View Full Version : Feel Good Period is Over.

03-31-2011, 08:47 AM
Ok, Congrats...it took 6 weeks, but the game now appears to be more or less in the condition it should have been at launch (altho i am curious about how much of the increased performance is actually due to decreased pop...but thats another issue).

The other day we read this:

We are done with server optimizations for now and will shift our focus to:

1) Improvements to the patching system that are almost done.

2) 'Baking' the terraforming changes on a regular schedule. These will be done once the patching system is updated and will greatly reduce loading times and improve sector crossings.

3) Continued graphics and frame rate optimizations.

3) A revised creature AI system that is currently being tested.

4) New combat system.

5) Feature improvements and additions!

1. Patching performance- great. anything to lessen the current PITA that is patch day.
2. Again great. As much as we all love loading entities, waiting 20 mins to get in game is kind of suck.
-- OK 1 and 2 are great, but they aren't really game play improvements, they are mainly annoyance lesseners...correcting annoying aspects that the players should not have had to deal with in the first place. --

Now we get into some meat.

3. 'graphic and frame rate optimization. I hope the focus here really zeros in on sync issues. Current sync issues between players is pretty horrible.

4. AI. Really? Is this the 'keep them from all running ot the green mist' piece? Currently, i'd say there aren't any creatures visible for an ai to have any point :p

5. Combat System. You know this is near and dear to many of our hearts. The current state of pvp is detrimental to all aspects of the game...crafting, territorial control, defense. As much as i'd like to say this should be your primary concern...i think this is #2 behind sync. the best combat system in the world is pointless if your sync is all screwed up.

6. Improvements and additions. As a player, improvements are great, but additions? I'd really really like to see get what you have now running smooth. Get your combat system revamped. Get all your existing features turned on and working correctly (decay, tool tips, fauna regrowth, etc.). When i can tell my friends that all this cool stuff is in game, and working....THEN please add new stuff.

As much as i want to see stuff like seiging, territorial control and expansion, new abilities, etc. in game, please make what you have work first.

But yeah. Feel good window is now closed.
The game is where it should have been 6 weeks ago.

I'd like to hear what you have planned for the combat revamp so we can stop arguing about the definition of macroing :p and have a discussion that might actually be worthwhile.


03-31-2011, 08:58 AM
Well put. Agree totally.

03-31-2011, 09:10 AM
agreed. couldnt have said it better.

03-31-2011, 10:01 AM
Can i have your stuff?

On topic, game was released 15th and they got a heavier pressure than expected and if they would have limited the preorder at that point they would have said no to a paid stresstest which is quite stupid..

And last time i read up on the prelude this is what its about, preparing and getting things sorted.

There is no point in pushing tons of features in while other stuff is still broken

03-31-2011, 10:08 AM
I think my <<mod edit>> skills can be applied to this one.

"Cram it all it and deal with effects later."


03-31-2011, 10:13 AM
I'm not sure what do you mean by 6 weeks...the game was released on 15th of March, thats only 2 weeks.

03-31-2011, 10:35 AM
I'm not sure what do you mean by 6 weeks...the game was released on 15th of March, thats only 2 weeks.

You are so nice... We both know none of the details really matter. Some just wanna bitch no matter what. Notice the tribe trend of the bitchers?

03-31-2011, 11:19 AM
My biggest concern is the amount of effort they're putting into the areas beyond the green mist. We don't need them right now. What we need is for our current features to work, and for the ones that aren't available yet to be activated and tweaked. If they really focus on those things they might be able to roll out a decent patch that does more than "optimize."

03-31-2011, 11:34 AM
I'm not sure what do you mean by 6 weeks...the game was released on 15th of March, thats only 2 weeks.

Yea jad I'm wondering where the 6 weeks came from as well... Also for only being 2 weeks in, and this being a small developer. I can see why it would take a little time for everything to be in working condition.

Dubanka Have you ever played an MMO before? If so, you would know that there has not been a game to date that didnt have issues on launch. Even WoW the supreme overlords of themepark MMOs had a number of issues on launch and it took them several weeks to fix them.

Great Job Devs im still behind you and think you doing good work.

03-31-2011, 11:43 AM
I love all these "it should have been smooth at launch"
Has there ever been an MMO that, at launch, was running smooth. By smooth, I mean no lag, no weird random issues, no glitches, no anything. Just running all nice, playable and great?
Even WoW with it's exponentially larger number of devs had tons of issues in it's first month. (Dammit, I needa quit watching tv while typing, Mizzlexx beat me to the punch! haha)
And, I know it's been stated a couple times... 31-15=16.
16 days < 6 weeks

We are done with server optimizations for now and will shift our focus to:
1) Improvements to the patching system that are almost done.
2) 'Baking' the terraforming changes on a regular schedule. These will be done once the patching system is updated and will greatly reduce loading times and improve sector crossings.
3) Continued graphics and frame rate optimizations.
3) A revised creature AI system that is currently being tested.
4) New combat system.
5) Feature improvements and additions!

His number 5, your number 6, is Feature Improvements and Additions. I took that to mean they'd be fixing/revising/adding in the things on the Features (http://www.xsyon.com/features) page.
He also stated somewhere a while back that they were working on revising the creature AI to help prevent them from running directly to the mist when they're spawned.
The Sync issues you mentioned in regard to graphics fixes will hopefully be helped by his "Baking" terraforming changes.

