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11-21-2012, 08:24 AM
August 8 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

I've answered the latest round of Questions for the Developers for those interested.

The new website is coming along quite well and we're hoping to launch it next week. The website is our first priority right now as it will work better for our advertising campaign and fund raising efforts and prepares our account system for free trials and other promotions which we want to do starting in September.

We've also slightly changed our development schedule. Creature migration and further balancing has been bumped up and will be patched out before the crafting system revisions. When this is ready for testing I will request feedback.

That's all for today. We're extremely busy right now but will get the next patch out as soon as is humanly possible!

11-21-2012, 08:24 AM
August 13 2012

I've answered the latest round of Questions for the Developers (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/2522-Official-Answers-by-week?p=97056&viewfull=1#post97056) for those interested.

The new website is taking up most of our time and may require 1-2 more weeks before we can launch it. We need to thoroughly test some changes that will allow for trial accounts in the near future and we've decided to address a lot back end account system improvements that I've wanted for a long time. Better to make all the improvements on the site now while we're focused!

I plan to take a break from the website work tomorrow and prepare a few things for the next patch. I will post again when the Test Server is open for the testing.

11-21-2012, 08:24 AM
August 18 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

I've opened up the Test Server with some important changes:

The world is now divided up into smaller natural territories of roughly equal size.

These territories are assigned a 'danger level' as follows:
- none - Founder's Isle
- low danger - territories around the lake
- medium danger - adjacent foothills and some valleys north and south of the lake
- high danger - mountain ranges and some areas beyond
- extreme danger - areas bordering the green mist

The new territory name and danger level appear in your map panel.
The number of revenants per territory also appears in your map panel, but this is for testing only.

Revenants haunting low danger territories do not respawn when killed.
Revenants haunting medium danger territories have a chance of not respawning when killed.

Next steps - Migration:
- Small and tame creatures will migrate towards the low danger territories near the lake.
- Mid size creatures such as raccoons and pine martins will migrate towards the medium danger territories.
- Large and dangerous creatures will migrate towards high danger territories.
- Mutants and legendary creatures will migrate towards extreme danger territories near the green mist.
- Revenants will tend to move to higher danger zones when their haunted totem is gone.

I will post a request for feedback once the migration system is finalized. For now, the test server is open primarily to test loading message improvements, the removal of revenants from low danger zones and the new territory distribution.

We have also revised how the server handles messages in particular for loading and crossing zones. There shouldn't be a noticeable difference in loading times, but this should resolve all past issues with invisible creatures and players. This also puts the bottleneck on loading times on the client side entirely and reduces the potential for lag spikes.

Our next steps are to wrap up creature migration and launch our new website. We will then get back to current round of development focused on crafting changes as outlined in the In Development section.


11-21-2012, 08:24 AM
August 24 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

We're proud to unveil this new site for Xsyon. This site features an improved look and layout and introduces a few new pages and coming features.

We've updated our Gallery and have added a News section where you can be kept up to date more directly with our latest Updates and Patch Notes.

The Xsyon Wiki will be coming soon in the Community section

The In Development page will keep you informed of what's in progress and what's planned for the future.

Our account system has been revamped in preparation for Free Trial accounts.

We have a few things to finish:
- Adding the Bug Report and Suggestion projects.
- Setting up the new Xsyon Wiki
- Improving the News section
- Adding patch notes to the News blog.
- Adding a convenient search feature to the footer of each page.

Our first priority right now is to wrap up work on creature migration and get a public patch out.


11-21-2012, 08:24 AM
August 29 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Test Server is up for final testing of the creature migration system.

The world is now divided into smaller and more equal sized territories. Each territory was assigned a 'danger level' from low to extreme. In general, zones near the lake are low danger and zones near the mist are extreme danger. There are two lesser danger valleys North and East of the lake along the outer zones.

Creatures move their home positions to zones of the appropriate danger but at times may be crossing zones or creeping into an adjacent zone of a different danger level

We have also adjusted creature power (damage, strength, armor and life variables) and hope that players find creatures more balanced now.

If you have any feedback please post here:


11-21-2012, 08:25 AM
August 30 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

We will be updating the Main Server with the Creature Migration Patch at 9:00 AM PST. The Main Server will be down for 1-2 hours at that time. Patch notes will be posted after the update.

11-21-2012, 08:25 AM
August 30 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Main Server has been updated with the Creature Migration Patch! The world is now divided into regions of different danger level and creatures migrate to inhabit areas of appropriate danger. Some creatures will still end up wandering or crossing different regions but in general areas near the lake will be populated by small critters while areas in the mountains and on the edge of the world will be populated by larger and more dangerous creatures.

Revenants killed in low danger areas that are not directly haunting a totem will not respawn. Revenants killed in medium danger areas that are not directly haunting a totem have a chance of not respawning. This allows players to clear out these lower danger areas and make them safer.

We have also further optimized messaging and loading times. We find the improvement substantial.

