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03-18-2012, 07:31 PM
Right now you are saying its a valid tactic to kill animals in water that cant attack you back.

If this is the case why are we even bothering with armor in this game? If they cant hurt me, and I can just beat on them freely all day, whats the point of armor or good weapons?

03-19-2012, 02:40 AM
shrink your hp's down to normal folks hp's. Betcha ud be singing a new tune. Personally animals are fine for me, for u no animal is fine and untill they fix your hps, id say ur opinion on animals attacks should be with held till you are knocked back down to normal hp levels. But i also agree here on 1 point. See in wurm i noticed QL plays a HUGE part to the game. Higher QL armor= u live alot longer and take alot less dmgs, same goes for weapons and as these items decay down and loose quality (each time ya repair them and use them) their effects are less n less. Xsyon needs a QL based system. Sure we got it now, but its not working n if it is, its not working enough for armors to be truly noticable. Armors and weapons if ya get say above 60 QL should have a massive effect on the battles ya fight, but yes u get wat i mean, Higher the QL higher the protection and damages.

03-19-2012, 05:32 AM
The number of HP he or anyone else has is totally irrelevant when you don't take any damage while fighting in water.

03-19-2012, 05:41 AM
Right now you are saying its a valid tactic to kill animals in water that cant attack you back.

If this is the case why are we even bothering with armor in this game? If they cant hurt me, and I can just beat on them freely all day, whats the point of armor or good weapons?

I can kill animals without even using water, and not getting hit once, like using a terrain and trees as a tactic, that doesn't mean they have to remove all the trees, because animals can't hit back.
I can kill a toughest bear not entering a water and not getting hit once, sure it takes a little longer, since I don't have a weapon as powerful as yours, but it is possible, and I can do it naked.
If you want to fix water de-buff? just stop animals entering water "to chase you" and you have fixed the problem.
Water should be available for get away.

The animals supposed to be for hunt not for contest.

03-19-2012, 05:49 AM
fatboy dont turn this into a ddt hate thread like drevar said it has nothing to do with his hp.TBH i would rather see animals just taken out of the game then to work my butt off skilling hunting and getting my butt handed to me everytime I run into a tough animals while anyone can just walk in the game day one and kill any and everything with this weak "tactic".Btw how the hell is this a tactic its 100% zero risk that is not a tactic at all.

03-19-2012, 06:34 AM
Xsyon stated that it is a bug, but its a valid tactic. Which basicly translates into "yeah, its an exploit but we cant enforce it."

03-19-2012, 08:53 AM
I can kill animals without even using water, and not getting hit once, like using a terrain and trees as a tactic, that doesn't mean they have to remove all the trees, because animals can't hit back.
I can kill a toughest bear not entering a water and not getting hit once, sure it takes a little longer, since I don't have a weapon as powerful as yours, but it is possible, and I can do it naked.
If you want to fix water de-buff? just stop animals entering water "to chase you" and you have fixed the problem.
Water should be available for get away.

The animals supposed to be for hunt not for contest.

There is a huge difference from, killing animals using good play style. I am willing to bet that you do get hit sometimes using trees and rocks, mostly because it does take skill to run around and not get hit. It takes skill to parry effectively and not take damage. Not in game leveling up skill but actual player playing skill.

Like in a First Person Shooter game. Getting head shots. Sure someone can get a lot of head shots, and its very powerful to get one. However, it takes great skill to get them. Also they do miss sometimes and mess up.

Fatboy, first Ive earned my HP. Second is, if I cant kill something I dont drag it to water and kill it using a bug. I run away from it. I think using the water or a rock, or a gate to heal up is a great tactic. However killing it when it cant fight back is not ok. It doesnt make the fight fun at all. Where is the fun in killing something that has no chance to even hurt you?

1 second old players shouldnt be killing Shadowbears without even getting hurt. It just doesnt make sense.

I think people need to understand that, gear, skill, teamwork, and tactics should come into play here. Right now there is no need for any of that. I would love to see gear more effective, and I would love to see groups of people out hunting.

