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View Full Version : Activity of Players?

02-12-2012, 10:14 AM

its a bit time ago that I saw Xsyson. For me Xsyon looked realy unfinished. And it look's still for me.

but I want to give Xsyson a chance. So my question to the Community is how active is this game actualy? How mutch player's still play this game and on what is Xsyon based?

Defending from other Player's? Or they are Monster's who run in the house?

And is Xsyson more Solo based or more on Teamplay?

Would be nice if someone clear me up a bit over this game?

PS: Is there any kind of german Faction's are in? ;) Because i'am from germany. Joining english Community is not that problem but you all know - native language is the best -

02-12-2012, 11:13 AM
Hello Ehnoah,

Yes Germania is an Active German tribe. There information is here. (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/7438-GERMANIA-recruiting)

There is plenty to do in Xsyon however most of what the current player base does is Building Tribe towns which requires extensive crafting and architecture skills. There are NPC mobs that will come into your town or tribe if you don't have walls or barricades set up to stop them. And the mobs have become much tougher lately. However unlike most MMO you have to actually go out hunting and look for the mobs. They are not around every corner and it is a very big world.
There is some PVP but not a lot since the player base is still a bit low. There are plenty of players and tribes plus a very helpful community in global chat. So if you need anything you just need to ask in chat and someone will help out. It is of course my opinion but this is one of the best games I have ever played but then I love the building and the realism the developers have tried to create. The game is always evolving and new content is added on a regular basis so there is always new fun stuff to look forward to.

If however you are looking for a quest based game like Wow etc, then pass on this. it is NOTHING like most other MMOs.

02-12-2012, 02:06 PM
Do i have a monthly fee? I read that no one pay actual so that's my Question if I have to pay as new Member?

02-12-2012, 02:26 PM
Do i have a monthly fee? I read that no one pay actual so that's my Question if I have to pay as new Member?

40$ for the game, 15$ per month to play. First month is free after paying the 40$ for the game.

02-12-2012, 02:57 PM
40$ for the game, 15$ per month to play. First month is free after paying the 40$ for the game.

^^ It's not for free, it's part of the 40€. Everything else is marketing talk ^^

02-12-2012, 03:03 PM
^^ It's not for free, it's part of the 40€. Everything else is marketing talk ^^

Its not 40€, its 40 USD.

Yes its not free, because you do have to buy the game. Just saying there is no first month cost its included in the 40$ payment.

02-12-2012, 04:33 PM
But i readed pre Order account's can play for free Actualy?

02-12-2012, 04:38 PM
But i readed pre Order account's can play for free Actualy?

That was an error with the account system, which affected some of the players, not everyone who preordered. The bug has been fixed, so everyone pays now.

02-13-2012, 07:33 AM
Yes GERMANIA is a active Tribe with 40 Player and 10 active in Game!...We have work...work...work.. and FUN!
Greetings Whorlok
(Multigamingclan-Leader from "A Better Tomorrow")