Full Patch Notes are here:

With this patch out of the way and this new site launched we are going to resume work on the crafting and resource changes. The Bug Report and Suggestion sections of the Forums have been turned back on. We will also continue with site improvements and pursuing our options to raise funds to further evolve and develop Xsyon at a faster pace!


11-21-2012, 08:25 AM
September 5 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Main Server has been updated with a minor patch. The main reason for this patch it to restart the server with a few optimizations.

Full Patch Notes are here:

There is one correction to the previous patch notes. Totems are abandoned after 3 months of member inactivity.

There have been questions about the totem abandonment. This time frame was chosen for several reasons.
- It accommodates player use patterns as seen since Xsyon has launched.
- It accommodates player use patterns as reported to me by friends in the industry.
- It reflects my personal preferences and what I think is fair. I think that players should be able to take a 2 month break without worry, and 1 month is a good time for a tribe to go through the 'haunting' phases.


11-21-2012, 08:25 AM
September 17 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Main Server has been updated with a patch. This wraps up our Creature Migration system with some improvements. Creatures now breed at faster rates and look for new homes in nearby underpopulated areas if their area becomes crowded with other creature types. Creatures migrate typically in packs.

Full patch notes are here:

As of yesterday, the Xsyon Wiki is open to the public!

Much thanks to our dedicated Guide Team that put together the wiki so far! We will continue to add information to the Wiki and players are welcome to join in. The Wiki can be found here:

11-21-2012, 08:25 AM
September 26 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

I've been quiet on the forums here most of this month but a lot is going on behind the scenes. As many of you know the development of Xsyon has two faces. For players, development often seems slow. For us developers, development is hectic and rapid, working night and day, seven days a week to balance game improvements with fixes and dealing with a multitude of issues that players do not see.

I've posted before about our plans to raise funds to expand the team and eliminate this development dichotomy. This has been our focus in September and we are almost ready.

In October:
We will be raising funds via Kickstarter.

Free trials will be available.

Inactive returning players will have unlimited access to the Test / Trial Server.

I'm looking forward to this exciting month coming up!

11-21-2012, 08:25 AM
October 5 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Main Server has been updated with a minor patch. This patch simply addresses some server stability issues and database cleanup in preparation for free trials. There won't be any patch notes posted for this update as there are no visible improvements for players.

This has been another busy week for me: travelling back home to the US and making final adjustments for free trials and the coming Kickstarter launch. We're getting there and are gearing for a launch of free trials by the 15th!

11-21-2012, 08:26 AM
October 15 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Trial Server will be open the the public October 17 at roughly 7:00 AM PST after running maintenance. The Trial Server will be open to all players with data duplicated from the Main Server. The only difference is that we will reset the Trial Server data every Monday.

We will make official announcements on various websites this week.

Please help spread the word!

11-21-2012, 08:26 AM
October 17 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Trial Server is now open to the public!

All players with a forum account can log in to the Trial Server through the Xsyon Launcher and enjoy free play time. The Trial Server data will reset every Monday.

We've also updated our launcher and maintenance schedule. Maintenance will run Mondays and Fridays from 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM PST.

Please feel free to spread the word about Free Trials if you have friends that would like to experience Xsyon.


11-21-2012, 08:26 AM
November 5 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

We are moving forward we a new ad campaign and will finally launch our Kickstarter fund raiser this month. The Trial Server will remain open to the public at least until the end of this year.

I will be travelling, primarily for personal reasons, for the next 2 to 3 weeks. Behind the scenes we have been working primarily on bugs and stability issues. We will switch to more substantial feature evolution once I return to the US.

11-21-2012, 08:26 AM
November 11 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

Maintenance on Monday, November 12, will run late. I will announce the maintenance time one hour prior to shutting down the server, both in game and here. Maintenance will be at roughly 6:00 AM PST.

11-21-2012, 08:26 AM
November 12 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

Maintenance will start at 5:00 AM PST today. The servers will be back up at roughly 6:30 AM PST.

12-03-2012, 04:07 AM
November 16 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

I've answered the latest Questions to the Developers here: http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/2503-Official-Answers-by-week?p=96521&viewfull=1#post96521

I apologize for the delay in these answers. These past few months have been very hectic with the website move, setting up the trial server and preparations for the future of Xsyon. I have also had a lot to deal with personally with my wife's pending immigration to the US, the reason for my current travels. This was a time consuming process for us both but I'm happy to say that all went well and we'll be in the US by Thanksgiving.

The Trial Server has been updated with a round of bug fixes. We are running some final tests and will patch these out early next week if the issues are confirmed fixed.

12-03-2012, 04:09 AM
November 18 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The next maintenance will run on Tuesday November 20 at 1:00 AM PST. This will include a patch on the main server for several bug fixes. The Trial Server data will also reset at this time.

