View Full Version : Permissions outside of tribe area.

02-17-2012, 03:21 AM
When did you decide to remove permissions outside of tribe area?
What about carts? will those have same effect as well? It's a scrap area for crying out loud.
You should restrict placing totems on top of scrap piles and on the roads instead.
If I can't leave my heavy metals and pick them up later with carts? how am i supposed to scavenge safely?
You could put timer on the baskets outside of tribal area, like 1 week of gaming time, if weren't clicked, only then can be available for loot.
How am I supposed to leave my basket to run off danger?

02-17-2012, 03:30 AM
Back about 2 years ago.
Carts will be under the same rules as baskets. When that system is put into place.

Why would you restrict where people can place totems?

If you want to leave your heavy metals, others would have to try to pick them up with a cart before you do. Protect your area, or bring them back with you, or carry a cart with you to pick them up the first time.

Please tell me you are joking with the last one right?

02-17-2012, 03:35 AM
Ok, first of all, read the update properly, you dimwit. Most of what you are asking are is allready answered in the post.

And you are not supposed to scavenge safely, there is supposed to be danger in it. If someone attacked you and you decided to drop your shit and run instead of fighting back, how silly would it be that the attacker couldnt loot the stuff you left? This is not carebear heaven and im very happy that the Devs are changing this stuff. If you dont like it, too bad.

02-17-2012, 03:48 AM
If they don't put some kind of timer? I will no longer play this game. Because all this comes to PVP bashing and making play as hard as possible for solo players.
I just want to know now if I should continue to play Xsyon. I had quit another game due to PVP vocal and I will quit this one as well.
If I understood correctly? all these changes due to Major tribes wanted to force people to join them.
I love my play as a solo and will only group with the big tribe if I could keep my totem and what's around it separated.
And have a safe way to do things around Xsyon.

OK, first of all/!!!
It is going out in the next one.
If I just started to play Xsyon and have no skill nor experience, and some dude who already have experience and is built for PVP run after me? what am I supposed to do?
Or I am only built for scavenge, build and trade and have no interest in PVP?

02-17-2012, 04:17 AM
If they don't put some kind of timer? I will no longer play this game. Because all this comes to PVP bashing and making play hard as possible for solo players.
I just want to know now if I should continue to play Xsyon. I had quit another game due to PVP vocal and I will quit this one as well.
If I understood correctly? all these changes due to Major tribes wanted to force people to join them.
I love my play as a solo and will only group with the big tribe if I could keep my totem and what's around it separated.
And have a safe way to do things around Xsyon.

OK, first of all/!!!
It is going out in the next one.
If I just started to play Xsyon and have no skill nor experience, and some dude who already have experience and is built for PVP run after me? what am I supposed to do?
Or I am only built for scavenge, build and trade and have no interest in PVP?

Sounds like you should stay close to home, get allies, learn to fight, pay people for help, join a tribe for protection, or live where no one is at.

The public containers has been talked about since day 1. Those permissions on grass baskets (haha yea right) were a temp thing that was just for a time until things can be sorted.

You still have time right now to figure out what you are doing, no one can get into your private baskets.

You want to be safe? Stay near your totem, or do any of those other things I listed. There was no hiding this. I love the "I will quit card" guess what, 1000s already quit because of the changes were not in on release. I expect them to start coming back now that features are being added that were promised.

Solo players will have it hard. They have said that for a while.

02-17-2012, 04:19 AM
If they don't put some kind of timer? I will no longer play this game. Because all this comes to PVP bashing and making play hard as possible for solo players.
I just want to know now if I should continue to play Xsyon. I had quit another game due to PVP vocal and I will quit this one as well.
If I understood correctly? all these changes due to Major tribes wanted to force people to join them.
I love my play as a solo and will only group with the big tribe if I could keep my totem and what's around it separated.
And have a safe way to do things around Xsyon.

OK, first of all/!!!
It is going out in the next one.
If I just started to play Xsyon and have no skill nor experience, and some dude who already have experience and is built for PVP run after me? what am I supposed to do?
Or I am only built for scavenge, build and trade and have no interest in PVP?

Yes its allready gone in but as it plainly says in the post "- Bins are currently safe on Public Land, but this safety will be removed when we start Tribe Decay." So its not activated yet.
If you didnt allready read the features page, Id like you to have a look at these 2 points:
"- The world is open to free combat with the exception of tribe zones."
"- Players can fully loot others players but can't take containers in use (..)"
This should have been your first clue that Xsyon features PVP and will continue to develope that concept. These changes and future changes are NOT due to a vocal pvp crowd and it certainly has nothing to do with larger tribes vs solo players. This is going in because this is the kind of game that was planned and its the kind of game that the developers want. Those intentions have never been hidden to players, new or old.

If you are attacked by someone stronger than you, either make sure that you have friends nearby (you can still make friends eventhough you are solo, cant you?) or make sure you are faster than they are.

02-17-2012, 04:55 AM
Join IS for protection, :)

I like this patch and got no problem with the changes,

Greetings Shaina/ Angelique

02-17-2012, 05:48 AM
Sounds like you should stay close to home, get allies, learn to fight, pay people for help, join a tribe for protection, or live where no one is at.

The public containers has been talked about since day 1. Those permissions on grass baskets (haha yea right) were a temp thing that was just for a time until things can be sorted.

You still have time right now to figure out what you are doing, no one can get into your private baskets.

You want to be safe? Stay near your totem, or do any of those other things I listed. There was no hiding this. I love the "I will quit card" guess what, 1000s already quit because of the changes were not in on release. I expect them to start coming back now that features are being added that were promised.

Solo players will have it hard. They have said that for a while.

The minute it comes out? I am out for good.
One week for basket or cart to stay under privet? is not to much to give player a chance to pickup things.
I will not join large tribe to be given orders do this do that, and if I don't want to do what they say they will kick me out and I am going to end-up on my own? no thanks.
Maybe I want to start a big tribe and be boss of it.
If Xsyon don't want supporters? I understand I'll wait for another post Apocalyptic game.

You want PVP? wait until tribal wars, don't ruing this game for so many PVE/solo players who could support this game effectively.
I didn't answered this earlier.
There a lot of land around, don't need to place totem on top of the scrap pile.

02-17-2012, 05:59 AM
@znaiika if you want to leave, leave. Please don't throw a temper tantrum and pretend you speak for all pve/solo players. It's not the end of the world, to be honest. [Hah i made a post-apocalyptic joke xD ]

02-17-2012, 06:06 AM
The minute it comes out? I am out for good.
One week for basket or cart to stay under privet? is not to much to give player a chance to pickup things.
I will not join large tribe to be given orders do this do that, and if I don't want to do what they say they will kick me out and I am going to end-up on my own? no thanks.
Maybe I want to start a big tribe and be boss of it.
If Xsyon don't want supporters? I understand I'll wait for another post Apocalyptic game.

You want PVP? wait until tribal wars, don't ruing this game for so many PVE/solo players who could support this game effectively.
I didn't answered this earlier.
There a lot of land around, don't need to place totem on top of the scrap pile.

Good riddance.

02-17-2012, 06:07 AM
Look around all MMO games, once they start to push out PVE players? game dies or drops in population. Good example with Darkfall and such.
I am not going to argue with you I have more important things to do.
If a devs could tell me now if that is the case? then I could leave now and never come back, so You PVPers could have your safe haven.

02-17-2012, 06:25 AM
No actually you got that all ass-backwards.

If you were making a game with open world pvp and then start catering to PVE players who throw narcissistic tantrums over minor game changes, thats when you start to loose everyone else. Im not going to argue with you either, not because I dont have anything better to do but because you are clearly too dumb to understand. I thought you would be out looking for a different game to play?

02-17-2012, 06:33 AM
I placed my opinion, now it's up to devs, and then my final decision.

02-17-2012, 06:53 AM

Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has them and they all stink.

I am a solo player currently, its difficult, it is always difficult, but I also live far enough away from the bulk of anyone who would bother me, but close enough to people who I can run to who will help if asked. The thing is, this is an online game like this involves something you seem to be lacking, SOCIAL SKILLS.

If you are anti-social, or a social periah, then perhaps you should think about a nice peaceful game like, Tale of the Desert. But if you can learn to knuckle up, and talk to people and make friends, even though you dont come out of your cave but once every 6 months or so, it may make this a more enjoyable thing for you.

Or you can band to gether with a bunch of other indipendants, and form a Coalition. You are aware that is how nations are made right?

Lastly you can become a extremely paronoid player, and stop playing like this is Rainbow Brite Online and start thinking of yourself, your defense, and your protection ALWAYS! Thats what I do.

02-17-2012, 07:40 AM

In real life I work hard 5 to 6 days a week, when coming home? I am so tired and exhausted, all I want is to come home and have a pleasureful time, so I found this game and it's interesting, please don't take that away from me.
I spent a lot of time PVPing in counter strike source, and am a decent player, but Xsyon is what I am looking forward to.
I really like this game and want to stick around, so please make timer on containers outside of tribe area, is that to much to ask?.

02-17-2012, 08:22 AM
If a devs could tell me now if that is the case? then I could leave now and never come back, so You PVPers could have your safe haven.
If you want to know a dev's answer I'd suggest you to email them, they don't read every thread on the forum, so that's a better method. You can as well make a suggestion in your email about the timer you would like to be placed.

The weekly Q/A is a proper place to ask such questions as well, but I guess you would get more detailed answer through email.

02-17-2012, 08:59 AM
Thank you Jadzia for a good suggestion.

02-17-2012, 10:05 AM
This is an open world sandbox game znaiika.. and permissions on public bins is unfair and unrealistic. This update doesn't mean that all your stuff is always going to get stolen as soon as you leave, it just opens up the possibility. There are always ways of protecting your stuff, heck could even hire someone you trust to watch it for you until you come back. Point is this is a feature that was always intended to be put in game, and a lot of people are looking forward to it. I don't understand how it could be gamebreaking for anyone, when starting an open pvp post apocalyptic sandbox game like xsyon, you kinda expect it to be dangerous and not "carebear heaven" like someone previously stated. :P

02-17-2012, 11:17 AM
Then why there are safe places inside tribes? remove those too, and remove restrictions to bins inside tribes, and make full open world PVP and no place to hide, let bandits to be able to do their part as well, but you will loose a good chunk of players with that also.

