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View Full Version : Thinking of ordering the game - concerns

03-18-2012, 06:03 PM
Hello, i was told about this game by a friend who used to play... I am curious what it is like atm because he said when he stopped playing that the game felt unfinished / still alot of glitches. The $15 a month is higher then any mmo i have ever played and from what i see is overpriced for the content of the game.. But if there is fun to be had even if for a month or two i could see it being worth it.

So Questions :

Is this game still friendly to newcomers or are most players that are active already too high a level? Would it be hard for a new player to find someone to start playing with from the beginning?

What do you enjoy most in the game?

How much time needs to be put in to level up / get to a point where you can be a factor or worthwhile to the community or your tribe?

What direction is the game currently heading in i guess i mean plans for future?

Finally your current view on the game :D

Thanks for your time i look forward to hearing back from the community

03-19-2012, 02:50 AM
1. No, you will never catch up to certain players. 2. i enjoyed the crafting and building and fun people have terraforming. 3. from the time ya begin and join a tribe you can be useful, but to get high levels in skills, Especially stats, youll spend a very long time doing. 4. Direction is unknown and likely never known. 5. Xsyon is a very fun game, however combat system needs redone again, and theirs alot of features that need added to the game along with alot of tweaks to improve systems. So atm it is a waiting game, devs are workin as fast as they can, so when joining xsyon you need a bit of patience and time to see the overall vision of the game.

03-19-2012, 03:52 AM
1. As current system stands it would be very difficult to catch certain players, although possible future changes may level thinkgs out a bit.
The game and community as a whole is friendly to newcomers and new names appear regularly what the main issue is keeping those new players for a long period.

2. Freedom, no set path or game handholding you along a certain path. I like the games art syle with all the architectural parts and carts and the communities creativity building up their tribal areas.

3. Its a long grind to raise certain tradeskills, this is where i feel the game is losing players they instantly see oh i want to raise basketry to 100 so every day for hours start grinding out thousands of grass twine on their own then get bored. As the game is still developing you are best to do the things u like and vary what you do, there is no race or need at this time to burn yourself out play for fun and relax while the game still allows.
As a newplayer you are very useful to a tribe even though you dont have high trade skills, you can help and collect resourses, grass,branches,rock etc, terraform areas for building projects and help fill these projects and many other things. You will find if you join a tribe players will help and make it quicker and easier for you to raise your skills by working as a team.
4. They work on adding features month by month and ask for community feedback, current plans are for a real estate system and totem decay and zombies then im not sure whats next.
5. Xsyon is a great game and has kept my attention for over a year now (many other mainstream games havent), it has so much potential and is the type of game im looking for. You have to remain patient and development is slow at times due to the few staff they have but its coming along nicely and alot is still to be added and tweaking/balancing done.

03-19-2012, 09:07 AM
Hello, i was told about this game by a friend who used to play... I am curious what it is like atm because he said when he stopped playing that the game felt unfinished / still alot of glitches. The $15 a month is higher then any mmo i have ever played and from what i see is overpriced for the content of the game.. But if there is fun to be had even if for a month or two i could see it being worth it.

So Questions :

Is this game still friendly to newcomers or are most players that are active already too high a level? Would it be hard for a new player to find someone to start playing with from the beginning?

What do you enjoy most in the game?

How much time needs to be put in to level up / get to a point where you can be a factor or worthwhile to the community or your tribe?

What direction is the game currently heading in i guess i mean plans for future?

Finally your current view on the game :D

Thanks for your time i look forward to hearing back from the community

1) Yes you can, however, its very hard in the fact it will take a lot of your time. It takes 1000s of hours to get maxxed out in this game.
1a) Its not hard to find someone to play with from the begining. Many tribes are looking for new members. Click on my sig below if you are looking for a good active group.
1b) If you mean "somewhere" and not someone, then yes you can find spots lots of places on the map, the map is no where near full. Also very soon there will be decay of old totems/tribes so you can even pick some better spots or take over someones partly built up spots.

2) Mostly out of the game I like the freedom. You are able to run around and do just about whatever you want, you can kill other players, trade freely, hunt, build, and skill up all the skills. Mostly this game is about building just to be creative. There is no reason to do it other than it looks cool. But there is a lot of freedom there. The game is FFA PVP full loot, however, few people PVP, and there is very few people playing so you likely wont even see PVP for a long time.

3) You dont need to level up to be worthwhile for the tribe, in fact that's one of the best things about this game. You can start helping day one, and while helping you are also skilling up. You can even go out hunting and do combat with the vets and be very helpful.

4) You should read the updates page on this, there is a long list. But right now they are working on changing how skills/stats/hp/exp works to make it easier for people to understand and change things, they are working on totem decay, and zombies spawning from dying totems. They are also working on a very cool system where you can rent/live out of other players tribes, binding to these tribal area rooms.

5) My current view of the game is that its a huge work in progress but its going to be wonderful once they get some of these features in as they have been working so hard to do.