12-03-2012, 04:11 AM
November 21 2012

Both client and server were updated with a bug fix patch yesterday. Full patch notes are here:

November 20 Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=96565&viewfull=1#post96565)

12-03-2012, 04:11 AM
November 21 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

Our first big announcement today!

We have reduced the prices for Xsyon Prelude Game Accounts and Subscriptions as follows:

Xsyon Game Account: $29.99
Xsyon Monthly: $9.99
Xsyon Quarterly: $28.47
Xsyon BiAnnual: $53.94
Xsyon Yearly: $95.88


01-07-2013, 12:16 AM
November 21

Notorious Games is proud to announce the launch of a Kickstarter fund raiser to bring Xsyon out of the Prelude and into the future with a full featured release of Xsyon: Apocalypse!

Please visit our Kickstarter Project Page (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/382040989/xsyon-apocalypse)for full details.

When Xsyon's development began, nearly five years ago, I knew it would be a monumental endeavor. With a small team and a very limited budget everything needed to fall into place perfectly to launch the Prelude to Xsyon, our current installment, with a full set of planned features but in a limited, simplified state.

The Prelude was intended as a simplified pre release version of the game which would evolve with its community as we add features and improve the game based on player feedback.

Xsyon's development began in 2008. In 2010, Xsyon was opened to the public as a pre-release. In March 2011 The Prelude was launched. Since then we've added many features and improvements, but have not yet launched the full 'gold' release of Xsyon. While reaching our current stage in less than 5 years is no small feat for a tiny development team often with just 1 or 2 full time programmers including myself, our goals are ambitious and development has been slower than desired.

A multitude of unanticipated obstacles came our way - programmers moving on to other jobs at inopportune times, losing funds due to the stock market crash, team members experiencing disabling health problems, server instability and dealing with hackers and contentious players. The biggest issue has been a lack of funding to deal with setbacks efficiently.

We found out early that players desired existing features to be fleshed out more than they longed for new features. Some Prelude game features, such as terraforming, architecture and tribal systems were developed much further than originally planned at this stage. Unplanned features such as carts, permissions system, creature migration and undead haunting were added. Other features, such as pets and mounts, had to be put aside for the future.

Development took on a different and slower path.

We are now taking Xsyon in a new direction.

Today we launched a Kickstarter crowd sourcing project to raise funds so that we can develop Xsyon at a much faster pace and without distractions. We are planning on a year of further development to take Xsyon out of the Prelude phase and launch the first full feature release Xsyon: Apocalypse.

So join us on Kickstarter! (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/382040989/xsyon-apocalypse) Together we can make it happen!

01-07-2013, 12:16 AM
November 30

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

First as a reminder please visit our Kickstarter Project Page (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/382040989/xsyon-apocalypse)

I have several announcements today.

1) We are converting the Main Server to allow for limited Free Play!

Our goal is to better welcome new and returning players by introducing them to the current Xsyon community.

Free Play will include the following limits:
- Players cannot start new Tribes
- Players cannot join new Tribe charters
- Players can join tribes but they do not add to the tribe size
- Skills are effectively limited to 30
- Players cannot use gained experience to level up

We will be testing these adjustments on the Trial Server this weekend as we've tested these internally and are ready to go!

2) Xsyon is listed in several categories for MMOSite's (http://www.mmosite.com/) Reader's Choice Awards. Voting will begin on Monday and we will have direct links and more information available Sunday night.

3) We have a round of bug fixes ready that will be patched to the Main Server on Monday. The next feature update will be the introduction of Trade functions to allow players to buy and sell items through their Totem. This is almost ready and will be tested on the Trial Server early this coming week.

4) The Xsyon Game Manual has been updated. Much thanks to Guide Isda! We are looking for volunteers to assist in translating the manual to any foreign languages. If you are willing to assist us, please contact Notorious Games. (support@notorious-games.com)

5) I've answered the latest Questions for the Developers and opened a new question session.

6) There have been some questions and concerns regarding our Kickstarter campaign that I will answer here.

- Our goal is too high:

The Prelude was originally planned to have more game features but in a simple form. We quickly found out that players demanded more polish to current systems or the addition of unplanned features so that became the focus while the release of other features that were already partially developed was delayed or put on hold.

Architecture, terraforming, tribal ranks and permissions were enhanced. Combat and creature AI was completely redone. The user interface was routinely improved. Carts, skill locks, chat tabs, a map panel and many other unplanned elements were added. Because of all these originally unplanned additions we have yet been unable to add features such as cooking, pets and mounts that were developed but never brought to a polished enough state for release.

I've learned from this experience to not release features in the simple states initially intended and instead develop them to a more satisfactory level before adding them into the game.

With Xsyon:Apocalypse we want to complete the listed features with the right amount of function and detail. For example, mounts: Simple version - mounts can be summoned and released into thin air and ridden for faster travel speed. Desired version - mounts must be kept and fed, can be ridden in combat, can attack and can pull carts.

