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View Full Version : So how many people are on line of refund?

03-17-2011, 10:45 AM
Kinda curious how is community doing.. Are we loosing players or players are on line of quiting, how many of u considering refund? How many of you just gona carry on hoping for best that this lag will be fixed...

Post here

03-17-2011, 10:48 AM
Here for my free two months and two weeks.

03-17-2011, 10:54 AM
I have full confidence in the NG team. They've encountered what most every game out there encounters...some starting/birthing issues. Once they have the lag issue resolved, things will be fine, and even improve with new features and content. People will forget that they ever even thought about quitting.

Maybe it's because I'm older that I've learned to accept that "Shit Happens", and deal with it.

03-17-2011, 11:04 AM
better question: How many said they got a refund and now just post on the forum under a new name.

03-17-2011, 11:12 AM
I'm in it to win it fellas. I made a decision when I bought this game. Bought into it knowing the issues the game was having, and anticipating the issues the game would likely have, and still put the money down. Not to mention I played it for about a month before release and if I wanted my money back, I had my chance. I'd have to be a jerkwad of elephantine proportions to request a refund now. Jerkwad is the politically correct term, in case you all were wondering.

03-17-2011, 11:15 AM
I'm in it to win it fellas. I made a decision when I bought this game. Bought into it knowing the issues the game was having, and anticipating the issues the game would likely have, and still put the money down. Not to mention I played it for about a month before release and if I wanted my money back, I had my chance. I'd have to be a jerkwad of elephantine proportions to request a refund now. Jerkwad is the politically correct term, in case you all were wondering.

The time has passed, the window was missed, and the ship has sailed for me as well. The lag that started back up this morning has me ready to pull my hair out (or someone's hair, anyway), but it has gotten better overall, and since I'm lucky enough to be able to play sometimes during offpeak hours (sleep, who needs sleep?), I'll deal with it until it's fixed.

03-17-2011, 11:22 AM
loooool keep it coming guys its funny to read these... lets here more responses on how you feel

03-17-2011, 11:27 AM
In it for the long haul. And actually having a blast lag, rollbacks and all. Haven't had this much fun or excitement for a game in many years.

03-17-2011, 11:32 AM
I haven't been on much because of the lag, but I'm in it for the long haul. I really enjoy the game and look forward to seeing how it develops.

03-17-2011, 11:33 AM
eh, only 40 bucks..spend more on dinner if I go out. or a carton of cigs for a week.
Ive had fun over 2 months with it, met some cool people (and some I can fondly remember disliking in the future)..put in many many hours..so it works out to what? about .05 cent an hour of gameplay i payed for it? fair deal to me.

He could turn up today, state "servers are going down today..thanks all for playing" and Id let him keep the money.
I see it as I gave 40 bucks in my support of his motivation to try a totally new MMO, as an indy dev..getting to play it all this time is just an added bonus.

So im here until it dies, I like the idea of it, and the new angle on MMO's it offers..even if the next 12 months are lagfest, rollback city. and im paying a sub for it.
its $15 a month, again I spent $10 a day on cigarettes, if I can handle paying $10 a day to slowly kill myself...$15 a month for a game that I support the ideals behind is no big concern.

people may ask "why keep paying for a MMO thats might fail?"
I have to ask why shouldnt I? (from my point of view). I have no malice toward jooky, or wish to prove my dissatisfaction of him and the game by demanding a refund to prove that point.
Long as he stays upfront, and gives progress on what hes doing (even if that hardwork doesn't equal to noticeable changes right away ingame..doesn't mean hes not doing hard work TRYING to get it working). I have no issues at all supporting his long hours, his dedication, and his communication with us on whats going on by giving him a few bucks a month.

Like I said to me, its more in showing my appreciation of his hard work..and continuation of it, than my demand to play the game (not that I don't enjoy playing it when its working) on why I stay.

03-17-2011, 11:36 AM
Personally, I'm willing to stick through my two and a half months, at least. I've seen effort by the developers to fix the problem, and that's all I really want to see, because it'll mean an eventual conclusion to the lag problems. I think we're too used to living in a society of instant gratification, forgetting that sometimes it takes time for good things to happen, which is why I think it's silly for people to give up and move on so quickly.

On the other hand, it's probably better that way, because these are the people the complain the most, and all that does is bring down community morale, because the incessant and repeated complaints will accomplish nothing else. The developers are already aware of the problem, and harassing them further is just going to add more people to the hate bandwagon, which accomplishes nothing. So...yeah, if you're quitting already, by all means, proceed.

03-17-2011, 11:41 AM
I agree, it is actually somewhat fun.

