View Full Version : Character Size

Andro Bourne
03-20-2011, 01:05 AM
Size does matter and in this case smaller is better...

Character size hitboxes need to be fixed if you are going to allow people to roll chars 1/3th the size smaller then normal characters.

There needs to be balance, hitboxes are way to small there is no disadvantages what so ever for being that small and you gain epic pvp advantages.

Us normal size people shouldn't have to reroll just to compete. if anything just make the hitbox sizes the same for all char sizes.

Just a small example was earlier right when lag was fixed I was 3 vs 1ing this specific tribe that was my size as well later that day 1 of those 3 rerolled to smallest size possible, it is now not possible to hit her/him even through it takes about 8 hits for she/he to kill me.

Not here to troll and not going to name names but those that have rerolled for this advantage you know it works so don't even try to troll it up.

03-20-2011, 01:07 AM
Agreed it's a BS tactic. If PvP combat is going to remain on despite the massive dysync issues then at least balance it a little.

Make all character hitboxes the same or add disadvantages to balance out the massive advantage of being so small.

It's like playing whackamole with a rat on crack that can teleport every two seconds.

03-20-2011, 02:25 AM
There are ways to do this better. Very small avatars should have 1/3 of the strenght of large avatars which can be tweaked by strenght points. But a man 120 cm tall should never hit as hard as tall person. Also limit very small characters to small sized weapons, like blades and one handed axes. Do not allow them to have items larger their size. Each item should get something like "minimum requirements to equip" and one of them should be size and weight.

I hat to see nerfing on the start, I would rather see balancing instead. You want to be small? Fine, but you must pay the price for it.

03-20-2011, 06:13 AM
This entire topic is based on false information. Im not gonna help you more than stating that size does matter. Im a big guy. You will see in a few months when it becomes common knowledge.

03-20-2011, 10:32 AM
The Dev(s) have already spoken about this.

Larger characters will have faster movement etc. I know one large advantage I have with a larger character for sure. I will see if I can find the response posted regarding this.

Ah here

Thanks for bringing this thread to my attention, Deacon.

I'm the only one with answers to things like this and I don't get a chance to read all the threads, especially during busy times (all time these days ;) )

Right now there are no differences based on player height. We will work on some adjustments soon so that height affects attack range, carrying capacity and a few other things.

I will read through this thread and take some notes as I'm sure there have been some interesting suggestions.

Edited: After a quick read, looks like the suggestions are things I already planned: attack range, jump height, carrying capacity and movment adjustments.


Thread is here:


03-20-2011, 10:33 AM
Ya this thread is not based on any fact. yes hit boxes are smaller... so is the length of your arms. You also are at head level when you're attacked. If people are teleporting around I'd suggest upping your bandwidth and upgrading your computer

03-20-2011, 10:35 AM
Once you know where to hit, size doesen't matter. :)

03-20-2011, 10:40 AM
It's messing up his auto target Bot...

03-20-2011, 11:02 AM
Xsyon devs are already working on a slew of nurfs for short people

03-20-2011, 01:06 PM
Ya this thread is not based on any fact. yes hit boxes are smaller... so is the length of your arms. You also are at head level when you're attacked. If people are teleporting around I'd suggest upping your bandwidth and upgrading your computer

tested this smallest person vs largest person= same hit range

03-20-2011, 01:15 PM
tested this smallest person vs largest person= same hit range

Right now yes. . see my post above. .the changes are incoming. . who knows when.

03-20-2011, 01:19 PM
pre-emptive lol @ people who complain after the changes so size affects more than hit box.

"but now I have to reroll!" I can hear it already.

03-20-2011, 01:20 PM
Who cares? It's not that big of a deal. I rolled large because I want to look good, not like some pixie. Let's not go overboard in the balancing issue here. A little extra speed/stam/fortitude/reach would be nice, but lets not go overboard. The appearance of your avatar should reflect how you want him/her to look, rather than be a certain size/weight, etc because of some game advantage.