I've also learned of the many hurdles that can come our way and how to prepare for them.

Our goal is a miniscule amount for a game development budget. However, it is a realistic amount to reach a full featured released with the desired amount of functionality at the same time anticipating any hurdles that have come our way in the past.

Many Kickstarter projects, even greatly overfunded, are now meeting with delayed releases. We already know what it's like to be underfunded. Worse than missing our current goal would be to reach a lesser goal that is not enough to fund expectations.

We are open to investors outside of Kickstarter. If we meet a portion of our goals without Kickstarter we have the potential of releasing Kickstarter again with a lower goal. For now though we are forging foward with our current campaign!

- Kickstarter is off to a slow start:

Yes, it is, but we have a full month to reach our goal. Kickstarter projects are not usually funded on an even timeline. We will be reaching out to a lot of potential players this month. The more momentum we gain now, the more attention we will garner and the more likely we are to meet our goal.

So if you are ready to support us in this endeavor, please do! Join us in building the momentum we need!

01-07-2013, 12:17 AM
December 3

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

We are transitioning to allow for Free Play on the Main Server today. The update should be complete by 4:00 AM PST!

Details will be posted when the Main Server is up.

01-07-2013, 12:17 AM
December 3

The Main Server and Client were updated with a bug fix patch. Full patch notes are here:

December 3 Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=96769&viewfull=1#post96769)

01-07-2013, 12:17 AM
December 3

Xsyon:Prelude has been nominated for several awards in MMOSite's annual Reader's Choice contest!

To vote for Xsyon, click on the link at the top of this page.

Xsyon is listed in the categories:
Best P2P MMO
Favorite MMORPG
Best MusicB
Best Gameplay
Best Community
You can visit the Xsyon award page on MMOSite here (http://event.mmosite.com/gameprize/?action=gameinfo&gid=255).

The contest will run until January 6, 2013.

Every IP can officially vote 3 times daily, so keep the votes coming our way!

01-07-2013, 12:17 AM
December 3

Xsyon is now open to Free Play on the Main Server!

All new and returning players are welcome to join the world of Xsyon for Free!

Free Play includes the following limits:

Players without paid Citizen Game Account access:

Players cannot start new Tribes
Players cannot join new Tribe charters
Players can join tribes but they do not add to the tribe size
Skills are effectively limited to 30
Players cannot use gained experience to level up

Players with Citizen Game Account access without a paid Monthly subscription:

Skills are effectively limited to 30
Players cannot use gained experience to level up

Xsyon Citizen accounts without limits remain as follows:

Xsyon Citizen Game Account: $29.99
Xsyon Citizen Monthly: $9.99
Xsyon Citizen Quarterly: $28.47
Xsyon Citizen BiAnnual: $53.94
Xsyon Citizen Yearly: $95.88

We're looking forward to this new phase of Xsyon!

01-07-2013, 12:17 AM
December 8

A quick update today.

The Main Server and Client were updated with a minor patch yesterday. Full patch notes are here:

December 7 Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=96861&viewfull=1#post96861)
We are seeing a lot of new players coming to Xsyon this week. If you are a veteran player, please welcome these new players and help them get started.


01-07-2013, 12:17 AM
December 10

The Main Server and Client have been updated with a minor patch. This patch adds a few commands for guides to assist new players. In addition, unimplemented skills have been removed from the skill list. Detailed patch notes will not be posted.

01-07-2013, 12:18 AM
December 19

We have less than two weeks until the close of our Kickstarter fund raiser. We are far from our desired goal, however, please do back us if you would like to bring Xsyon to the next level! Your support will at least help us gauge if it's worthwhile to set up similar reward options on this site or another Kickstarter project with a lower goal in the next few months.

Please visit our Kickstarter Project Page (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/382040989/xsyon-apocalypse)for full details.

Please continue to Vote Daily for us on MMOSite (http://event.mmosite.com/gameprize/?action=gameinfo&gid=255). You can click the link on the top of each page or the visit the link on the launcher.

We've launched an Event Calendar (http://www.xsyon.com/calendar.php) today that can be accessed via the Home Page (http://www.xsyon.com/) and the Calendar link above the Forums (between the FAQ and Community links).

Coming Soon:
Christmas Event (http://www.xsyon.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=5&day=2012-12-22&c=1) - December 22
Survivor Auction Event (http://www.xsyon.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=6&day=2012-12-29&c=1) - December 29
Time Crystal Challenge (http://www.xsyon.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=2&day=2012-12-16&c=1) - Every Sunday for the next few weeks.
Architecture Contest (http://www.xsyon.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=16&day=2012-12-23&c=1) - Running through January 13th.

The latest Questions For The Developers have been answered here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/2503-Official-Answers-by-week?p=96978&viewfull=1#post96978).

I've been very busy with the recent changes to our strategy to gain more players lately. Our next content patch will be in January and will feature trade functions using local currency at totems. This will precede crafting and resource revisions which are also slowly in progress.

