View Full Version : Xsyon should learn from wurm online

03-19-2011, 04:16 PM
A friend of mine showed me wurm online a few days ago, I got fed up with all the problems that xsyon is having which i kinda knew was gonna happen since ages.

one thing that bothers me about this game is that it doesn't offer enough freedom with the game mechanics, its like a half sandbox half something else o.0

I and a couple of buddies do not know what xsyon is trying to become and with its funky mechanics relating to you can't do this or that makes you wonder what you can do o.0

Like for one safe zones.

Xsyon could take from haven and even wurm, for instance, if you trespass on land, you leave a trail, if you try and take something you need the thieving skill, to even steal, if you want to murder someone, you need the rage skill, stuff like that, tracking etc.

Which I think holds much more consequences then grieving outside of safe zones with no consequences.

03-19-2011, 04:18 PM
I kinda agree with you, but can you expand with some examples?

03-19-2011, 04:21 PM
instead of denying players the ability to do something, the developers should think about the risk vs reward and how to implement it in since a sandbox has players and its not always about being good or bad, its about the risk vs reward :(

do I risk getting tracked to my homestead for just stealing some food? is it worth it? someone else might track me! etc

it should be like, every action has a reaction.


Like if you want to steal, then invest heavily in points and stats and skills that help to make you steal.

if you want to be a guy on the side of the law, work on those tracking skills and perception and catch those thieves and murderers etc.

like good and bad should not be a decision, it should be based on your actions.

03-19-2011, 04:33 PM
instead of denying players the ability to do something, the developers should think about the risk vs reward and how to implement it in since a sandbox has players and its not always about being good or bad, its about the risk vs reward :(

do I risk getting tracked to my homestead for just stealing some food? is it worth it? someone else might track me! etc

it should be like, every action has a reaction.


Like if you want to steal, then invest heavily in points and stats and skills that help to make you steal.

if you want to be a guy on the side of the law, work on those tracking skills and perception and catch those thieves and murderers etc.

like good and bad should not be a decision, it should be based on your actions.

At first when I saw this thread I thought it was going to be another "remove safezones" thread, but you proved me wrong, I actually quite like your ideas. Although there will always be the huge band of griefers that run around destroying shit, if we can still rez at our totem the defender will have that advantage in an assault, which I think is the right thing.

But then again, I think they will probably have a system like this in the future and the current safezone good vs evil system is just a placeholder.

03-19-2011, 05:21 PM
instead of denying players the ability to do something, the developers should think about the risk vs reward and how to implement it in since a sandbox has players and its not always about being good or bad, its about the risk vs reward :(

do I risk getting tracked to my homestead for just stealing some food? is it worth it? someone else might track me! etc

it should be like, every action has a reaction.


Like if you want to steal, then invest heavily in points and stats and skills that help to make you steal.

if you want to be a guy on the side of the law, work on those tracking skills and perception and catch those thieves and murderers etc.

like good and bad should not be a decision, it should be based on your actions.

I think, in time, this will all work out and be implemented into the game. Safe zones are being removed after Prelude, possibly even before -- so that's only a matter of time before someone can come in and steal your things.
Then, folowing that, I imagine sooner or later a tracking skill will be put in.

You have to remember a lot of things are still in the process of being fully fleshed out before being thrown onto the game before they're ready. I like the approach, and it's just a matter of time before we get even more awesome features, skills, and actions we can perform.

03-19-2011, 05:23 PM
I think, in time, this will all work out and be implemented into the game. Safe zones are being removed after Prelude, possibly even before -- so that's only a matter of time before someone can come in and steal your things.
Then, folowing that, I imagine sooner or later a tracking skill will be put in.

You have to remember a lot of things are still in the process of being fully fleshed out before being thrown onto the game before they're ready. I like the approach, and it's just a matter of time before we get even more awesome features, skills, and actions we can perform.

Lol, almost exactly what I said to his post.

03-19-2011, 05:24 PM
Lol, almost exactly what I said to his post.

