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View Full Version : Suggestions: Skills, Stats and Quests Patch

05-02-2012, 07:53 AM
Please provide any suggestions regarding the latest patch here.

05-02-2012, 08:09 AM
Original Quote by MrDDT

I think this is way off topic, and good to put into a suggestion.

About the more alts to do more skills, its also about time management. Skilling up many crafts would also require more time to get all the right stats on more than 1 char. Just think of how many overlapping stats/skills there are and the wasted time it would have trying to get 2+ toons to cover that, when you could just trade.

There is no way to stop alts unless you allow everyone to do everything at the max level. Which I think hurts the game as shown before. Its not in the original plan either.

About adding in new skills later or after you have already mastered your trades, you can simply pick up any new skill added and will have to choose which ones you want more.

No way I would let you have the last word MrDDT :)

First of all I'm most definitely not off topic and entitled to express my opinion on the changes just like everyone else who has been on the test server. It is not a rounded suggestion for people to vote on and is merely adding to the discussion stage. The suggestion forum is best described as a pink elephant's graveyard really for all the use it is.

Rich players who have no issues about having to earn a living and who are addicted to games will have numerous accounts. I agree that I don't think you can do anything about that, but still is a fact.

I don't see why you'd object to a tech tree system now when you seem to be all for it during our global chat in game?

05-02-2012, 08:18 AM
I dont see how skill tree is on topic here, its a suggestion that could be good or bad but nothing to do with this topic really. This is about the changes and feedback to those changes.

So whether or not I object to it doesnt matter.

About rich people having more than 1 account I see no difference from this and having a tribe of 1000 people doing it all. Are you now saying that its a problem because people can work together to do more things?

05-02-2012, 08:28 AM
I dont see how skill tree is on topic here, its a suggestion that could be good or bad but nothing to do with this topic really. This is about the changes and feedback to those changes.

So whether or not I object to it doesnt matter.

About rich people having more than 1 account I see no difference from this and having a tribe of 1000 people doing it all. Are you now saying that its a problem because people can work together to do more things?

Read the notes that OP has posted and you'll see listed new future skills and my query is how they're introduced followed by a suggested technology tree. It's relevant now, especially as we now have to choose our skills to master in which is part of the new patch. Put it this way, are you going to bother putting points into fire making after the patch?

I have no problem with large tribes of individual accounts co-operating with their various trades. that I believe is what is intended. I reckon a tribe of 1000 accounts is a bit ambitious at this stage and would probably look like a big homestead community where individuals actually traded. Why would I have a problem with that?

05-02-2012, 01:25 PM
I just have one word for the new updates. OUTSTANDING