We are continuing to see many new faces in Xsyon. Please give them a warm welcome and help them out in game!

01-07-2013, 12:18 AM
December 30

We've made some minor revisions to the Xsyon launcher. Please download the most recent installer HERE (https://www.xsyon.com/downloads/Xsyon_Installer_20121230.zip)

There is only one download / patch option with this launcher. If you are using the older launcher you will see a link to install the updated version.

I will post more news after tomorrow. See you all in the New Year!

05-08-2013, 02:57 AM
January 4 2013

Please continue to vote these next few days for us on MMOSite (http://event.mmosite.com/gameprize/?action=gameinfo&gid=255). The contest ends this Sunday, January 6. You can click the link on the top of each page and visit the link on the launcher. By visiting both you can vote twice daily.

We are currently in line for some free advertising as a prize on MMOSite, so please do keep up the votes!

We will be launching Xsyon on Steam Greenlight this weekend. Greenlight is the entry program for getting a game placed on the Steam online game store (http://store.steampowered.com/).

I want to thank all of you who pledged on Kickstarter. We did not reach our goal by a long shot. The main issue was that we did not attract enough viewers to the Kickstarter page. Although I will consider another Kickstarter fund raiser in the future, it's not likely. Our efforts will focus on bringing more people directly to the game.

As many of you know I've been focused on publicity, the free trial and play changes and attempting to raise funds for Xsyon to increase our team and speed of development. Xsyon is seeing a regular flow of new free players and a steady increase in population but I've not raised enough funds to increase our team. For the next few months I plan to focus on the game code as the sole programmer. I will follow my plans as listed in the In Development section and will adjust the list if anything changes.

I will post the details of the Xsyon Steam Greenlight launch in my next announcement!

05-08-2013, 02:57 AM
January 6 2013

Xsyon is now available on Steam Greenlight (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=118110002)!

If you are a Steam user, please log in and Vote (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=118110002) so that Xsyon can be fully launched on Steam. If you are not a Steam user, please sign up to help us get the Green Light. Mark Xsyon as a Favorite to give us an extra boost!

With Steam we are hoping to reach out to a much wider audience and fill the world of Xsyon!

Xsyon ended up in 2nd place for Best P2P MMO (http://event.mmosite.com/gameprize/?action=gamelist&id=26) on MMOSite's Annual Reader's Choice contest!

This will bring us much appreciated free promotion on MMOSite for the coming month.

Much thanks to all of you that voted! Let's get Xsyon on Steam!

05-08-2013, 02:57 AM
January 7 2013

Our forums have been reorganized today. We've removed the previous Public sections as now all forums are open anyone that signs up for a forum account. In addition, we've cleaned up and removed some redundant sections.

We're off to a good start with Steam Greenlight (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=118110002). Thanks for the support!

05-08-2013, 02:58 AM
January 13 2013

The Test Server is open for public testing of trade functions at the main totem. Tribes will be able to place separate Trade and Quest totems anywhere on tribal land when this feature is complete. More information and a request for feedback is here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8587-Feedback-Request-01-13-2013-Trade-Totems).

I've answered the latest Questions For The Developers here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/2503-Official-Answers-by-week?p=97157&viewfull=1#post97157).

Please continue to support us on Steam Greenlight (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=118110002). We are off to a very good start though we expect things to slow down this week as Xsyon is no longer a new addition to the Greenlight program. Thanks again for the votes so far!

05-08-2013, 02:58 AM
January 21 2013

Thank for all the support on Steam Greenlight (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=118110002)!

Although I expected a steep drop off in interest after the first week, it didn't happen. We are continuing to receive a lot of positive attention and have reached 60% to the top 100 games on Greenlight after just two weeks! If you haven't voted for us yet on Greenlight, please do, and pass along the link to your friends and guild mates.

Two of our players will be streaming Xsyon live on a regular schedule. You can tune in to their channels:

Healshot (http://www.twitch.tv/healshot) Mon-Fri 8pm-12 midnight EST
MageSW (http://www.twitch.tv/magesw) Mon-Thu 9pm-12 midnight PST

Please check their channels for additional times.

05-08-2013, 02:58 AM
January 23 2013

The Test Server is open for testing the latest version of Trade Totems and separate Quest Totems. For more information and to provide feedback, please read this thread (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8587-Feedback-Request-01-13-2013-Trade-Totems).

05-08-2013, 02:59 AM
February 8 2013

I've been silent the past 2 weeks as I'm consumed by the next round of features (and with a flu but that didn't slow me down much). Progress is steady and I thank a few coders that have stepped up to assist me with specific bug fixes and new features.

The Test Server is now open for public testing, again with a blank database.

Trade totems are almost wrapped up including the placement of separate Trade and Quest totems.
Tribe alliance functionality is set up and in testing.