03-31-2011, 11:44 AM
I've always thought expanding the mist is mainly being done by the artists.

Fixing a lot of the current things and features seems to be more of a programmers job.

The reason you see things in the order they are in now is more than likely based on difficulty of the project. The dev page (while possibly old) shows that there is a programmer with the patcher as their specific job, a programmer where AI is their specific job, and etc. Surely Jordi is probably helping with all of it, but that's not really the point. The point is that they are probably doing all of those things at the same time to some extent (except maybe the last 1 or 2), we will just see improvement come in the order shown. This also gives the new programmer more time to learn the specifics of Xsyon's coding style.

Those are my thoughts. However, I consider the game going live when pre-orders closed.

03-31-2011, 11:55 AM
My biggest concern is the amount of effort they're putting into the areas beyond the green mist. We don't need them right now. What we need is for our current features to work, and for the ones that aren't available yet to be activated and tweaked. If they really focus on those things they might be able to roll out a decent patch that does more than "optimize."

100% agree! Basic windows API needs to be implemented/fixed too...

EDIT: orious13, you have a good point. I have concerns the mist will be opened up before functionality fixes.

03-31-2011, 11:57 AM
Yea jad I'm wondering where the 6 weeks came from as well...

I knew i'd bring out some fb's.

6 weeks= Original 'head start' period+2 weeks 'free play' (becaue it was so broken you could barely play) period + 2 weeks 'official release date to now period'. I mean seriously people, play with semantics more. It was supposed to be playeable at the beginning of the head start window. So again, we are today, where we should have been 6 weeks ago. Congrats. Better late than never.

Also for only being 2 weeks in, and this being a small developer. I can see why it would take a little time for everything to be in working condition.
Honestly, I don't care how small they are, or how large they are. They are producing a product. We have paid, and they want to continue to pay, for this product. I would love to continue to pay for the product, however it has to be worth paying for. The size of the company and their resources (or lack thereof) has no bearing on whether i continue to spend my money on it.

Dubanka Have you ever played an MMO before?
uhh no. This is the very first time i've every actually even turned on a computer. What's the internet? friggin moron.

My biggest concern is the amount of effort they're putting into the areas beyond the green mist. We don't need them right now. What we need is for our current features to work, and for the ones that aren't available yet to be activated and tweaked. If they really focus on those things they might be able to roll out a decent patch that does more than "optimize."

Great Job Devs im still behind you and think you doing good work.
You win a cookie.
I'm not sure that anyone who is left trying to be active after the wonderful launch isn't a fan...of at least the potential of the game.
Potential? meet Reality. Reality is there is a lot of stuff that needs to get addressed in a short amount of time...
There are serious holes in the game, both in its basic mechanics and its 'content'. THis isn't a charity. If the basic gameplay items are not addressed, this game will not make it...

I'm a fan. Or i wouldnt still be here. However the world doesnt work on what you did yesterday...what are you going to do for me today?

03-31-2011, 12:08 PM
However the world doesnt work on what you did yesterday...what are you going to do for me today?

[Off Topic]

I always wonder a bit about this statement when I see/hear it. It isn't particularly how I think. But, on the assumption you're someone who thinks like this...

If I gave you a nice, big new york strip for 6 days, free of charge, just for the heck of it but on the 7th day decided to keep it for myself does that make me an ass hole on the 7th day?

03-31-2011, 12:12 PM
My biggest concern is the amount of effort they're putting into the areas beyond the green mist. We don't need them right now. What we need is for our current features to work, and for the ones that aren't available yet to be activated and tweaked. If they really focus on those things they might be able to roll out a decent patch that does more than "optimize."

Yea I completely agree.. do they know how little we actually care about them expanding the game world? Let's get what we have now working... maybe they are trying to lure more people who might've felt like they missed the land rush?

03-31-2011, 12:17 PM
[Off Topic]

I always wonder a bit about this statement when I see/hear it. It isn't particularly how I think. But, on the assumption you're someone who thinks like this...

If I gave you a nice, big new york strip for 6 days, free of charge, just for the heck of it but on the 7th day decided to keep it for myself does that make me an ass hole on the 7th day?

well, since it was 'free of charge', it was a supposed gift. So yes. That would make you an asshole :p
Now, if i paid for that steak, and then you kept it, that would make you a thief.

If you have a job, and you work yoru ass off for 6 mos. Then you decide to do nothing for 2 mos. You're probably going to get fired...you're expected to work your ass off, so you don't get any credit for that, or at least that credit becomes far more outweighed by the negative you incurreced for not doing anything for the last 2. this would be my example of the 'what have you done for me lately' clause.

To bring this into the thread. It is absolutely wonderful that they got the game playeable again for most people it means that one of the 4 people i have left active at this point, will be able to stay active. however once we get past the 'woo hoo we can actually play' euphoria, we need to be able to actually play. which means getting stuff fixed. So hopefully the devs got to catch up on a little sleep. hopefully got a little drunk. and can now get back to cramming out some code to get this game to a point where people want to pay to play it.

