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View Full Version : Just wondering

11-04-2011, 04:20 AM
Pre-order victim who left during early "release" feeling cheated and disappointed.......

Don't really give a fat rat's arse about graphics and aesthetics, just looking for (semi) realism , depth and meaning!

How stands things today?
Worth another look yet or still on the slow simmer?

Thanks in advance........=)

11-04-2011, 08:29 AM
cheated? If you preoreded then you would of seen in beta what the game had and knew what was going on with the game.

Anyways to answer your post, the game is getting better and better with every patch.

11-04-2011, 09:31 AM

Somewhat, yes!

If you preoreded then you would of seen in beta

Has it yet evolved past "beta"?

what the game had and knew what was going on with the game.

See above.....

Anyways to answer your post, the game is getting better and better with every patch.

I don't feel you have answered my post.....

11-04-2011, 09:53 AM
I feel that the game is on the edge of being "there" or what I would call "ready for rerelease".

I would like animals, carts, and harder PVE creating more into the game before its there.

The game is much more stable (2 server crashs with 5min reroll back in the last 3 months). Desync is almost 100% fixed you can see it here or there but is much much better.

FPS issues are slightly fixed. Still issues running low FPS here or there, but its getting better. I dont expect that to be fixed until the game has solid content and "fun".

The fun factor of the game is starting to squeak out a little here or there. Once those things I listed at the top are in, I think this game is going to explode, into a really fun and well working game.

Community is picking up. Everyday Im seeing 5 to 10 new faces, and most of the old ones are staying or coming back. You can clearly see the game is picking up.

Lots of new crafting updates, with bonuses, new tool types, arch stuff etc really nice.
Combat has been been totally reworked and is much better. It needs some more flare but still good enough for now once zombies/mutants are in it will be fun to do stuff.
I would like to see how smart and dangerous these mutants and zombies will be. I hope they are hard, fun and rewarding. I want people to be scard of losing a few pixels to them.

All and all, right now might be a good time to get back in before the rush of players and give you time to set up for zombie/mutant attacks that the devs talk about happening.
Else you can wait a bit longer (1 to 3 weeks is my guess) and see how they go.

Had to update that the server did just have a crash hehe.

11-04-2011, 06:17 PM
Nicely said...Thanks.
Having said that, do you find yourself with a sense of purpose ingame or still going through the motions?

11-04-2011, 06:41 PM
Nicely said...Thanks.
Having said that, do you find yourself with a sense of purpose ingame or still going through the motions?

Me myself I fully do, but I'm more driven than most.
I have just about 100 in every skill, and still building up my tribe area, and growing my tribe. Helping new players understand the game etc.

I expect with the new zombies/mutants that many people will need to team up a bit more to live in the world else they will be over run with zombies and unable to fend them off alone without a lot of repairing and rebuilding walls (at least I hope).
But for a newer player or one not as trained up I can see it being hard at first, but after a while you can set yourself with some goals. Knowing that zombies/mutants are coming, they will not only need to build walls and defenses but also armor and weapon stock piles to help beat them back. I would also say food stores and other things to live while being attacked or attacking.

I think mostly people dont set themselves with goals or burn themselves out doing the same thing over and over. Like trying to terraform a 25m radius homestead without breaking to do other things. It will burn you out fast. But setting goals like "I want my wood cutting area up and doing this" instead of "I want 100 tailoring" or "I want this whole place 100% level" will burn you out doing the same actions over and over.

Short answer yes, if you set goals. You got the long answer ^ there.