Tribes will be allowed to place Trade and Quest totems on allied tribe land, allowing tribes to come together and form larger Trade and Quest market places.

Agriculture is well under way and we will announce when we are ready for testing sessions with the Guides assisting.

I will post a new feedback thread when we're ready. Right now we're still wrapping up a few known issues (such as what happens to totems and items for sale when alliances are broken or tribes are disbanded).

05-08-2013, 02:59 AM
February 16 2013

We've been running continuous tests on the Test Server for resetting terrain on public land. This will include regrowing grass. Both of these have been highly requested improvements over the past year. The current tests gradually revert terrain heights back to normal if the terraformed land is not on tribal land. Changes will be gradual. Currently we are testing with the system sped up so that I can determined how many changes are possible per hour without stressing the server and database saves.

In addition, we continue to work on the agriculture system, crafting changes. (Thank you for those who provided feedback during our last tribal council!). Trade totems are ready to go, but are waiting for public release while I implement totem upkeep that will serve as a sink for local currency.

The Test Server will remain open to the public while we continue the terrain and agriculture tests but I'm not yet ready for public feedback. I will post a feedback thread when I am.


05-08-2013, 02:59 AM
February 18 2013

We will be shutting down the main server at 2:00 AM PST, Tuesday February 19 for quick maintenance, to get a snapshot of some data for specific testing. This maintenance will run faster than usual and the main server will be up as quick as possible, before 3:00 AM PST.

05-08-2013, 03:00 AM
February 27 2013

The Test Server is open for testing and feedback on Trade and Quest totems. Many other features are in progress (Crafting with a revamped armor system including Artisan and Master armor sets, Totem Upkeep, Terrain Reset and Agriculture). However, we are ready for feedback only on the Trade and Quest totem functionality and other related improvements.

If you would like to provide feedback or report any issues, please do so here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8649-Feedback-Request-02-27-2013-Trade-Totems-and-Improvements)


05-08-2013, 03:00 AM
March 6 2013

I've answered the latest Questions to the Developers here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/2503-Official-Answers-by-week?p=97633&viewfull=1#post97633)

Thanks for the feedback on Trade and Quest totems. The system is almost wrapped up and Tribe Upkeep is well under way. We will be testing Tribe Upkeep and Armor Revisions this weekend. If you haven't checked out the changes on the Test Server, please do so. There is a lot under way!

05-08-2013, 03:00 AM
March 11 2013

I've answered the latest Question to the Developers here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/2503-Official-Answers-by-week?p=97663&viewfull=1#post97663)

The Test Server is open for testing the Tribe Upkeep system. There is a new tab on your Totem that displays Upkeep information. Please read more about it and provide feedback here. (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8668-Feedback-Request-03-11-2013-Tribe-Upkeep?p=97665&viewfull=1#post97665)

With Trade and Quest Totems and Tribe Upkeep almost done, we're close to a massive public patch. A lot of minor bugs have been fixed and small requests have been fulfilled. I am not yet ready for feedback on the crafting revisions in progress, but you can preview crafting changes on the Test Server as well (in particular, armor sets).

I appreciate all the feedback so far, and look forward to the response on these very important changes!

05-08-2013, 03:01 AM
March 14 2013

The Test Server is open for the testing the latest improvements to the new Trade Totem system. Please read more about the changes and provide feedback here. (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8649-Feedback-Request-02-27-2013-Trade-Totems-and-Improvements?p=97573&viewfull=1#post97573)

05-08-2013, 03:01 AM
March 15 2013

Additional Upkeep improvements have been patched to the Test Server. Please read the opening post in my feedback request thread here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8668-Feedback-Request-03-11-2013-Tribe-Upkeep?p=97665&viewfull=1#post97665)and provide responses there. Trade Totems are also nearly finalized. We'll be testing crafting revisions next!

05-08-2013, 03:01 AM
March 19 2013

The Test Server is ready for a final round of testing the new Trade Totems! I'm very satisfied with the new system and hope you all enjoy it and find it useful. Please read about the latest improvements and provide feedback here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8649-Feedback-Request-02-27-2013-Trade-Totems-and-Improvements)

We experienced hardware issues (failing hard drive) with the Patch Server this morning. The problems have been resolved for now with a replacement drive. We will be moving to a new servers within the next 4-5 weeks as our server host is upgrading their location.

I feel that the Trade Totem system is complete now, barring any bugs or minor issues that need to be fixed. Next up I will finish crafting revisions and upkeep (based on the feedback provided with requested bonuses for upkeep).


05-08-2013, 03:01 AM
March 29 2013

The Test Server is ready for testing crafting revisions! Please read the details and provide feedback here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8691-Feedback-Request-03-29-2013-Crafting-Revisions)

Crafting revisions are in progress, and I am very pleased with the improvements so far. Weapon recipes are being revised next. Upkeep effects will be implemented and tested this coming week.

I look forward to your feedback. Enjoy!

