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View Full Version : The New Vegas Brief - Tribe Interviews

03-08-2012, 08:55 PM

The New Vegas Brief was a project that was spearheaded by the Wolverines as a way to keep citizens informed and add a bit of Roleplay backstory to the community. We have some stories coming down the pipeline, but in order for us to make it a success we need the larger community's help and one of those highlights is Tribe Interviews. Want folks to know more about your tribe? Want to advertise a specific event or community effort that you're behind? The New Vegas Brief is the perfect way to get your story out and interact with the community. We have some RL professional writers/journalists who are standing by to bring your story to the masses!

Shoot me a PM or reply here if you want your tribe to be interviewed. Our first run was about Deathwatch Mercenaries. Perhaps its time for a revisit too. What do you say Archangei? Anyone else for a chance in the hot seat?

Coming Soon: New Vegas Public Radio! We'll be spinning our radio station back up once we've established the newspaper. Aspiring DJ? Give us a shout and we'll see if you've got what it takes.


03-11-2012, 03:35 PM
Published a new article penned by Kroat! First one in roughly a year. We're back and will be putting out much more content soon.