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View Full Version : We need more BANS

03-13-2011, 12:35 PM
Seriously, just keep the 50 bucks and ban annoying/exploiting/trolling people.

Let them go back to whatever game accepts douchebags and let this community be full of flowers and sunshine.

03-13-2011, 12:36 PM
They all seem to be ex-Darkfall players.. go figure =p

03-13-2011, 12:37 PM
yes, lets ban people because they annoy you.

and of course you would like a ban yourself, since this is obviously a troll post (sorry, can't resist the troll)

03-13-2011, 12:42 PM
I may of thrown some sarcasm in at the end, but I am not trolling. One of the things I like about this game is they have already banned some folks. Much better than letting them run wild.

And its not that some people annoy ME, it's that they INTENTIONALLY annoy anyone.

And if this toolongname thing is a problem for jooki, he can ban his way to a solution imo.

They all seem to be ex-Darkfall players.. go figure =p

I loved DFO but had the shittiest community.

03-13-2011, 12:46 PM
Who exploited? Just ban anyone you think is exploiting?

Isnt there a similar problem in RL with immigration?

03-13-2011, 12:48 PM
Seriously, just keep the 50 bucks and ban annoying


trolling people.

Your idea has 33% of my support.

03-13-2011, 12:52 PM
Who exploited? Just ban anyone you think is exploiting?

You're right. Despite the fact that teh Dev came on global and old us it's a problem and it causing delays, it's all in my mind.

Your idea has 33% of my support.

lol I'll accept that.

03-13-2011, 12:58 PM
You're right. Despite the fact that teh Dev came on global and old us it's a problem and it causing delays, it's all in my mind.

lol I'll accept that.

Oh they did? Sorry, I didnt see them say anything, I was either not logged in or the global chat scrolling made it so that I was unable to see anything the system says.

Maybe do away with global?

03-13-2011, 01:00 PM
I support banning of douchebags. 133%. they know who they are and dont support you.

03-13-2011, 01:01 PM
Hmm I can taste tears ^^

03-13-2011, 01:03 PM
Can we make polls with name of people who we would like to get banned?
That would solve a lot.

03-13-2011, 01:03 PM
ask your mom to wipe them off for you, she loves you like only a mother could.

03-13-2011, 01:04 PM
Can we make polls with name of people who we would like to get banned?
That would solve a lot.

Well then, lets start with you. BRB, gonna get all my friends to vote for you because i personally don't like you and because of my opinion, and the opinion of my large number of friends who support me, we will decide whether you spent your money to be banned or not. Good idea is good.

03-13-2011, 01:05 PM
The AFG believe those who cry for bans should be banned themselves due to taking a videogame far too seriously.

Also reported for racism.

03-13-2011, 01:05 PM
Yes because banning people for exploiting bugs (that by the way, have no real impact on gameplay) in a paid beta is an excellent way to make a good game.

Maybe try to fix the problems the game has instead of banning anyone who dares to look for and abuse them, thereby exposing them to the community at large? Maybe add basic language filters, maybe add functioning in game administration tools? Maybe fix the broken character creator that allows you to make ridiculous 32 character names with any sort of characters desired instead of just removing the spaces from everyone's names and changing my ridiculous name while not actually fixing the problem? I think that's a pretty good list of ideas myself, anyone else care to weigh in?

03-13-2011, 01:07 PM
Yes because banning people for exploiting bugs (that by the way, have no real impact on gameplay) in a paid beta is an excellent way to make a good game.

Maybe try to fix the problems the game has instead of banning anyone who dares to look for and abuse them, thereby exposing them to the community at large? Maybe add basic language filters, maybe add functioning in game administration tools? Maybe fix the broken character creator that allows you to make ridiculous 32 character names with any sort of characters desired instead of just removing the spaces from everyone's names and changing my ridiculous name while not actually fixing the problem? I think that's a pretty good list of ideas myself, anyone else care to weigh in?

Ya that longwinded solution, or just ban those "daring" souls who think being a douchebag is a good idea.

03-13-2011, 01:07 PM
We need as many trolls out of this game as possible! This game needs to be so much more carebear friendly. In the state that it is in, with all this hazing and killing I am seriously going to have to quit and go back to Hello Kitty Online.

This game isn't going to last unless the entire region is a safe zone so us crafters can actually have some fun.

03-13-2011, 01:08 PM
Ya that longwinded solution, or just ban those "daring" souls who think being a douchebag is a good idea.