Darn I wish that Xsyon could have PVE server as well. At least they would be able to determent which direction to go based on player base.

02-17-2012, 11:28 AM
If there are items that are so valuable that loosing them is a game changer, there is safe storage in your tribal area that no one will ever be able to get to if you have it locked and set to private.

02-17-2012, 11:31 AM
If you want to know a dev's answer I'd suggest you to email them, they don't read every thread on the forum, so that's a better method. You can as well make a suggestion in your email about the timer you would like to be placed.

The weekly Q/A is a proper place to ask such questions as well, but I guess you would get more detailed answer through email.

Great advice. Lets have all the players in the email the dev who are already overworked questions about how to play the game, instead of using the tools that are there to give the info out to everyone.

So email is better, because of why? You want just 1 person to get info instead of everyone, take up dev's time replying back? Very nice.

If you have a question Xsyon has been nice enough to answer everyone's questions each week in the weekly Q&A. Ask it there if you want an answer to a question and not a debate about it.

02-17-2012, 12:40 PM
Great advice. Lets have all the players in the email the dev who are already overworked questions about how to play the game, instead of using the tools that are there to give the info out to everyone.

So email is better, because of why? You want just 1 person to get info instead of everyone, take up dev's time replying back? Very nice.

If you have a question Xsyon has been nice enough to answer everyone's questions each week in the weekly Q&A. Ask it there if you want an answer to a question and not a debate about it.

Lol, I wish I was so sure about the lottery numbers as I was when I thought you will comment on my post. Funny :D

We all know how vague the Q/A answers can be, and they are always vague when it's about PvP questions. Everyone has the right to write an email to support if there is something he feels would be a game breaking feature for him. If Jordi takes the time to answer the question on the forum, he may as well answer it by email and give permission to post it.

02-17-2012, 12:49 PM
Lol, I wish I was so sure about the lottery numbers as I was when I thought you will comment on my post. Funny :D

We all know how vague the Q/A answers can be, and they are always vague when it's about PvP questions. Everyone has the right to write an email to support if there is something he feels would be a game breaking feature for him. If Jordi takes the time to answer the question on the forum, he may as well answer it by email and give permission to post it.

In that case, why even have a Q&A. Lets just all email Xsyon the questions directly. Good idea. I will start telling everyone this.

02-17-2012, 01:18 PM
Everyone has the right to write an email to support if there is something he feels would be a game breaking feature for him. If Jordi takes the time to answer the question on the forum, he may as well answer it by email and give permission to post it.

10 characters

02-17-2012, 01:48 PM
Bicker bicker whine whine. Do you guys just keep F5ing the "Whats New" page waiting for a new thread to derail?

02-17-2012, 02:13 PM
So let me ask this, because I am kind of unsure of one thing.

So if you have a totem down, and your permissions are set on your stuff, and on the totem, nothing basicly changes inside the totem range, so no one can take anything out of your stuff unless you allow it?

Or is it that nothing thats not on your toon safe?

02-17-2012, 02:49 PM
@ Hodo.
If you decide to move some place else and removing totem will allow players to a full loot of any of your containers after that patch.
So yes nothing will be safe anymore.

02-17-2012, 02:53 PM
Lol, I wish I was so sure about the lottery numbers as I was when I thought you will comment on my post. Funny :D

We all know how vague the Q/A answers can be, and they are always vague when it's about PvP questions. Everyone has the right to write an email to support if there is something he feels would be a game breaking feature for him. If Jordi takes the time to answer the question on the forum, he may as well answer it by email and give permission to post it.

Who gives a toss really. If what he was asking was within reason then you might have a point. Hes whining that he with this change will be slightly less safe when hes out gathering scrap, than before. Hes probably never even been attacked by another player yet. Hes playing a game with open world PVP and he doesnt expect the game to develope further down that path? Buhfreakinhuh. Dont make the mistake of thinking that every idiot with an opinion and a different playstile from that is ideal for the game, should have a voice. Come on, dont be silly. He can go have a voice in a game thats better suited to his state of mind.

Oh and Im a PVEer, never attacked anyone in Xsyon and never really wanted to.

02-17-2012, 03:32 PM
If what he was asking was within reason then you might have a point.

If asking for timer to be set on containers outside of tribe zones is not reasonable? then define "reasonable".

02-17-2012, 04:08 PM
If asking for timer to be set on containers outside of tribe zones is not reasonable? then define "reasonable".

They have a great place for this, you should check it out and feel free to do like others do and follow the rules.

That link there is to a suggestions areas. They have tools and systems to help sort out suggestions and ideas. Instead of using a crude system where you get a private answer (or not) others can see what is being done with the idea, and maybe even lend other ideas to them.

02-19-2012, 10:28 PM
This is a very small community, which means that unlike many MMO's, it only takes a very small handful of exceptionally rude and aggressive people to make the whole experience a very negative and distasteful one.

The OP made reference to a PVE server. I understand that is not in the cards, and understand the financial considerations behind that. I also understand a small handful of exceptionally rude and aggressive people will make the xsyon experience a very negative and distasteful one for those not into such wanton aggression.

I honestly doubt the 1000s of people MrPesticide talks about actually existed, but no matter. If they did, I have just as much doubt that they will come back if the more peaceful minded are no longer here to give them easy prey. I have seen this entire scene already play out in Jumpgate Classic launched back in 2001.

Player 1 : "Rah rah! space must be dangerous you dimwit!"
Player 2 : "dude, really? Thought that's what grey space was for? Man, that's rough. Just kinda wanted to chill out tonight, long arsed week at work."
Player 1 : "Rah rah! Pew Pew! Idiot!"
Player 2 : "right, roger that. Night." *clicks the X and moves on*
Player 1 : "Rah r...? this game sucks! I can't find anyone to kill."

I would be happy for Jordi (and all Devs with a vested interest) to be proven wrong on this. Guess I'm just another idiot with an opinion as one of you so eloquently put it.


ps. Hi Jadzia! I agree that contacting either the devs, or perhaps the game moderators who may have more time to respond, is a good approach to voice concerns. My experience has always been good when contacting them. The questions and answers was also good advice.
Don't mind the pest, he gets a little jealous when Devs share their attention with anyone but him.
Have fun!

02-19-2012, 10:53 PM
I could see your point if people were playing it when there isnt PVP going on. However, most of the PVPers quit this game very fast, and most of the ones I know from the start of the game when there were 1000s of people active in game quit.

You really saying that there is a few people in game messing up the game for most of the people making them quit? I doubt most of the people quitting even have contact with anyone let alone these "rude" players you talk about.

Not sure why people think that emailing devs which conflict the normal way they want people to talk to them is a good idea to you. But hey maybe Im just a stickler for rules.

Unlike you Ive been playing this game from day 1. Ive yet to see the mass exit from rude players, infact the rude players I do see are the ones that tend to leave. Yes its because there isnt anyone to kill but not because there isnt easy prey, its because there is no prey at all. PVP or PVE.

02-20-2012, 02:14 AM
Hey Book, being rude to people who I think is being unreasonable on forums is my way of acting out and coping with existence, Im a petty little man that way, I know.

But did you miss where he was threatening to quit the game if this tiny new change goes live which has been planned since forever? He was whining because the devs where doing something he didnt like, not because it was completly unreasonable and bad design, because it was a slight inconvinience to him. This is what the devs want to impliment, this is kind of game they want, dont stand in the way of that. I suppose this kind of behavior makes me go apeshit because I played Wow for 5 years and the forums there were chuck full of drivel like this.

Also your arguement that PVE players would leave is invalid because PVPers allready left, en masse. PVP in this game is dead, I myself am a PVEer, never killed or attacked anyone in game, I played mostly PVE in Eve online aswell. Im am arguing against meaningless and limited PVP because I like risk, I like challenge and I like being rewarded for my troubles. If PVP is meaningfull then you might find that PVE is also meaningfull. Thats what PVP and PVE is supposed to be.

02-20-2012, 02:39 AM
I think it sucks :) But hey, this place is getting ugly. All these damn baskets and stuff all over the place... This is supposed to simulate an event. If you left a basket in your lawn... anyone could get it... if you didn't lock your door... someone could go in side.

Again, I think it sucks cause it makes things more difficult... then again that's why I decided to play this game. Damn myself :(

-- Brogan - Scavenger of public Bins.

02-20-2012, 03:20 AM
If asking for timer to be set on containers outside of tribe zones is not reasonable? then define "reasonable".

Its perfectly reasonable to suggest things to the devs. It is not reasonable to ask Devs to throw out a design that was planned to be implimented for months and that was allready finished and patched, out of the bloody window, under the threat that you will quit the game if it goes live and demand an answer to your question in a thread that they are obviously not reading. That is not reasonable, no.

02-20-2012, 09:13 AM
Hey Book ! It's very nice to see you around :)

The sad thing is that we have this conversation again and again....we had it so many times during the last 2 years. I'm absolutely convinced now that the 2 type of players (PvP and PvE) can't play in the same environment with the current rules of Xsyon. I don't expect others to agree with me, but the last 2 years did convince me.

That is nice that the devs planned the baskets to be public and lootable outside of tribe zones. But they planned an alignment system as well, and to implement one side without the other one opens the gates for a type of gamestyle which is not welcomed by the more peaceful players.

No doubt the PvPers have left the game, because of safe zones and the lack of reason to kill people. And they weren't even able to really loot the killed players, so there was even less satisfaction for them. Now if the devs change the looting system and the basket system without implementing the punishments for evil acts, we may see these players coming back. Which can be a good thing from one point of view, but a bad one from another. I fully understand if a PvE player is hesitating to invest more money and time into a game that might take a turn into a direction he wouldn't like. Saying he would quit then is not a threat, it's the only reasonable thing he can do (why would he play a game he hates?) and a feedback for the devs.

