View Full Version : What do YOU enjoy most about XSYON?

06-21-2011, 01:09 AM
Lately all we have been talking about is what Xsyon could improve on...but what has it done right so far? What do you enjoy?

I enjoy most that we get a blank realistic world that we are familiar with (always, always a great thing to have familiarity in the game setting), in an apocalyptic setting where we get to be independent and build a new world (aka, we can't just go to work, buy our necessities and go home and lock the doors...life isn't that easy in post apocalyptic world)

We have to do everything the way the first humans did it...and that's great. I think the game setting is truly phenomenal. It gives you so much freedom with options and future evolution, by default of being post apocalyptic.

The idea of this game reminds me of Civilization the turn based strategy game. You start out as cavemen and work your way up to flying around and having nukes and what not.

Exact same scenario with Xsyon, except the evolution of the civilization as a WHOLE is dictated by content updates from the DEVs. Perhaps, the best players could be more evolved than the worst players, but never too large of a difference forced by game mechanics (like musketmen vs suit of armor...too large of a technology difference there).

Right now, the best part about Xsyon is the realism of the crafting and construction system. Other than the fact that it is realistic, it still lacks meaning as far as driving sandbox game play. But let's try to not focus on the negatives here. Also, the fact that we get to build the world from scratch. If I could choose an ideal real life (not this modern BS), it would be one where land is not claimed by bankers and the true owners of the land are the ones who can DEFEND IT (which is post apocalyptic Xsyon minus the safe zones...or...sometime before christ 2000+ years ago). I would love to design and build cities in REAL LIFE...too bad all the land in the world is owned and thanks to technology they can reinforce their ownership.

What are your favorite parts about the game as it is in its current state?

06-21-2011, 05:17 AM
Agreed the idea and concept is great, and the location.
Like how resourses like chalk are found at only specific locations and also like how there is a difference between what you find if you scavenge instead of pick up and sort materials.

06-21-2011, 06:52 AM
Well, you know those NPC guys with the question marks rotating over their heads? Oh that's right. They aren't in this game! I'd have to say, if that's not what I enjoy most, it's in the top three. If NPC quests are added in later for those who want them, I won't cry about it, but please, don't make the NPCs walk around everywhere with those stupid things on their heads!

I enjoy the community for the most part, too. Yeah, we've had our differences, and yeah, MrDDT did annoy me with his deforestation project, but you know what? When I read his posts, I can tell he's holding on to at least 20 IQ points more than your average MMO gamer. So I'm just going to give him a pass and think of him as Xsyon's pet griefer tester. And NorCal's sig quote makes me happy, too. And even though I don't want to be a speck of dust under Dubanka's dictatorial thumb, I don't think he's lacking in the brains department, either. Nor is Jadzia (who also has some high quality social skills), or Book, or Plague, or just about anyone I've run across in the forum and in game. Just because I don't want to be social with other players all the time doesn't mean I don't appreciate a community full of people capable of expressing something more complex than an internet meme and an LoL.

06-21-2011, 07:18 AM
I am a terraforming and achietecture junky, I simply adore this feature. My little castle up in the mountains in Kings is coming along very nicely. I really enjoy the freedom that is implimented into these features and like to make things look good instead of just making a huge pile of dirt and call it a tower. Its funny, I know this game is far from the high standards of some other mmos but i still feel ihve gotten plenty of value for my money. Its funny you should mention Civ4, Im the kinda guy that plays those kind of games because I like to build stuff. Ihve got 3 Eve online accounts that are pretty much free to play but ihve spent more time in Xsyon then Eve these past 2 months, Eve just doesnt have that free world building like this does. Sure you can build stations and starbases but those are just so bland and all mostly corp/alliance level stuff... thers nothing really you can create on your own.

06-21-2011, 07:24 AM
I enjoy the potential of what it may become.

There isn't really much in game that i find enjoyable. Terraforming was fun for a bit. Crafting was fun for a bit. pvp was never fun :p

So yeah when i log in i look to further the VD cathedral, but that's about it...heh tried to grind some crafting but that had me drooling on my keyboard in short order :p

so yeah, the potential.

re: civ references, i've been civ'ing it up instead of xsyon..civ4 is kinda my go to time waster.

06-21-2011, 09:29 AM
I use to enjoy just logging in and socializing with my tribe, till that slowly died off to just 5 of us, which is now 4 and soon to become 3.

I really didn't have a reason to do anything but logged in and spent hours talking with buds to plan on what we were going to do later that day or tomorrow.

We would explore the game and note where the other tribes are while working on intel. we had the KOS thing over in the Ceddarat peninsula, we had some pvp with arman and hopi.

its just pretty much dead atm, im hoping the new changes bring back a influx of players, we need some major PR to get the games name out if its going to survive once its in a presentable state.

06-21-2011, 12:16 PM
The frequent updates from the Dev's on what they are doing.

The community work in general.

This really gives the feeling that i only have to wait a little bit until the game is as promised on the homepage

06-21-2011, 12:41 PM
The frequent updates from the Dev's on what they are doing.