03-20-2011, 01:23 PM
I'd like to see sizes represent preferred play styles. Short should equate to agility and speed, tall; power and range. I made sure to roll a medium sized toon (165) to try and offset any drastic balancing.

Hopefully it's done right. Combat should really be about ability, and not sheer characteristics.

Andro Bourne
03-20-2011, 01:28 PM
Ya this thread is not based on any fact. yes hit boxes are smaller... so is the length of your arms. You also are at head level when you're attacked. If people are teleporting around I'd suggest upping your bandwidth and upgrading your computer

1. You said not based on facts yet you already stated hitboxes are smaller... (fact)

2. Actually I did test this out and we have a person in our tribe that rolled smallest possible, if he stands infront of me and I swing, I hit nothing looking straight ahead.

3. The teleporting around isnt a local issue, it is a Xsyon graphical issue they have not introduced the true pvp system yet, also you can see this watching a fight from 3rd person, I'm not even going to mention I run bussines class internet and a custom build gaming rig.

There are ways to do this better. Very small avatars should have 1/3 of the strenght of large avatars which can be tweaked by strenght points. But a man 120 cm tall should never hit as hard as tall person. Also limit very small characters to small sized weapons, like blades and one handed axes. Do not allow them to have items larger their size. Each item should get something like "minimum requirements to equip" and one of them should be size and weight.

I hat to see nerfing on the start, I would rather see balancing instead. You want to be small? Fine, but you must pay the price for it.

This I agree with, I was just saying there are things to balance it out my way might not be the best it was just an idea.

The Dev(s) have already spoken about this.

Larger characters will have faster movement etc. I know one large advantage I have with a larger character for sure. I will see if I can find the response posted regarding this.

Ah here

Thread is here:


And thanks for linking this, I didn't see it before but it's good to know they are working on it.

03-20-2011, 02:00 PM
Andro Bourne and The Shrimps at it again....

03-20-2011, 02:10 PM
If they're going to make smaller characters weaker than larger ones, would it not stand to reason then that female characters be weaker than males? I mean, since this thread seemingly presumes that there's simply no possible way a shorter person could be stronger than a taller person, it'd likely follow that under no circumstances could a woman be stronger than a man.

03-20-2011, 02:34 PM
If they're going to make smaller characters weaker than larger ones, would it not stand to reason then that female characters be weaker than males? I mean, since this thread seemingly presumes that there's simply no possible way a shorter person could be stronger than a taller person, it'd likely follow that under no circumstances could a woman be stronger than a man.

it must be true, taller means stronger! - Mike Tyson 5'10 David Schwimmer 6'1. Obviously "ross" is harder than iron mike.

Andro Bourne
03-20-2011, 02:43 PM
If they're going to make smaller characters weaker than larger ones, would it not stand to reason then that female characters be weaker than males? I mean, since this thread seemingly presumes that there's simply no possible way a shorter person could be stronger than a taller person, it'd likely follow that under no circumstances could a woman be stronger than a man.

Well if thats the case then we need to make it so females can only do cooking as their crafting skills...

03-20-2011, 02:45 PM
Well if thats the case then we need to make it so females can only doing cooking as their crafting skills...

Shut up and open this jar for me.

03-20-2011, 03:01 PM
it must be true, taller means stronger! - Mike Tyson 5'10 David Schwimmer 6'1. Obviously "ross" is harder than iron mike.

lol. The thought of that cracked me up. Well done.

03-20-2011, 03:42 PM
Reach/swing range is really the only advantage that makes sense for taller characters. Height does not directly correlate with strength/speed/agility in humans so long as you keep age a constant.

And yes I'm "short" IRL. The only thing I worry about with tall people is their reach. The best way around that is to have a tough chin and a great uppercut, or act like the aforementioned crack rabbit.

03-20-2011, 03:49 PM
WHAAA I have to aim! Nerf the short people so they can't kill me! Don't worry about the fact they could NEVER score a headshot. In real life short people tend to be MORE agile than larger people. So nerfing their run speed is ridiculous as well. It's just another Win Button thread.