I'm sad to say but this is a bad game design. I so wish that Xsyon have started with a PvE and a PvP servers or 2 different zones, it would have kept a much bigger part of the playerbase, both PvE and PvP players. With this mixed system it lost most of the players from both side.

02-20-2012, 10:30 AM
Hey Book ! It's very nice to see you around :)

The sad thing is that we have this conversation again and again....we had it so many times during the last 2 years. I'm absolutely convinced now that the 2 type of players (PvP and PvE) can't play in the same environment with the current rules of Xsyon. I don't expect others to agree with me, but the last 2 years did convince me.

That is nice that the devs planned the baskets to be public and lootable outside of tribe zones. But they planned an alignment system as well, and to implement one side without the other one opens the gates for a type of gamestyle which is not welcomed by the more peaceful players.

No doubt the PvPers have left the game, because of safe zones and the lack of reason to kill people. And they weren't even able to really loot the killed players, so there was even less satisfaction for them. Now if the devs change the looting system and the basket system without implementing the punishments for evil acts, we may see these players coming back. Which can be a good thing from one point of view, but a bad one from another. I fully understand if a PvE player is hesitating to invest more money and time into a game that might take a turn into a direction he wouldn't like. Saying he would quit then is not a threat, it's the only reasonable thing he can do (why would he play a game he hates?) and a feedback for the devs.

I'm sad to say but this is a bad game design. I so wish that Xsyon have started with a PvE and a PvP servers or 2 different zones, it would have kept a much bigger part of the playerbase, both PvE and PvP players. With this mixed system it lost most of the players from both side.

I dont see how public containers outside of tribe areas is a "PVE vs PVP" issue. It was always planned that way, it was not even going to effect good vs evil as far as I remember. I could be wrong.

I do agree that without a good/neutral/evil system that Aggressive PVPers will cause issues. I believe this system should be put in place, I also believe there are lots of other issues at work here too.

However, right now I dont see people quitting (very small %) dude to being killed and looted by aggressive PVPers. I do see people quitting due to the lack of PVP and any system to support that combat type.

Would you agree with last statement? That more people are quitting that are the PVP types because of the lack of combat systems or do you think more people are quitting that are not aggressive because of being killed and looted by aggressive PVPers?

02-20-2012, 12:52 PM
I dont see how public containers outside of tribe areas is a "PVE vs PVP" issue. It was always planned that way, it was not even going to effect good vs evil as far as I remember. I could be wrong.

I do agree that without a good/neutral/evil system that Aggressive PVPers will cause issues. I believe this system should be put in place, I also believe there are lots of other issues at work here too.

However, right now I dont see people quitting (very small %) dude to being killed and looted by aggressive PVPers. I do see people quitting due to the lack of PVP and any system to support that combat type.

Would you agree with last statement? That more people are quitting that are the PVP types because of the lack of combat systems or do you think more people are quitting that are not aggressive because of being killed and looted by aggressive PVPers?
Right now I believe hardly anyone is quitting because of the lack of PvP. The ones who found it lacking have left a long time ago, the ones who are still here decided to enjoy other parts of the game. I don't believe either that players are quitting due to aggressive PvPers...since there is hardly any of them (if any) in game. The current state of the game is kind of stable, the danger lies in the future. The relative peacefulness we have now attracts PvE players, since they can enjoy the game in peace. Now change the rules, add features that attracts the aggressive PvPers back, and we are facing a huge problem.

I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, and that they shouldn't try to win the PvP players back. But I do think that if they do come back, there will be a huge problem in the game. And that's not fair toward anyone, be it a PvP or PvE player. The only solution would be if they could win back the PvPers without harming the gameplay for the peaceful players...but I don't see how could that happen without 2 different servers. If the devs have any other solution I'm looking forward to it.

02-20-2012, 01:25 PM
Right now I believe hardly anyone is quitting because of the lack of PvP. The ones who found it lacking have left a long time ago, the ones who are still here decided to enjoy other parts of the game. I don't believe either that players are quitting due to aggressive PvPers...since there is hardly any of them (if any) in game. The current state of the game is kind of stable, the danger lies in the future. The relative peacefulness we have now attracts PvE players, since they can enjoy the game in peace. Now change the rules, add features that attracts the aggressive PvPers back, and we are facing a huge problem.

I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, and that they shouldn't try to win the PvP players back. But I do think that if they do come back, there will be a huge problem in the game. And that's not fair toward anyone, be it a PvP or PvE player. The only solution would be if they could win back the PvPers without harming the gameplay for the peaceful players...but I don't see how could that happen without 2 different servers. If the devs have any other solution I'm looking forward to it.

I dont see how you jump to the 2 server rules when you havnt even seen an good/neutral/evil system in place or how it will work.

I believe rewarding risk, while punishing evil actions will make everyone happy. PVPers will be happy with the risk, good players will be happy that they are not picked on because of the punishments.

Couple this with safe areas for players to learn the game and do the basics, I believe everyone is happy.

Risk doesnt always = PVP btw. It can be harder monsters, resources that cost more, etc.

Saying that only 2 servers will fix it, doesnt make sense to me because you didnt put reasons why.

I do believe there is one problem with a lot of what Non PVPers "want" they want it all, you give them it all then they quit because of it being boring. Make it to easy they quit.

02-20-2012, 01:50 PM
Its perfectly reasonable to suggest things to the devs. It is not reasonable to ask Devs to throw out a design that was planned to be implimented for months and that was allready finished and patched, out of the bloody window, under the threat that you will quit the game if it goes live and demand an answer to your question in a thread that they are obviously not reading. That is not reasonable, no.

I am not asking to throw away the patch, I am asking to add timer to containers outside of tribe zones, so, when interacted with a container? timer resets to 0 and start clicking again, if a person dose not interact with the container withing one week? then container opens to public and could be destroyed by anyone.
I think this should be reasonable enough to ask devs to do before patching.

I'm sad to say but this is a bad game design. I so wish that Xsyon have started with a PvE and a PvP servers or 2 different zones, it would have kept a much bigger part of the playerbase, both PvE and PvP players. With this mixed system it lost most of the players from both side.

Two different zones is a good option to have one for PVP and for PVE , one around the lake the other one is on the other side of the mountains, where the green fog is. PVP and PVE have their own lands could bring both type of player in to the game.

02-20-2012, 01:54 PM
I am not asking to throw away the patch, I am asking to add timer to containers outside of tribe zones, so, when interacted with a container? timer resets to 0 and start clicking again, if a person dose not interact with the container withing one week? then container opens to public and could be destroyed by anyone.
I think this should be reasonable enough to ask devs to do before patching.

That would be like me saying "Its reasonable for me to kill you anywhere in the world, by right clicking"

There is a system to having safe items.

1) Put it in your tribal area.
2) Protect your items.
3) Store them in other peoples tribal areas.

How hard is that? There are 1000s of tribal areas around the world. Why do you need a 100% safe basket anywhere you want just because you right clicked on it?

If you drop your wallet on the ground left for a few hours and came back. You believe no one should be able to take anything out of it because you were back in an hour or a day or so? Doesn't make sense.

02-20-2012, 02:15 PM
Well, after today's patch I now have to go all over the map and reset my bins from tribe back to public.

How will I find them all?

What will people who need loads of firewood do?

ragequits ;)


02-20-2012, 02:17 PM
Well, after today's patch I now have to go all over the map and reset my bins from tribe back to public.

How will I find them all?

What will people who need loads of firewood do?

ragequits ;)


OH NO! Not the firewood! :)

02-20-2012, 03:58 PM
I dont see how you jump to the 2 server rules when you havnt even seen an good/neutral/evil system in place or how it will work.

There are 2 problems:
1. Seeing the development speed, we have no idea (or we do, but thats even worse) when we will see that alignment system implemented.

2. It's not only me who haven't seen a good system in place. Actually I don't know anyone who did. There is no 1 game with open world FFA PvP with full loot which attracts PvE players. It only works when the 2 types of players are separated, like in Eve. See Darkfall, MO...alignment system doesn't work. See Wurm, UO...they both started PvE only servers to keep and raise their population.

I believe rewarding risk, while punishing evil actions will make everyone happy. PVPers will be happy with the risk, good players will be happy that they are not picked on because of the punishments.

Couple this with safe areas for players to learn the game and do the basics, I believe everyone is happy.

Yup, I know you believe that. But you are wrong. People don't want to only learn the game and do the basics in peace. They want to play the whole game in peace when they wish so. And they can do it now, if that changes we will see huge problems and ragequits.

Risk doesnt always = PVP btw. It can be harder monsters, resources that cost more, etc.

Saying that only 2 servers will fix it, doesnt make sense to me because you didnt put reasons why.

I do believe there is one problem with a lot of what Non PVPers "want" they want it all, you give them it all then they quit because of it being boring. Make it to easy they quit.
I've told you why so many times, lol. Should I tell it again ? I don't think so.
Non-PvPers do know what they want and they know it well. They want a hard, interesting game, not easy mode. But hard doesn't mean PvP...forced PvP is a disturbance and annoyance in a non-PvPer book. Hard can mean strong monsters, hard to find resources, a lot of things. Risk is welcomed, annoyance isn't.

If the devs can come out with a system that eliminates annoyance while gives the PvPers what they like I'd love to see that. If they can't, then separating the 2 type of players is the only way to go, if they want to keep them both.

02-20-2012, 04:17 PM
There are 2 problems:
1. Seeing the development speed, we have no idea (or we do, but thats even worse) when we will see that alignment system implemented.

2. It's not only me who haven't seen a good system in place. Actually I don't know anyone who did. There is no 1 game with open world FFA PvP with full loot which attracts PvE players. It only works when the 2 types of players are separated, like in Eve. See Darkfall, MO...alignment system doesn't work. See Wurm, UO...they both started PvE only servers to keep and raise their population.

So you say EVE does it, but then say you havnt seen it. Please make up your mind you are confusing people with the flip flop. EVE's system is the system I believe will work. Darkfall is a PVP game focused for PVPers, as is MO.

This game is to be a mix on 1 server (or try its best doing it).