And it would be wonderful if we could get a little insight as to how they planned to start adressing some of the issues, so that (whether or not they listen to the peanut galler) we have something more productive to argue about than, say, the semantics of the game's release date :p

03-31-2011, 12:21 PM
I knew i'd bring out some fb's.

uhh no. This is the very first time i've every actually even turned on a computer. What's the internet? friggin moron.

Lol yea I'm the moron at least I'm not QQing on the forums because they had issues on release. And the reason I asked that was because you have an attitude that this game should be in perfect running condition from the start. Which no MMO has ever been perfect from day 1 and it usually takes a while, but whatever keep taking what I say out of context and continue crying over issues they're working on.

03-31-2011, 12:24 PM
Look, if you guys don't like it.
leave ! Less lagg for me.
Prelude was meant for 500 a 1000 people they can lose 3000 of you and still go on.
they are independent.

03-31-2011, 12:36 PM
Lol yea I'm the moron at least I'm not QQing on the forums because they had issues on release. And the reason I asked that was because you have an attitude that this game should be in perfect running condition from the start. Which no MMO has ever been perfect from day 1 and it usually takes a while, but whatever keep taking what I say out of context and continue crying over issues they're working on.

Actually I don't think i'm 'QQing'. I'm simply asking a question about the now, about the future. Whats past is done...we all know it sucked, and either we're here in spite of it, or we're not.

Perfection? No. Definitely not. We all expected it to be rocky. We all knew there was missing content and placeholder mechanics. That being said, we also didn't anticipate our biggest problem being just getting to play the game. And yes, i've been in a launches and with the except of mourning (haha lol dev took the money and ran), this has been the most painful.

Anyway, the point wasn't to delve on the past...merely to get an idea of the roadmap as to whats ahead. I'm not sure why you're being so defensive on the devs behalf. I mean aren't you the least bit curious as to what they going to be doing (with a decent level of specifics), and why they're prioritizing what they are? The update they posted was GREAT as a basic 'heres a quick update' level. But, ok, that was yesterday. Let's hear what the plan is.

Prelude was meant for 500 a 1000 people they can lose 3000 of you and still go on.
they are independent.
if that's true they must all be independently wealthy...500*15 = 7,500/mo, 1000*15= 15,000/mo. I mean that barely covers hosting and bandwidth.

03-31-2011, 01:18 PM
You are so nice... We both know none of the details really matter. Some just wanna bitch no matter what. Notice the tribe trend of the bitchers?

Yeah I'm nice :) That was my way of saying 'Stop flat out lieing and learn to count noob !!!' :p

03-31-2011, 01:21 PM
if that's true they must all be independently wealthy...500*15 = 7,500/mo, 1000*15= 15,000/mo. I mean that barely covers hosting and bandwidth.

now they can afford more due the heavy load of people but they didn't need that much bandwith for like 1000 people.
they won't be all online on the same time.

03-31-2011, 01:43 PM
Yeah I'm nice :) That was my way of saying 'Stop flat out lieing and learn to count noob !!!' :p

let me break it down for you...
2 weeks (Original 'head start' period)
2 weeks (free play' (becaue it was so broken you could barely play) period
2 weeks ('official release date to now period')
= 6 weeks

Why are you folks such apologists? I mean it's reality? It's not crying, it's not bitching, not 'lieing' it is a statemen of fact.

It's great that they appear to have their feet under them...now it's time for them to start moving them rapidly.

03-31-2011, 01:48 PM
Lol yea I'm the moron at least I'm not QQing on the forums because they had issues on release. And the reason I asked that was because you have an attitude that this game should be in perfect running condition from the start. Which no MMO has ever been perfect from day 1 and it usually takes a while, but whatever keep taking what I say out of context and continue crying over issues they're working on.

No your the moron qqing about someone qqing.. LMAO

03-31-2011, 03:03 PM
No your the moron qqing about someone qqing.. LMAO

And now you're trolling about someone qq'ing about someone else qq'ing. That makes me... confused. =/

03-31-2011, 04:46 PM
Please address combat. Skills are maxed, nothing to do, would be fun to be able to at least TRY to pvp.

Another note - I keep seeing the same peoples posting "its supposed to be 6-9 months like this", and "combat is last priority" and others negative to combat. Strangely, I also see the same people posting "It's for US to evolve xsyon...".

Sounds counterproductive to me. Cant evolve if you arent willing to at least accept the fact that combat needs EVOLVED. Sitting idly by for 6-9 months without addressing it will send people away in droves.

***BEFORE TROLLS STATE: "Fine then leave, gimme your stuff, we dont need you" and all that other baby shit - The game needs a population to survive. Quit advocating for people to leave. You are killing the game by doing so.

03-31-2011, 05:20 PM
I was right at the tipping point.I'm happy to say the new patch has renewed my faith in the team, and their product. I was attacked by five animals today in a very small area.

03-31-2011, 05:29 PM
Please address combat. Skills are maxed, nothing to do, would be fun to be able to at least TRY to pvp.

Another note - I keep seeing the same peoples posting "its supposed to be 6-9 months like this", and "combat is last priority" and others negative to combat. Strangely, I also see the same people posting "It's for US to evolve xsyon...".

Sounds counterproductive to me. Cant evolve if you arent willing to at least accept the fact that combat needs EVOLVED. Sitting idly by for 6-9 months without addressing it will send people away in droves.

