View Full Version : Can't stay connected

03-21-2011, 07:06 PM
I finally got reconnected 30 minutes after crashing, I banked like 4 items or so and crashed again =/....

Latest patch seems to have broken things more=O

Added after 8 minutes:

It seems anytime I try to open a storage unit is when I experience this. It drops me directly to a login screen and then says I'm already connected.

Added after 19 minutes:

Ok it's not storage related, that's just usually the first thing I do when I connect. This time I didn't do anything but try to talk to the tribe and no text came up. I looked down at my net monitor and noticed I was pushing data at 0.1k/s again, and when I'm connect to the game I push about 3k/s or so. While typing this it seems error correction or something kicked in cuz the server sent me a ton of data about like 33k/s and now it seems im pushing the normal 3 - 4k/s and connected..... There's ABSOLUTELY some bandwidth or network issues on your end causing the problems with loading entities and connection problems being intermittent with lag etc.

I would highly suggest running trace routes thru yer equipment, some icmp to yer service providers gateways to check for packet loss?

03-22-2011, 07:01 PM
Im getting the same thing every 30mins i drop from the server, losing my patince here the game still needs alot of work

03-22-2011, 10:39 PM
I've had it happen randomly I can be on for hours just fine and then lagout and drop for no reason.