UO didnt start with PVE ONLY server BTW, not sure why you say that but thats wrong info. I do agree they made safe areas (not servers) sorta like EVE has to help Non PVPers, and bring more people into the game. ALL UO Servers at release were PVP, with very limited safe areas (Town only, not even your own house was safe).

Yup, I know you believe that. But you are wrong. People don't want to only learn the game and do the basics in peace. They want to play the whole game in peace when they wish so. And they can do it now, if that changes we will see huge problems and ragequits.

So you believe the whole world should be safe? When just below you say "Risk is welcomed" Can you please make up your mind? Safe doesnt = NO PVP. It means safe. No risk, no loss, nothing forced on you.
This includes PVP and PVE, on top of other things.

I've told you why so many times, lol. Should I tell it again ? I don't think so.
Non-PvPers do know what they want and they know it well. They want a hard, interesting game, not easy mode. But hard doesn't mean PvP...forced PvP is a disturbance and annoyance in a non-PvPer book. Hard can mean strong monsters, hard to find resources, a lot of things. Risk is welcomed, annoyance isn't.

If the devs can come out with a system that eliminates annoyance while gives the PvPers what they like I'd love to see that. If they can't, then separating the 2 type of players is the only way to go, if they want to keep them both.

Non PVPers dont know what they want because you guys keep asking for many things, and things that dont even work for what you want. Just as you did in your own post above.
I fully agree hard doesnt mean PVP. Yes PVP does make things harder, but there are many ways to make areas hard. Terrain, lack of resources to live, strong monsters, bad weather etc. All these can come into play to help make things more of a challenge for NON pvpers.

I believe also you mean "Eliminates PVP annoyances" when you say to split the servers else it doesnt make sense.

I believe already we have a system where PVP annoyances are very limited. However, I also believe its because most of the people playing are not into PVP. Once the game combat (which attracts PVPers) gets better, you will see PVP annoyances more often. If they put in a harsh good/neutral/evil system. I see those annoyances going back down again.
Also adding in more things for Non PVPers to do (PVE, Crafting, building, exploring) that are worthwhile and challenging will also help naturally split the problems apart without 2 servers needed.

You seem to think that PVPers require Non PVPers to have fun, they dont. They are very happy playing vs each other. Only thing that 2 servers does is force people to choose when most people are in the middle.
If my sister wanted to play, she isnt a PVPer. With 2 servers she would have to make a hard choice. Very harsh rules for PVPers, or No pvp world. Neither is the game for her.

02-20-2012, 05:29 PM
DDT, you never seem to understand what I'm saying. I don't know if that's true or you only pretend it, but I don't care either way. I'm tired of explaining obvious things for you. If you reply to this post I won't answer you.

There is no 1 game where PvE and PvP players play happily together in 1 world where there is PvP everywhere. In the successful games they are separated, by separated servers or separated zones. I prefer separated zones, but that would require a big development from the devs and that would take a lot of time. Still, if they are willing to do it that would be great. One big zone for open PvP and one big zone for safe play and everyone can play the way they want.

02-20-2012, 05:36 PM
That would be like me saying "Its reasonable for me to kill you anywhere in the world, by right clicking"

There is a system to having safe items.

1) Put it in your tribal area.
2) Protect your items.
3) Store them in other peoples tribal areas.

How hard is that? There are 1000s of tribal areas around the world. Why do you need a 100% safe basket anywhere you want just because you right clicked on it?

If you drop your wallet on the ground left for a few hours and came back. You believe no one should be able to take anything out of it because you were back in an hour or a day or so? Doesn't make sense.

If I place my loot in someone else tribe, will they be able to loot my stuff? or it will be safe? cause right now if you drop something in other tribe your loot they can also loot it, ohh wait you can't even drop anything in tribal area, that happens when someone place a totem near your stuff, then they can loot it, and you can't even take it back what is yours.
How safe is that?

02-20-2012, 05:47 PM
DDT, you never seem to understand what I'm saying. I don't know if that's true or you only pretend it, but I don't care either way. I'm tired of explaining obvious things for you. If you reply to this post I won't answer you.

There is no 1 game where PvE and PvP players play happily together in 1 world where there is PvP everywhere. In the successful games they are separated, by separated servers or separated zones. I prefer separated zones, but that would require a big development from the devs and that would take a lot of time. Still, if they are willing to do it that would be great. One big zone for open PvP and one big zone for safe play and everyone can play the way they want.

Expect for EVE, and a few others.

I dont know why you keep putting that out as a fact. When its not true.

If I place my loot in someone else tribe, will they be able to loot my stuff? or it will be safe? cause right now if you drop something in other tribe your loot they can also loot it, ohh wait you can't even drop anything in tribal area, that happens when someone place a totem near your stuff, then they can loot it, and you can't even take it back what is yours.
How safe is that?

The system is changing so you can do this with rental housing. If you read the patch notes.

02-20-2012, 08:28 PM
go try wurms system out, works great. Everything on the pvp and pve servers decays away and lands go back to normal. If ya want pvp u can sail to the other servers or use a epic portal to reachem. pvp is 100% pvp. PVE is 100% pve with 0 pvp. pve servers hold a pop of 800 in low hours (thats devided up 3 pve servers) then in peak hours it jumps to over 1k, n this holds steady 24/7. pvp servers hold roughly a pop of about 500-700 n theirs 2 servers n hold a nice pop with seiging etc. This balance worked perfectly. Know what ddt, wurm has proven u can do both and still survive a very very long time. and wats funny is the pop is still growing ^^. Also with eve online. empire is a safe zone sure u can *try to gank some1* but u die in the process no matter what. Also reading this convo, a large number of player did quit over other players, google it, its all over the net. I recently quit over a player, Yes that is you, tierd of hearing you and seeing you. i figured 1 last post here to point out a obvious fact to ya. peace out.

02-20-2012, 08:36 PM
go try wurms system out, works great. Everything on the pvp and pve servers decays away and lands go back to normal. If ya want pvp u can sail to the other servers or use a epic portal to reachem. pvp is 100% pvp. PVE is 100% pve with 0 pvp. pve servers hold a pop of 800 in low hours (thats devided up 3 pve servers) then in peak hours it jumps to over 1k, n this holds steady 24/7. pvp servers hold roughly a pop of about 500-700 n theirs 2 servers n hold a nice pop with seiging etc. This balance worked perfectly. Know what ddt, wurm has proven u can do both and still survive a very very long time. and wats funny is the pop is still growing ^^. Also with eve online. empire is a safe zone sure u can *try to gank some1* but u die in the process no matter what. Also reading this convo, a large number of player did quit over other players, google it, its all over the net. I recently quit over a player, Yes that is you, tierd of hearing you and seeing you. i figured 1 last post here to point out a obvious fact to ya. peace out.

I guess the way I define "a lot" is when its more than 15% of the people that quit. Give or take %.

Out of all the players that quit the game, do you believe that a lot are quitting over other players causing them problems?

02-21-2012, 01:54 AM
Jadzia, objections and stupid statements aside, you have to agree that this game was never designed to be a place with segregated pve and pvp. They planned there to be risk to your items if you leave them outside your tribe area regardless of alignement and they planned there to be a pvp threat. I dont think this complete zero-threat/zero-risk enviroment you are advocating has the appeal you think it has, Like DDT is saying most people actually like a little of both. With the alignement system the devs could go just about any direction they want. The devs have plans for this and to an extent we have no freakin idea what they want to impliment, so lighten up sunshine. Hell they could go with PVP-disabled neutrals and PVP-enabled good vs evil. Only thing I know atm is that they want consensual PVP. I also really dont see what you have against rewarding higher risk, that is just petty.

02-21-2012, 05:48 AM
Jadzia, objections and stupid statements aside, you have to agree that this game was never designed to be a place with segregated pve and pvp. They planned there to be risk to your items if you leave them outside your tribe area regardless of alignement and they planned there to be a pvp threat. I dont think this complete zero-threat/zero-risk enviroment you are advocating has the appeal you think it has, Like DDT is saying most people actually like a little of both. With the alignement system the devs could go just about any direction they want. The devs have plans for this and to an extent we have no freakin idea what they want to impliment, so lighten up sunshine. Hell they could go with PVP-disabled neutrals and PVP-enabled good vs evil. Only thing I know atm is that they want consensual PVP. I also really dont see what you have against rewarding higher risk, that is just petty.

Why not using flagging for PVP? that will ensure safety of solo and PVE players and will satisfy PVPers as well, surly if you want to PVP with someone and he agree to your terms "full loot or partial loot" you could have risk vs reward, either one vs one or tribe vs tribe. You don't need to change a whole world to satisfy your self or one group.
You want this change to make hard on solo players so they should run under protection of a large tribe or quit a game, that is your main goal.
No offence is intended, if I offended you banden in any way I apologize, but changing a game to satisfy one group instead of whole community is wrong and will kill this game as well.
If you want to make Xsyon world clean from players that left? placing a timer on tribes and containers will ensure that, but if letting free loot outside of tribe regardless of permissions is only going to lead to more people to leave, because if you even try to move your tribe and things to another area? would be no longer safe and will open an opportunity to rob you and frustrated people would quit.

02-21-2012, 06:26 AM
Again znaiika, you miss the point and manage to insult me again by insinuating that im arguing for this to drive solo players towards larger tribes. I AM A SOLO PLAYER, you dimwit. Why the fuck would I do that?

Im not going to respond to you anymore, take it up with the devs, they are the ones that are making this game, not me. I can guarantee you though, that they wont tell you any defferent.

02-21-2012, 07:24 AM
You should look at this http://news.mmosite.com/content/q/2012-02-09/post_apocalyptic_sandbox_mmo_earthrise_shutting_do wn_today.shtml
You can see how far can game go with open world PVP and little or no PVE.
If this is the way Xsyon is heading? then they will close its doors too, because of lack of player base to support it.

02-21-2012, 07:50 AM
You should look at this http://news.mmosite.com/content/q/2012-02-09/post_apocalyptic_sandbox_mmo_earthrise_shutting_do wn_today.shtml
You can see how far can game go with open world PVP and little or no PVE.
If this is the way Xsyon is heading? then they will close its doors too, because of lack of player base to support it.

