View Full Version : Griefer holes

03-24-2011, 07:35 PM
Had a nice little lag spike and ran into some nice peoples tribal area. They were kind enough to dig a nice big trench with no way out. Dev's need to do something about this asap.

It is complete griefing I you create a situation on purpose that requires me to get a GM to get me out of it. I'm all for creating pits of death filed with rabid badgers that rip you to shreds. But creating a trench that does not kill you and forces you to wait forever is 100% griefing.

need to modify the unstuck command or get use to GM requests going up.

03-24-2011, 07:46 PM
You could just stop running AFK and watch where your going. You know people dig the holes, do not fall in them. Not to even touch on the point that you are trespassing in someones tribal area.

I think a /suicide command would be nice though, so you can kill yourself instead of waiting for GM help.

03-24-2011, 08:07 PM
Void you are so off base trying to make a valid point there, it is not even funny.

The OP is completely correct.


All terraform and building are destroyed.

Trust me, people will quit this game when the world becomes no longer visually appealing.

Trenches everywhere, abandoned fires. The game will be stupid. This can all be fixed with my simple suggestion.

03-24-2011, 08:17 PM
Or even better lets create a bunch of these pleasure trenchs all around the newbie spawn points. Lets get all those n00bs stuck in there first 10 mins of starting the game and have them wait 30-60 mins while a GM comes an pull them out. I know if I was starting a new game that would be a great selling point for me...

As Nor stated this can get out of hand extremely fast.

03-24-2011, 10:49 PM
i actually ran into a spot tonight with a ton of long and short logs as a matter of fact almost everything in running distance simply sitting behind a terraformed wall that you could get up from the outside with no totem not griefing but it was just cruel. i agree that when totems disband all terraformed land should return back to the level they were but as far as the building i think they should have some decay but i think it would add a touch to the game and also if another tribe found them in time they could just use them and live there.

03-25-2011, 01:37 AM
how about /unstuck a hole has to be really deep in order not to be able to use /unstuck. face the wall and direction you want to go and type it.

its also not a grief for ppl to make a moat. as the other said, ou have to watch were you walk. surrounding a homestead whit a deep moat is nearly impossible to do, you need about 10 homesteads to surround one and you need to dig deep and wide. it takes 6 hours to remove the totem and replace it. a group of players could possible do it but then you still look at several hours worth of work per player.

03-25-2011, 01:44 AM
Or even better lets create a bunch of these pleasure trenchs all around the newbie spawn points. Lets get all those n00bs stuck in there first 10 mins of starting the game and have them wait 30-60 mins while a GM comes an pull them out. I know if I was starting a new game that would be a great selling point for me...

As Nor stated this can get out of hand extremely fast.

The newbie spawn point trenches is going to be limited to tribes plunked down on top of the points already...

I've done my share of terraforming from 1-54 and creating a trench or dirt wall is not a long or hard process and its honestly got me to thinking, it wouldn't be hard to have a few buddies plunk down tribe totems to surround an isolated one, then work together to create a mass trench that traps the players in/outside of their camp forever...would it?

03-25-2011, 01:52 AM
The newbie spawn point trenches is going to be limited to tribes plunked down on top of the points already...

Creating a trench or dirt wall is not a long or hard process and its honestly got me to thinking, its not hard to have a few buddies plunk down tribe totems to surround an isolated one, then work together to create a mass trench that traps the players in/outside of their camp forever...

its nearly impossible, yea you can make the trench, you need 9 players for it assuming its all flat land.
the trench on all of the nine homesteads need to be 3 wide 12 deep on the borders betwen the homesteads and 14-16 deep in the center over a range of 50 meters per homestead.
anyting else and the unstuck command works. it needs to be so wide in order to reach the anti-unstuck depth in the center of the trench.
the only way this works is making the square trench since homesteads can at best only fully connect on one title.

as i said , its nearly impossible and if you got ppl doing this then you sure aint the victim but somehow pissed those people off a thousand times.
this is all assuming the land if flat and nice homesteads can be setup around the single homestead.

before making post like these you people should learn about the game mechanics.

03-25-2011, 02:38 AM
before making post like these you people should learn about the game mechanics.

Aye, but asking these questions an getting answers is a much quicker way to learn from our elders~ no? :p Still yet if theres one thing i've learned from this thread is that i've been inspired to experiment at greator length than simply flattening an area with the terraforming an see just what I can do. X3

03-25-2011, 03:54 AM
Aye, but asking these questions an getting answers is a much quicker way to learn from our elders~ no? :p Still yet if theres one thing i've learned from this thread is that i've been inspired to experiment at greator length than simply flattening an area with the terraforming an see just what I can do. X3

Lol true, just wished people would ask it like " Can a determent group do this or that" instead of starting the first post (see OP) whit complains based on random idea's in the head whiteout any knowledge or looking into the issue.