My tribe used to hunt in groups now there is no reason too. Just drag them to water and kill them. Plus with the reason that only 1 person gets to skin its even worse.

03-19-2012, 12:04 PM
Xsyon stated that it is a bug, but its a valid tactic. Which basicly translates into "yeah, its an exploit but we cant enforce it."

They are saying that this is a bug and they are working on fixing it. ""this is bugged. Creatures should not stay and fight in water. We'll look into this.""

Yes I do get hit sometimes, and as you've said it takes all "skill, armor, time..." to pull something like that with a tough animal.
You can pull something like that even if you are a 1 second old as well, if you have previous experience in other similar games, take a Scyrim for example, when fighting giants, you just can't kill him by confronting head-on, you need to have some kind of tactic involved.

I really love the challenge, it is not a time for me to PVP just yet though, need to learn more about game and other people tactics, but that's another topic.

03-19-2012, 12:17 PM
They are saying that this is a bug and they are working on fixing it. ""this is bugged. Creatures should not stay and fight in water. We'll look into this.""

Yes I do get hit sometimes, and as you've said it takes all "skill, armor, time..." to pull something like that with a tough animal.
You can pull something like that even if you are a 1 second old as well, if you have previous experience in other similar games, take a Scyrim for example, when fighting giants, you just can't kill him by confronting head-on, you need to have some kind of tactic involved.

I really love the challenge, it is not a time for me to PVP just yet though, need to learn more about game and other people tactics, but that's another topic.

Try killing a Shadowbear using your tactics with a 1 second old char. Im willing to bet you will lose 90% of the time. Would you care to make a wager? I can supply the account if you wish.
Shadowbears kill new players in 1 maybe 2 hits. So if you mess up in your long long long fight once, you are dead. Which is how it should be. These tactics make for good gameplay and economy. However, not needing armor, good weapons, or any risk at all doesnt.

Is it even fun to kill stuff that cant fight you back and isnt risky?

03-19-2012, 12:35 PM
hrmm missed the water part, but yea still ties into my post. ALot of us average folks use that water as a saftey net. Hell me n loki a month was doin that to a bear, guess what, he kept outruning us and we never killed him. Animals run from ya so unless ur packin heavy damages vs the big animals, the water has 0 barring in this picture. its nice for new folks to use, Doesnt mean the animals will stick around as all ofem run, and when the bear runs, he fights back, and the noob will still die, So just sayin :-P

03-19-2012, 12:54 PM
Try killing a Shadowbear using your tactics with a 1 second old char. Im willing to bet you will lose 90% of the time.

Is it even fun to kill stuff that cant fight you back and isnt risky?

You could loose with those 10%

Killing animal in a water is not fun but it is beneficial.
People who are looking for challenge, are against this tactic.

03-19-2012, 01:35 PM
shrink your hp's down to normal folks hp's. Betcha ud be singing a new tune. Personally animals are fine for me, for u no animal is fine and untill they fix your hps, id say ur opinion on animals attacks should be with held till you are knocked back down to normal hp levels.

This attitude is the problem with the community and largely the game as a whole right now. "I should be able to do everything!" Fact is you shouldn't, you shouldn't be able to solo monstrous mutant animals by yourself. You shouldn't be able to make the finest leather,cloth and bone armor. This game should require multiple people to achieve "great" things but not basic things.

There should be animals that require multiple players to kill IMO, a person who wants to make the best quality leather armor shouldn't be able to make top quality twine as well. Forcing people to interact for sub-combines or work together to take down giant animals is good for the game. Every little mechanic change that gets you to deal with another player is a good thing.

The things above build community,stimulate an economy and in general will help to remove some of the empty feeling this game world has. You should be able to do all basic things on your own. But there should be "tiers" (I know it's a dirty word) of quality or even select items that you can't do if you're not someone who has chosen to specialize in that ability/skill/profession.

03-19-2012, 01:40 PM
Xsyon stated that it is a bug, but its a valid tactic. Which basicly translates into "yeah, its an exploit but we cant enforce it."