Sorry, I played this game and gave it my all to try and enjoy it. The reason they are shutting down is because the game was unplayable. The reasons have nothing to do with PvE or PvP. Apples and oranges when comparing to Xsyon.

02-21-2012, 08:10 AM
The reasons have nothing to do with PvE or PvP. Apples and oranges when comparing to Xsyon.

We have yet to see about that.

02-21-2012, 08:39 AM
I have been reading this thread for many days now, and resisting the urge to contribute to it. Mainly becasue I didn't want to be drawn into the arguement.

Am I right in thinking that your main concern Znaiika, is that if you decide to move totem, then all your baskets would be exposed to public looting for a time?

Have you considerred using a cart? If you have too much stuff to fit it all in carts, then you have hoarded too much stuff.

02-21-2012, 10:39 AM
Jadzia, objections and stupid statements aside, you have to agree that this game was never designed to be a place with segregated pve and pvp. They planned there to be risk to your items if you leave them outside your tribe area regardless of alignement and they planned there to be a pvp threat.

Well, 2 years ago, at the very beginning Jordi said that he might consider starting a safer server if there was a demand for that. 1 year ago, 2 weeks before launch, he said that the game would start with 2 different servers, 1 which would go to a safer direction and one with full PvP and no safe zones. Later he changed this. So I wouldn't say it was never planned...

I dont think this complete zero-threat/zero-risk enviroment you are advocating has the appeal you think it has, Like DDT is saying most people actually like a little of both.

Actually all of the games which has both PvE and PvP servers the PvE ones always have much higher population. In Eve 66% of the population play in high sec area, 7.6% in low sec and 20% in null sec. But when they feel like having a nice thrill they can go to the null sec space anytime...

The ideal game for me is where I have choices. Like in Eve...if a player wants peace he can stay in high sec, if he feels like risking a bit he can go to low sec, if he is thirsty for blood he can go to null sec. That's a good system imo.

With the alignement system the devs could go just about any direction they want. The devs have plans for this and to an extent we have no freakin idea what they want to impliment.

You have hit the nail on the head...this is the main problem. This causes all of these debates...that we have no freakin idea what they want to implement. Wish we had. That's all I ask, and that's what znaiika asked.

Hell they could go with PVP-disabled neutrals and PVP-enabled good vs evil. Only thing I know atm is that they want consensual PVP. I also really dont see what you have against rewarding higher risk, that is just petty.
What makes you think they want consensual PvP ? That would be nice.

I like if higher risk is rewarded. But it should be a way that doesn't make others' gameplay impossible or limited. RuneScape has a well balanced system imo. A PvPer can go to the full loot PvP zone and fight other players all day long. If he is good and lucky he can earn a lot there. At the same time a peaceful player can fish for hours and can make a huge amount of money as well. So both players do what they like, and earn their living.
Another example is runecrafting skill. Players can make runes without risk, but there is a way to do it through the PVP zone. It's much much faster, therefore earns more money, but its risky. Still, crafting runes is possible for both types of players, but the one who takes the risk earns much more.

02-21-2012, 11:24 AM
Well, 2 years ago, at the very beginning Jordi said that he might consider starting a safer server if there was a demand for that. 1 year ago, 2 weeks before launch, he said that the game would start with 2 different servers, 1 which would go to a safer direction and one with full PvP and no safe zones. Later he changed this. So I wouldn't say it was never planned...

I dont remember 2 servers planned. I do remember him saying he could consider it IF there was enough demand. He also then tossed it out when there wasnt enough people, and wasnt feasible.

Actually all of the games which has both PvE and PvP servers the PvE ones always have much higher population. In Eve 66% of the population play in high sec area, 7.6% in low sec and 20% in null sec. But when they feel like having a nice thrill they can go to the null sec space anytime...

Again this is just misreading info.

SWTOR, highest populated server is "The Fatman" its a PVP server. It was even stated it was the highest server on release with over 17 hour wait times. The next was another PVP server with 10 hour wait times. So when you go server for server PVP tend to have the highest of any 1 server. However, of all the servers PVP make up only about 35% (according to SWTOR) of the players playing. What happens, is that PVPers tend to stay on the most populated server. If I had to put my opinion as to why (being that Im a PVPer) is because they want more combat. Playing an MMO on a low populated server as a PVP is kinda pointless.

About EVE online, there are lots of reasons that number is inflated. I can go on the list about why, but we have already debated this. I do agree that MOST players tend to stay in safe areas MOST of the time. However, MOST players also do both.

EVE Online has 1 server, and its doing very well. I see no reason why you cant have all types of people on 1 server using 1 rule-set.

The ideal game for me is where I have choices. Like in Eve...if a player wants peace he can stay in high sec, if he feels like risking a bit he can go to low sec, if he is thirsty for blood he can go to null sec. That's a good system imo.

I agree. I believe it should be like EVE. Open world FFA PVP, anywhere. There are safer areas, but none fully safe.

What makes you think they want consensual PvP ? That would be nice.

I like if higher risk is rewarded. But it should be a way that doesn't make others' gameplay impossible or limited. RuneScape has a well balanced system imo. A PvPer can go to the full loot PvP zone and fight other players all day long. If he is good and lucky he can earn a lot there. At the same time a peaceful player can fish for hours and can make a huge amount of money as well. So both players do what they like, and earn their living.
Another example is runecrafting skill. Players can make runes without risk, but there is a way to do it through the PVP zone. It's much much faster, therefore earns more money, but its risky. Still, crafting runes is possible for both types of players, but the one who takes the risk earns much more.

Consensual PVP is relative.
Really playing on the Xsyon server you are consenting to PVP. (If you leave your tribe area you are consenting).

If you are talking about right click duel option I hope they dont make that the only way to PVP.

You already have the option to goto a full loot zone in Xsyon. You leave your tribe area you are going to a full loot zone. You have safezones, you even have safe baskets preventing looting.

You can in Xsyon fish for hours without ever being forced to attack in your tribe area. Or other tribe areas that are walled in and protected.

I fully agree in risk vs reward. Risk doesnt only equal PVP risk. Its all risks.

You should look at this http://news.mmosite.com/content/q/2012-02-09/post_apocalyptic_sandbox_mmo_earthrise_shutting_do wn_today.shtml
You can see how far can game go with open world PVP and little or no PVE.
If this is the way Xsyon is heading? then they will close its doors too, because of lack of player base to support it.

Yep I see it everyday.

Look at EVE Online. 100% open PVP.

02-21-2012, 11:37 AM
Is it not boring to to play risk-free. Bins going public on non tribal area is a really good thing.

02-21-2012, 02:11 PM
I dont remember 2 servers planned. I do remember him saying he could consider it IF there was enough demand. He also then tossed it out when there wasnt enough people, and wasnt feasible.

Refresh your memory from the Xsyon Updates Archive thread. Post of March 4.

2) The game will start with two game servers: War and Peace.

The main reason for this is to handle our current game population and anticipated growth over the next few months.
With an obvious existing split in the community between players who want more of a construction game and players that want to focus on PvP, we decided to use this as an opportunity for War and Peace servers.

- Both servers will allow for PvP.
- Both servers will retain our anti-griefing policies.
- Both servers will start off the same and change over time.
- Both servers will evolve with the player community.
- Players will have the option to create characters on both servers.

The War server will have safe zones removed during the Prelude. The plan is to evolve this server to focus more on tribal warfare and conquest as quickly as possible.

The Peace server will retain its safe zones with tribes having the options to engage in tribal warfare or allow PvP on tribal lands. This server will evolve more for the crafting and building community.

Again this is just misreading info.
SWTOR, highest populated server is "The Fatman" its a PVP server.

We are talking about full loot games. Is SWTOR full loot ? There isn't any risk in PvP there. Having to wait 10 secs before respawning is a risk ? PvP without death penalty is only sport, just like duelling. Let's not compare apple and banana.

Consensual PVP is relative.
Really playing on the Xsyon server you are consenting to PVP. (If you leave your tribe area you are consenting).

Look at EVE Online. 100% open PVP.
Yup. Darkfall has consensual PvP as well, according to you. Since if I log in there, that means I'm consenting to PvP. Smart. And I'd like to know banden's definition of consensual PvP, not yours, since I asked the question from him, not you.

I'd be very happy with that type of security that players have in high sec space in Eve. 100% open PvP but 99% security in safe areas. Sounds great to me.

02-21-2012, 02:38 PM
You should look at this http://news.mmosite.com/content/q/2012-02-09/post_apocalyptic_sandbox_mmo_earthrise_shutting_do wn_today.shtml
You can see how far can game go with open world PVP and little or no PVE.
If this is the way Xsyon is heading? then they will close its doors too, because of lack of player base to support it.

What I don't get is how you can compare Earthrise to Xsyon. Xsyon is a true sandbox Earthrise was a openworld shooter with some crafting. Closer to Planetside or Face of Mankind but not a true sandbox. I still fail to see the issue wth the bins not on tribal lands being open to theft. If you don't want you crap to be stolen then you place a homestead tribe totem its not that complex. If you cant savvy that then your not cut out for the Internet or life.

(Forgive any spelling errors I anon my kindle.)

02-21-2012, 02:41 PM
I have been reading this thread for many days now, and resisting the urge to contribute to it. Mainly becasue I didn't want to be drawn into the arguement.

Am I right in thinking that your main concern Znaiika, is that if you decide to move totem, then all your baskets would be exposed to public looting for a time?

Have you considerred using a cart? If you have too much stuff to fit it all in carts, then you have hoarded too much stuff.

Have you ever tried to move just one basket of cloth twines? a full stuck? and on a cart, not to mention metal poles, boards, pipes and so on, unless weight is reduced by 80%.

@ Hodo.
You didn't even read it did you?
A nice header at the beginning of a thread.
"Post-apocalyptic Sandbox MMO Earthrise Shutting down Today"

Of coarse Xsyon is more attractive to more people of both type of players not just one, so that opens an opportunity for Xsyon owners to make a hard cash, unless they don't want cash.