Love helping people but sometimes the forums cause headaches ;)

03-26-2011, 03:50 AM
/unstuck anyone? I built a moat around my for because I think it looks cool. There is a way out of mine but you have to swim over to the corner facing the river. But I didn't figure it would be a big problem either way because you can /unstuck your way out of anything in this game.

03-29-2011, 08:20 AM
A group of player can do it in 15 minutes and not 6 hours. All they have to do it keep placing totems one by one and joining new tribe (with each tribe there would be one of them less but still very doable). And I have seen people do similar stuff in even shorter times.

The question is do you want to allow people to create holes deep enough for others to get stuck in without suicide command?

03-29-2011, 01:20 PM
Had a nice little lag spike and ran into some nice peoples tribal area. They were kind enough to dig a nice big trench with no way out. Dev's need to do something about this asap.

It is complete griefing I you create a situation on purpose that requires me to get a GM to get me out of it. I'm all for creating pits of death filed with rabid badgers that rip you to shreds. But creating a trench that does not kill you and forces you to wait forever is 100% griefing.

need to modify the unstuck command or get use to GM requests going up.

if you're trespassing on my tribes land, you've got a very good chance of going to 'prison'. very deep trenches that are purposefully difficult to stuck out of of. I thought prison was a great mechanic for preventing player abuses? Th eonly thng better would be to have a minotaur roaming the trenches.

Stay off my land.

and if i could fill them iwth pungi sticks so you fell, took damage, and died a slow death from poison (which would be classified as combat, so you'd leave your stuff as a clean up fee) i'd do that in a heartbeat.

03-29-2011, 02:13 PM
Easy solution. Dont eat and let your character die. Walla you are back where you came from.
First of all, we are forgeting that this is a SAND BOX GAME. The player used his/her imagination to make a hole for you to jump in. Dont run with your eyes closed.
2. There is also a teleport ability. Like in WOW, u can use it every hour or so. In this game it can be every 3 hours or so. But to prevent people to use their imagination, is stupid.

The unstuck command should be really limited in distance. Dont fall in the pit. Thats all im gonna say.

Or they can change the slope that you can climb up, make a really high slope, and your character have to submerge half of its body or more, to prevent climbing.

03-29-2011, 02:29 PM
my pits are deep enough that you take damage when you hit the bottom :p


03-29-2011, 09:01 PM
my pits are deep enough that you take damage when you hit the bottom :p


Dig pits. A placeholder for shotguns loaded with rocksalt.

03-30-2011, 02:03 PM
So when a totem is abandoned you suggest resetting the terraforming back to a fresh start? What happens when a tribe or homesteader creates a totem just to gather massive amounts of dirt and then transports it to another site to build at another totem?

03-30-2011, 02:26 PM
So when a totem is abandoned you suggest resetting the terraforming back to a fresh start? What happens when a tribe or homesteader creates a totem just to gather massive amounts of dirt and then transports it to another site to build at another totem?

it shoudl gradually decay and gradually fill in.

03-30-2011, 03:48 PM
it shoudl gradually decay and gradually fill in.

If someone builds a huge mound of dirt and builds on top of it, will the structures float in the air as the dirt under it decays? Because that would look really cool...

03-30-2011, 06:14 PM
If someone builds a huge mound of dirt and builds on top of it, will the structures float in the air as the dirt under it decays? Because that would look really cool...


honestly for structures, screw realism. if you abandon the totem that they are attached to, the structures should collaps into a rubble pile.

any terraformed land should then deform at a rate of like 20% per season? and yes, the rubble pile would stay with the land and not be a floating cloud of rubble.

03-30-2011, 07:13 PM
I've fallen into trenches like that before and it took no more than two /unstuck to get out. Not that difficult.

03-30-2011, 07:42 PM
BOOTY TRAPS! They happen ONLY by your own actions!!!

Better /report those people for using the game mechanics IN GAME to "grief" people...lolol

I intentionally don't walk through other tribe's areas simply for the risk of booty traps.

03-30-2011, 10:51 PM
excuse me i was trespassing on your lawn and tripped over one of your sprinkers and hurt myself very bad.. its all your fault i call cops nao

03-31-2011, 12:11 AM
IT would be nice for land to slowly return to an more leveled state to reflect the effects of wind and rain wearing down teraforming in abbaondoned tribe sites. It should like decay at the end of spring season due to rainy season results.

03-31-2011, 01:57 AM
IT would be nice for land to slowly return to an more leveled state to reflect the effects of wind and rain wearing down teraforming in abbaondoned tribe sites. It should like decay at the end of spring season due to rainy season results.

+1. Good idea.