***BEFORE TROLLS STATE: "Fine then leave, gimme your stuff, we dont need you" and all that other baby shit - The game needs a population to survive. Quit advocating for people to leave. You are killing the game by doing so.

I don't recall anyone saying combat was last priority... Not first priority sure...not the game's main priority sure, but never heard last. Combat was ALWAYS supposed to be "fixed" within the first month or two of release (I thought I heard first 2 weeks somewhere). It was just a matter of focusing on getting the game to work first. The only thing 6-9 months was about was war/sieging.

03-31-2011, 05:55 PM
Please address combat. Skills are maxed, nothing to do, would be fun to be able to at least TRY to pvp.

Another note - I keep seeing the same peoples posting "its supposed to be 6-9 months like this", and "combat is last priority" and others negative to combat. Strangely, I also see the same people posting "It's for US to evolve xsyon...".

Sounds counterproductive to me. Cant evolve if you arent willing to at least accept the fact that combat needs EVOLVED. Sitting idly by for 6-9 months without addressing it will send people away in droves.

***BEFORE TROLLS STATE: "Fine then leave, gimme your stuff, we dont need you" and all that other baby shit - The game needs a population to survive. Quit advocating for people to leave. You are killing the game by doing so.

Can i have your stuff?

03-31-2011, 06:09 PM
I'm starting to notice the same dozen or so clueless nublets popping up to make vapid knee-jerk responses to anything VD posts.

I don't have the energy for this anymore. Dubs, enjoy your pets.

now they can afford more due the heavy load of people but they didn't need that much bandwith for like 1000 people.
they won't be all online on the same time.

Lol. You didn't even get the point <3

03-31-2011, 06:12 PM
I'm starting to notice the same dozen or so clueless nublets popping up to make vapid knee-jerk responses to anything VD posts.

I don't have the energy for this anymore. Dubs, enjoy your pets.

Lol. You didn't even get the point <3

No we didnt get the point, Please Explain again.

03-31-2011, 06:16 PM
Ok. "That doesn't even cover bandwidth" can be paraphrased as, "That's so little money, it probably wouldn't even cover a single item of expense out of the many that would inevitably be involved in this type of project."

He didn't mean "That would be enough money if only it were enough to cover bandwidth. Thus if you show that this monthly sum will cover bandwidth, you've shown it is sufficient to run the entire company."

Let me know if you need pictograms. <3

03-31-2011, 06:18 PM
Ok. "That doesn't even cover bandwidth" can be paraphrased as, "That's so little money, it probably wouldn't even cover a single item of expense out of the many that would inevitably be involved in this type of project."

He didn't mean "That would be enough money if only it were enough to cover bandwidth. Thus if you show that this monthly sum will cover bandwidth, you've shown it is sufficient to run the entire company."

Let me know if you need pictograms. <3

Yes Please. Give Me Pictures. And Explain again. In Greater Detail.

03-31-2011, 06:22 PM
Well, when a mommy Jordi and a daddy Jordi love each other very much, they get together and do something special . . .

03-31-2011, 06:49 PM
Lol yea I'm the moron at least I'm not QQing on the forums because they had issues on release. And the reason I asked that was because you have an attitude that this game should be in perfect running condition from the start. Which no MMO has ever been perfect from day 1 and it usually takes a while, but whatever keep taking what I say out of context and continue crying over issues they're working on.

Im getting kinga tired of this same bs being thrown around about "no mmo being perfect at release".

This is just wrong. MMOs I played at release where I and my friends didnt experience any problems whatsoever; Dark Age of Camelot original US release. Age of Conan. Warhammer online and most recently Rift.

There, those games I played on day 1, and they ran flawlessly for me. Im well aware that in most of em there were plenty of morons trying to run the game on lowspec computers, with dialupinternet etc etc, and thereby experiencing less than stellar performance, but guess what, thats not the games fault.

So please stop chanting that "no mmo is perfect at release" bs, its old.

03-31-2011, 07:11 PM
Like I've said before, by the time they get the features in to make the game actually fun, everyone will be playing swtor and this game will be dead.

03-31-2011, 07:31 PM
Im getting kinga tired of this same bs being thrown around about "no mmo being perfect at release".

This is just wrong. MMOs I played at release where I and my friends didnt experience any problems whatsoever; Dark Age of Camelot original US release. Age of Conan. Warhammer online and most recently Rift.

Some MMOs are certainly more polished than others at release.

I would agree that the DAoC and Rift releases were fairly smooth.

I would somewhat disagree with AoC and WAR - not based on playability - but on the games themselves. Neither game came close to fulfilling the 'promises and expectations' of their respective player bases on release - although both have filled out fairly well over time.

That said - it's not entirely fair to compare Mythic, Funcom, and Trion to an independent studio. The former have dozens (if not hundreds) of employees.

If you take Xsyon 'in context' and compare it to other 'indie' titles - I believe it does quite well.

The game had to 'scale up' by several orders of magnitude at the last minute - and it still performs fairly well (after a protracted series of hiccups and setbacks). I consider that quite an accomplishment (for a small DEV team).

Is the game all I hoped it would be?