02-21-2012, 02:56 PM
Have you ever tried to move just one basket of cloth twines? a full stuck? and on a cart, not to mention metal poles, boards, pipes and so on, unless weight is reduced by 80%.

@ Hodo.
You didn't even read it did you?
A nice header at the beginning of a thread.
"Post-apocalyptic Sandbox MMO Earthrise Shutting down Today"

Of coarse Xsyon is more attractive to more people of both type of players not just one, so that opens an opportunity for Xsyon owners to make a hard cash, unless they don't want cash.

Well you know how the 49ers did it back in 1849 California gold rush, they packed light and only took what they needed. I suggest you learn to do the same. I am currently a solo player and I log out every night with the important things on me. If I have to move I destroy everything that I cant move or that cant be replaced. Maybe its my army training or my military up bringing but I don't find this concept hard to grasp.

02-21-2012, 03:10 PM
Refresh your memory from the Xsyon Updates Archive thread. Post of March 4.

Yep forgot about that post, I do remember it now, it was a very brief time correct that was planned for? The first plan was NOT 2 servers. This plan here was after players like you had posted "I wont play unless there is no PVP forced on us" type of posts. Forgot about it because it was so brief.

We are talking about full loot games. Is SWTOR full loot ? There isn't any risk in PvP there. Having to wait 10 secs before respawning is a risk ? PvP without death penalty is only sport, just like duelling. Let's not compare apple and banana.

So which games have these types of servers again that have full loot? Because 1) I didnt see you say that, and 2) I dont see a lot of games with full loot with more than 1 server types. Can you please point me to a few?

Yup. Darkfall has consensual PvP as well, according to you. Since if I log in there, that means I'm consenting to PvP. Smart. And I'd like to know banden's definition of consensual PvP, not yours, since I asked the question from him, not you.

I'd be very happy with that type of security that players have in high sec space in Eve. 100% open PvP but 99% security in safe areas. Sounds great to me.

Darkfall has consensual PVP yes. I believe there are varied levels. Which is why you kinda need to limit down what "consensual PVP" version you want.

If you only wanted 1 person's opinion you should do a private message.

Not sure what 99% security in safe areas mean. The major point of what I like about EVE is risk vs reward. 100% PVP open world too.

02-21-2012, 03:38 PM
Well you know how the 49ers did it back in 1849 California gold rush, they packed light and only took what they needed. I suggest you learn to do the same. I am currently a solo player and I log out every night with the important things on me. If I have to move I destroy everything that I cant move or that cant be replaced. Maybe its my army training or my military up bringing but I don't find this concept hard to grasp.

That is the only way to deal with the stash, after the patch, but then again you have to gather more instead of trading.
Ha Ha.

02-21-2012, 04:06 PM
Yep forgot about that post, I do remember it now, it was a very brief time correct that was planned for? The first plan was NOT 2 servers. This plan here was after players like you had posted "I wont play unless there is no PVP forced on us" type of posts. Forgot about it because it was so brief.

Yes, the first one was 1 server. But your memory is failing again...it was the PvPers who complained so much that Jordi decided to start 2 servers. The PvPers demanded to remove every safe zones from the game asap, and when they realized safe zones will stay in game they started thread after thread complaining. That's why Jordi wanted to start a War server for them. He backed off from this idea, and started 1 server with the Peace ruleset. That's what we have now. The PvPers didn't get their server and they quit. That's sad imo.

So which games have these types of servers again that have full loot? Because 1) I didnt see you say that, and 2) I dont see a lot of games with full loot with more than 1 server types. Can you please point me to a few?

I agree, there isn't many of them. Wurm and UO, both has much higher population on the PvE servers. Basically Eve does the same just doesn't separates the players by servers but by zones. RuneScape has full loot PvP too, its very successful with the separated zone model as well, and the majority of the players play in the safe area.

Eve: if a PvPer kills another player in high sec that means he commits suicide...at the same moment the NPC guard ships will destroy him. Seeing that Eve has harsh death penalty this happens very very rarely, PvPing in high sec space has such consequences that players are not willing to take it. If you think that's 100% open world PvP I'm fine with that, I guess then you wouldn't mind the same system to be implemented in Xsyon. It would be funny to say that the game is open world FFA PvP, attract PvPers, and then they realize that if they kill someone some NPC army pops up and kills and loot them...lol I'm sure they would be happy.

02-21-2012, 04:37 PM
Yes, the first one was 1 server. But your memory is failing again...it was the PvPers who complained so much that Jordi decided to start 2 servers. The PvPers demanded to remove every safe zones from the game asap, and when they realized safe zones will stay in game they started thread after thread complaining. That's why Jordi wanted to start a War server for them. He backed off from this idea, and started 1 server with the Peace ruleset. That's what we have now. The PvPers didn't get their server and they quit. That's sad imo.

I agree, there isn't many of them. Wurm and UO, both has much higher population on the PvE servers. Basically Eve does the same just doesn't separates the players by servers but by zones. RuneScape has full loot PvP too, its very successful with the separated zone model as well, and the majority of the players play in the safe area.

Eve: if a PvPer kills another player in high sec that means he commits suicide...at the same moment the NPC guard ships will destroy him. Seeing that Eve has harsh death penalty this happens very very rarely, PvPing in high sec space has such consequences that players are not willing to take it. If you think that's 100% open world PvP I'm fine with that, I guess then you wouldn't mind the same system to be implemented in Xsyon. It would be funny to say that the game is open world FFA PvP, attract PvPers, and then they realize that if they kill someone some NPC army pops up and kills and loot them...lol I'm sure they would be happy.

No it was the Non PVPers that got it changed to 2 servers to start with. It started with 1 server with FFA PVP and full loot, with safe areas during prelude and removed afterwards. I know you want to keep thinking that the game was PVE server to start with because it fits your idea, but it wasnt. It was started with the idea of FFA PVP.

PVPers quit at release because combat was broken, and you are right he changed the rules (to where you couldnt loot baskets anywhere, and looting was broken).

EVE is 100% PVP game. Again there is NO PVE server in EVE.

UO had no PVE server. Why do you keep saying that? ALL UO servers were PVP.

EVE uses a ruleset of flagging, if you are flagged NPCs will attack you. Its not insta death either like UO was. EVE has regions that are stronger NPCs based on how "high security" is. Higher the stronger the NPCs are, lower the fewer and weaker they are. Then there are even areas of "null security" where there are no NPCs that attack flagged players.

02-21-2012, 05:03 PM
UO had no PVE server. Why do you keep saying that? ALL UO servers were PVP.
I'm done arguing with you about Eve. Everyone who played it knows how it works, you just twisting words again, no point in that.

Felucca: The original world. Once Trammel was created, developers added dead trees and tombstones to Felucca to distinguish it from Trammel's lush environment. This was to reflect Felucca's harsher rule set where player killing is more common.
Trammel: The second expansion (Ultima Online: Renaissance) introduced Trammel, a second world geographically similar to the original world. Two player demands were satisfied with the addition of Trammel: a rule set that does not allow non-consensual PVP, and additional open land for player housing.

Cited from UO wiki. Felucca: open world FFA PvP. Trammel: no FFA PvP, only consensual.
Why do you speak about UO in past tense ? It's still working.

02-21-2012, 06:04 PM
I'm done arguing with you about Eve. Everyone who played it knows how it works, you just twisting words again, no point in that.

Felucca: The original world. Once Trammel was created, developers added dead trees and tombstones to Felucca to distinguish it from Trammel's lush environment. This was to reflect Felucca's harsher rule set where player killing is more common.
Trammel: The second expansion (Ultima Online: Renaissance) introduced Trammel, a second world geographically similar to the original world. Two player demands were satisfied with the addition of Trammel: a rule set that does not allow non-consensual PVP, and additional open land for player housing.

Cited from UO wiki. Felucca: open world FFA PvP. Trammel: no FFA PvP, only consensual.
Why do you speak about UO in past tense ? It's still working.

Those are the same server. EVERY server had PVP and a NO PVP area. They are not a "NON PVP SERVER". So Im glad you are done because you are just wrong, and you proved it.

Anyone that played UO knows this to be true also.

I speak of the 7 years I played it. I dont know what its like now.

02-21-2012, 06:22 PM
Good Lord. The point was that full loot games which separates forced PvP and non-forced PvP in whatever way, servers or zones or different worlds always maintain a higher population on the non-forced PvP side. I've said like thousand times that the technical method of separation doesn't matter from this point of view. That is proved by Eve, Wurm, UO, Runescape. Is that clear for you ? If not, I'm not willing to explain. Don't expect a reply.

02-21-2012, 06:25 PM
Good Lord. The point was that full loot games which separates forced PvP and non-forced PvP in whatever way, servers or zones or different worlds always maintain a higher population on the non-forced PvP side. I've said like thousand times that the technical method of separation doesn't matter from this point of view. That is proved by Eve, Wurm, UO, Runescape. Is that clear for you ? If not, I'm not willing to explain. Don't expect a reply.

You want 2 servers. Im pointing out that they dont have PVE servers like that.

So now sense we are not talking about servers, we are talking about AREAS which is also what I want. I believe there should be SAFE areas, just like EVE has. Xsyon currently has safe areas also.

If you dont want to talk about servers dont bring it up. 2 servers is a bad idea. Even UO didnt do it.

Having safe areas where people get less rare and less resources LIKE UO, is a good idea. In UO, in the PVP areas you got 2x the rewards, AND the only place you could find the rare items. Doing things also like champ spawns (very hard PVE stuff).

02-22-2012, 04:59 AM
You want 2 servers. Im pointing out that they dont have PVE servers like that.

So now sense we are not talking about servers, we are talking about AREAS which is also what I want. I believe there should be SAFE areas, just like EVE has. Xsyon currently has safe areas also.

If you dont want to talk about servers dont bring it up. 2 servers is a bad idea. Even UO didnt do it.

Having safe areas where people get less rare and less resources LIKE UO, is a good idea. In UO, in the PVP areas you got 2x the rewards, AND the only place you could find the rare items. Doing things also like champ spawns (very hard PVE stuff).

