View Full Version : Vendor Lock?

02-22-2012, 08:37 AM
The market last week was great, however, it was a little confusing who was selling and what was for sale.

I think it would be a great idea to have a vendor lock on baskets. A lock that would allow people to look inside a basket without being able to take anything. A seller could label the basket "schemes and blueprints" a buyer could click the basket and see it was schemes and bp and open the basket to see what was available. The buyer could also see the owner of said basket and contact them to work out the deal if interested in something.

02-22-2012, 09:00 AM
perhaps they could just make this a stall blue print in architecture... any basket that is put in the stall has its permisions overriden to just view whats inside, only the vender can remove the basket to get an item... or if posible, remove an item right from the stalls new permisions.

this would prevent to many settings in permisions, but allow this idea to still work well :)

02-22-2012, 09:32 AM
That would also allow you to put up a stall in an "open" area in your tribe location to allow for someone to come to your "trading post" and look at what was available.

02-22-2012, 10:12 AM
I think a building type would work well here, but not another permission type. So I like that idea.

02-22-2012, 10:50 AM
Maybe it could even do a trade without anyone being there? Like say you set an item at a cost of 1000 nails the player would just trade the nails and get there item. I guess this would work best when they come up with some kind or currency for the game though. It would add a great deal to the game by adding sale stalls and currency.

02-22-2012, 10:55 AM
Maybe it could even do a trade without anyone being there? Like say you set an item at a cost of 1000 nails the player would just trade the nails and get there item. I guess this would work best when they come up with some kind or currency for the game though. It would add a great deal to the game by adding sale stalls and currency.

My problem with currency in game is that the ones they have, require QL to be a factor. So now getting the right type of mat, plus the QL diff is a major problem.

I really wish they would add in breaking down items. Like melting down nails into the type of item they are. So say 1000 nails would melt down to say 5kg of pureX (x being the type of metal it is, chrome, iron etc).

Then you can make nails out of that. So then the basic ore or melted down mat could be sold based on weight.

Higher QL yields more weight.

02-22-2012, 12:51 PM
I dont know about all that... lets just get a "stall" plan that lets us view others wears to start, and avoid this other permision thing.

the trade with no one there is like the quest system devised for totems, that still does not work right... but should be reserverd for that i think?

corse were all just bantering here, mabee some one should take this idea to the suggestion thred :)

02-22-2012, 02:15 PM
To be honest the fastest way to get what we are looking for is the lock that was suggested but i would love to see a stall at some point.

02-22-2012, 06:44 PM
You know we are all on the right path here..... however, why does it have to be a basket that adds more permissions at all. I think we are trying way to hard on this one.

Here we go...

A vendors bag, kinda like a carpetbaggers bag. An upgrade to that would be a trunk. These items could have just the one lock or permission, "vendor lock" or "private". Could be made from cloth or leather for the carpetbagger bag or wood and metal for the trunk. Here is a few links for the trunks.



This would not add allot of permissions nor would it be a building or stall.

Edit: just thought of something else too.... it would be cool if it worked like a gate too kinda... the open or closed graphic. In "vendor" mode the trunk could be open showing just some generic items, and in private mode its closed. Therefor someone could walk up and see that a trunk or bag or the vendor was open for business. In private mode the trunk or bag appears to be shut or drawd tight at the top such as in the bags case.

What do you guys think?

02-22-2012, 07:37 PM
You know we are all on the right path here..... however, why does it have to be a basket that adds more permissions at all. I think we are trying way to hard on this one.

Here we go...

A vendors bag, kinda like a carpetbaggers bag. An upgrade to that would be a trunk. These items could have just the one lock or permission, "vendor lock" or "private". Could be made from cloth or leather for the carpetbagger bag or wood and metal for the trunk. Here is a few links for the trunks.



This would not add allot of permissions nor would it be a building or stall.

Edit: just thought of something else too.... it would be cool if it worked like a gate too kinda... the open or closed graphic. In "vendor" mode the trunk could be open showing just some generic items, and in private mode its closed. Therefor someone could walk up and see that a trunk or bag or the vendor was open for business. In private mode the trunk or bag appears to be shut or drawd tight at the top such as in the bags case.

What do you guys think?

Most of these ideas here sound great. I like this one also.