It's a bug. It's not supposed to be this way. It's not going to stay this way. I'm sure they'd rather not have to deal with it in the middle of polishing other features like totem decay but... whatcha gonna do.

Easiest thing to do for the time being is say "yeah sure, valid...don't get used to it and prepare yourself for the emotional trauma when it changes..." and then they can get back to work on whatever they're focused on. Blip on the radar in the long run.

Oneeyed, sup...
Feels like kind of a different topic since this whole animal in water thing is really just a temporary fluke but...
Player interaction and cooperation is indeed awesome to have and the more the better, however, I'd really like to stress :
Anything that encourages players to work together = good.
Anything that forces players to work together = bad.
May not seem like a very important distinction but good will yield better result than bad, because bad... is dumb.

03-19-2012, 02:33 PM
This attitude is the problem with the community and largely the game as a whole right now. "I should be able to do everything!" Fact is you shouldn't, you shouldn't be able to solo monstrous mutant animals by yourself. You shouldn't be able to make the finest leather,cloth and bone armor. This game should require multiple people to achieve "great" things but not basic things.

There should be animals that require multiple players to kill IMO, a person who wants to make the best quality leather armor shouldn't be able to make top quality twine as well. Forcing people to interact for sub-combines or work together to take down giant animals is good for the game. Every little mechanic change that gets you to deal with another player is a good thing.

The things above build community,stimulate an economy and in general will help to remove some of the empty feeling this game world has. You should be able to do all basic things on your own. But there should be "tiers" (I know it's a dirty word) of quality or even select items that you can't do if you're not someone who has chosen to specialize in that ability/skill/profession.

You sound more like "CLASS SYSTEM" lucky us this isn't that game, I was always been looking for such games, where I could have freedom to do everything I want, and the only limit is the time.

03-19-2012, 03:32 PM
You sound more like "CLASS SYSTEM" lucky us this isn't that game, I was always been looking for such games, where I could have freedom to do everything I want, and the only limit is the time.

A class system forces you to pick a specialization when you create your character, he didnt say anything like that, people should need to specialize to be effective, noone is saying we should be locked into specializations. If you cant understand half of what people are saying you shouldnt post replies to them.

03-19-2012, 05:16 PM
A class system forces you to pick a specialization when you create your character, he didnt say anything like that, people should need to specialize to be effective, noone is saying we should be locked into specializations. If you cant understand half of what people are saying you shouldnt post replies to them.

""" This attitude is the problem with the community and largely the game as a whole right now. "I should be able to do everything!" Fact is you shouldn't, you shouldn't be able to solo monstrous mutant animals by yourself. You shouldn't be able to make the finest leather,cloth and bone armor. """

To me this sound like "CLASS SYSTEM".
If you restrict someone from doing everything? then it is a class system.

03-19-2012, 05:20 PM
""" This attitude is the problem with the community and largely the game as a whole right now. "I should be able to do everything!" Fact is you shouldn't, you shouldn't be able to solo monstrous mutant animals by yourself. You shouldn't be able to make the finest leather,cloth and bone armor. """

To me this sound like "CLASS SYSTEM".
If you restrict someone from doing everything? it is a class system.

You can do EVERYTHING. Just not a once. That is not a class system, that is specialization.

03-19-2012, 05:25 PM
You can do EVERYTHING. Just not a once. That is not a class system, that is specialization.

What if I want to specialize in all skills and expect to have best results, like crafting best weapons, armor, tools? etc.....
Why do I have to be restricted to limited skills?
With the right tactic and the right tools I can be "EVERYTHING".

03-19-2012, 05:29 PM
What if I want to specialize in all skills and expect to have best results, like crafting best weapons, armor, tools? etc.....
Why do I have to be restricted to limited skills?

You can be a jack of all trades, mediocre at everything or be awesome at a few specialties. You shouldnt be awesome at everything.

03-19-2012, 05:35 PM
You can be a jack of all trades, mediocre at everything or be awesome at a few specialties. You shouldnt be awesome at everything.

For this you need to restrict people from leveling Attributes whatever attributes they choose at creation that will determent their future specialties, otherwise everyone will be "everything" in time.