Just divide Xsyon in two zones and have players to choose either side, no need for harsh rules and scavenge limitations, you get your reward when tribal war implemented by having a choice for a full loot, that is the risk vs reward for PVPers, but by then this container permitions should be postponed, that will lead to ganking and grieving and will lead to quitting.
Why do you keep on adding hard stuff to PVE side? you don't want any PVEers to be part of game? I just can't get it, what is your problem so cold "PVPers".
Come on guys find a way to live together so we could keep this game alive, and the only way to keep this game alive is for both play styles to have freedom of choice, two zones is the way to do it.
If we break apart now Only PVP side would never feed this game enough to keep it alive, on the other hand, if you make Xsyon PVE and add optional PVP by flagging? that includes "factional war, group on group and dueling", Xsyon can be 100% funded by both. You take risk by choosing option whether you agree for a full loot or not, and that is the safest way to have it resolved by agreeing with one another, no need for harsh rules or anything like that.
Let all play-styles to play as they feel like, without forcing anyone against their will.

02-22-2012, 06:56 AM
I say do the Eve thing. We dont need two servers dividing up a already miniscule population. To qoute Jane "Noth'n divided by noth'n, carry the zero, equals uh.... nothin!" (Firefly refrence)

I have played two games that have the ingame zone thing done well. Eve, did it the best, then Roma Victor which did it well but not great.

Seeing as Eve has been beat into the ground already, I will cover the Roma Victor way (RV).

RV had starter towns/cities. They were fully equiped with everything you needed to live without leaving that area, there were NPC guards who would agro on any hostile player, or player of the rival faction. They werent the brightest AI, but they were tougher than your average player, which meant your typical griefer was often kept at bay by them.

If Xsyon did something like that here, where you have guards in the starting NPC towns you will be protected from random gankers. But the further away from the starter safe zones you are the higher risk you are at being attacked by other players. But the resources away fromt he starter towns will be better, thus the risk vs reward.

If you dont like Risk vs Reward based games then perhaps you should end your sandbox gaming life and move on to a nice peaceful game of Bejeweled Blitz or Farmville.

I would also like to add that there was only ONE server for UO at first, it later went to two servers but they werent PVP and PVE, they were both the same, just one was a fresh start. Now there are almost a hundred if not a thousand shards out there for UO pre-Trammel or otherwise.

I left UO after Trammel, I didnt like the changes to a more carebear life. I am no huge PvPer, but I liked the added challenge.

Perseverance through adversity, its the only spiritial qoute that I live by.

Or my favorite movie qoute.

"No obstacles only challenges." -Ernie (The Groove)

02-22-2012, 09:15 AM
back to this dead horse i see... the Devs have a vision of how it will be, and lets hope they stick to it.
I as well enjoy the extra challenge of a full PVP world, but mostly just PVE...

02-22-2012, 10:08 AM
Just divide Xsyon in two zones and have players to choose either side, no need for harsh rules and scavenge limitations, you get your reward when tribal war implemented by having a choice for a full loot, that is the risk vs reward for PVPers, but by then this container permitions should be postponed, that will lead to ganking and grieving and will lead to quitting.
Why do you keep on adding hard stuff to PVE side? you don't want any PVEers to be part of game? I just can't get it, what is your problem so cold "PVPers".
Come on guys find a way to live together so we could keep this game alive, and the only way to keep this game alive is for both play styles to have freedom of choice, two zones is the way to do it.
If we break apart now Only PVP side would never feed this game enough to keep it alive, on the other hand, if you make Xsyon PVE and add optional PVP by flagging? that includes "factional war, group on group and dueling", Xsyon can be 100% funded by both. You take risk by choosing option whether you agree for a full loot or not, and that is the safest way to have it resolved by agreeing with one another, no need for harsh rules or anything like that.
Let all play-styles to play as they feel like, without forcing anyone against their will.

So you choice is change the system we have now because you dont like it. We've talked about how the system works for both people, devs vision and how it works. You have said "I dont like it others like me wont like it, but people now like it so we should change it"

I'm not sure what your system will bring to the table other than a few people like it (people like you) and many people wont like it.

Care to explain why they should change the whole system?

02-22-2012, 12:38 PM
So you choice is change the system we have now because you dont like it. We've talked about how the system works for both people, devs vision and how it works. You have said "I dont like it others like me wont like it, but people now like it so we should change it"

I'm not sure what your system will bring to the table other than a few people like it (people like you) and many people wont like it.

Care to explain why they should change the whole system?

Because!!! with optional PVP everyone will be able to play the same game, there are two types of PVP players peaceful PVP players and aggressive PVP players, peaceful PVP players would go with any system as long if system allow them to PVP, aggressive PVP players don't care about the rest just their own selves and those are the most vocal on forums and in game chat.
There are also two types of PVE players, civil and ventures, civil would only gather, build and trade, wile ventures would look for excitement, either by challenging nature or challenging players on their own terms.
Three of these types of player will be happy with the optional PVP, one may or may not that means over 80% of players will support that kind of play-style, and that is more then enough people to support game in active condition.
Then the developers should never change it back and forth pissing-off one side or the other, such instability throw people off.

02-22-2012, 01:09 PM
Because!!! with optional PVP everyone will be able to play the same game, there are two types of PVP players peaceful PVP players and aggressive PVP players, peaceful PVP players would go with any system as long if system allow them to PVP, aggressive PVP players don't care about the rest just their own selves and those are the most vocal on forums and in game chat.
There are also two types of PVE players, civil and ventures, civil would only gather, build and trade, wile ventures would look for excitement, either by challenging nature or challenging players on their own terms.
Three of these types of player will be happy with the optional PVP, one may or may not that means over 80% of players will support that kind of play-style, and that is more then enough people to support game in active condition.
Then the developers should never change it back and forth pissing-off one side or the other, such instability throw people off.

The system you are asking for is going to upset more than 1 type, its going to upset 3 types.

The current system is already a lot like what you want. You have safe areas, and you have unsafe areas. You want anywhere you want safe at anytime you want. You want all your items always safe.

If you want to be safe in the current system stay in the safe areas.

02-22-2012, 01:39 PM
The system you are asking for is going to upset more than 1 type, its going to upset 3 types.

The current system is already a lot like what you want. You have safe areas, and you have unsafe areas. You want anywhere you want safe at anytime you want. You want all your items always safe.

If you want to be safe in the current system stay in the safe areas.

First how is that system that I suggest will upset 3 types of players?
Current system is not even near safe what I suggest, and with coming changes it is going to be even strict.
Safe zone aren't safe way to play because you have to go out to scavenge, gathering and trade, it's more like limitations.
Many people who would play this game don't even want to encounter PVP, that is one player base less.
Other PVE type players that would just PVP occasionally on their own terms without force, that player base is out too.
Leaving two PVP types of players, one which will agree to optional PVP and one who want everything to be chaotic, the chaotic PVP players would be around 10%-15%.
So you tell me, is it OK to remove more that a half players from the game?
If you don't think that there will be more than a half population if it is PVE server with optional PVP? then we can test it, make two servers, one with full PVP and the other? with PVE and optional PVP, and lets see the result in about a year? lets see which server would have more population?

02-22-2012, 02:45 PM
First how is that system that I suggest will upset 3 types of players?
Current system is not even near safe what I suggest, and with coming changes it is going to be even strict.
Safe zone aren't safe way to play because you have to go out to scavenge, gathering and trade, it's more like limitations.
Many people who would play this game don't even want to encounter PVP, that is one player base less.
Other PVE type players that would just PVP occasionally on their own terms without force, that player base is out too.
Leaving two PVP types of players, one which will agree to optional PVP and one who want everything to be chaotic, the chaotic PVP players would be around 10%-15%.
So you tell me, is it OK to remove more that a half players from the game?
If you don't think that there will be more than a half population if it is PVE server with optional PVP? then we can test it, make two servers, one with full PVP and the other? with PVE and optional PVP, and lets see the result in about a year? lets see which server would have more population?

You dont have to go anywhere to scav. I scav in my tribe area a lot. You choose to, and I dont know why.

If you dont want to encounter PVP, then stay to the safe areas.

Other PVPer that want to PVP on their own terms they can choose to go out and fight (if they find someone, good luck).

I dont know where you get 1/2 of the players in the game, you been here what a week? Ive been here for years. More than 80% of the players currently playing have left BECAUSE of the issues with safety blocking everyone from defending their areas, and no looting, and little PVP.

If this was a PVE only game, you would have even less people playing. There were MORE people that like PVP than there are people that ONLY like PVE.

You cant test 2 servers as its not a choice. You come in here, wanting to change things to how you want it, not even understanding how the current game works or its plans. On top of that you dont even know who is playing this game.

02-22-2012, 03:27 PM
More than 80% of the players currently playing have left BECAUSE of the issues with safety blocking everyone from defending their areas, and no looting, and little PVP.
I don't understand this sentence. The players currently playing ...that means they are here and playing. Then you say 80% of them left...now are they here or not ? Or you mean that 80% of the current players have left the game before then they came back ?

02-22-2012, 03:29 PM
I don't understand this sentence. The players currently playing ...that means they are here and playing. Then you say 80% of them left...now are they here or not ? Or you mean that 80% of the current players have left the game before then they came back ?

Sorry, how about this.
The current # of people playing is 1/4th the number of PVPers that already left.

02-22-2012, 04:02 PM
You dont have to go anywhere to scav. I scav in my tribe area a lot. You choose to, and I dont know why.

If you dont want to encounter PVP, then stay to the safe areas.

Other PVPer that want to PVP on their own terms they can choose to go out and fight (if they find someone, good luck).

I dont know where you get 1/2 of the players in the game, you been here what a week? Ive been here for years. More than 80% of the players currently playing have left BECAUSE of the issues with safety blocking everyone from defending their areas, and no looting, and little PVP.

If this was a PVE only game, you would have even less people playing. There were MORE people that like PVP than there are people that ONLY like PVE.

