run and gun and interfere with others' ability to beat you to your chosen site. What if, on Day One, you can't log in before I can? What if I want the same spot you want and I get a five minute head start on you? Or a day? Or a week? Or a month? How will granting you the ability to fight alter any of those advantages? 'You are not present' to contest my planting my totem.

I sympathize with your passion, but the simple fact is that your argument is fundamentally flawed. You're looking for a way to introduce and elevate the importance of combat in a situation where practical considerations beyond your control render combat a minor variable at best, and you're trying to justify your argument with a rationale that contradicts itself.

Again, you're omitting the important caveat of being present. If you're not present for the start of the land rush or you log in late or the next day, that is your choice. You are choosing to give up your chance. Jordi will let us know when the server comes up before he does it so there will be time to prepare. If people want to impact their fate, they'll be there. If not, they have no basis to complain. The ability to fight for your spot ONLY matters if you show up on time. All other arguments about not being present at the time of launch don't factor into this discussion.

In any event, Virtus just confirmed that we'll have the 3 stage deployment & there will be no combat on the first two days. So, we are indeed all resigned to a random lottery with 2 days of crafting & koom-by-yah. Yippie.

03-06-2011, 11:12 AM
Homesteaders can only impact a tribe's totem placement by the small area that the homestead takes up. The new rules won't prevent a tribe's totem from being placed by a homestead in the area. (I thought also that you could only place tribal totems on day 2? no homesteaders on that day right?)

By increasing the number to 10 members, this should limit the number of tribal totems placed. Its not a great solution, but I don't think its as bad as folks are saying.

We all have to live with the fact that there will be no true tribal warfare for some time. We need to live with that. Such is life.

03-06-2011, 11:16 AM
Homesteaders can only impact a tribe's totem placement by the small area that the homestead takes up. The new rules won't prevent a tribe's totem from being placed by a homestead in the area. (I thought also that you could only place tribal totems on day 2? no homesteaders on that day right?)

By increasing the number to 10 members, this should limit the number of tribal totems placed. Its not a great solution, but I don't think its as bad as folks are saying.

Remember, there are the new "clan" totems with 5 members, too. It's griefers that band up into clans or tribes that will be the problem, not homesteaders.

03-06-2011, 02:36 PM
Homesteaders can only impact a tribe's totem placement by the small area that the homestead takes up. The new rules won't prevent a tribe's totem from being placed by a homestead in the area. (I thought also that you could only place tribal totems on day 2? no homesteaders on that day right?)

By increasing the number to 10 members, this should limit the number of tribal totems placed. Its not a great solution, but I don't think its as bad as folks are saying.

We all have to live with the fact that there will be no true tribal warfare for some time. We need to live with that. Such is life.

Sorry to burst your bubble but homesteaders CAN place totems on the 2nd day :) Everyone can

3) The final wipe and land rush will proceed in a controlled manner.

On the day of the final wipe, players will be able to enter the game and form their tribe charters, but not claim any land. This will allow tribes to form their groups and find their locations and then log on.

On the second day, players will be able to claim land, but terraforming will be turned off and combat will not be allowed on the Peace server. This will allow players to claim their lands without entire tribes being online, and once totems are placed, players can log off to reduce stress on the servers.

On the third day, everything will be turned on as normal and game play can begin.

I think it is totally fair and the OP is being dramatic.. The way it is set up not all of your tribe has to be on contributing to the lag so you have a better chance of getting your spot. Sorry it isn't a 100% guarantee Tribes , I know you like being catered to. But a smart tribe leader will have thought it through and have more than one dream spot.

03-06-2011, 02:40 PM
*waves to everyone from relatively close to Chicago*

You guys are lucky I no longer believe you'll be able to put a griefer fence around my soloing butt. Otherwise, I'd be angling for some lakefront property. As it is, I'm going to revert to my original plan, and politely take myself off to the mist edges in hopes that the people who were squatting all over my intended start locations a few days ago are either no longer interested in those places, or are located much further from Chicago than I am.