Daring? Too daring to shed light on an issue that could solve lag?
Rather you stay in game all day and spam an action.

03-13-2011, 01:11 PM
Don't mind jump he's a bit of a forum whore lately think they can fix this by turning some shit on!!!:p

03-13-2011, 01:12 PM
Ya that longwinded solution, or just ban those "daring" souls who think being a douchebag is a good idea.

So how does this solve the problem? A random noob can still create a 32 character name (it's not exactly a hard exploit to abuse), not know any better then get banned and be out of $40 for absolutely no reason? Nice business model you're espousing, broseph.

So I guess they need to put a warning over the character creator: THE LIMIT IS SUPPOSED TO BE 12 CHARACTERS BUT OUR GAME SUCKS SO YOU CAN INPUT 32, BUT DON'T DO IT OR WE'LL BAN YOU!

To me, I guess it just makes more sense to actually solve problems instead of banning people and denying they exist. But what do I know?

03-13-2011, 01:14 PM
Does having spaces in your name on the forum cause lag in the game?

03-13-2011, 01:17 PM
I do not agree that exploiters only exploit for the good of the game.

Next we will hear arguments that the founding fathers and countless soldiers died so that people can be douchebags in video games.

Don't mind jump he's a bit of a forum whore lately think they can fix this by turning some shit on!!!:p]

It's true.

So how does this solve the problem? A random noob can still create a 32 character name (it's not exactly a hard exploit to abuse), not know any better then get banned and be out of $40 for absolutely no reason? Nice business model you're espousing, broseph.

Collateral damage broseph. Sometimes you gotta break eggs...

Are you claiming that the majority of the people doing this are doing so accidentally? I suspect it is more likely they are doing so maliciously.

03-13-2011, 01:20 PM
Ok, you go first.

03-13-2011, 01:20 PM
Give us something other to do other than twiddling our thumbs, and I predict trolling will be reduced by 72.89%.

03-13-2011, 01:21 PM
Give us something other to do other than twiddling our thumbs, and I predict trolling will be reduced by 72.89%.

I think your numbers are spot on.

03-13-2011, 01:54 PM
I do not agree that exploiters only exploit for the good of the game.

Collateral damage broseph. Sometimes you gotta break eggs...

Are you claiming that the majority of the people doing this are doing so accidentally? I suspect it is more likely they are doing so maliciously.

Does it really matter if they're doing it purposefully or accidentally if the developers refuse to actually solve the problem rather than shutting the servers down to delete every ridiculous name people come up with? It seems to me that it would be more productive for them to figure out why I can put 32 characters of any sort into the character creator, then solve that, make one patch and never have this issue again.

Of course people are doing this for malicious purposes, but how the devs react also influences this. Shutting down the server, inconveniencing everyone over one person with a stupid name seems like a massive waste of everybody's time. They could choose to leave the person with the retarded name until the problem is actually fixed, then in one patch fix the issue and remove all of the ridiculous names.

Or they could change it with those ingame tools they claim to have. Because they can totally change people's names without shutting the server down, they just choose not to, of course.

03-13-2011, 02:34 PM
I dont know about banning people being a good idea but how about making them mute so that no one can see them bitching on the global chat? i don't see any exploits that really effect the (pre) game but the global chat is becoming an issue with alot of folks. i dont ming the global chat when its just people talking, arguing or rambling on, but this guy named beaver or cleaver, reaver or whatever... has been spamming his whine-fest since this morning in hopes that this will make the devs move faster. or at least thats my assumption. non stop one word complaints and curses in caps that quickly scrolls the chat so that others cant chat. it's one thing to complain about the game coming on late. can't blame anyone for that. but typing one word per post on the chat and spamming nonsense disrupts everyones elses ability to chat. we're all pissed about the delayes, but most of us are acting like adults.

yeah.i'm mad. lol. as a hatter.
when the game starts, i'm gunna find that guy, knife him and take his pants and make a flag from it.

in other news, that long name issue has become kinda funny (other than the fact that it's delaying the game.) the shylock name was the best. made my day.

well it's 5:30 and i have no hope fort hings to get started today, so it's back to fishing and forage and mountain climbing. have fun yall and don't forget to knife that guy when you see him. i swear....

03-13-2011, 02:38 PM
lol banning people for their own mistake is like shooting yourself in the leg then blaming some random guy because you shot yourself in the leg.