Andro Bourne
03-20-2011, 04:02 PM
Shut up and open this jar for me.

Ah didnt mean to hurt your feelings... it's ok it's just a game.

WHAAA I have to aim! Nerf the short people so they can't kill me! Don't worry about the fact they could NEVER score a headshot. In real life short people tend to be MORE agile than larger people. So nerfing their run speed is ridiculous as well. It's just another Win Button thread.

Thats cool and all if headshots in the game actually proved some advantage like more damage specially when not wearing a head guard... you dont seem to understand a head is smaller then the chest... atleast for most people...

The current system at hand you can't even call pvp aiming does nothing since the glitchness of animations cause it to not hit where you aimed or simply just go through the person.

Animation wise Darkfall did a good job, that actually requires aiming and skill to use something not just press c and run in circle hoping to hit something through the glitches.

But thats off topic if you want to troll it up in another thread be my guest.

I'm talking about adding reasons for us to use skill in a balanced environment not just roll shortest possible, run circles while pressing "I win button" which is right click...

03-20-2011, 04:54 PM
So then we all agree making changes to a non existent combat system seems pretty silly... Let's just wait awhile and see what's what before you start crying for more nerfs. Be careful what you wish for. Land might end up full of 8ft tall fatties that One shot you.

03-20-2011, 05:31 PM
So then we all agree making changes to a non existent combat system seems pretty silly... Let's just wait awhile and see what's what before you start crying for more nerfs. Be careful what you wish for. Land might end up full of 8ft tall fatties that One shot you.

for some reason I find this funny.

Andro Bourne
03-20-2011, 07:09 PM
I agree changes and balances need to be made that's all I'm saying.

03-21-2011, 12:28 AM
LOL, so it comes around again.....you'll not get any satisfaction from this group....they dont understand the concept of exceptions to the rule....everyone playing this game is RL mini-Bruce Lees that kicks ass and takes names....so big guys are just putty in their awesome kungfu fists.

03-21-2011, 02:18 AM
WHAAA I have to aim! Nerf the short people so they can't kill me! Don't worry about the fact they could NEVER score a headshot. In real life short people tend to be MORE agile than larger people. So nerfing their run speed is ridiculous as well. It's just another Win Button thread.

Headshot?!? Wrong game, Counter Strike is thadaway>>>>

You rolled short so you can dominate ey? And now you need to be vocal to protect your position? Tough luck. In real life short people have short legs and can not compete in the olympics. In fact tall people are best sprinters and short people tend to not compete at all in sprinting. So leave your counter strike real life argumenst out of this discussion and go running around naked while ganking people who gather grass. That is until combat system overhaul which must come. Then whine how you got nerfed badly and leave the game.

So then we all agree making changes to a non existent combat system seems pretty silly... Let's just wait awhile and see what's what before you start crying for more nerfs. Be careful what you wish for. Land might end up full of 8ft tall fatties that One shot you.

8ft tall fatties? How is that different to 3ft tall naked midget with an axe 3 times the size of his body? I sense a short char here.

03-21-2011, 09:19 AM
A number of things.

There is currently NO difference, INCLUDING hit boxes, between heights. Tested, and confirmed by the J-ster.

Far more things than height contribute to speed/stamina/fortitude/strength. Taking the speed thing being debated at the moment, stride distance is actually FAR more dependent on strength than leg length, so roll on another advange for the 90/90/90 crews.

Since we've already played the sex card, how's about the colour card? I'm not gonna be the person to spell that out, but seriously, move on. You're whining about a perceived difference that doesn't exist, in a combat system that does not need balancing, but removing.

Given the fluff about every character being a 'hero' (tougher and better than a regular person) when rolled, but possessing no skills, the idea of gimping all short people and pimping all tall people is just unrealistic. There are ridiculously tough short people (see: Martial Arts movies) and there are ridiculously nerdy tall people (see: Big Bang Theory); this stuff should be determined primarily by stats, NOT cosmetic choices.

