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View Full Version : Lag hugely improved, here comes a patch

03-11-2011, 08:54 PM
:) Hopefully something will be enabled.

03-12-2011, 04:20 AM
:) Hopefully something will be enabled.

Let's hope so.

03-12-2011, 04:21 AM
:) Hopefully something will be enabled.

Wouldn't count on it.

03-12-2011, 05:08 AM
Wouldn't count on it.

lets not be negative, its pretty stable now.

03-12-2011, 05:13 AM
Lets hope so. Just looking forword to stuff getting enable so we can play :)

03-12-2011, 05:41 AM
A little common sense here. Pretty much the whole US is still sleeping. Once the number of characters online rises, so will the lag... until the code, bandwidth or lack of servers is rectified, that is.

03-12-2011, 05:44 AM
I have faith in the devs :)

03-12-2011, 05:55 AM
I have faith in the devs :)

You would, I wonder how u feel if this carries on a few more months!
The thing I find annoying is the devs constant insistence that numbers of people in game is nothing to do with lag. First it was people downloading the game late, when that was sorted it was terra forming.

The other thing, jordy was going to introduce 2 servers - probably a good move but flip flopped cos of people moaning on here Shen he should actually have been doing what's best for the game

03-12-2011, 06:03 AM
You would, I wonder how u feel if this carries on a few more months!
The thing I find annoying is the devs constant insistence that numbers of people in game is nothing to do with lag. First it was people downloading the game late, when that was sorted it was terra forming.

The other thing, jordy was going to introduce 2 servers - probably a good move but flip flopped cos of people moaning on here Shen he should actually have been doing what's best for the game

First, the lag isn't due to the number of players. It's due to the code handling them and the actions they do. Second, the majority can agree whats best for the game is not segregating them into PVP and non PVP servers.

03-12-2011, 06:09 AM
First, the lag isn't due to the number of players. It's due to the code handling them and the actions they do. Second, the majority can agree whats best for the game is not segregating them into PVP and non PVP servers.

no but we should have an EU and NA server. you can split hairs all you like but the fact is that more players = more lag. I remeber talking to Virtus in game a few days after the last launch when there were not many people online and the lag subsided. I made a comment about it being due to there being fewer players ( it was a week day working hours) and he still insisted that was not and said it was because most people had stopped downloading the game by then. I mean come on its basic cause and effect if they had acknowledged the real issue weeks ago they may have been able to look at the code before now.

And anyway the fact that tjhere are virtually no action to do but we still have huge lag says something to me.

03-12-2011, 06:21 AM
no but we should have an EU and NA server. you can split hairs all you like but the fact is that more players = more lag. I remeber talking to Virtus in game a few days after the last launch when there were not many people online and the lag subsided. I made a comment about it being due to there being fewer players ( it was a week day working hours) and he still insisted that was not and said it was because most people had stopped downloading the game by then. I mean come on its basic cause and effect if they had acknowledged the real issue weeks ago they may have been able to look at the code before now.

And anyway the fact that tjhere are virtually no action to do but we still have huge lag says something to me.

It's easy to simplfy it, The fact remains we have lag due to 1.) a ton of connections are hammering the the servers all at the same time. 2.) The code is simply not optimized to handle it all. Adding another server would not fix this, all it would do is further diminish the player base. We don't need a second server for the simple fact we don't have the players to fill the first.

It's not splitting hairs when describing the problem.

03-12-2011, 06:22 AM
It's easy to simplfy it, The fact remains we have lag due to 1.) a ton of connections are hammering the the servers all at the same time. 2.) The code is simply not optimized to handle it all. Adding another server would not fix this, all it would do is further diminish the player base. We don't need a second server for the simple fact we don't have the players to fill the first.

It's not splitting hairs when describing the problem.

I suppsoe if thats the case the code SHOULD be optimised, launch was supposed to be a year ago!

03-12-2011, 06:28 AM
I suppsoe if thats the case the code SHOULD be optimised, launch was supposed to be a year ago!

Perhaps, but its not. So now you have 3 options, you could hold off for a while, quit or play through it.

03-12-2011, 06:37 AM
or play through it.

Play what exactly ..... chat online ..... or a fishing sim .... cause everything except for forage and fishing is disabled ....................

03-12-2011, 06:40 AM
Well the reason the launch was delayed a year ago was supposedly becuase the code was messed up and had to be completly re written Jooky fired his dev team and re wrote it. Maybe its now time to fire himself.