03-06-2011, 03:46 PM
*waves to everyone from relatively close to Chicago*

You guys are lucky I no longer believe you'll be able to put a griefer fence around my soloing butt. Otherwise, I'd be angling for some lakefront property. As it is, I'm going to revert to my original plan, and politely take myself off to the mist edges in hopes that the people who were squatting all over my intended start locations a few days ago are either no longer interested in those places, or are located much further from Chicago than I am.

better hope someone didn't claim it before you think you did...

Combat really should be enabled from the start and players should be spawned away from where they died. When it comes down to being fair this is the best solution

03-06-2011, 04:12 PM
Combat being disabled is stupid.

3 days to place a totem is stupid.

Those 2 things are what makes launching this game so exciting and worth partaking in. And now they are removed. So for 3 days we do pretty much nothing but sit and wait. Tack that on to the last 2 weeks and it just makes it less motivating and exciting.

If your full game cannot handle the client load don't launch it. Or launch it with multiple servers so we can enjoy all the features and excitement it brings from day 1. Oh wait...

What happens when we all decide to terraform in 4 days and the server grinds to a halt? Will that get disabled as well ("news - you can only terraform from 3AM - 6AM")?

Sorry I am an ass right now. But I have been part of this game for awhile, and I have next to nothing consumer confidence heading into this week. I am just over spending the last 2 weeks dealing with wipes and restarts all due to heavy client load (in beta 4 weeks ago, we never had any of these problems), only to have them show up again.

Your disabling the things that make your game attractive. 3 days, 4 days, it does not matter - they will be missing. We are going backwards and all it does is further remove motivation to even play...

/rant off

03-06-2011, 04:16 PM
Combat being disabled is stupid.

3 days to place a totem is stupid.

Those 2 things are what makes launching this game so exciting and worth partaking in. And now they are removed. So for 3 days we do pretty much nothing but sit and wait. Tack that on to the last 2 weeks and it just makes it less motivating and exciting.

If your full game cannot handle the client load don't launch it. Or launch it with multiple servers so we can enjoy all the features and excitement it brings from day 1. Oh wait...

What happens when we all decide to terraform in 4 days and the server grinds to a halt? Will that get disabled as well ("news - you can only terraform from 3AM - 6AM")?

Sorry I am an ass right now. But I have been part of this game for awhile, and I have next to nothing consumer confidence heading into this week. I am just over spending the last 2 weeks dealing with wipes and restarts all due to heavy client load (in beta 4 weeks ago, we never had any of these problems), only to have them show up again.

Your disabling the things that make your game attractive. 3 days, 4 days, it does not matter - they will be missing. We are going backwards and all it does is further remove motivation to even play...

/rant off


you looking for a tribe good sir

03-06-2011, 04:32 PM
Combat being disabled is stupid.

3 days to place a totem is stupid.

Those 2 things are what makes launching this game so exciting and worth partaking in. And now they are removed. So for 3 days we do pretty much nothing but sit and wait. Tack that on to the last 2 weeks and it just makes it less motivating and exciting.

If your full game cannot handle the client load don't launch it. Or launch it with multiple servers so we can enjoy all the features and excitement it brings from day 1. Oh wait...

What happens when we all decide to terraform in 4 days and the server grinds to a halt? Will that get disabled as well ("news - you can only terraform from 3AM - 6AM")?

Sorry I am an ass right now. But I have been part of this game for awhile, and I have next to nothing consumer confidence heading into this week. I am just over spending the last 2 weeks dealing with wipes and restarts all due to heavy client load (in beta 4 weeks ago, we never had any of these problems), only to have them show up again.

Your disabling the things that make your game attractive. 3 days, 4 days, it does not matter - they will be missing. We are going backwards and all it does is further remove motivation to even play...

/rant off

Right there with you on the way the fast paced changes are affecting my mood. Doesn't even matter that we have completely different goals and play styles and that you and your pals would, if given the chance, crush all my pitiful hopes and dreams of a log cabin with a couple of lazy hound dogs under the porch (or maybe coyotes?). It's been a rough couple of days.

03-06-2011, 04:33 PM
Combat being disabled is stupid.

3 days to place a totem is stupid.

Those 2 things are what makes launching this game so exciting and worth partaking in. And now they are removed. So for 3 days we do pretty much nothing but sit and wait. Tack that on to the last 2 weeks and it just makes it less motivating and exciting.

