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View Full Version : Totem radius. . . vertical distance?

03-08-2011, 04:27 PM
Does anyone know the vertical limits of totems? Are they the same? If I place a totem on an over hang do I have the land under it?

I am sort of guessing it would be a sphere and not figure into things much. . can anyone confirm though? The question and answer section is "on hold" for now so I am asking here.

03-08-2011, 04:29 PM
SOMETHING def happens what for sure i dont know. we have a totem on an edge and we get like 5 ft on the bottom??? then we moved it like 3 ft closer to the edge and got like 10+ ft MORE at the bottom. soooo not sure if its a bug or how its calculating but something is going on

03-08-2011, 04:43 PM
SOMETHING def happens what for sure i dont know. we have a totem on an edge and we get like 5 ft on the bottom??? then we moved it like 3 ft closer to the edge and got like 10+ ft MORE at the bottom. soooo not sure if its a bug or how its calculating but something is going on

Hmm that is strange. I can't play around with it anymore or I would.

03-08-2011, 05:11 PM
Does anyone know the vertical limits of totems? Are they the same? If I place a totem on an over hang do I have the land under it?

I am sort of guessing it would be a sphere and not figure into things much. . can anyone confirm though? The question and answer section is "on hold" for now so I am asking here.

I've been asking the age old question "is it a sphere or a cylinder" for as long as I have been here. The closest I have gotten to an answer was to quote "its a circle"

03-08-2011, 06:41 PM
I've been asking the age old question "is it a sphere or a cylinder" for as long as I have been here. The closest I have gotten to an answer was to quote "its a circle"

I lol'd

03-08-2011, 10:59 PM
so yer worried about ninjas from above....if any of these idiots even use standard elev...il be amazed.. even the Tallac crew is so inter fightin its become fun killen them...as far as trade...all is good

If 700 got hit announce it...we keep peace here
err 970...lol 700 on yer own...ill kill to keep 990 to 975 ok...

03-09-2011, 12:24 AM
QUICK! Someone dig a hole at thier totem to see how far down they go before they are blocked for being off tribal land!!

03-09-2011, 12:40 AM
haha...watch out for subterranean ninjas!


03-09-2011, 01:29 AM
well heres how I think of it, if you put your totem on a cliff and it has lets say 100 ft of radius, then you will have 100 ft or ground to the opposite of the cliff and you will have 100 ft Down the cliff. not the land where the cliff stops but the cliff itself for 100 ft. I think how the game does the distance is by land tiles regardless of if they are vertical or horizontal.. thats just my opinion though, we'll see if a Dev can clear this up for us

03-09-2011, 01:35 AM
game DOES have land tiles on the Vert...can see it with the graphics....they get all stretchy...hehe...

That being said, if yer dumb enough to care about that mountain above ya...maybe place yer totem 50 yards in front to get full use.....common folks...you really worried about unusable land???

03-09-2011, 05:24 AM
Anyway, since there isn't any overlapping terrain, I would imagine it's a cylinder.

03-09-2011, 05:43 AM
Worried about possible airstrikes maybe?
No fly zone over a totem

03-09-2011, 07:27 AM
Back when it was still set to max tribal land size(200m). We did some test, Going up hills, or down the cliff to the river. It was always 200m from the totem. I'm sure even now that it has been bumped up to 220m for max tribal land size you can still check to see where your land will end by walking off 220m from where you wish to place the totem.
I think the answer is it's a circle, And everything inside that circle around your totem is the tribes area. Up, Down, It does not mater, It's all yours.

03-09-2011, 09:16 AM
Back when it was still set to max tribal land size(200m). We did some test, Going up hills, or down the cliff to the river. It was always 200m from the totem. I'm sure even now that it has been bumped up to 220m for max tribal land size you can still check to see where your land will end by walking off 220m from where you wish to place the totem.
I think the answer is it's a circle, And everything inside that circle around your totem is the tribes area. Up, Down, It does not mater, It's all yours.

That sounds like a cylinder then.

So if your tribe radius is 100m, and you place your totem on the exact edge of a 100m vertical cliff, your tribe boundary will extend out 100m from the base of the cliff, as opposed to ending AT the base of the cliff.

So, when viewed from above, the tribe boundary will appear as a perfect circle with a radius of 100m, regardless of the shape of the land covered by that circle. Your tribe boundary would then have an effective surface of 200m on one side, if you include the 100m cliff face ...

If this is in fact how it works, the min/maxer's among us can go crazy trying to find a spot with optimal slopes (so that the boundary circle encloses the maximum usable surface area) :D

03-09-2011, 09:41 AM
I'm not sure what you mean, unless our definitions of usable differ.

03-09-2011, 10:18 AM
I'm not sure what you mean, unless our definitions of usable differ.

If you place the totem on the edge of a v-shaped valley which is 100m across, and has 2 equal slopes at 45 degrees, then the surface distance on the slopes will total up to 140m (Pythagorean Theorem).

A vertical cliff face that is 100m high, has a 100m surface, but it's useless. You cant build on it or plant trees, etc.

But you can do a lot on a 45 degree slope :)

I DID say min/maxing... :D

03-09-2011, 10:22 AM
Apparently I am pretty bad at internet sarcasm.

anyway, currently listening to kick ass Nintendo harpsichord instrumental version of bon jovi here: http://xsyonregulators.guildlaunch.com/index.php?sub_domain=xsyonregulators&gid=195225&f=1388952

03-09-2011, 03:46 PM
The reason I asked: Lets say I find a cave I want and I can climb on the roof. I could do two things. . plant the totem on top giving me more space inside the cave or I can place it inside "hiding" it and maybe even build on top. Just curious. . I will go with hiding it since I plan to role play a ninja bear.

Thanks for the replies.

03-09-2011, 04:17 PM
This is my logic and I am not a developer so I Assume they have more logic but here is what I envision.




Original drawing TM BZ INC.