05-08-2013, 03:01 AM
April 3 2013

The Test Server is ready for a final round (hopefully) of testing armor crafting revisions.

Please read about specific items being tested here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8691-Feedback-Request-03-29-2013-Crafting-Revisions)

Bugs and exploits with Trade have also been fixed as there are better checks on final trade transactions.

Weapon revisions and upkeep effects will be up next and will complete this big patch!

05-08-2013, 03:02 AM
April 15 2013

Hello everyone!

This has been a long time coming - the upcoming big Economy patch is ready for final testing. The Test Server is ready with the release candidate build for this massive patch!

The patch consists of 3 components: Trade, Upkeep and Crafting Revisions. If you note any issues or would like to provide any last minute feedback, please do so in the feedback threads:

Trade Totems (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8649-Feedback-Request-02-27-2013-Trade-Totems-and-Improvements)

Tribe Upkeep (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8668-Feedback-Request-03-11-2013-Tribe-Upkeep)

Crafting Revisions (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8691-Feedback-Request-03-29-2013-Crafting-Revisions)

Tribe upkeep will consist only of currency for this patch. This upkeep provides additional crafting bonuses for the entire tribe. Resource upkeep will provide resource gathering bonuses and will be released in another upcoming patch.

Crafting revisions for weapons will also be released in another upcoming patch. This patch has simply grown and grown and it's time to release what's ready!

In addition we are moving to new servers with this patch. Our server host is relocating to a new data center and I've spent a large part of the last week migrating to and running tests on the new servers. The servers are ready to go and the current Test Server build is actually running on our new Main Server.

I look forward to any final feedback!

05-08-2013, 03:02 AM
April 16 2013

The new Test Server required some setting changes to allow all players to connect. It should be open to the public now. Players that registered accounts after Monday will not be able to log in as the Test Server is using a copy of the player database from Monday's maintenance, but all others can connect for final testing.


08-07-2013, 09:58 AM
April 18 2013

We are ready for a massive Economy patch!

The Main Server will be shut down tonight at midnight and should be back online at 4:00 AM PST Friday April 19.

With this patch we will be moving to new server and a new launcher will be available for download shortly after the server goes down.

As we fixed an exploit with this patch where free players were able to become tribe leaders and own a homestead, all free player led homesteads will be removed.

A full list of tribes that will be removed is here: Tribe List (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8705-Free-Player-Led-Tribes-To-Be-Removed)

The latest round of Questions for the Developers has been answered here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/2503-Official-Answers-by-week?p=97971&viewfull=1#post97971)

08-07-2013, 09:59 AM
April 19 2013

The massive Economy patch is out!

The main components of this patch are:

Trade Totems
Tribe Upkeep with bonuses
Crafting Revisions

Please read the Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=97974&viewfull=1#post97974) for full details.

The transition to new servers went very smoothly. Patches will be more frequent now that this big patch is out of the way. After some consideration I will be revising creature population and distribution next.
A lot of improvements have gone into this patch and I hope you all enjoy!

08-07-2013, 09:59 AM
April 22 2013

The Main Server has been updated with a minor improvement patch.
Please read the Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=98020&viewfull=1#post98020) for full details.

I've started tests on creature AI and with today's patch all creatures that were lost in the green mist have been returned to their home positions.

I will be checking the latest Feedback Thread (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8708-Feedback-Request-04-19-2013-Big-Economy-Patch?p=97979&viewfull=1#post97979) and Bug Reports so that I can deal with any issues as quickly as possible.

08-07-2013, 09:59 AM
April 24 2013

The Main Server was updated with another minor patch today. The main goal was to address a few bugs.

Please read the Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=98064&viewfull=1#post98064) for full details.

08-07-2013, 09:59 AM
May 3 2013

The Main Server has been updated with a minor patch. This patch is the first step in improving creature population and balance. Creatures will now breed much more frequently if they reach low population levels and will strive to maintain a balanced population. The overall creature population limit has also been increased.

This weekend I will continue improving creatures, adjusting speed and power and increasing the migration distances of creatures to spread creatures to sparsely inhabited zones.

I will also continue fixing and improving issues reported in the feedback thread or bug reports since the big Economy patch.

Please read the Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=98179&viewfull=1#post98179) for full details on today's patch.

08-07-2013, 09:59 AM
May 7 2013

The Main Server will be down from 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM PST May 8 for a patch. Patch notes will be posted after the patch.

08-07-2013, 10:00 AM
May 9 2013

The Main Server has been updated with a minor patch. The primary reason for this patch is to address two important issues: A problem causing the server to lock up and the reduction of client side memory use.

This patch also addresses minor improvements most requests and issues brought up in our Feedback discussion.

Please read the Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=98279&viewfull=1#post98279) for full details.

08-07-2013, 10:00 AM
May 13 2013

The latest round of Questions for the Developers has been answered here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/2503-Official-Answers-by-week?p=98369&viewfull=1#post98369).