If your full game cannot handle the client load don't launch it. Or launch it with multiple servers so we can enjoy all the features and excitement it brings from day 1. Oh wait...

What happens when we all decide to terraform in 4 days and the server grinds to a halt? Will that get disabled as well ("news - you can only terraform from 3AM - 6AM")?

Sorry I am an ass right now. But I have been part of this game for awhile, and I have next to nothing consumer confidence heading into this week. I am just over spending the last 2 weeks dealing with wipes and restarts all due to heavy client load (in beta 4 weeks ago, we never had any of these problems), only to have them show up again.

Your disabling the things that make your game attractive. 3 days, 4 days, it does not matter - they will be missing. We are going backwards and all it does is further remove motivation to even play...

/rant off


the chaotic land rush is what makes this game great

we will have enough time to bore our asses off when every tent is built and there is nothing left to do

03-06-2011, 05:29 PM
There will be plenty of room for most players and a few individuals that will complain as griefers grab a few prime spots ahead of some established tribes, cheers!

03-06-2011, 05:31 PM
3) The final wipe and land rush will proceed in a controlled manner.

On the day of the final wipe, players will be able to enter the game and form their tribe charters, but not claim any land. This will allow tribes to form their groups and find their locations and then log on.

What if you are a homesteader.... why delay the homesteaders? There is no reason for solo players to have to wait till the next day... its not the homesteaders fault that the tribes have to form! You have already reduced the size of a homestead and clearly it doesn't matter now where they place a totem because a tribe can encompass them.

On the second day, players will be able to claim land, but terraforming will be turned off and combat will not be allowed on the Peace server. This will allow players to claim their lands without entire tribes being online, and once totems are placed, players can log off to reduce stress on the servers.

Seems if you let the solo players claim land, and begin terreforming on day 1, there would be less lag on day 2 when everyone hits the ground with a shovel at the exact same time.

On the third day, everything will be turned on as normal and game play can begin.

Seems that if you have solo players doing everything on day 1, and tribes doing it on day 2, on day 3 you should be able to turn on animals and combat... so a slow move to full throttle on the server instead of a big BANG on day 2 and 3.

03-06-2011, 05:33 PM
Wrong; the 1st day will be just fine.

03-06-2011, 05:36 PM
What if you are a homesteader.... why delay the homesteaders? There is no reason for solo players to have to wait till the next day... its not the homesteaders fault that the tribes have to form! You have already reduced the size of a homestead and clearly it doesn't matter now where they place a totem because a tribe can encompass them.

Seems if you let the solo players claim land, and begin terreforming on day 1, there would be less lag on day 2 when everyone hits the ground with a shovel at the exact same time.

Seems that if you have solo players doing everything on day 1, and tribes doing it on day 2, on day 3 you should be able to turn on animals and combat... so a slow move to full throttle on the server instead of a big BANG on day 2 and 3.

I didn't think homesteaders were getting delayed.

03-06-2011, 05:37 PM
If I were some tribes... I'd focus on building up skills and things so that they can get ready for the move once the mist opens. Everyone's all clambering about "spots", but if I were a leader, I'd be just as interested in the future land. In other words I'd say the current land is just a stepping stone for individual players and this game alike.

03-06-2011, 05:44 PM
If I were some tribes... I'd focus on building up skills and things so that they can get ready for the move once the mist opens. Everyone's all clambering about "spots", but if I were a leader, I'd be just as interested in the future land. In other words I'd say the current land is just a stepping stone for individual players and this game alike.

I agree, wholeheartedly. And what me and 6 friends are doing. Not a full sized tribe now, but hey. We've got a great spot out RIGHT on the edge of the mist. A little further in and the screen goes completely green, and thus far there's no one else out there ( maybe that's because no one is logging in until the final wipe, but still ).

New territory opens up, more lucrative areas ( potentially ), and you can be established as an outpost, different from other outposts, because you're actually more than a few zones from the nearest settlement.

03-06-2011, 08:05 PM
If I were some tribes... I'd focus on building up skills and things so that they can get ready for the move once the mist opens. Everyone's all clambering about "spots", but if I were a leader, I'd be just as interested in the future land. In other words I'd say the current land is just a stepping stone for individual players and this game alike.

and to do this what do you need? land now is going to be just as important as getting the better land in the future. it's going to be a while before new lands become available and skills won't take nearly as long to develop. Maybe a reason why you're not a leader?