Finally, you have to realise this whole discussion comes from everyones inherent concern of not being the weakest fish in the pond by a mechanic introduced AFTER character creation. Shorties are scared they'll be gimped because of public opinion, and tallies are concerned that they won't. In the same way, shorties are scared 'tall' will be 'all' when it comes to functioning in combat or even in reality (talk of carrying capacity etc) and tallies are scared they'll forever be under siege by dwarf armies. What the devs SHOULD do here is either refuse to implement SERIOUS implications for being either height, or allow us height alterations whenever the new combat system comes in.

I rolled short because I wanted to be different and assumed in a world of 'heroes' that everyone would be 6' 6'' and aryan. I quite like the underdog persona, scrapping, sneaking and running; I'm not one for the big brutish armoured character. This was PURELY a looks based decision however, as all the research I did before rolling said there is -no- difference. If and when any change is made, it's simply unacceptable to say 'Oh, sorry that you put 150 points into axes, did you not hear that short people can't use axes? What's that? Dwarves? Dwarves were never real. STFU.'

03-21-2011, 09:25 AM
Ah didnt mean to hurt your feelings... it's ok it's just a game.

Thats cool and all if headshots in the game actually proved some advantage like more damage specially when not wearing a head guard... you dont seem to understand a head is smaller then the chest... atleast for most people...

The current system at hand you can't even call pvp aiming does nothing since the glitchness of animations cause it to not hit where you aimed or simply just go through the person.

Animation wise Darkfall did a good job, that actually requires aiming and skill to use something not just press c and run in circle hoping to hit something through the glitches.

But thats off topic if you want to troll it up in another thread be my guest.

I'm talking about adding reasons for us to use skill in a balanced environment not just roll shortest possible, run circles while pressing "I win button" which is right click...

No...I just need this damn jar opened!

03-21-2011, 09:41 AM
A number of things.

There is currently NO difference, INCLUDING hit boxes, between heights. Tested, and confirmed by the J-ster.

Far more things than height contribute to speed/stamina/fortitude/strength. Taking the speed thing being debated at the moment, stride distance is actually FAR more dependent on strength than leg length, so roll on another advange for the 90/90/90 crews.

Since we've already played the sex card, how's about the colour card? I'm not gonna be the person to spell that out, but seriously, move on. You're whining about a perceived difference that doesn't exist, in a combat system that does not need balancing, but removing.

Given the fluff about every character being a 'hero' (tougher and better than a regular person) when rolled, but possessing no skills, the idea of gimping all short people and pimping all tall people is just unrealistic. There are ridiculously tough short people (see: Martial Arts movies) and there are ridiculously nerdy tall people (see: Big Bang Theory); this stuff should be determined primarily by stats, NOT cosmetic choices.

Finally, you have to realise this whole discussion comes from everyones inherent concern of not being the weakest fish in the pond by a mechanic introduced AFTER character creation. Shorties are scared they'll be gimped because of public opinion, and tallies are concerned that they won't. In the same way, shorties are scared 'tall' will be 'all' when it comes to functioning in combat or even in reality (talk of carrying capacity etc) and tallies are scared they'll forever be under siege by dwarf armies. What the devs SHOULD do here is either refuse to implement SERIOUS implications for being either height, or allow us height alterations whenever the new combat system comes in.

I rolled short because I wanted to be different and assumed in a world of 'heroes' that everyone would be 6' 6'' and aryan. I quite like the underdog persona, scrapping, sneaking and running; I'm not one for the big brutish armoured character. This was PURELY a looks based decision however, as all the research I did before rolling said there is -no- difference. If and when any change is made, it's simply unacceptable to say 'Oh, sorry that you put 150 points into axes, did you not hear that short people can't use axes? What's that? Dwarves? Dwarves were never real. STFU.'

Sorry, but you're incorrect...the Devs have even stated the hit boxes are different....I'll take their word over your "testing" theory.

So dont come crying here then if your toon doesnt perform as you feel it shoulld when the Devs do add the differences for heights, as they've also stated they will do.