03-19-2012, 05:42 PM
What if I want to specialize in all skills and expect to have best results, like crafting best weapons, armor, tools? etc.....
Why do I have to be restricted to limited skills?
With the right tactic and the right tools I can be "EVERYTHING".

See Znailka the problem with that system is then you have people like me who do everything and then you are obsolete. Right now there is no need for anyone else in game to trade anything with anyone other than me. Or do it themselves.
Tribes have no reason to do anything outside their tribes or interact with anyone because they can do it themselves or goto 1 person who can do everything the best.

Before you were talking about how they need to tone players like me down now you are saying just the other way around that you want everyone to be able to do anything. Doesnt make sense.

Also the problem is Znaiika is that if they make it so YOU can do everything, then everything in the game is going to be too easy for most people, because you play at a lower level than others. So they gear it down to a poor skill level so any player can do anything. That means the advanced or even slightly skilled players get bored and quit because its too easy for them.
It would be like playing Skyrim on super easy mode, you kill monsters in 1 hit. You think it would be fun so you can see all the monsters and do all the magics and weapons, but really people just get bored after an hour and never play it again.

What most people want in an MMO, is to do things as a group, and be part of the whole. Making a name or a place for them.

Wang is saying, yes you can do everything its just not going to be of good quality, thus not really needed outside your own use. If you want to trade stuff outside your own use you will want to start to focus into being a master of a craft. Doing that will limit you down to only a few focus, instead of able to do everything.
Why not able to have everyone do everything? Again because if you can do everything that means I can do everything, being that I'm a better player, or able to play more. You items and play wouldnt be wanted or needed. Plus players like me would get there a lot faster and other players will be like "Why am I working up this skill when everyone has it already?"

Unlike if you had to focus, I would need 30+ accounts just to do all these things.

Class based game does make you focused, but in class based games you CANT do anything else. If you are a warrior you cant choose later to cast magic. Not even a little. Plus you are forced down a line which you might not want.
Wang is wanting people the option to choose just how they want to make a toon. You want to be a club using, tailor, with some scavenging. Great you can do that and do it well. What kinda class would that be called? Then also if you dont like that choice, you can change it later.

For this you need to restrict people from leveling Attributes whatever attributes they choose at creation that will determent their future specialties, otherwise everyone will be "everything" in time.

So let me get this straight, you want people to be forced into what they can and cant do based on the first 5 seconds of the game? On top of that you also want to force people to be only good in a few things? But you dont want it how Wang says?

You should really make up your mind.

Major issue here with stats is they dont change much, and you pick them in the first 5 seconds of the game. So you want to be a good tailor, and you didnt pick the right stats guess what? You will never be a good tailor.

03-19-2012, 05:53 PM
MrDDT, If someone want to be a best tailor he would distribute points in to dexterity and intelligence up to a 90 and then rest of the additional points he would add as bonuses, then distribute all other points to the rest evenly, now you have your tailor at topnotch and still can do toolcraft, bonecraft, etc....

03-19-2012, 06:45 PM
MrDDT, If someone want to be a best tailor he would distribute points in to dexterity and intelligence up to a 90 and then rest of the additional points he would add as bonuses, then distribute all other points to the rest evenly, now you have your tailor at topnotch and still can do toolcraft, bonecraft, etc....

Yep, sorta, plus they would have to know this without any info on the char page in the first 5 seconds of making else they would have to remake until they figured out how to do it right.

Bad systems are just bad. I dont know why you are defending it.

03-20-2012, 05:44 AM
Yep, sorta, plus they would have to know this without any info on the char page in the first 5 seconds of making else they would have to remake until they figured out how to do it right.

Bad systems are just bad. I dont know why you are defending it.

Xsyon offer game FAQ once you buy Xsyon, and I printed the whole thing out so I could navigate.
This is my actual point about attributes and making H/Q items, player must choose at the start which attributes he need for his play style, and not being able to level the rest of attributes once in the game, just skills.