03-07-2011, 03:19 AM
I stay away from the server for the first few days, it will be a mess.
In todays update there was this "Once you've placed a totem, please log off to reduce traffic on this day."

If we're asked to do that, what will happen when most people just want to play after the first few days, can't the server handle that?

03-07-2011, 05:02 AM
I stay away from the server for the first few days, it will be a mess.
In todays update there was this "Once you've placed a totem, please log off to reduce traffic on this day."

If we're asked to do that, what will happen when most people just want to play after the first few days, can't the server handle that?

That's what worries me as well.....forget server rule sets for a minute....it's rather obvious we need multiple servers....does anyone not agree at this point? Jordi has disabled 3/4 of this game to cram us all onto one server WTF.....this is software....its not rocket science.....that should not be happening....he should know exactly what his client numbers are, his database requests/transactions, etc and roll out a stable and solid solution. If it involves multiple servers, so be it. Do it and tell the community to eat shit.

I am scared to death this week! lol

03-07-2011, 05:14 AM
That's what worries me as well.....forget server rule sets for a minute....it's rather obvious we need multiple servers....does anyone not agree at this point? Jordi has disabled 3/4 of this game to cram us all onto one server WTF.....this is software....its not rocket science.....that should not be happening....he should know exactly what his client numbers are, his database requests/transactions, etc and roll out a stable and solid solution. If it involves multiple servers, so be it. Do it and tell the community to eat shit.

I am scared to death this week! lol

I have no idea from the technical side of things on multiple servers, but I do understand hard-headed stubborness (being an expert in that area myself). If we really are going to need multiple servers, I believe that a lot of hard-headed, stubborn people are going to have to see the truth of it for themselves by trying to have the thing their way and then watching how getting their way actually plays out (and how, at peak hours, maybe they can't play at all?). I'm sure that if two servers really are required, the same people crying because of the proposed server split will come back in a couple of weeks crying for more servers.

03-07-2011, 06:49 AM
I don't have a ton of data to base this on as I only recently purchased this game, but here is my two cents. The current plan to let everyone get their tribes together first seems like a pretty solid idea.

First off, many of you have been playing the game long enough to know your tribe setup and your ideal locale for settling. Without a mindless zerg of ganking on day one, you can take your time and comence with your plan. If you can't get the spot you initially wanted you at least have the option of sending scouts out to find alternative locations without them being killed left and right.

Secondly, I have a feeling the first day or two are going to be frustratingly laggy and overall unplayable. This may make it ultimately easier to find a prime location for your settlement as others get all qq and log off to cool down.

Third and finally, in the brief time I have been playing I explored quite a bit and saw that there were large swaths of unclaimed land that were in prime resourcerich areas. It took time to find them but they were surely there.

03-07-2011, 07:05 AM
we all think that we know the setup.....a survey gets sent and responded to.....rules of engagement then promptly change? *wonders how many people would have responded differently to the survey*....:confused:

03-07-2011, 07:09 AM
I stay away from the server for the first few days, it will be a mess.
In todays update there was this "Once you've placed a totem, please log off to reduce traffic on this day."

If we're asked to do that, what will happen when most people just want to play after the first few days, can't the server handle that?

That's what worries me as well.....forget server rule sets for a minute....it's rather obvious we need multiple servers....does anyone not agree at this point? Jordi has disabled 3/4 of this game to cram us all onto one server WTF.....this is software....its not rocket science.....that should not be happening....he should know exactly what his client numbers are, his database requests/transactions, etc and roll out a stable and solid solution. If it involves multiple servers, so be it. Do it and tell the community to eat shit.

I am scared to death this week! lol

This is exactly my worry and something i have asked Jordi in an email .

If your having to " turn off " parts of the game and ask players to log off to ease the load on the server , then you really should not be trying to make do with just 1 server .
As i have said in another thread , i really hope , for this games sake , that they have a second server ready to launch within 30 minutes if the first server shows it can not cope with the load .

03-07-2011, 07:31 AM
This is exactly my worry and something i have asked Jordi in an email .

