View Full Version : The new animals are weak.

03-23-2011, 12:46 PM
Logged in today after patching and holy spitballs our tribe area is overrun by rabid coons. Ok, they "fixed" the animals. I guess more were added and I am not worried about that. Too bad these rabid coons drop with a few smacks of my huju stick, but they wouldn't be really hearty, they are cuddly wuddly racoons.

I run up into the mountains to get some woodstuffs. Oh boy! I see a bear, my first since release. This should be a good fight, during beta (and early release from what I've read) it was a challenge to solo the bear. Not really much, but hell it was something to do.

Bear #1, I kill with less than 1/3rd health loss. Wow, did I just get lucky? Sweet snapdragons, another one a few minutes later (these things are taking over!). Bear #2 drops even faster with me taking even less damage. Bear #3 gets the jump on me and I still send him scampering only to be felled by my mighty huju stick.

Ok, so I ask in general for a consensus and I ask here.... Is it just me, or do the animals seem waaaaaaaaay weaker and easier to kill?

03-23-2011, 12:58 PM
The only reason they're easy to kill now is because they're "young". As far as I know, as they get "older" they get bigger and stronger.

03-23-2011, 01:02 PM
big huge black bears will rape you in about 4 hits.

the regular bears go down easy and you loose a third of your life with no armor.

03-23-2011, 01:04 PM
Will they even last long enough to grow up? Is that confirmed or conjecture?

03-23-2011, 01:06 PM
I'm pretty sure I heard it from an official source, but I could be wrong. Now that they're back in, they should be mating and respawning correctly, so I think we'll have a healthy supply of animals now.

03-23-2011, 01:39 PM
Will they even last long enough to grow up? Is that confirmed or conjecture?

People near my zone were spawn killed during lag once and their bear leveled up quite a bit.

Also mobs attack each other so if the mobs aren't in the non-fog area they might be killin the crap out of other mobs in the fog area and leveling up that way too.

03-23-2011, 02:38 PM
new creatures added, doesn't this game have patchnotes or something?!

03-23-2011, 02:41 PM
I'm curious if the the animal coding was changed or if this was just a manual respawn, and there will be no animals for another week after this.

03-23-2011, 02:43 PM
Look at it from the bright side: now there are other things to 'destroy' apart from trees :).

03-23-2011, 05:42 PM
I'm curious if the the animal coding was changed or if this was just a manual respawn, and there will be no animals for another week after this.

I agree, the fact that nothing was said makes me think there are 2 possibilities:

1) Manual Respawn
2) Coding was changed, but they don't feel good enough to announce it

03-23-2011, 06:42 PM
I think the main difference in animal difficulty is pre-order weapons. If you want a challenge, fight naked and unarmed, presumably with no points in unarmed.

Even then, I don't think a single raccoon would be much of a danger.


03-23-2011, 06:55 PM
You really thinking mating rates are in?

Item decay isnt in, stat decay is somewhat in but is not based on hunger and such. There are alot of those features not implemented but presumed to be coming out. I highly doubt any 'mating' rates have been turned on or fully coded yet.

Patch notes?! In case you haven't noticed. The apocalypse just happened. All you are guaranteed in life is a GPS to know your cords (no you don't have a compass, just the GPS), and a weapon of your choice.
Do you really want them to tell you everything? Want to know how skill gain is calculated or success rates? Want to know everything?
Then test in game and figure it out.

Did you need to read the patch notes when global chat was taken away or could you figure that one out?

03-23-2011, 08:01 PM
OP, If you want a greater challenge, dont use your preorder weapon. That should do just the trick...

03-24-2011, 01:04 AM
@ Chibi

There is a difference about the fun of discovering things by yourself and wanting to see what is fixed or added in the patchnotes. I am fine at discovering myself where I get some new resource, they don't have to tell it me in notes, but I for sure want to know if there are fixed things or bugs.

03-24-2011, 01:44 AM
I kill bears faster with 5 Unarmed versus 25+ in Armed/<insert weapon>.

03-24-2011, 01:49 AM
I started my first charector yesterday during one of the stable periods it was up for, went exploring around in the wilderness of the world and was attacked by and killed 1 Donky Deer, 1 Black Bear, and 8 Racoons with nothing but my starters knife an starters clothes, have more bones now than I know what todo with. Black Bear was the most threatening an brought me down to 1/3rd of my health bar, the donky deer an racoons didn't harm me at all when fought, racoons will die in just 2 solid strikes with the knife. (oh nothing special stat-wise either, just 65 Str, 60 Stam on my char)

Just adding some data to the pool..

03-24-2011, 02:11 AM
@ Chibi

There is a difference about the fun of discovering things by yourself and wanting to see what is fixed or added in the patchnotes. I am fine at discovering myself where I get some new resource, they don't have to tell it me in notes, but I for sure want to know if there are fixed things or bugs.

@ Dreamcrest

Where in THIS thread do you see a bug or something broken?

03-24-2011, 02:15 AM
I dunno why... but I lol'd hard when I read Donkey Deer...
I think you mean Mule Deer... but I haven't been in much lately as I've been busy with my 360 and work. So there might be donkey-deers now... which again, would make me laugh for a while.

03-24-2011, 09:03 AM
I dunno why... but I lol'd hard when I read Donkey Deer...
I think you mean Mule Deer... but I haven't been in much lately as I've been busy with my 360 and work. So there might be donkey-deers now... which again, would make me laugh for a while.

Now just imagine the dev's adding it as a secret unique creature that looks like any other Mule Deer, except its SE plays Goofy voiceclips....IMAGINE IT! =p

03-24-2011, 09:13 AM
The problem is that players are like locust, they just move around and destroy the world around them like there is no tomorrow. they cut down ever tree, they horde ever resource, they kill every one in there path and take everything they have.

Players are like greedy fat pigs that know no end to there hunger and only wish to suckle as much as they can from the teet of the game world.

03-24-2011, 09:19 AM
The problem is that players are like locust, they just move around and destroy the world around them like there is no tomorrow. they cut down ever tree, they horde ever resource, they kill every one in there path and take everything they have.

Players are like greedy fat pigs that know no end to there hunger and only wish to suckle as much as they can from the teet of the game world.

What the hell else is there to even do in the game at this point?

03-24-2011, 09:29 AM
build, explore, make stuff, scavange, the point is we dont have to kill every animal on day one nor do we have to cut down every tree.

03-24-2011, 09:44 AM
The problem is that players are like locust, they just move around and destroy the world around them like there is no tomorrow. they cut down ever tree, they horde ever resource, they kill every one in there path and take everything they have.

So what's the problem?

03-24-2011, 10:10 AM
Starter weapons are simply too powerful. Try killing them with a crafted weapon.

The people who are cutting down the forests and stripping out resources are only doing it to hurt the game at this point. It is not a form of pvp. It serves only to cause grief. Later on when there is an actual economy these will be viable tactics, but until then it's immature kids getting their lolz. Pre Order weapons will undoubtedly chase new players out of the game as well. lvl 90 weaponcrafters goods can't even begin to compare with the pre order stuff. The question devs have to ask now is why would anyone buy my game now?