03-20-2012, 06:29 AM
Xsyon offer game FAQ once you buy Xsyon, and I printed the whole thing out so I could navigate.
This is my actual point about attributes and making H/Q items, player must choose at the start which attributes he need for his play style, and not being able to level the rest of attributes once in the game, just skills.

Attributes improve with use of skills aswell, they plan to make attributes move up and down with use and disuse, just like with skills. Your character will improve depending on what you are doing in game, it wont be limited with what you picked at character creation.

Oh and this is going waaaaay off topic.

03-20-2012, 07:34 AM
Attributes improve with use of skills aswell, they plan to make attributes move up and down with use and disuse, just like with skills. Your character will improve depending on what you are doing in game, it wont be limited with what you picked at character creation.

Oh and this is going waaaaay off topic.

I see, thanks for heads-up, it will be still possible to keep all attributes and skill up all the way, just need to distribute time for all skills equally, and you can be everything anyway.

03-20-2012, 07:52 AM
Back on topic.
If animals were unable cross water then they would be very limited in where they can go, and basically you would get certain areas as hunting zones. What I would like to see is an animal loses aggro if you go into water, like losing your scent, then it would mosey off in another direction. I won't claim I am innocent of using water but I do try not to do it.
Back off topic
When skill/stat decay is all working properly, I am hoping we will see players go into a more specialized route with their characters. As for people who want to be able to do everything, those type of games are called 'RPG' and you should really look into them.

03-20-2012, 08:08 AM
I see, thanks for heads-up, it will be still possible to keep all attributes and skill up all the way, just need to distribute time for all skills equally, and you can be everything anyway.

No that was not what I was saying. Are you misunderstanding me intentionally? It will be softcapped, if you distribute time equally to all skills then all skills will be at the same level, how high skills you can have we dont know, but the devs have stated that they WANT people to specialize, so you will definately not be able to keep up ALL skills and attributes.

03-20-2012, 08:38 AM
No that was not what I was saying. Are you misunderstanding me intentionally? It will be softcapped, if you distribute time equally to all skills then all skills will be at the same level, how high skills you can have we dont know, but the devs have stated that they WANT people to specialize, so you will definately not be able to keep up ALL skills and attributes.

I see, I wonder though, at what level soft cap would be? so people don't rage quit for loosing attributes and skills, and relearning should be much faster after you leveled a skill and attribute.

Yep, that is what I suggest, when player enter a water animal stop chasing but they could still cross waters and mind their own business.

03-20-2012, 10:12 AM
What I would like to see is an animal loses aggro if you go into water, like losing your scent, then it would mosey off in another direction.

I would like to see an agro adjustment for water, but NOT a safe zone. For instance have agro Range and agro Hate drop by something like 50% or so if you are standing or swimming in water. This would allow you to use water strategically while traveling or hunting. Add to that a working "Hide" skill and that would drop agro range and hate even more allowing you a chance to move past creatures you think you can't kill or don't want to bother with. However if YOU attack the animal first then agro is 100% and you either win or lose the fight. But to make it a safe zone will just take the adventure out of adventuring.
Traveling and hunting smart = adventuring, Safe = boring and no challenge.

Again I am NOT scared in this game and I want to be.

Off topic (Since that seems to be the current trend here LOL)
I would also like to see Night time darker and a need for torches while traveling. Night time travel should be the scariest!!! I have to look at map time or the sky to tell if it is night time or just cloudy.
"Oh look, there are stars, it must be night time" :rolleyes:

03-20-2012, 11:28 AM
Off topic (Since that seems to be the current trend here LOL)
I would also like to see Night time darker and a need for torches while traveling. Night time travel should be the scariest!!! I have to look at map time or the sky to tell if it is night time or just cloudy.
"Oh look, there are stars, it must be night time" :rolleyes:

It must be your setting my night time is very dark i can't see anything very well.

03-20-2012, 11:32 AM
I would like to see an agro adjustment for water, but NOT a safe zone. For instance have agro Range and agro Hate drop by something like 50% or so if you are standing or swimming in water. This would allow you to use water strategically while traveling or hunting. Add to that a working "Hide" skill and that would drop agro range and hate even more allowing you a chance to move past creatures you think you can't kill or don't want to bother with. However if YOU attack the animal first then agro is 100% and you either win or lose the fight. But to make it a safe zone will just take the adventure out of adventuring.
Traveling and hunting smart = adventuring, Safe = boring and no challenge.