No - not by a long shot and probably not for quite some time. The primary skills I'm interested in aren't even in the game yet.

I don't consider myself a 'fanboi', nor am I 'QQ'ing. I'm just an average bloke looking for somewhere to relax after work. So far - even with the setbacks and delays - Xsyon is still a pretty decent place to be.

03-31-2011, 07:36 PM
Yeah, but it's also not fair to give customers a giant list of features, and then give them nothing but broken systems and call it retail.

03-31-2011, 07:40 PM
Yeah, but it's also not fair to give customers a giant list of features, and then give them nothing but broken systems and call it retail.

This is what happens when development teams run out of money. They get people excited about a release, sell sell sell to keep their development going and basically charge players for beta testing. It's why the servers don't run half the time and why probably more than half the feature list isn't live, without even acknowledging that paying customers aren't getting what they advertised.

It makes me wonder why this game hasn't been halted yet due to false advertising.

03-31-2011, 07:42 PM
The biggest thing that blows my mind is how awful people said the combat was since the start of alpha, and it still launched with the same combat system. Half the people I know don't even want to go out to trade because the system is so bad it's completely random if your hits land.

03-31-2011, 10:55 PM
The devs can easily argue "we stated this launch is prelude where the game will only be in it's basic state and build/include over the course of 6 months." <--interview

It's a little misleading clicking the features page and thinking that's what you're getting, but the main FAQ says:

6.) What is Prelude?
Prelude is the first chapter of Xsyon. It is a time of discovery, building, and exploration and will continue through summer as the game evolves to include more content and features.

^That's what's happening to me.

So while they do have features listed on the main page, the main page doesn't say when you'll get them or if they are even part of prelude.

And the forum FAQ section says a bunch of other things. Like a lot of things they've already got made that just aren't in yet. They very well could have 80%+ of the features list completed.

03-31-2011, 10:58 PM
Some MMOs are certainly more polished than others at release.

I would agree that the DAoC and Rift releases were fairly smooth.

I would somewhat disagree with AoC and WAR - not based on playability - but on the games themselves. Neither game came close to fulfilling the 'promises and expectations' of their respective player bases on release - although both have filled out fairly well over time.

That said - it's not entirely fair to compare Mythic, Funcom, and Trion to an independent studio. The former have dozens (if not hundreds) of employees.

If you take Xsyon 'in context' and compare it to other 'indie' titles - I believe it does quite well.

The game had to 'scale up' by several orders of magnitude at the last minute - and it still performs fairly well (after a protracted series of hiccups and setbacks). I consider that quite an accomplishment (for a small DEV team).

Is the game all I hoped it would be?

No - not by a long shot and probably not for quite some time. The primary skills I'm interested in aren't even in the game yet.

I don't consider myself a 'fanboi', nor am I 'QQ'ing. I'm just an average bloke looking for somewhere to relax after work. So far - even with the setbacks and delays - Xsyon is still a pretty decent place to be.

The games I quotet was perfectly playable at release, shitty games (except DAoC) but perfectly playable.

Im not arguing that Xsyon should have been perfect at release, its not and I didnt expect it to be either. Im just tired of ppl using the excuse that "no game was or is", because that is simply not true.

We got 10 weeks "free" gametime as opposed to the usual 4, if nothing else then that alone should be an indication that this release is gonna be rough.

03-31-2011, 11:33 PM
Well, when a mommy Jordi and a daddy Jordi love each other very much, they get together and do something special . . .

That was the best thing I've read in this entire thread. lol

04-01-2011, 12:01 AM
Xsyon has a more extensive feature list than any MMO ever made to date !

Yet it has one of the smallest development teams in MMO history !

Anyone notice a problem here ?

When I first saw the feature list for this game, I was immediately suspicious, so I started researching the game to determine WHAT was actually implemented, as opposed to promised. The picture that emerged was very different. On paper, the facts said: "Walk away from this one".

However, I still decided to support NC in the hope that they could at least make a good deal of the envisioned systems work at some point.

As with Mortal Online, I'll give the game 6 months of paid subscription. If things do not happen at a rate that I can accept in that time, I'll move on. Sooner or later an indie team will "make it". May not be this one, but I'm happy to give the developers the benefit of the doubt, in case they surprise me one day :D

04-01-2011, 01:28 AM
The devs can easily argue "we stated this launch is prelude where the game will only be in it's basic state and build/include over the course of 6 months." <--interview

It's a little misleading clicking the features page and thinking that's what you're getting, but the main FAQ says:

6.) What is Prelude?
Prelude is the first chapter of Xsyon. It is a time of discovery, building, and exploration and will continue through summer as the game evolves to include more content and features.

^That's what's happening to me.

So while they do have features listed on the main page, the main page doesn't say when you'll get them or if they are even part of prelude.

And the forum FAQ section says a bunch of other things. Like a lot of things they've already got made that just aren't in yet. They very well could have 80%+ of the features list completed.

02-23-2010 05:32 AM

Originally Posted by Xsyon:

All the features listed will be available on the Prelude launch date.

The exception is the section titled: Evolution. Those features will spring up during the Prelude this summer.


03-04-2010 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by Virtus:

All features listed are at least 80% complete and will be in at release.

Not a dev, but quoted for confirmation of what was stated.

