View Full Version : Subscription Fees

06-10-2011, 04:30 PM
Listen, I've read up on this all day today. What I'll get to later is my arguement against the high subscription fees. But i've read about this game, and alot of its relatives in the genre. Minecraft didnt look to good to me personally but i havent tried it, and darkfall was expensive. I've played Wurm Online however for a long time on and off and its a pretty decent game. The graphics are good, and even though it takes awhile to do the tasks in the game (Ex- About 6-7 hours to build a 2x1 shed/house), you get a real sense of accomplishment by doing it. But at the same time, I do like the way Xsyon has implemented it. It may be too fast, but it does allow people to create more expansive projects. I've watched just about every video I could find, including Saintbobs guides on this game, and yet I haven't even purchased it. And thats what im getting too. All these features would boast a large player scale, Actually making this an MMO. But that comes to my main point. I know that if any Mod were to stumble across this and read it, they would think I was totally ridiculous. But I know im not alone here.

Because I know theres people who would DEFINATELY play this game if it wasn't for just one thing. And no, its not the $40.00 for the game. Its the subscription fee of 15 dollars a month. Look, I understand this game has been rough to put together. I read in a forum somewhere of some guys post saying that his experience was terrible, and that all these features were supposed to be coming but never did. That was in 2006. Clearly those features have come. And were all glad about that, at least the people playing. I don't have any numbers ready because...well I really wouldn't know where to start with them, but basically heres what im saying.

The games released under whats recognized as an Indie developer. The player base is still low, and the graphics are still behind for next gen games. That being said, its going to be hard to get people to not only pay $40 for the game, but then another $15 a month. Im not saying it has to be free either. However, im sure many more people would join if that was the case. But maybe lower it to say $5? Since more people would pay that, it would even out the loss of the $10 a month.

In closing, I just want to say that even though I knocked the game a bit, and that alot of this has already been said, The game looks fantastic and I really wish there were more games like it. Unfortunately for me, it looks as if I may never experience it at these rates. But I really hope the developers would at least consider making a Poll somewhere about changing the prices.

But in any case, thanks for reading.

06-10-2011, 04:39 PM
Buy the game, then play on test server until its good enough for you to play the live server. Test does not require subscription.

06-10-2011, 04:40 PM
Well does the test server offer all the same features? And when does it close?

06-10-2011, 04:48 PM
Well does the test server offer all the same features? And when does it close?

Test server is updated before the live server, but its backed up version of live. Im not sure they will be backing up test again to save over any new data (they havnt yet) so I cant confirm that.

Yes all the same features plus new ones they are testing.
Im not sure it does close.

06-10-2011, 04:51 PM
So basically the reason players don't pay for the test server, is because they are actually the games testers, and every once and awhile when an update is complete, the server is whiped of people things and they run the upgraded version to start work on the next patch? Alright, well how do I access this server after I purchase the game? Is it just in the menu like "Choose your server, Main Server or Test Server"?

06-10-2011, 05:05 PM
So basically the reason players don't pay for the test server, is because they are actually the games testers, and every once and awhile when an update is complete, the server is whiped of people things and they run the upgraded version to start work on the next patch? Alright, well how do I access this server after I purchase the game? Is it just in the menu like "Choose your server, Main Server or Test Server"?

The test server is a clone of the live server from about 3 weeks ago. I dont think they will be cloning it again, they may or maynot wipe test server once in a while to test things and refresh it or something who knows.
When an update is ready from the test to live, they patch live server and live server keeps going as does the test server.
Toons from the test server have no effect on live.
So if you are leveling up a toon on test server you will not see any effect on that on the live server. This server accessed just like the live server. When you log into the patcher, you get 2 options. 1 for live 1 for test.

06-10-2011, 05:07 PM
Alright, that sounds good. Is the test server still populated at all?

And thank you for replying btw.

06-10-2011, 05:09 PM
I would say neither server is very populated and the test server less than the live server, likely always will be too.

06-10-2011, 05:19 PM
I figured as much. Which may be solved if the price was lowered. Lol but thanks. I really wish the information on forums was kept up to date. It looks like its all months behind.

Added after 7 minutes:

But when you go to purchase the game, you need credentials to pay monthly. How do I get around this to just play the test server?

06-10-2011, 06:13 PM
When you buy the game you get 1 month free live server time with it, which starts from the day you buy the game.

06-30-2011, 02:41 AM
From the customers point of view I like the idea of 10 bucks per month :) Maybe set 10$ per month when you pay for 3? Like.. "Buy 2 months and receive 1 for free!"