Again I am NOT scared in this game and I want to be.

This right here hits the nail on the head for me. A 1 second old player loads into the game and they are able to skill any animal with ease. They are not scared of them, they just drag them to water and proceed to kill them without fear of anything.

New players should want to fear leaving the nest early on in the game. If they run out to the mist, it should be a very very dangerous trip. Something they should be fearful of and need to plan to get it right, maybe bring some friends for protection.

Stop trying to baby these new players and allowing them to ruin the game for everyone else. We want it harder to survive, give us that challenge. We want animals that take a few people to team up and tactically fight to win. Then reward them for it.

Off topic (Since that seems to be the current trend here LOL)
I would also like to see Night time darker and a need for torches while traveling. Night time travel should be the scariest!!! I have to look at map time or the sky to tell if it is night time or just cloudy.
"Oh look, there are stars, it must be night time" :rolleyes:

One thing a lot of people didnt want is night so dark they couldnt play really. I think Xsyon is fine at night. If you want it darker turn your gamma down on your monitor.

03-20-2012, 12:07 PM
One thing a lot of people didnt want is night so dark they couldnt play really. I think Xsyon is fine at night. If you want it darker turn your gamma down on your monitor.
Pointless when I would be the only person at a disadvantage with no torch to light the way. :p

My point is the most scared I have been in a game (adrenaline pumped) is in a Dark dungeon with a torch that only lights about 25 feet in front of you. Everquest had torches for dungeons and caves, even Irth did and it made the game more fun when night hunting. You could also see other people and parties moving at a distance which makes PVP a blast at night.

Now I'm not saying night should be dark to where you can't see without a torch since there are no dungeons or deep caves. I live in Colorado and have done night hikes up to the continental divide starting at 10,000 feet hiking to over 13,000 feet without needing a flashlight most of the way. I could see very well by moonlight. But if cloud cover were to come in or a new Moon we would have had to pull out the headlights.

I like a challenge and I want adventure! Try PVP in the dark under torchlight sometime, it's a blast!!

03-20-2012, 12:22 PM
New players should want to fear leaving the nest early on in the game.

You seem to forget something here MrDDT.
Setting-up in new area with no resources no roof, no fence is a dangerous for new players, maybe it's not scary/dangerous for you having that armor and 300 HP, fence, own roof, but for new player it is.
If you want challenge? look for shadow bears and challenge them alone.
Animals should not enter water to pursue players, that will fix problem with animals not being to fight back, because they won't enter water to chase players.
I am shocked, you people don't have anything else to do, planing these monitoring systems? to make game-play impossible for new players.
If you're not satisfied with the system that is setup for all? then ask for hardcore server and then make it harder 3-5-10 times of current system.

03-20-2012, 12:29 PM
Pointless when I would be the only person at a disadvantage with no torch to light the way. :p

My point is the most scared I have been in a game (adrenaline pumped) is in a Dark dungeon with a torch that only lights about 25 feet in front of you. Everquest had torches for dungeons and caves, even Irth did and it made the game more fun when night hunting. You could also see other people and parties moving at a distance which makes PVP a blast at night.

Now I'm not saying night should be dark to where you can't see without a torch since there are no dungeons or deep caves. I live in Colorado and have done night hikes up to the continental divide starting at 10,000 feet hiking to over 13,000 feet without needing a flashlight most of the way. I could see very well by moonlight. But if cloud cover were to come in or a new Moon we would have had to pull out the headlights.

I like a challenge and I want adventure! Try PVP in the dark under torchlight sometime, it's a blast!!

Mortal Online had this, and I would say most people didnt like it, not even a little bit. It was horrid for play.

Plus no matter how dark you make it in game, you can always have people turn up the gamma so they can see without a torch. So you would just give the advantage from people that didnt change it to the people that did.