Anywho, I'm staying for my free 2 months and a half at least. I must say, that I am a bit ashamed people would ask a refund.
They should have known what they were getting into -or- at the very least, they should have done it before the game was actually released and the pre-order was taken down.

I suppose it is legal enough.. I just don't get it.. Honestly, people should have known better or their expectations should have been lower. They should have read up on all the information on the game, including developer team (it was the second thing I read up on after seeing the game.), understood and re-read the feature list after it was updated (everything in it is in-fact in-game broken or not it is present.) but people don't.. Usually at least and they end up being disappointed because they didn't do their ground work properly (never ever ever ever solely rely on a review..).. That or some people really just have a neck for inter pretending way beyond what is reasonable..

Anywho.. I had my fun, wonder if the lag cleared meanwhile :P.

03-17-2011, 01:54 PM
Its been hard to 'get going' with all the lag and server issues...However, it really does seem like a great game and am willing to hang in there for a while until things get sorted out. I have been online at all hours of the night trying to do things in between lag and have noticed the devs seem to be up and working (orange messages come across from time to time with questions and such) hard. Will give it some time and see how things go.

03-17-2011, 01:57 PM
you realize if you did get a refund or whatever, you lose the power to post in the "Members Only" sections of the forums. This question is best asked I guess in the "Visitors" sections, where the public is actually able to post.

03-17-2011, 02:02 PM
I'm in it for at least the free 2 months as well. I have had a lot of fun in Xsyon and hope that the lag issues don't keep me from having fun playing it in the future. However, it would be great to see a server population number on the launcher...but it would also be great to actually have a server status widget, and news feed in the launcher as well.

03-17-2011, 02:14 PM
I'm in it for at least the free 2 months as well. I have had a lot of fun in Xsyon and hope that the lag issues don't keep me from having fun playing it in the future. However, it would be great to see a server population number on the launcher...but it would also be great to actually have a server status widget, and news feed in the launcher as well.

I like this idea in anygame..even if it's dying.

03-17-2011, 02:16 PM
I will not ask for a refund. It all comes down to how fun the game is, how much content there is, and how much I can still improve my character when the 2.5 months are up. If I am not satisfied by then I will stop paying for further game time.

03-17-2011, 02:38 PM
I'm here for the long haul. I spent the 40$ for the game because I had the money to spend. I don't need it back and it's not missed. I'm willing to support something that, to me, sounds quite promising.

What about you Star? You make a lotta threads with a similar theme, are you planning on bailing or staying?

03-17-2011, 02:50 PM
Yep, I support the dev team and the game. I may even just send them money if they need it. I think the potential is great and I support the entrepreneurial spirit.

03-17-2011, 03:24 PM
the only main thing (besides combat) that people are complaining about is lag. Thing about that is that lag is a very specific problem. there is no theory behind it or opposing views. It's a matter of finding the code that needs to be optimized and doing so. it'll take time but they'll get it right. If you don't like the underlying content then that's one thing but to bail because there is lag at launch is flat out silly.

03-17-2011, 03:39 PM
The reason the thought of ever getting a refund has never popped in to my head is because I made a choice to buy the game. I had the money spare, I was bored of the generic questing mmo and wanted to try something different.

Maybe the people that got a refund should do some research before buying something next time.

All I can say is 2 1/2 months!!!

03-18-2011, 02:48 AM
The OP makes me wonder... where does the mighty refund come from? I mean, it's obviously not a pool of endless refundidness - if only such a benefactor existed... This project must be costing money, at some point the money I gave them (or the money you gave them, or whatever) will be spent. There is a finite number of refunds out there (there must be) so, at what point does asking for a refund get met with a "No sir"?

Do the people in control of the $$ have a pool of refundidness (I liked the word so I used it again) set aside? I wonder how you determine what amount to set aside for the pathetic whinging idiots who want to play the game for free and then claim their money back subset of a population?

So many questions.

PS my opinion of those who request a refund is hidden in the post somewhere. Points for you if you can locate it.

03-21-2011, 02:41 AM
To be fair, I wont ask for one... but i hope i can be able to download the game and play it before my sub expires!

03-21-2011, 05:13 AM
loooool keep it coming guys its funny to read these... lets here more responses on how you feel

What are you? Some kind of 11 year old kid? You are constantly making posts about utter tripe and now you start one about refunds. Your tribe of "I want it all now" kids might be quiting - well good for them, most of us however are a bit more experienced and know that MMOs take a while to bed in.

I really do hope that no one is granted a refund as this is an indi game that needs our support.

A bit of lag at the beginning is standard for MMOs and I am very impressed to see how quickly they fixed it.

Now please stop spamming these forums with your inane posts.