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View Full Version : finding a location?

01-31-2012, 01:52 PM

i bought the game and somehow this is how i feel.

can't find a place that is not crowded

02-01-2012, 06:23 AM
Hehe, i understand what you mean :)
Due to the fact that there are many abandoned tribes which actually dont disappear automatically after some time of inactivity, you will have to arrange with that problem.
If you dont want to join another tribe, cause you plan to "style" your own tribe and area i would suggest to take your new area just as a testingzone. Later, when there are more and better free places again, you can start to build up your city.

If you are interested, we could try to find a place near GERMANIA together, so that we have another friendly neighbour and you have some people to trade with.

Whisper me ingame (MenionLeah), but remember that i am mostly on in evening times in germany :)

02-01-2012, 08:01 AM
ich bin auch deutsch.

Ich warte lieber noch ein bisschen bis das Spiel etwas weiter ist bevor ich neu anfange.

so wie es jetzt ist kann ich damit keine Spaß haben irgendwie.

02-01-2012, 08:54 AM
Tribe Decay is on its way and on the near feature list. Also if your read between the lines there might be a chance for ranged combat this month. Would be awesome.

Game is improving in huge steps