04-01-2011, 02:20 AM
All features listed are at least 80% complete and will be in at release.

And they are !

Except, because they are all 80% complete, none of them are actually working :rolleyes:

When each feature is 100% complete, it can be switched on and becomes available ingame ;)

Or perhaps they can all be switched on now, but then only 5 players can login simultaneously due to lag and optimization issues ? :)

04-01-2011, 02:45 AM
And they are !

Except, because they are all 80% complete, none of them are actually working :rolleyes:

When each feature is 100% complete, it can be switched on and becomes available ingame ;)

Or perhaps they can all be switched on now, but then only 5 players can login simultaneously due to lag and optimization issues ? :)

I hope that was amateur sarcasm, because it's quite obvious what Virtus meant after reading Jordi's quote. ;)

04-01-2011, 03:51 AM
Its not uncommon for MMO's to be in a beta state when released. It being acceptable? Not to everyone, but heres the kicker, Some people like this, They like to feel that the game has been built and developed around them, those people
who still remain playing this game, are most likley those people. And this trend on giving early access to an incomplete game isnt just restricted to MMO's. Look at CS early Beta's or any mod on the original Half-life engine, they were all beta's
all of em were buggy as hell, but no one cared, because people were still having fun playing em. People just constantly want more, for less. Thats a fact that can be proven time and time again.

The lastest example of a game charging for early access, Natural Selection 2. A fellow Indie company, They made the orignal NS1 on the HL engine, a Mod which recieved numerous awards infact. And the developered lived off donations. Now
hes working on the sequel, but allowed people to pre-purchase the game in a alpha state, with some other graphical perks, to allow us to play the game as he improves it. And i love it. I love seeing all his mess up's and him apologising like a mad
dog for em, and now the games hit a beta stage and is finally playable, though still buggy and still causing server crashes, but i dont care, because im having, fun, much like im having fun messing around in Xsyon. So no the game isnt perfect, but
I still see that potential, And i can still see the developers passion for this game to succeed. Is he the best at his job? Hell no.

But he never intended to be, he just wanted to create a game from his own vision. And maybe allow a few people to join him and fund his project. I dont think of this as a company making an MMO for customers, but a community project
which im helping fund. And maybe one day, we'll be rewarded properly with sticking around doing and bug reports, and offering advise.

Peace Out.

04-01-2011, 04:39 AM
The devs can easily argue "we stated this launch is prelude where the game will only be in it's basic state and build/include over the course of 6 months." <--interview

It's a little misleading clicking the features page and thinking that's what you're getting, but the main FAQ says:

6.) What is Prelude?
Prelude is the first chapter of Xsyon. It is a time of discovery, building, and exploration and will continue through summer as the game evolves to include more content and features.

^That's what's happening to me.

So while they do have features listed on the main page, the main page doesn't say when you'll get them or if they are even part of prelude.

And the forum FAQ section says a bunch of other things. Like a lot of things they've already got made that just aren't in yet. They very well could have 80%+ of the features list completed.

This has got to be the biggest load of BS I've heard out of all the people saying outlandish things in defense of Xsyon. Sounds like you're willing to be told anything.

Even if they actually made it clear on the FAQ page that all listed features were "planned" and nothing more, that would still not be right.

04-01-2011, 05:19 AM
the point of my original post was not to start a 'what shoulda been' rehash of the last 6 weeks.

I was merlely trying to cajole the devs into posting something, something in detail, about how they plan on handling some of items in their 'we're working on it' list.

So yeah.


how do you plan on revamping combat?
what ai changesa re you making...ie. what mob behavior are you trying to alter
are you adressing sync? if not, why not? is it symptomatic of another problem?

04-01-2011, 06:04 AM
posting something, something in detail, about how they plan on handling some of items in their 'we're working on it' list.

Well put.

People ought to be able to know what they're paying for.

The lag didn't bother me.
The bugs don't bother me.
The lack of features that are already 'mostly defined' doesn't bother me.

The lack of definition of features that are planned to be implemented (game defining features), bothers me.

It isn't so much that the features aren't there. It's that I have little hope of knowing what to expect, and therefore what I'm paying for, when things are defined in such broad statements that you have to collect from pasts posts and IRC.

04-01-2011, 06:31 AM
Small dev team with small funds? Its same scanerio with other game I have been playing since beta(altho its totally diferent kind of game).
Impressive features list, but very slow development. Dont expect miracles. Its gonna be slow and bumpy journey. Be prepared for a loooong prelude ;) Player base will be slowly decreasing but game wont die(at least for now). Its only chance is that there is not many other games such as Xsyon, so there is no other place to go atm for ppl who loves sandbox games.
But be rather prepared for lots of "we are working on many things" statements without any ETA. Oh and get used to word "soon" ;)

04-01-2011, 08:54 AM
Small dev team with small funds? Its same scanerio with other game I have been playing since beta(altho its totally diferent kind of game).
Impressive features list, but very slow development. Dont expect miracles. Its gonna be slow and bumpy journey. Be prepared for a loooong prelude ;) Player base will be slowly decreasing but game wont die(at least for now). Its only chance is that there is not many other games such as Xsyon, so there is no other place to go atm for ppl who loves sandbox games.
But be rather prepared for lots of "we are working on many things" statements without any ETA. Oh and get used to word "soon" ;)

Exactly, this is what I expect. Anyone who hopes more will be disappointed "soon" :)

04-01-2011, 09:01 AM
I did post about the forum FAQ, but I was talking about the main webpage. People rarely go past that before buying.