03-21-2011, 11:20 AM
Sorry, but you're incorrect...the Devs have even stated the hit boxes are different....I'll take their word over your "testing" theory.

So dont come crying here then if your toon doesnt perform as you feel it shoulld when the Devs do add the differences for heights, as they've also stated they will do.

Every statement I've seen from the devs says the differences are not yet implemented; I will be happy to step down to your point of view if presented with evidence to the contrary. Ultimately it matters very little when even the slightest bit of combat immediately becomes a teleport-fest.

If you read my whole post with your best thinking cap on, and perhaps read the thread through too, you'd know I was referring to the suggestions that 'small people shouldn't be allowed to do X, Y and Z.' I'm happy for them to be different, as they should, but there certainly should not be character-breaking changes, exclusions or exclusive inclusions. Once again I bring you to the fact we're all supposed to be heroes, thus we're all supposed to be exceptions to the rule. Having 90 points in strength is having 90 points in strength. I am a strong, short character. I am not 'strong for a short character', as that defeats the conceptual hero mechanic.

03-21-2011, 11:31 AM
What idiot keeps suggesting that height and strength have any correlation? They should be banned because even with access to the internet they are still critically stupid.

03-21-2011, 11:36 AM
What idiot keeps suggesting that height and strength have any correlation? They should be banned because even with access to the internet they are still critically stupid.


Andro Bourne
03-21-2011, 01:42 PM
Sorry, but you're incorrect...the Devs have even stated the hit boxes are different....I'll take their word over your "testing" theory.


I'm even willing to make a youtube video of simple tests showing that the hitboxes are different but I have a feeling you're all big boys and can test it out in game for yourself.

Smaller char = smaller hitboxes or not as many hitboxes either way that statement is wrong, go try it out in game.

Added after 8 minutes:

Headshot?!? Wrong game, Counter Strike is thadaway>>>>

You rolled short so you can dominate ey? And now you need to be vocal to protect your position? Tough luck. In real life short people have short legs and can not compete in the olympics. In fact tall people are best sprinters and short people tend to not compete at all in sprinting. So leave your counter strike real life argumenst out of this discussion and go running around naked while ganking people who gather grass. That is until combat system overhaul which must come. Then whine how you got nerfed badly and leave the game.

8ft tall fatties? How is that different to 3ft tall naked midget with an axe 3 times the size of his body? I sense a short char here.

Oh yea because adding realism from anything it should be from counter-strike, wtf is wrong with people, last I checked in real life when you fell on your fucking head it hurt more then landing on your feet or landing flat on the ground.

All I'm saying is you want to roll shortest possible and be harder to hit fine, just balance it out so they have drawback or for fuck sakes just make everyone the same size and get this over with I dont care but like you even stated

"In real life short people have short legs and can not compete in the olympics"

Yea well guess what as of now there is no drawbacks to rolling small and you only gain pvp advantages.

In this world short people can do the olympics...

Every statement I've seen from the devs says the differences are not yet implemented; I will be happy to step down to your point of view if presented with evidence to the contrary. Ultimately it matters very little when even the slightest bit of combat immediately becomes a teleport-fest.

If you read my whole post with your best thinking cap on, and perhaps read the thread through too, you'd know I was referring to the suggestions that 'small people shouldn't be allowed to do X, Y and Z.' I'm happy for them to be different, as they should, but there certainly should not be character-breaking changes, exclusions or exclusive inclusions. Once again I bring you to the fact we're all supposed to be heroes, thus we're all supposed to be exceptions to the rule. Having 90 points in strength is having 90 points in strength. I am a strong, short character. I am not 'strong for a short character', as that defeats the conceptual hero mechanic.

Not to push more trouble here with your ideas but... what did you do exactly to test this all out? where are is evidence? have you ever just sat on a flat area aimming straight ahead, able to hit a normal sized char then have someone short stand in the exact same spot while aiming in the same location and see what happens?

95% of the time you swing right over their head hitting nothing but air... so if your statement was correct that would be impossible... can you please link your evidence?

