View Full Version : Show Totem Radius

03-21-2011, 05:52 AM
I really hope this isn't in already for that means I'm blind and posting useless stuff.

However if it's not - what about showing a faint sphere when you click on your totem that shows you where the borders of your land are?

If this already exists someone please tell me where I can find it :D

04-21-2011, 05:08 PM
I really hope this isn't in already for that means I'm blind and posting useless stuff.

However if it's not - what about showing a faint sphere when you click on your totem that shows you where the borders of your land are?

If this already exists someone please tell me where I can find it :DI don't know if it's in, as I don't even own the game (although that may shortly change), but in all the videos I've seen, the player had to walk to the edge to find it, there was no graphical indicator of the tribe territory edge.

04-26-2011, 07:48 AM
just put down road or clear ground for tribe radius

04-26-2011, 12:28 PM
Hey this feature is not in, but you can mathematically calculate your totem area if you really need to. Your totem is always a radius of 25m from the center. If you draw an imaginary box around your tribe circle (50x50, your X coordinate should stretch 50 across and your Y coord is 50 from top to bottom. so facing true north, and for sake of example say your lower left corner is 0,0. your upper left is 0,50. your upper right is 50,50. your lower right is 50,0. Your totem is placed exactly 1m in front of your character, so for my calculations I had to take 1 off Y to be dead center :) Hope this info helps

04-26-2011, 12:31 PM
As I was exploring I would see the text as I entered areas and that was handy but it didn't really say anywhere on the UI other than the text notice. Would be nice to see a radius marker or even a label indicating what area you're in.

04-26-2011, 12:41 PM
so facing true north, and for sake of example say your lower left corner is 0,0. your upper left is 0,50. your upper right is 50,50. your lower right is 50,0. Your totem is placed exactly 1m in front of your character, so for my calculations I had to take 1 off Y to be dead center :) Hope this info helps

this would be true if tribe area took the shape of a square. but it is 25m in any direction from your totem.

04-26-2011, 03:42 PM
this would be true if tribe area took the shape of a square. but it is 25m in any direction from your totem.


ah true the area outside of the circle, but within the outer square is not included as tribal land. I forgot I put the square INSIDE my tribe circle in order to have 4 equal length sides :D worked out flawlessly

04-26-2011, 06:06 PM
YUSSIR...you gotta love that basic geometry