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View Full Version : The journal of Chairns MacTavendish

04-19-2011, 02:06 PM
This is the journal of Cairns Mac Tavendish.

I am writing down all my experiences in the hopes that if we get civilization going again, that we can learn from our mistakes as well as triumphs, and not repeat the mistaks that put us in our current world.

Day 1.

I awoke today with rain hitting my face. As I got up from the ground to survey my surroundings, I quickly came to several conclusions. I didn't know where I was and what is more disturbing, I have no clue how I got here. I find myself on the banks of a river just above some falls, that empties into a grand lake surrounded by mountains. Trees are in abundance, and I can see what look like camp fires, smoking in the distance.

It is most odd that I can remember the names of things I see, like trees and river and lake, but cannot remember anything about who I am or how I got here. I have a vague memory of shouting men and bright light, but none of it makes any sense to me. Beside me on the ground is a moldy and decayed jacket with the name Chairns MacTavendish on it. Somehow that seems familiar, and I assume that it may be MY name. No matter, it's as good a name as any and I surely don't remember mine.

I do not have any clothing besides my undergarments, and this rain is chilling me to my bones. I am reminded by the sound of my stomach, that it was rain and hunger that woke me in the first place. Food now seems the most important thing in the world to me. As I peer into the river beside me I can see fish swimming close to the bank. with no way to capture them I will have to try with my hands. My god! that water is cold. I won't last long feeding myself this way. After many failed attempts a very docile fish has allowed me to catch him. As I devoure him uncooked I can only hope I can find an easier way to feed myself... maybe I should look for berries.

It is funny how you can enjoy something as simple as a raw fish when you are this hungry, and not worry about the fact that its raw. I'm still cold though and begin to think that maybe there are friendly people down by those fires. it is getting close to dark so I am going to try and see if I can get close to those fires and hopefully find a friendly face that will let me share the fire...

04-19-2011, 02:11 PM
There's a "stories" forum for this stuff.

04-19-2011, 02:58 PM
This is the journal of Cairns Mac Tavendish.

I am writing down all my experiences in the hopes that if we get civilization going again, that we can learn from our mistakes as well as triumphs, and not repeat the mistaks that put us in our current world.

Day 1.

I awoke today with rain hitting my face. As I got up from the ground to survey my surroundings, I quickly came to several conclusions. I didn't know where I was and what is more disturbing, I have no clue how I got here. I find myself on the banks of a river just above some falls, that empties into a grand lake surrounded by mountains. Trees are in abundance, and I can see what look like camp fires, smoking in the distance.

It is most odd that I can remember the names of things I see, like trees and river and lake, but cannot remember anything about who I am or how I got here. I have a vague memory of shouting men and bright light, but none of it makes any sense to me. Beside me on the ground is a moldy and decayed jacket with the name Chairns MacTavendish on it. Somehow that seems familiar, and I assume that it may be MY name. No matter, it's as good a name as any and I surely don't remember mine.

I do not have any clothing besides my undergarments, and this rain is chilling me to my bones. I am reminded by the sound of my stomach, that it was rain and hunger that woke me in the first place. Food now seems the most important thing in the world to me. As I peer into the river beside me I can see fish swimming close to the bank. with no way to capture them I will have to try with my hands. My god! that water is cold. I won't last long feeding myself this way. After many failed attempts a very docile fish has allowed me to catch him. As I devoure him uncooked I can only hope I can find an easier way to feed myself... maybe I should look for berries.

It is funny how you can enjoy something as simple as a raw fish when you are this hungry, and not worry about the fact that its raw. I'm still cold though and begin to think that maybe there are friendly people down by those fires. it is getting close to dark so I am going to try and see if I can get close to those fires and hopefully find a friendly face that will let me share the fire...

Too tempting.

04-19-2011, 03:17 PM
I actually asked permission before posting it in Prelude talk Sirius.

04-19-2011, 03:26 PM
I actually asked permission before posting it in Prelude talk Sirius.

Your mother doesn't count.... NO SPAM!!!

04-19-2011, 03:37 PM
LOL. Thought I would have a go at this as well. Not as original, but oh well :D

This is the journal of Cairns Mac Tavendish.

I am writing down all my experiences in the hopes that if we get civilization going again, that we can learn from our mistakes as well as triumphs, and not repeat the mistaks that put us in our current world.

Day 1.

I awoke today with rain hitting my face. As I got up from the ground to survey my surroundings, I quickly came to several conclusions. I didn't know where I was and what is more disturbing, I have no clue how I got here. I find myself on the banks of a river just above some falls, that empties into a grand lake surrounded by mountains. Trees are in abundance, and I can see what look like camp fires, smoking in the distance.

It is most odd that I can remember the names of things I see, like trees and river and lake, but cannot remember anything about who I am or how I got here. I have a vague memory of shouting men and bright light, but none of it makes any sense to me. Beside me on the ground is a moldy and decayed jacket with the name Chairns MacTavendish on it. Somehow that seems familiar, and I assume that it may be MY name. No matter, it's as good a name as any and I surely don't remember mine.

I do not have any clothing besides my undergarments, and this rain is chilling me to my bones. I am reminded by the sound of my stomach, that it was rain and hunger that woke me in the first place. Food now seems the most important thing in the world to me. As I peer into the river beside me I can see fish swimming close to the bank. with no way to capture them I will have to try with my hands. My god! that water is cold. I won't last long feeding myself this way.

04-19-2011, 03:50 PM
Favourite thread in weeks. Minus the OP. What a load of shit. Take it to 'stories' or better yet, to your mommy so she can pin it to the fridge. What we need in here is more carebear bashing and demands for fixes. Jordi can't crack the whip hard enough in my most honest opinion.

04-19-2011, 04:25 PM
I presume the responders to this thread are the ones with thick brow ridges terrorizing school cafeterias?

One does have to wonder where all of your misdirected anger comes from... getting over yourselves might be tough on the ego, but it would probably do everyone else a great deal of good.

09-02-2011, 08:30 AM
thread reborn.

Nice story mac, any chance of an update?

09-02-2011, 05:44 PM
After wondering around for a few hours, I fell up on a corpse of a man who had fallen prey to some hostile tribe...all I could find was a torn jacket with "Chairns MacTavendish" inscribed up on it. "Poor fool, must of walk in the wrong tribe" I thought to my self.