03-21-2011, 03:00 PM

I'm even willing to make a youtube video of simple tests showing that the hitboxes are different but I have a feeling you're all big boys and can test it out in game for yourself.

Smaller char = smaller hitboxes or not as many hitboxes either way that statement is wrong, go try it out in game.

Added after 8 minutes:

Oh yea because adding realism from anything it should be from counter-strike, wtf is wrong with people, last I checked in real life when you fell on your fucking head it hurt more then landing on your feet or landing flat on the ground.

All I'm saying is you want to roll shortest possible and be harder to hit fine, just balance it out so they have drawback or for fuck sakes just make everyone the same size and get this over with I dont care but like you even stated

"In real life short people have short legs and can not compete in the olympics"

Yea well guess what as of now there is no drawbacks to rolling small and you only gain pvp advantages.

In this world short people can do the olympics...

Not to push more trouble here with your ideas but... what did you do exactly to test this all out? where are is evidence? have you ever just sat on a flat area aimming straight ahead, able to hit a normal sized char then have someone short stand in the exact same spot while aiming in the same location and see what happens?

95% of the time you swing right over their head hitting nothing but air... so if your statement was correct that would be impossible... can you please link your evidence?

aparantly you need to run new tests.

I rolled a big guy, because I think the advantages of being big outweights the advantages of being small, if you think there is no advantages to being big your wrong.

oh and the reason why I dont want to back my words up with proof is that 1; you can do the legwork yourself if you want the right info. and 2; Im looking forward to the whine on this board once all the fotm small toon rollers figure out how and what size effects.

still I like pointing out whenever ppl are wrong.

03-21-2011, 03:09 PM
I usually choose a small stature simply due to the fact that it gives me more viewable area on my screen as well as the illusion of slightly faster run speed. However, after following the game for some time I read that the Devs planned on implementing bonuses/penalties for hieght and weight. Due to this fact I rolled an AVERAGE character rather than as dimunitive as possible. So it seems like no matter what the Devs do someone will be pissed... Those that didn't do the research and rolled small, those who did and rolled bigger characters and those like myself who would have rather been small simply for the asthetics but chose to roll average to avoid penalties. I would love to see a pvp game with characters of varying size but we all know there is always 1 that beats out the others and it becomes the norm. This isn't my game and this isn't your game so who are we to push our ideas onto the devs? I hope these Devs are able to produce the game they dreamed about playing rather than caving to constant complaints from players. This isn't WoW or EQ and they don't ahve their man power or budget so we should all learn to deal with it :D.

03-21-2011, 03:25 PM
this is another huge thing that Darkfall did wrong. I'm happy to hear the devs are going to put something in.

Little tiny alfars just as strong as huge target orks.. soooo retarded..

Big people have big hit boxes and will be the target of attack in wars.. they should be strong, higher carrrying capacity, longer range with melee, and better suited as power house.. where as smaller people should be quicker more nimble and suited well for ranged assault and everything in between..

middle of the road will probably be pretty normal with this sort of mechanic but those who want the extra buff will take on the more extreme sizes..

sounds like the devs got something in mind that will work out fine..

03-21-2011, 03:32 PM
this actually goes to a char creation item...it would have been really really cool to see your stat maxes adjust based upon your physical size.

Height up : str+ dex-
Height down : str - dex +
Weight up : str+ agi-
Weight down : str- agi+

Andro Bourne
03-21-2011, 03:42 PM
this is another huge thing that Darkfall did wrong. I'm happy to hear the devs are going to put something in.

Little tiny alfars just as strong as huge target orks.. soooo retarded..

Big people have big hit boxes and will be the target of attack in wars.. they should be strong, higher carrrying capacity, longer range with melee, and better suited as power house.. where as smaller people should be quicker more nimble and suited well for ranged assault and everything in between..

middle of the road will probably be pretty normal with this sort of mechanic but those who want the extra buff will take on the more extreme sizes..

sounds like the devs got something in mind that will work out fine..