If your having to " turn off " parts of the game and ask players to log off to ease the load on the server , then you really should not be trying to make do with just 1 server .
As i have said in another thread , i really hope , for this games sake , that they have a second server ready to launch within 30 minutes if the first server shows it can not cope with the load .

In my opinion, you're better off going too far (turning off features/staggering placement), then not far enough ( a repeat of the last time) when this tribe/land placement happens.

This game cannot afford another fiasco like its already seen. The server will probably never see the stress it would see with another land rush. People have already talked about taking the day out work/changing plans to be in game. Folks want "thier" spot, its that simple.

Having everyone and their sister logging in the game, trying to create homesteads, tribes, unique tribe names, added to the game setting boundries, and all the rest, lag and rollbacks be damned! Is just too much stress, and pretty unique situation, i would think. I like this option, compared to a repeat of the last time.

03-07-2011, 07:39 AM
I'm not so worried about launch or later gameplay, people from different timezones won't log in at the same time. I'm worried about Sat and few days after when everyone will be terraforming(at the same time).

03-07-2011, 08:08 AM
If I were some tribes... I'd focus on building up skills and things so that they can get ready for the move once the mist opens. Everyone's all clambering about "spots", but if I were a leader, I'd be just as interested in the future land. In other words I'd say the current land is just a stepping stone for individual players and this game alike.

I completely agree with this. According to the devs, more land could be coming as early as April. That's next month. What we have now is only the beginning.

03-07-2011, 08:10 AM
I'm not so worried about launch or later gameplay, people from different timezones won't log in at the same time. I'm worried about Sat and few days after when everyone will be terraforming(at the same time).

I believe I read that teraforming might be disabled if there are big lag problems during high traffic times. I think this is acceptable until they can find better ways to fix this in their code.

03-07-2011, 08:15 AM
I believe I read that teraforming might be disabled if there are big lag problems during high traffic times. I think this is acceptable until they can find better ways to fix this in their code.

I know but how can it be acceptable? It's the one thing that makes this game different. It's his selling point. The game would die almost instantly if there were not terraforming.

03-07-2011, 08:18 AM
I know but how can it be acceptable? It's the one thing that makes this game different. It's his selling point. The game would die almost instantly if there were not terraforming.

I agree with Big on this one. I'm pissed about the schedule for wipe/launch, but I'll get over it. My biggest concern is what's going to happen on Saturday when EVERYONE begins building/terraforming. If terraforming has to be turned off to make the game playable...it's NOT playable. I'll be out of country this next week, but I'll keep an eye on things. If it goes the way of disabled features and crash/lag fest, I'll probably just wait 6 months and see what progress has been made.

03-07-2011, 08:39 AM
I believe I read that teraforming might be disabled if there are big lag problems during high traffic times. I think this is acceptable until they can find better ways to fix this in their code.

As others have said , i really don't find disabling terraforming as acceptable . It is the largest selling point of the game and the main reason that i purchased ( i also play Wurm online ) . If the game is not playable with the current features and population , then they should really look at 2 servers rather than " limiting " the game by turning off major features .

03-07-2011, 08:43 AM
well if its turned on by the 15th then they lived up to the promise.. till then you're in beta.. stop your goddam whining....

03-07-2011, 02:08 PM
As others have said , i really don't find disabling terraforming as acceptable . It is the largest selling point of the game and the main reason that i purchased ( i also play Wurm online ) . If the game is not playable with the current features and population , then they should really look at 2 servers rather than " limiting " the game by turning off major features .

Well, that's your decision to make. I am personally willing to help them weather launch weekend if need be. I'm here for the long haul and I'm not going to die if I can't terraform during peak times this weekend. I'm sure they will try to avoid this, but if they have to do something to keep the server online, I'm ok with that. What would the alternative be? Server down? Great plan there.

03-07-2011, 02:20 PM
Well, that's your decision to make. I am personally willing to help them weather launch weekend if need be. I'm here for the long haul and I'm not going to die if I can't terraform during peak times this weekend. I'm sure they will try to avoid this, but if they have to do something to keep the server online, I'm ok with that. What would the alternative be? Server down? Great plan there.

Wurm online... =)

Sorry, don't mean to troll but I couldn't help myself.