If you like it darker in game, I feel you should turn down your gamma as most people dont want to have to change their settings to play a game. When most people dont want it dark.

I agree it does add something to the game, but the loss it takes away is too great.

You seem to forget something here MrDDT.
Setting-up in new area with no resources no roof, no fence is a dangerous for new players, maybe it's not scary/dangerous for you having that armor and 300 HP, fence, own roof, but for new player it is.
If you want challenge? look for shadow bears and challenge them alone.
Animals should not enter water to pursue players, that will fix problem with animals not being to fight back, because they won't enter water to chase players.
I am shocked, you people don't have anything else to do, planing these monitoring systems? to make game-play impossible for new players.
If you're not satisfied with the system that is setup for all? then ask for hardcore server and then make it harder 3-5-10 times of current system.

Znaiika, I cant kill them alone unless I use the water tactic then its not even a challenge.

No one is saying it should be impossible for new players. They should just stay near safe areas until they get a handle on the game. Can you tell me any game where new players can kill the hardest stuff in the game?

Please tell me 1 game where a guy just starting to play can walk into the game and kill the hardest stuff in the game?

Znaiika you also forget that I have a few accounts. So I can see it from brand new, to maxed out.

03-20-2012, 01:23 PM
Please tell me 1 game where a guy just starting to play can walk into the game and kill the hardest stuff in the game?

Znaiika you also forget that I have a few accounts. So I can see it from brand new, to maxed out.

Usually most games have leveled zones, noob would start in zone that correspond with his level and always have something to hunt for, usually same creatures but different levels in different zones, and then there are bosses for group challenge.
Xsyon is a sandbox game, and that is the difference, all leveled creature are mixed, as Xsyon said animals should not stay and fight in water there is a land for that.
Water can be useful for noobs to get in to safety if they don't have fences.

03-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Usually most games have leveled zones, noob would start in zone that correspond with his level and always have something to hunt for, usually same creatures but different levels in different zones, and then there are bosses for group challenge.
Xsyon is a sandbox game, and that is the difference, all leveled creature are mixed, as Xsyon said animals should not stay and fight in water there is a land for that.
Water can be useful for noobs to get in to safety if they don't have fences.

I think you are missing the whole point.

New players shouldnt be killing the hardest animals in the game. Please tell me 1 game where new players fight the hardest animals without any risk?

Noobs do start in areas where its safer for their levels. The starting areas have less animals than other areas. Not sure if you knew this or not.

Plus Founders Isle is free of all PVP too.

03-20-2012, 02:08 PM
New players shouldnt be killing the hardest animals in the game.

Yes I understand that, all I'm saying is, animals should not follow player in to a water, not for fighting, if you think you can kill animal you should use tactics on a ground.

03-20-2012, 02:25 PM
Yes I understand that, all I'm saying is, animals should not follow player in to a water, not for fighting, if you think you can kill animal you should use tactics on a ground.

I can understand that but I dont agree with that. Water shouldnt be a safety area for no combat. New players shouldnt be in areas they cant handle. If they are fighting animals they cant handle they should go back to the starting areas where they are better protected.

Having said that, animals not going into the water would be a good start to fixing this problem.

03-20-2012, 03:46 PM
I remember the initial cluelessness and fear of being new. Definitely fun.

It was great having to keep an eye out, go a little ways, hide behind a tree, get a good vantage point etc...

I also remember staring at my thirst bar thinking "Oh great, I'm going to die of thirst surrounded by water because I can't seem to cup my hands together."

I'm not sure what their plans are for fixing the water thing. I mean, say they expand the map due to mass influx of players before they get mounts out? Might make sense not to necessarily have to die on the opposite side of the map.
Not to mention the number of complaints we'll get about people never leaving the safer areas...

Guess I'm just in a wait and see hovering pattern on this one. It's not the type of thing that would make me ragequit or hurry back either way.

03-20-2012, 04:50 PM
Someone was offended by my comment earlier. It was in jest, and thus a joke I am sorry to any thin skinned hippie that I offended by it.

With that said, they need to fix the animal combat issue.