Well this is true to some degree they fixed that toward the end, also the alfar passives were nothing compared to everyone elses so it was actually somewhat balanced.

If I remember correctly Alfars passive was acid resistance which no one really used, Orks had an Axe damage passive Humans had Food Increase Passive and a Mana Passive etc... Alfars seemed to have the most useless of them all.

Devs have something in the works it seems, I'm just curious to know what it is.

aparantly you need to run new tests.

I rolled a big guy, because I think the advantages of being big outweights the advantages of being small, if you think there is no advantages to being big your wrong.

oh and the reason why I dont want to back my words up with proof is that 1; you can do the legwork yourself if you want the right info. and 2; Im looking forward to the whine on this board once all the fotm small toon rollers figure out how and what size effects.

still I like pointing out whenever ppl are wrong.

So what are the current advantages to being big exactly? Right now there are no advantages because a system for that is not in place, you can do everything the same big or small, just being small atm gives you a higher advantage in pvp being smaller target. So what advantages you get being bigger exactly?

Not even going to point out your #2 which sames to be trollish but w/e

03-21-2011, 03:42 PM
Why is it every thread is about nerfing or stopping others from doing something?

What is wrong with you people. Stop making so many post about the same thing.

Use the damn forums and post these threads in the right spot. (Mods, right?)

I'm tired of relevant post being pushed to further pages because so many of you complain about why someone else's game-play should be hindered.

The word normal is relative to the person using it. For the OP it is prob White, Male, Face 1, Hair 7, default height (or even crazier, max height@@!!),
For other people, its shortest possible or slightly taller.
Stop saying normal normal normal. If someone made a black toon, would that be normal; or should they not be allowed to use rivers or baskets?

03-21-2011, 03:45 PM
I'm tired of relevant post being pushed to further pages because so many of you complain about why someone else's game-play should be hindered.

*raises hand*
how is this rant relevant to the discussion topic of the thread?

sorry, i'm easily confused.

03-21-2011, 03:51 PM
Why is it every thread is about nerfing or stopping others from doing something?

What is wrong with you people. Stop making so many post about the same thing.

Use the damn forums and post these threads in the right spot. (Mods, right?)

I'm tired of relevant post being pushed to further pages because so many of you complain about why someone else's game-play should be hindered.

The word normal is relative to the person using it. For the OP it is prob White, Male, Face 1, Hair 7, default height (or even crazier, max height@@!!),
For other people, its shortest possible or slightly taller.
Stop saying normal normal normal. If someone made a black toon, would that be normal; or should they not be allowed to use rivers or baskets?

im interestet in hearing more about this connection between black guys, rivers and baskets....

Andro Bourne
03-21-2011, 03:54 PM
*raises hand*
how is this rant relevant to the discussion topic of the thread?

sorry, i'm easily confused.


If you don't want to here a "rant" when it's actually a discussion about a topic here is an idea... don't read the topic, simple solution.

03-21-2011, 03:54 PM
*raises hand*
how is this rant relevant to the discussion topic of the thread?

sorry, i'm easily confused.

The word normal is relative to the person using it. For the OP it is prob White, Male, Face 1, Hair 7, default height (or even crazier, max height@@!!),
For other people, its shortest possible or slightly taller.
Stop saying normal normal normal. If someone made a black toon, would that be normal; or should they not be allowed to use rivers or baskets?

Please read over my previous post and stop being so negative.
The above bolded, colored, underlined, italicized statement is relevant to a previous mentioned SUGGESTION (in prelude talk), that midgets should not be allowed to use axes.

Now mister really cool and badass gasmask person, how is your post relevant? Please dont waste my time with your pimple mentality.

Andro Bourne
03-21-2011, 03:55 PM
The word normal is relative to the person using it. For the OP it is prob White, Male, Face 1, Hair 7, default height (or even crazier, max height@@!!),
For other people, its shortest possible or slightly taller.
Stop saying normal normal normal. If someone made a black toon, would that be normal; or should they not be allowed to use rivers or baskets?