This week I am working on improving creatures and will be asking for your feedback very soon!

08-07-2013, 10:00 AM
May 14 2013

I am looking for feedback on the current state of creatures in game. Please join in the discussion here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8744-Feedback-Request-05-14-2013-Creatures).

08-07-2013, 10:00 AM
May 30 2013

It's been a while since my last update as I've been very focused on revising the creature migration system and optimizing memory use for both the client and the server. The migration system needed an overhaul and in the end I rewrote the entire system. You should now encounter a lot more creatures spread out across the world and not concentrated in the northern areas.

The Test Server is now open to the public and ready for your feedback on the upcoming creature improvements!

Please join in the feedback discussion here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8768-Feedback-Request-05-30-2013-Creatures-(Test-Server-Only)).

08-07-2013, 10:00 AM
June 4 2013

The Test Server is open for a final round of testing the revised creature migration system and other improvements with creatures. The focus today is on stability testing and checking for any critical issues. If everything tests well I will patch the new migration system to the Main Server this week.

Any critical issues found on the Test Server can be reported in the feedback discussion here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8768-Feedback-Request-05-30-2013-Creatures-(Test-Server-Only))

08-07-2013, 10:01 AM
June 5 2013

The Main Server will be down tonight at midnight PST until roughly 4 AM PST (June 6) for a patch. The focus of this patch is the revised migration system and players can expect to see a lot more creatures active throughout the world.

08-07-2013, 10:01 AM
June 6 2013

The Main Server has been updated with a major patch! This Creature Repopulation patch features a new migration system that keeps creatures spread throughout the world.

Read the Patch Notes (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8059-Xsyon-Patch-Notes?p=98539&viewfull=1#post98539) for full details.

Improvements to creatures will continue over the next few weeks.

Update: The server has been restarted with a minor patch. A problem with movement while hiding or swimming left and right has been fixed.

08-07-2013, 10:01 AM
June 18, 2013

The Main Server will remain down today until I can figure out what is causing the server to crash today. The cause is not clear right now and I am working on a new build that will help me gather more information.

The server may be down for the next 12 hours. I will post an update when I can better estimate when the server will be up.

Thanks for your patience!

08-07-2013, 10:01 AM
June 18, 2013

The Main Server is up!

Some systems (spawning of revenants) were causing problems and are currently disabled until I can find and fix the exact problem.

08-07-2013, 10:01 AM
June 25, 2013

The Test Server is open to the public for testing the current round of creature improvements. Please check out the Test Server and join in the Feedback Discussion (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8797-Feedback-Request-06-25-2013-Creatures-(Test-Server-Only)).

Creatures on the Test Server have been adjusted so that a full range from new born children to max legendary adults can be found.

08-07-2013, 10:01 AM
July 2, 2013

The latest round of Questions for the Developers has been answered here (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/2503-Official-Answers-by-week?p=98818&viewfull=1#post98818).

The Test Server will be back open to the public late tonight to test the much requested auto-stacking in containers and final creature revisions.

08-07-2013, 10:02 AM
July 4, 2013

The Test Server is open for Testing! We are running final tests on the Creature Repopulation Patch II and a highly requested auto stack feature for containers.

Please provide feedback if you wish:

Creature Feedback (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8797-Feedback-Request-06-25-2013-Creatures-(Test-Server-Only))
AutoStack Feedback (http://www.xsyon.com/showthread.php/8804-Feedback-Request-07-04-2013-Auto-Stack-Feature)

Happy 4th to all Xsyon Americans!

08-07-2013, 10:02 AM
July 7 2013

The Main Server will be down from 1:00 AM to 5:00 AM PST July 8 for the Creature Repopulation Patch II!

12-08-2014, 02:34 AM
Starting today, Monday December 8, Xsyon will no longer support ‘Free to Play’ for new players.

As previously noted:

After careful consideration it is clear that a ‘Free to Play’ introduction to the game is not a viable model for Xsyon.

The typical ‘Free to Play’ model relies on cash shops for items, ‘pay to win’ enhancements or unlocking game features, relying on players who pay high monthly fees to compensate for those who pay little or nothing. These systems do not fit with the vision of Xsyon.

Instead, the ‘Free to Play’ aspect of the game was intended as a trial introduction to the game. This did not function as intended for several reasons including players expecting a more common ‘Free to Play’ model, players joining for free simply to cause disruptions without consequences, paid citizens discouraging free players and new players not feeling vested enough to learn the complexities of a game like Xsyon.

Moving forward we wish to focus on the desires of the vested community. Xsyon will soon launch on Steam as an ‘Early Access’ title. ‘Early Access’ will allow us to better interact with the player community and reflect our intentions to continue to add and improve features and content.

Paid Xsyon citizens will still be able to log in to the game with limited skills without an active subscription in order to allow players to return and try out the latest enhancements.

I thank you all for your support and look forward to working with the player community this year as the game grows and evolves!