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View Full Version : What is the devs opinion on payment?

11-13-2011, 05:38 PM
this game looks interesting but im not currently willing to pay large sums for any game residually or lump sum. I would however pay $10 to support the game once and perhaps remove some skill caps?

what is the devs opinion on changing payment in the future?

11-14-2011, 06:25 AM
this game looks interesting but im not currently willing to pay large sums for any game residually or lump sum. I would however pay $10 to support the game once and perhaps remove some skill caps?

what is the devs opinion on changing payment in the future?

most games drop the initial payment for the game after it's been out a while and they have enough players supporting it with a monthly/sub - if this game ever goes ftp I'd have to find another game - however I don't see that happening.

$15/month for unlimited game time (after purchasing the game and the first month is free) is nothing! you can't even go see a movie and buy popcorn/drink for that little money any more.

11-14-2011, 11:05 AM
most games drop the initial payment for the game after it's been out a while and they have enough players supporting it with a monthly/sub - if this game ever goes ftp I'd have to find another game - however I don't see that happening.

$15/month for unlimited game time (after purchasing the game and the first month is free) is nothing! you can't even go see a movie and buy popcorn/drink for that little money any more.

Sadly same here, this game will not work as a free game unless they split the servers then it will not work because to few people.

Sure fire way for me to leave is make this free so anyone can come in terraform around your place, cut trees, build roads anywhere they would like. Now at least people have to pay for it, and you can track them down and punish them if you care too. If it goes free I dont see how you could keep up with the randoms coming in and tearing up the place.

12-26-2011, 01:47 AM
Why not 10monthly

01-23-2012, 08:06 AM
10 monthly - Would be less scary investment, indeed :>

01-28-2012, 07:23 PM
I would come back for 10$ a month. I'm not kidding.

05-14-2012, 02:44 PM
To be fair, there're any number of reasons someone might not like hte game: crashing, gameplay, pvp, etc. Having to spend $40 to find out requires some faith. On the other hand, there're single player games that're $50 and once you open the package you can't just bring it back. Not much different, really. Although single player games have demos.

Dawntide recently tanked because it doesn't have a funding source. I can't help but wonder if they had charged for the use of the game if that would have helped to pay for its development. I mean, it wasn't free to develop it to a alpha/beta stage. Probably thousands of hours of development were put into it. How is that free, any any interpretation?

Time is money. If people think Xyson earns its money, it'll survive.

Anytime we invest in a game it's a leap of faith. But sometimes we make bad leaps of faith.

05-14-2012, 04:02 PM
If they lower the subscription price to 10USD$, then someone will make a post not six months down the road. well I might play this game for 5USD$, but I won't pay large sums of money @ 10USD$. I honestly feel people have become entitled to everything to be given to them, and it is saddening.

People expect everything for next to nothing, and I find it more a problem to pay 400+USD$ a month for a box I call my apartment ( some pay 1600USd$ a month for a box to sleep in, in the city.) that I live in, in a small town. But that is a whole other topic.

I do not agree with a lower sub cost. I would agree that the game needs to improve especially in regards to lag problems to raise it up to the play value of 15USD$ per month, but that also itself is another discussion.

05-14-2012, 04:21 PM
most games drop the initial payment for the game after it's been out a while and they have enough players supporting it with a monthly/sub - if this game ever goes ftp I'd have to find another game - however I don't see that happening.

$15/month for unlimited game time (after purchasing the game and the first month is free) is nothing! you can't even go see a movie and buy popcorn/drink for that little money any more.

AGREE WITH YOU KeithStone. I rather play this game than going out somewhere and spending more money on booz in a bar!!!

05-15-2012, 06:34 AM
I don't mind pay $0.50 per day. It is pretty affordable entertainment.

05-15-2012, 06:43 AM
The initial cost could be reduced. I only say this as I was on the fence originally with this game and many of my gaming friends are still not sure whether to take the plunge. They're mature older gamers who do have a choice at the moment and are currently doing free beta testing elsewhere.

It's up the developers at the end of the day, it's their business plan in operation. The reduced download cost and months play might well be good move after they have sorted the server out of course.

05-15-2012, 07:07 AM
The initial cost could be reduced. I only say this as I was on the fence originally with this game and many of my gaming friends are still not sure whether to take the plunge. They're mature older gamers who do have a choice at the moment and are currently doing free beta testing elsewhere.

It's up the developers at the end of the day, it's their business plan in operation. The reduced download cost and months play might well be good move after they have sorted the server out of course.

When I talk to people who are into "sandbox" games and try and talk to them about this one. They all say "its to much to get, 40 bucks is to much."

Then I tell them they blow that every other week on games like Diablo III, Skyrim, or any other title that is an offline game that they finish in a week or two.

Not to say those are bad games (quite the oppossite they are great games) but they are way more expensive when you think about the initial cost and the amount of time vs cost you get out of it.