You cant test 2 servers as its not a choice. You come in here, wanting to change things to how you want it, not even understanding how the current game works or its plans. On top of that you dont even know who is playing this game.

You are in large tribe that expend over junk pile so you can do it safely unlike mine is a solo and off the junk pile.
Lets ask Devs to give us two servers then we will see if you where right or me and Jadzia? Why are you afraid of having two servers? afraid of being wrong? then you will know for sure which direction they should go.

02-22-2012, 04:05 PM
I'm against two servers, that would completely ruin the game and population IMO.

02-22-2012, 04:11 PM
Sorry, how about this.
The current # of people playing is 1/4th the number of PVPers that already left.
Thanks, that make more sense.

But how is that an answer to znaiika's post ? He said the half of the current players would prefer optional PvP. He is probably be right, or the number can even be much higher, since the PvPers have left.

02-22-2012, 04:21 PM
Thanks, that make more sense.

But how is that an answer to znaiika's post ? He said the half of the current players would prefer optional PvP. He is probably be right, or the number can even be much higher, since the PvPers have left.

While I like PvP, I also enjoy good PvE, and just building things. I dont know why everyone has to be lumped into a PvP or PvE catagory. Go figure.

02-22-2012, 04:36 PM
Thanks, that make more sense.

But how is that an answer to znaiika's post ? He said the half of the current players would prefer optional PvP. He is probably be right, or the number can even be much higher, since the PvPers have left.

Who knows who is playing right now, do you? I do know that most of the people that played this game were PVPers, as Ive seen all the posts and I watch chat and look at the tribes that list it.

Also, dont forget that not all "PVPers" are griefing jerks. They are people that like to PVP, as well as other things.
Non PVPers dont ever want to PVP.

Also Xsyon said there was not a choice between PVE and PVP servers. It was going to be PVP, and WAR (aka Chaos) server.

What Znaiika is asking for is 100% safety all the time.

02-22-2012, 04:56 PM
Who knows who is playing right now, do you? I do know that most of the people that played this game were PVPers, as Ive seen all the posts and I watch chat and look at the tribes that list it.

Also, dont forget that not all "PVPers" are griefing jerks. They are people that like to PVP, as well as other things.
Non PVPers dont ever want to PVP.

Also Xsyon said there was not a choice between PVE and PVP servers. It was going to be PVP, and WAR (aka Chaos) server.

What Znaiika is asking for is 100% safety all the time.
It depends on who do you call a PvPer. If the ones who wanted no safe zones but open PvP everywhere and unavoidable tribal wars, then you are wrong...they have always been the minority. I've been here from day 1, just like you ( well even longer because you left for like 5-6 months during beta) and every poll made by players or devs showed that about 2/3 of the playerbase supported safe zones and wanted them to stay in game and wanted optional tribal wars. You can't base anything on posts and chats, the majority is always quiet. Like 80% of my former tribe ( and you know it was a big one and mostly PvEers) never ever posted on the forum or talked on public chat.

If you call a player who likes optional PvP a PvPer ,then you are right.
I do believe no one wants a pure PvE server, much better a one with optional PvP, its just easier and shorter to call it a PvE server. Since if its optional, it servers as a PvE server for PvE players, but still gives the opportunity to have a thrill when they wish so.

02-22-2012, 05:43 PM
What Znaiika is asking for is 100% safety all the time.

After all these discussions I agree that what you are saying "100% safety all the time" is the better choice since you want to make forceful PVP by making containers lootable outside of tribe area, that will open opportunity for grievers and gankers, and as I said it before, not all PVPers are like that most of them just want to have a nice time.
I was asking to place timer with interaction on containers nothing more, but it seams like PVPers who want to gank and grief are asking to make things harder for solo players and peaceful PVEers.
And I think now that bringing optional PVP in to the game is a better choice and will insure that no one could gank and grief and will keep a lot of players in the game.

02-22-2012, 05:53 PM
While I like PvP, I also enjoy good PvE, and just building things. I dont know why everyone has to be lumped into a PvP or PvE catagory. Go figure.

You are right, players are not separated like this. I guess mostly everyone who plays here likes some PvE, some PvP, building stuffs and terraforming. That makes the real difference is if a player likes forced PvP or not. So when I say PvPer I mean a player who likes forced PvP, and by PvEer I mean a one who doesn't. Its just a form of speech, it would be too long to always write 'players who don't like forced PvP' instead of PvEer.

02-22-2012, 06:17 PM
It depends on who do you call a PvPer. If the ones who wanted no safe zones but open PvP everywhere and unavoidable tribal wars, then you are wrong...they have always been the minority. I've been here from day 1, just like you ( well even longer because you left for like 5-6 months during beta) and every poll made by players or devs showed that about 2/3 of the playerbase supported safe zones and wanted them to stay in game and wanted optional tribal wars. You can't base anything on posts and chats, the majority is always quiet. Like 80% of my former tribe ( and you know it was a big one and mostly PvEers) never ever posted on the forum or talked on public chat.

If you call a player who likes optional PvP a PvPer ,then you are right.
I do believe no one wants a pure PvE server, much better a one with optional PvP, its just easier and shorter to call it a PvE server. Since if its optional, it servers as a PvE server for PvE players, but still gives the opportunity to have a thrill when they wish so.

I call PVPer, anyone that wants to PVP.
Its pretty simple term. To break things out of that term is your opinion. You can range all thorough the spectrum of who wants what, and I would down that even 5% agree with each other.

Optional is relative. Again you can ask 100 people and you likely wont get the same answer for 5% of the people.

Very very few people think there should be zero safe zones. I would say that MOST people think there should be some type of balance. Where that balance is the major question.

Znaiika, I want people to have the choice they want to play. My opinion is that there should be some areas that are safe. There should be less safe areas that yield slightly better rewards, and then there should be very unsafe areas yielding high rewards.

Being safe doesnt only mean no pvp, it means limited PVE. Being unsafe doesnt have to mean PVP, it could mean harder NPC's.

Jadzia, what do you call people that dont want forced PVE that like to PVE?

02-22-2012, 06:34 PM
Znaiika, I want people to have the choice they want to play. My opinion is that there should be some areas that are safe. There should be less safe areas that yield slightly better rewards, and then there should be very unsafe areas yielding high rewards.

With optional PVP and tribal war you get to choose options to a full loot or not, that is the well rewarded high risk for both sides, same go for one on one dueling or group on group, no need to make every corner of Xyon PVP forced.
Trust me, when the whole Xsyon world is safe to travel from town to town to trade or to meet with friends or gathering resources? a lot of people will join this game.
You can even build your own arena to make contests, and that dose not scare people of who don't like adrenalin rush from PVP or never took a chance to try it.

02-22-2012, 06:35 PM
Jadzia, what do you call people that dont want forced PVE that like to PVE?

Non-combat oriented players.

02-22-2012, 07:03 PM
With optional PVP and tribal war you get to choose options to a full loot or not, that is the well rewarded high risk for both sides, same go for one on one dueling or group on group, no need to make every corner of Xyon PVP forced.
Trust me, when the whole Xsyon world is safe to travel from town to town to trade or to meet with friends or gathering resources? a lot of people will join this game.
You can even build your own arena to make contests, and that dose not scare people of who don't like adrenalin rush from PVP or never took a chance to try it.

Its already safe by proxy. See the thing is you dont know the game because you are new to it.
People are so safe right now no one even PVPs.

You cant even loot baskets. So your thoughts are wrong. Sure maybe people "can" pvp but they dont, there isnt anyone playing your safe version. Why do you think that is?

Jadzia but they like PVE. PVE = Combat. So how do you figure they are non combat oriented? Your own versions of the words dont even make sense.

PVPers like to PVP.
PVEers like to PVE.

Once you start breaking out of that, you are putting your own opinions into it.

02-22-2012, 07:17 PM
If a players doesn't like forced PvP and doesn't like forced PvE either, that means he likes to spend his time ingame with something else, and although he likes PvE when he feels like that, he doesn't want to do that all the time. He wants to fish without being disturbed by monsters, or terraform without being irritated by animals. So yes, although this type of player likes to PvE sometimes, and even likes to PvP sometimes, his main interest in the game is not combat. Other ingame activities means more fun for him, that's why he is not combat oriented.

It's like watching TV or reading. If a person loves to read and that's his main source of entertainment, that doesn't mean he doesn't like to watch TV sometimes when there is a good film on the air. He likes watching TV, but only when he feels like.

Actually I don't like ANYTHING being forced on me in a game. Not even my favourite activity. I like to decide myself what I want to do. That's what I'm looking for in a sandbox game: freedom and choices.

By your definition I'm a PvP player as well, since I like to duel with my friends. It's ok if you want to call me that, the only problem that its hard to talk about different type of players this way, if you open up one category this wide. According to you both of us are PvPers, still we like very different games.

02-22-2012, 07:35 PM
People are so safe right now no one even PVPs.

You cant even loot baskets.

If it stay this way and containers stay under permitions even outside of tribes? I wouldn't have complained.
And I know many players are scared to go out, being a solo player they afraid that some one would jump them.
I'd like to PVP myself one day as well, but not with this combat, I'd like combat that is similar to Scyrim, more responsive, I cant even bind middle mouth to block.

02-22-2012, 10:22 PM
Whatever the direction Xsyon takes is one that I will support, adapt to, and enjoy playing. I enjoy PVP as much as PVE, and finding a balance does present a challenge for games like this, especially if they want to keep a versatile crowd. My main concern when it comes to FFA PVP is constantly having to deal with some of the asshats that always gravitate to such games. Some of you bring up good points both ways that should be taken into consideration. Others, I wonder if they even knew what they were getting into when deciding to play Xsyon.

02-23-2012, 09:46 AM
And I know many players are scared to go out

O rly? Lol, I just had to comment on this, so thats something you know eh? Been asking a lot of people if they are scared to go out have you?

02-23-2012, 10:14 AM
I am scared to leave my totem.... but thats because those marmount things are MEAN!!!!!!

And I have to ridge back bears around the area.

But I am looking forward to this patch, and the shinanigans it will bring.