Oops, sorry. I should learn to read every following post. x.x;;

03-19-2011, 05:28 PM
Oops, sorry. I should learn to read every following post. x.x;;

Lol it's okay. I just see it as great minds think alike. =P

03-20-2011, 02:30 AM
Things I like about WURM: You can modify land anywhere at all. Sure, you can still lay down claim areas where only you can modify - but for the rest of the "unclaimed" world everybody and anybody can build / destroy / modify things.

PvE and PvP server. If a game like WURM can support them both, I don't see why this one couldn't either.

There are of course a lot of things I DON'T like about WURM too, which is why I'm hoping to play here instead, but there are a few things that they do right that it wouldn't hurt to copy :D

03-20-2011, 10:37 AM
Things from wurm i'd like to see implemented here:

GATES, cmon... Where the hell are the gates man?
Guards of some sort, many games have this when it envolves a player ran/made town... Know why? Some people have lives ( this is more directed towards when the ability to raid comes into play )
Carts ( or any type of item to lug around larger amount of goods )
And probably a few other things I can't think of right now.

03-20-2011, 11:58 AM
this game in totaly a crap lag the 60% of time the combat systm is a shit, the carebears stay all time in safezones with near all resources i'm closer to quit

03-20-2011, 12:04 PM
farms definatly need to come into play too..

03-20-2011, 12:14 PM
I would defintely agree that Xsyon should take some things from Wurm. I'd also extend that to Eve too. Just because Eve has spaceships doesn't exclude the fact that it also has some really nice, fleshed out, and balanced systems too.

03-20-2011, 10:51 PM
He said that each HS/clan/tribe/whatever would have the option to set their place a safe zone, maybe even a spawn point latter on. Players need a place they can go that is safe and there stuff is safe. If he goes back on that and leaves no way to keep your land a safe zone then I'm out of here also. Before the big launch attempt, I was with a group of 6. The others have already canceled/gotten refunds.

03-21-2011, 08:15 AM
Safe zones do NOT need to be taken out, they need to be reduced. I believe all safe zones should be reduced to the size of a homesteads safe zone. The reasoning for this is 17 man tribes like KDS have EVERYTHING they need within their safe zone. What does that mean? That means that they do not have to leave their safe zone EVER which takes out the risk. They can sit and harvest and craft right on top of the junk pile if they wanted.

When me and my 2 friends came to attack them after their trash talking, we were unable to harm them or do anything to them because they just sat in their HUGE safe zone crafting with no reason to leave.

However if they chose to do the same to our group of 4 people then it would be much easier for them. They could camp us in our homestead and we would have nothing to do but sit there and watch them because all of our resources and harvesting is OUTSIDE of our safe zone.

I do not really agree with this.

What I propose is that the 17 man group keeps the amount of land they have staked claim to, except just lower the size of the safe zone that is within that land. That is all.

03-23-2011, 07:44 PM
do you guys that are comparing this to wurm even realise wurm is like 3 or 4 years old and was in way worse shape than this game is now? and being able to pot hole everywhere sucks in wurm its destroied the landscape. While i do love alot about wurm and enjoyed playing it,I feel in 3 years this game will be leaps and bounds ahead of wurm.

Complaining about the safe zones is not taking into account people in these zones will need to go out if they want to hunt for animals...

03-23-2011, 10:02 PM
Things I like about WURM: You can modify land anywhere at all. Sure, you can still lay down claim areas where only you can modify - but for the rest of the "unclaimed" world everybody and anybody can build / destroy / modify things.

PvE and PvP server. If a game like WURM can support them both, I don't see why this one couldn't either.

There are of course a lot of things I DON'T like about WURM too, which is why I'm hoping to play here instead, but there are a few things that they do right that it wouldn't hurt to copy :D

You must have missed the server thing...

While there was never a PVE or PVP server there were PVP and PVP-WAR server ideas that went up a couple days before prelaunch. The community said no and he said ok 1 server only.
There aren't going to be npc guards unless they are tamed pets...
The pets can be pack mules...
gates are already on the list...

Everything you want in game is planned (safezones is iffy..) it just might be a long ass time before it's in.