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06-28-2011, 10:20 AM
NOTICE: The concept behind Remnant has been completely overhauled. Remnant is now an alliance of solo anti-PKers. Remnant refers to PKers as 'unsouls'.

Troubling rumors have spread along the shores Lake Tahoe that the undead have taken on the guise of humanity to mercilessly prey on us. If only these rumors were true, for the truth is much darker. These monstrous beings, the 'unsouls' as we call them, were once humans like us, before their transformation. They have been captured by the undead and perverted with a science as yet so unfathomable to us that we may as well call it 'magic'. We know this because we are the few who have escaped this transformation without losing our souls. Though not physically transformed, we have been transformed nonetheless, and are compelled to devote the rest of our short lives to preserving the humane remnant of humanity.

At present it is too dangerous to operate in groups, as the unsouls would destroy us too easily. When our numbers are sufficient, we may establish a more prominent presence.

These are the creeds of Remnant:

1. As part of Remnant, we name our totem 'Remnant' followed by a certain number of spaces (you will be told the number upon joining). This is how we identify ourselves with the tribe.

2. We rush to the defense of Remnant's protectorate. This includes defending the protectorate from indirect damage, such as exploitation.

3. Any person may become a member of Remnant's protectorate through a vow of non-aggression towards anyone who is not attacking them.

4. A member of the protectrorate who is found to have been aggressive towards anyone who is not attacking them is banished from the protectorate without hope of return.

5. We drop all alliances with and declare war against any tribe or individual that attacks or indirectly damages Remnant as a whole or a member of Remnant.

6. We drop all alliances with and declare war against any tribe or individual that adheres to the first creed but ignores any of the others.

Note: I am not going to incessantly bump Remnant on this page, which I want to be primarily for hearing from potential candidates. If you want to know whether or not Remnant is active, check the list of active tribes (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/7150-A-List-of-Active-Tribes).

To apply to Remnant, you must have a reasonable name. Also note that Remnant is strictly a roleplaying tribe. To purposefully destroy the roleplaying atmosphere will be considered 'indirectly damaging Remnant as a whole'.

06-28-2011, 12:04 PM
Looks good. Just thought i'd say

Wealth = Money

I think what you mean is

Currency doesn't = Wealth or Money, which is why you don't want it :)

Also, if you want all of your 5 man totems to be called "Remannt" you can simply keep adding spaces afterward and it will still work. "Remnant" "Remnant " "Remnant ". So all parts would have the same name

Good luck to you guys.

06-28-2011, 03:16 PM
Also, if you want all of your 5 man totems to be called "Remannt" you can simply keep adding spaces afterward and it will still work. "Remnant" "Remnant " "Remnant ".

Thats not really something i think is a good thing...

I mean whats to stop me from making a "Audacian Republic " next to your tribe and then state ".... blah blah somethinb blah blah..."

06-28-2011, 05:15 PM
Wealth = Money

I think what you mean is

Currency doesn't = Wealth or Money, which is why you don't want it :)

Thanks NorCalGooey, I'll edit the post and change 'money' to 'currency'.

Thats not really something i think is a good thing...

I mean whats to stop me from making a "Audacian Republic" next to your tribe and then state ".... blah blah somethinb blah blah..."

I'm not sure I understand? Could you elaborate as to why I would be bothered by the blah-blahing?

Just a quick note: 'relatively new players' is the first criteria that I would be willing to compromise on, given that it may take a while to get 5 members anyway.

06-29-2011, 07:14 PM
You are right Xyberviri, it's bad. But there would be no fooling the real AR :)

06-29-2011, 08:16 PM
all im saying is that the reg ex on the name check needs to limit ^\s and \s$ if i remember my perl days.

06-29-2011, 10:06 PM
I just figured out what you two are talking about!

Thanks NorCalGooey, I might use that idea.

EDIT: To explain my stupidity, I thought the space was a mistake and by 'adding spaces' you just meant creating new areas.

07-02-2011, 03:44 PM
Remnant has evolved yet again.