The community work in general.

This really gives the feeling that i only have to wait a little bit until the game is as promised on the homepage

Yes! This reminds me of the Q&A and how much I love it. They should never stop doing that even if they had 1 million subscribers. Direct answers from the devs (and especially lead dev and founder) almost always causes a player to want to play more.

06-21-2011, 01:02 PM
I enjoy the potential of what it may become.

There isn't really much in game that i find enjoyable. Terraforming was fun for a bit. Crafting was fun for a bit. pvp was never fun :p

So yeah when i log in i look to further the VD cathedral, but that's about it...heh tried to grind some crafting but that had me drooling on my keyboard in short order :p

You beat me to it...again!

I like the potential that this game SHOULD become.

With safe zone removal and/or tribal warfare/sieging, terraforming will become a huge importance. Loves me some fortress penetration, logistics, and defense strategery!

I really like all forms of pvp, the logistics involved, and burning down other people's property.

I absolutely loathe crafting, grinding, harvesting resources, gathering anything, and anything else that slows my path to pvp. I still thoroughly enjoy these things as long as they allow proper benefits of pvp/combat, but without the pvp/combat aspect - I just loathe it.

I could care less about pretty trees, green grass, a nice lake, beautiful rolling hills, what the guy in the next camp to mine believes about how great his kids are gonna be some day, and digital fishing.

06-21-2011, 01:17 PM
Great topic! Will require a bit further thought than I have time for now but first few things that came to mind...

I love how immersive this game feels. Not sure why that is though, maybe it's the familiarity that NorCal mentioned.

I like that if I want a wooden fence, it's fairly realistic. Hmm, I need wood, so I need an axe, then need to chop the wood... I need twine, cool I can make twine, must get grass, etc. I like the process involved even if after a while it may feel repetitive, I can just work on something else and come back later. Always had 50 projects going at once.

Was even an occasion in real life when I looked up at the sky, saw the clouds rolling by and thought "hmm, so that's north?"... major Doh on that one! But to me, that's pretty immersive.

I loved using the emotes when I had more neighbors!! One dude in particular always used the same one as a greeting so if I was tunnel visioned on picking up grass and didn't see him, I could just hear who was stopping by. The range of emotes available felt totally innovative to me.

Thanks to Apache Tribe's selling baskets for dollars, I got a sense of how the economy could slowly grow. Never bought from them directly as I can make my own baskets, but met someone who traded me a human skull for my dollars that he in turn bought baskets with. I love that players can define these things themselves.

And yes, I do like the community! I may sometimes feel like I'm banging my head against the wall talking to Dub or DDT :D No doubt that's mutual hahaha, but that's all part of good fun imho!

Ran into Trenchfoot in game one day and was absolutely sure I was going to be massacred as we hadn't agreed on much in forums at the time... Didn't happen, he was totally cool... that type of thing rocks!

Many other things such as the variety of trees and their unique looks that I could learn to recognize... the fact that we use so much of the animal we kill (with more to be used as things are implemented)... how creative people can be with terraforming and how malleable the world is... so on and so forth.

06-21-2011, 02:16 PM
What I like most are the very things most seem to want to change.

This already is a sand box game in all the ways that really count... trouble is, most don't seem to see it at all. Game mechanics are not the issue, the game has many well made and functioning mechanics that make it quite unique in the current game market.

Take for instance arch and terraforming.

You can level a spot flat, build up a huge mound of dirt to create a pyramid, erect a fine set of pre-made teepees on the top and have you a fort.

- OR -

You can use your imagination to make 2 and 3 story structures with the building blocks this game provides that produce unique structures and virtually anything you can dream up.

Don't like the way you area looks? then take your time, think... design... and create a new environment with terraforming.

Who needs NPC's when you can create your own quests?

I will admit I would LOVE to have a ruined city to explore where zombies or mutant animals could leap out or where roving bands of pk players need to be hidden from to collect rare items only found here .. BUT I feel that will happen.

I am really amazed when people say they are bored. I don't have enough playtime to accomplish all the things I want to do. What I feel is that many really are more like checkers players than chess players. They want it easy and mostly mindless.

06-21-2011, 03:19 PM
What I like the most is the possibilities you have in this game.
You can be creative in endless ways with terraforming and architecture.

I like the fact that I have to go hunting to find mobs. It isn't something that I find juust outside my door. I like that there are no NPC's telling me what to do, when and where.

I think the community is one of the best there is helping out a Dev team with ideas and fixes and I have an enormous respect for the Dev team that is working day and night to bring us fixes, updates and new features making this game cooler by the week. (Yeah I am aware that we don't get new stuff every week, but there are still fixes most of the weeks or new tests on the test server so..)

06-21-2011, 04:17 PM
What I liked best was the feeling of really just starting out. Have to get food, find someplace to make a fire, start a homestead/village, meet the neighbors. That is the really cool part of the game, except it lasts about a week.