This has got to be the biggest load of BS I've heard out of all the people saying outlandish things in defense of Xsyon. Sounds like you're willing to be told anything.

Even if they actually made it clear on the FAQ page that all listed features were "planned" and nothing more, that would still not be right.

People can read it however they want. <--That's really it there.
The point is that people only look at one thing on the entire web page.
Right or wrong isn't the point. It's the person claiming they should be shut down for false advertisement.

04-01-2011, 10:45 AM
And now you're trolling about someone qq'ing about someone else qq'ing. That makes me... confused. =/

and now you're trolling the troller trolling about someone qq'ing about someone else qq'ing STFU... HAHAHA

Added after 9 minutes:

Xsyon has a more extensive feature list than any MMO ever made to date !

Yet it has one of the smallest development teams in MMO history !

You can't be serious.. Ultima online had twice as much customization.. it also had lore and a ton of content. The game even had mini games where you could play poker or shoot dice.

You could grow things, mine, make things , kill things, kill each other, use magic, use archery, poison people with food, throw bombs, lock pick, pickpocket other players, tame pets, use magic, use weapons, raise dead things, ride mounts, fishing, build boats, construct homes, hunt treasure maps, crawl dungeons, do quests, work on alignment or titles, play music, heal yourself or friends, mobs, tons of animals that you could skin, eat, get drunk blah.. I am sure I am missing a ton of things people liked to do in that game.. you haven't played MMO's long enough to make generalizations like that.

Xsyon is no ULTIMA online. The only reason Ultima ever slowed down was the release of 3d based games.. The game itself is still FAR superior to this game or any other MMO ever released to date !!!

04-01-2011, 12:36 PM
You could grow things, mine, make things , kill things, kill each other, use magic, use archery, poison people with food, throw bombs, lock pick, pickpocket other players, tame pets, use magic, use weapons, raise dead things, ride mounts, fishing, build boats, construct homes, hunt treasure maps, crawl dungeons, do quests, work on alignment or titles, play music, heal yourself or friends, mobs, tons of animals that you could skin, eat, get drunk blah.. I am sure I am missing a ton of things people liked to do in that game.. you haven't played MMO's long enough to make generalizations like that.

Xsyon is no ULTIMA online. The only reason Ultima ever slowed down was the release of 3d based games.. The game itself is still FAR superior to this game or any other MMO ever released to date !!!

Agreed 100%. People seem to forget the vast possibilities in UO. It would be amazing if Xsyon could implement half as many features as UO had.

04-01-2011, 12:47 PM
Agreed 100%. People seem to forget the vast possibilities in UO. It would be amazing if Xsyon could implement half as many features as UO had.

it is the potential that it even has this possibility that has a lot of us here...still.

04-01-2011, 12:57 PM
it is the potential that it even has this possibility that has a lot of us here...still.

Wait wait wait, you're sayin' this game has the potential, of possibly, Maybe, on the flip of a coin, prob·a·bly might be, on a whimsical chance of erraticness, randomly, could be a good game, eventualy, given enough time.


04-01-2011, 01:32 PM
You can't be serious.. Ultima online had twice as much customization.. it also had lore and a ton of content. The game even had mini games where you could play poker or shoot dice.

You could grow things, mine, make things , kill things, kill each other, use magic, use archery, poison people with food, throw bombs, lock pick, pickpocket other players, tame pets, use magic, use weapons, raise dead things, ride mounts, fishing, build boats, construct homes, hunt treasure maps, crawl dungeons, do quests, work on alignment or titles, play music, heal yourself or friends, mobs, tons of animals that you could skin, eat, get drunk blah.. I am sure I am missing a ton of things people liked to do in that game.. you haven't played MMO's long enough to make generalizations like that.

Xsyon is no ULTIMA online. The only reason Ultima ever slowed down was the release of 3d based games.. The game itself is still FAR superior to this game or any other MMO ever released to date !!!

The feature list for Xsyon has all the things you mentioned above (excluding those that relate directly to NPC's or dungeons). And in the datafiles you'll find books for learning Pottery, Engineering, Glassblowing, Jewelcraft, Astronomy and a host of other skills. Xsyon has dynamic seasons and weather effects that will influence the player character in negative and positive ways. Xsyon has creature breeding cycles and hibernation, as well as plant growth cycles. There is a religion system planned, with gods and Faith (some NPC action after all ?)

So as far as I can see, the Xsyon feature list IS longer than that of UO.

Remember, we're talking about the FEATURE LIST, not what is actually implemented ingame :D

04-01-2011, 02:10 PM
The feature list for Xsyon has all the things you mentioned above (excluding those that relate directly to NPC's or dungeons). And in the datafiles you'll find books for learning Pottery, Engineering, Glassblowing, Jewelcraft, Astronomy and a host of other skills. Xsyon has dynamic seasons and weather effects that will influence the player character in negative and positive ways. Xsyon has creature breeding cycles and hibernation, as well as plant growth cycles. There is a religion system planned, with gods and Faith (some NPC action after all ?)