03-12-2011, 06:45 AM
Wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that totem placements are a pretty big load (relatively speaking) on the server, what with calculating the tribe size by number of members, then the proper area to give the tribe, then checking for already existing totems that would interfere with the new totem...then placing the totem and telling everyone in range it's there and updating clients accordingly...and all of that happening as everyone's placing new totems, multiplying all the checks and sending all that info across a bunch of people. You'd load things up nice and quick.

Certainly it'd be every bit as intensive as a simple terraform having to inform everyone a bit of dirt had moved and what's involved in checking that and then displaying it to everyone properly.

03-12-2011, 06:56 AM
lag improved yesterday only because people got board and signed off

they going have to make a Eu server this engine can't handle this many people

03-12-2011, 07:17 AM
You don't add on to the size of your yard when your dog shits in it . You go clean up the shit .

03-12-2011, 07:31 AM
Wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that totem placements are a pretty big load (relatively speaking) on the server

This was my thinking. It does have to recalculate all teh area borders for every totem dropped. This would also make sense as to why he devoted an entire day to just drop totems...

lag improved yesterday only because people got board and signed off

OR because after the first hour, most people had their totems dropped.

03-12-2011, 07:33 AM
You don't add on to the size of your yard when your dog shits in it . You go clean up the shit .

that is an awesome way of thinking about it.
and I endourse this product or service!

03-12-2011, 09:07 AM
You don't add on to the size of your yard when your dog shits in it . You go clean up the shit .

Damn, I couldn't have said it any better myself...I salute you good sir.

03-12-2011, 09:42 AM
A little common sense here. Pretty much the whole US is still sleeping. Once the number of characters online rises, so will the lag... until the code, bandwidth or lack of servers is rectified, that is.

it looks like this was the case, but its still anyones guess and i'm talking out my arse like everyone else who isnt involved in making the game work. as of 12:15 eastern time, the game was lagging in the 3-4 digit range. 1000ms +

i'm going to keep the faith as it were, until the 15th comes around. i'll hold out through my payment period. if they dont get it fixed within my month of subscription (and whatever free time i got for pre-ordering), i guess i'll just give up until i hear it's running smoothly. no reason to pay for something bugged, right?

but in the meantime, i'm keeping a positive additude. its still early in the game. it's still a few days till the 15th and i was expecting a few setbacks and broken promises based on exact times. i'm happy to level what i can when its not lagging.

as for the doom and gloomers, i can understand. i'm guessing most of you have been waiting a long time for this to begin and i'd probably be bitching up a storm as well in your position.

my only complaint and what i'd like to see right now is more feedback from the devs when they get online and announce another server shut-down. something like "we're shutting down for 5 minutes to fix this or that and we're having sucess with this or that etc..."

time will tell, i guess. in the meantime, i guess i'll see if i can log in and level some things. see you in game, yall!


03-12-2011, 10:00 AM
You don't add on to the size of your yard when your dog shits in it . You go clean up the shit .

I dont suppose a lot of people will be happy playing in dog shit for long.

03-12-2011, 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Franconian
You don't add on to the size of your yard when your dog shits in it . You go clean up the shit .

Is this a financial issue with servers or a coding issue which could take weeks? I gotta get on with life.

03-12-2011, 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Franconian
You don't add on to the size of your yard when your dog shits in it . You go clean up the shit .

Is this a financial issue with servers or a coding issue which could take weeks? I gotta get on with life.

Seems to be a code issue, since they are chasing down bugs, but they aren't sharing details. Supposedly we are on a new server and better connection already.

03-12-2011, 11:35 AM
It would be nice if so many people who are so invested in this game being successful would ask themselves one simple question, to which any, not including myself, must have the answer to.

The answer to this question gives a clear indictment on the current progress and potential future of the game.

Q: Was the game in a better, playable state 3, 6, or 9 months ago in beta?

If the answer is Yes, read the writing on the wall for yourself.

No doom -n-gloom needed.

If the answer is No, then we are onto something here!

03-12-2011, 01:03 PM
It would be nice if so many people who are so invested in this game being successful would ask themselves one simple question, to which any, not including myself, must have the answer to.

The answer to this question gives a clear indictment on the current progress and potential future of the game.

Q: Was the game in a better, playable state 3, 6, or 9 months ago in beta?

If the answer is Yes, read the writing on the wall for yourself.

No doom -n-gloom needed.

If the answer is No, then we are onto something here!

There was virtually no lag prior to the first weeks of feb. before the influx of players came in game for "pre launch v1"

03-12-2011, 01:21 PM
You don't add on to the size of your yard when your dog shits in it . You go clean up the shit .

A lot harder when its 500 dogs and 1 owner to clean it all up.