Please read over my previous post and stop being so negative.
The above bolded, colored, underlined, italicized statement is relevant to a previous mentioned SUGGESTION (in prelude talk), that midgets should not be allowed to use axes.

Now mister really cool and badass gasmask person, how is your post relevant? Please dont waste my time with your pimple mentality.

By normal what is ment is default size that the general population uses... this is normal sorry if you dont know what the word means might be a good idea to look it up.

03-21-2011, 03:56 PM

If you don't want to here a "rant" when it's actually a discussion about a topic here is an idea... don't read the topic, simply solution.

You people need to go back through this post and read. This is exactly what I am talking about. You dont even know what is being said in here.
I dont want to here anything. The other option would be to hear something, but without software I can only read something.

Dont bash me because I disagree with you or want the forums cleaned up.
Seeing as the 2 of you have derailed this thread, AND ATTACKED ME, this should be moved to the flame wars section. As I feel offended.

03-21-2011, 03:58 PM
Now mister really cool and badass gasmask person, how is your post relevant? Please dont waste my time with your pimple mentality.

i'm sorry i got distracted by the red flashies again.

so you're saying that if i'm an obese midget, but if i'm good with that, it's my normal, thus it is normal, because my reality is greater than any other level of surrounding reality...and thus i should not be penalized for being hideously corpulent and punitive as compared to the massive adonis lookin fella next to me, because damnit i'm normal? at least to me? Is that correct? Is there a self help video that comes with this?

Andro Bourne
03-21-2011, 03:59 PM
You people need to go back through this post and read. This is exactly what I am talking about. You dont even know what is being said in here.
I dont want to here anything. The other option would be to hear something, but without software I can only read something.

Dont bash me because I disagree with you or want the forums cleaned up.
Seeing as the 2 of you have derailed this thread, AND ATTACKED ME, this should be moved to the flame wars section. As I feel offended.

How about you learn to read shit in the first place, most of the thread is a discussion going back in forth, last I checked we werent trollin anyone disagreements or not, simply adding our cents and trying to come to a general agrement of things.

Now I look at it you have a problem with this, you may leave the thread unless your just here to troll it up.

03-21-2011, 03:59 PM
By normal what is ment is default size that the general population uses... this is normal sorry if you dont know what the word means might be a good idea to look it up.

Really? You took a poll? A census? How do YOU know the general population uses that measurement?
Someone already said they made a 'big' toon. Which catagory are they in?
Oh, so your saying you tried to roll something that resembles yourself, but of course better looking (prob with abs, facial hair and no balding spot. For others, a smooth face)

Stop trolling me. Get back on topic or have this thread closed

03-21-2011, 04:08 PM
You know what they say about guys with big feet...

Andro Bourne
03-21-2011, 04:09 PM
Really? You took a poll? A census? How do YOU know the general population uses that measurement?
Someone already said they made a 'big' toon. Which catagory are they in?
Oh, so your saying you tried to roll something that resembles yourself, but of course better looking (prob with abs, facial hair and no balding spot. For others, a smooth face)

Stop trolling me. Get back on topic or have this thread closed

Wow kid really, if you can't stay on topic go to trible wars I'm sure your troll it up all day on there with no problems.

You know what they say about guys with big feet...

Thought that saying was about big hands?

03-21-2011, 04:19 PM
You know what they say about guys with big feet...

They wear big shoes.

03-21-2011, 04:24 PM
Oh, so your saying you tried to roll something that resembles yourself, but of course better looking (prob with abs, facial hair and no balding spot. For others, a smooth face)

<-- 1980's porn star but that's beside the point.

You are the only one trolling here and you and I both know you have absolutely no way to get this thread closed so rage more please.

Back on topic,

smaller toons do in fact have smaller hitboxes and at the moment seem to warp harder than larger sized toons. Hopefully the warping will be fixed soon, and it's good to see that the Dev's already have some balancing ideas for larger/smaller characters. seems mostly like this thread is just people who rolled smaller characters rageing to keep the advantage, but the threads kind've pointless now that we know there is already going to be adjustments made.