So as far as I can see, the Xsyon feature list IS longer than that of UO.

Remember, we're talking about the FEATURE LIST, not what is actually implemented ingame :D

Give me a break. Seriously, anyone can list features. UO actually had all these things (and more). Idiotic comparison in the first place since it took UO many years to achieve such a long list of ACTUAL FEATURES IN GAME. Xsyon cannot hope to scratch the surface of UO's features with its current dev team. Either we are in for a LONG haul waiting for features or we make do with what we have. But to lie to ourselves that Xsyon has a chance in hell of actually implementing all the features on its list with their current dev team is counter-productive.

04-01-2011, 05:09 PM
People can read it however they want. <--That's really it there.
The point is that people only look at one thing on the entire web page.
Right or wrong isn't the point. It's the person claiming they should be shut down for false advertisement.

They should be, or take down the features list and only display what you get when you pay for the game. You can't list a ton of features luring in a person and let them buy it to find out which ones are in the game and which ones aren't, that's absurd. There's only one excerpt on the feature page stating what will be forthcoming, which is:

Xsyon is constantly evolving. During the Prelude, characters start off as simple hunters, gatherers and scavengers. As societies will advance new features will become available to the larger, more civilized tribes and towns. These features will include:
Animal taming and riding.
Player comfort levels that affect actions.
In game message boards and mail system.
Cooking with player created created recipes.
Armor decoration and enhancement system which can indicate achievements and status.
New content including armor sets, weapons, buildings and creatures.

Join us in the Xsyon Forums for discussions of other potential unique features that we plan to develop and try out.

The rest , as laid out, is advertised as what's in the game. If you look at a products feature page that has no actual physical box, that's the marketable ploy of the product that you're selling. Given that you actually get no physical copy, that feature list is one in the same of what you would/should be seeing on the game box should there actually be one. If you bought a game in a retail store and it listed a bunch of features that you then logged in to find out weren't there, it would be the exact same scenario and that is false advertising. You can't claim a product has 'x' feature and then sell it as such when it clearly does not. You also can't rely on a fall back of 'oh, but it's somewhere on our forums saying those features aren't actually in game'. (( Which is funny because they DON'T even own up to that, or when they're actually going to work on putting them in.) The company needs to give their head a smack and reverse the process. What's in game should be on the features page and what's planned should be on the forums. Instead they lure people in with ideals that don't exist and they don't even explain on the forums when the actual features WILL be in. It's not a hard concept, if you don't have what you're selling, you don't adverstise that you do.

04-01-2011, 05:42 PM
I've been working on an MMO for awhile. Some of the many features:

*Realistic simulation of global economy, including partially randomized private capital parameters seeded by real-world data, global multinational banks and corporations, global supply and demand of commodities, state control of lending rates, and impact of natural disasters, economic panic, war, political turmoil, disease, and famine.

*Functional simulation of real-world ecosystem, from macroevolution right down to protein synthesis taking place inside simple organisms.

*Realistic simulation of tide and weather patterns modeled on over 1,000 terabytes of data from NOAA and the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office.

*NPCs that learn to display emotions and fall in love.

*And much, much more.

All features are implemented and playable. The server is currently up and running at, and the ping is outstanding. Due to our advanced game engine technology, no game client is required or provided.

Pre-orders are available now for USD $59.99 cash, check, or money order. Sorry, no C.O.D.'s. All sales final.

04-01-2011, 11:32 PM
Pre order presents?

04-02-2011, 01:44 AM
Been in the alpha since I was born. Great game even if the grind is a little boring. Looking foreward to beta and then release...thanx for all your hard work!


04-02-2011, 03:17 AM
Xsyon is no ULTIMA online. The only reason Ultima ever slowed down was the release of 3d based games.. The game itself is still FAR superior to this game or any other MMO ever released to date !!!

Absolutly right!

04-02-2011, 05:01 AM
Maybe i repeat myself or i sound boring or trolling or what do i know...

But why do we still work on Crossing Sector Problems.....or long loadtimes? Jesus i could LIVE with long loadtimes if i would get more options what i could do in my sandbox, darn...

Give us new tools, or a new Crafting Area, or Horses or at least some more Animals and Taming or if event thats not possible how about a updatet tribe system or simethin else that have to do with the game-fun in the game and not the damn ........loading screen, sector crossing or code optimization.....i really cant stand it any longerif we go now ANOTHER WEEK for the new load and crossing updates and NO OTHER DAMN THINGS THAT SHOULD BE ALLREADY DONE SINCE LAUNCH!!!!!!!1111111111oneoneoneone......

No serious, i beginn to drive crazy....little by little.....

We want the Features from the Xsyon Homepage!!!! At least 50% of them! and not 10%!!!!

And if you not able change the god damned feature page to show the real game-content thats actuall in game...atm i must explain every german player who asks me about xsyon that the facts from the feature page are not true and thats there only like 1/5 of the features are in game..... -.-

04-13-2011, 07:26 PM
bump for relevance.

It's been two weeks.

04-13-2011, 08:09 PM
lol sirius got banned?


04-14-2011, 02:39 AM
I would Imagine you would have to do something really wrong or really dumb to get banned in this game..