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View Full Version : Trying to see if this game is for me or not.

05-22-2012, 04:40 AM
Well, i am a SWG exiled, after the CU and later NGE destroyed the game fully. I like pve, crafting -the most- economy and socializing and hate pvp. The concept of being raped and robbed while chopping a tree to later craft a furniture is just vomitting for me. So i know this game is FFA full Loot-rape corpse but if i just want to be a dedicated crafter inside a guild or something, will i have any chance of craft and gather ingredients without being robbed and raped each 5 minutes? Cause if the game is about ganking newbees and rape corpses... not for me, so that's in essence my question.

05-22-2012, 05:43 AM
Yes, it is full loot PvP. They're about to have full looting zombies for a while as well. Animals do not loot, but will kill as well and we often use them for death teleport back to the totem if we're encumbered. However, no need to get paranoid about it as the community on the whole is good and deals with any gank squads rapidly and any stuff you loose is easily replaceable. I suggest you join a large tribe so you can be easily protected and supplied. Within the radius of the tribe is a safe zone and some tribe are large so you can play and be safe if you want. I suggest you give it a try as many ex-SWG fans do really get into the game, even the PvP.

05-22-2012, 06:26 AM
The PVP is not the same as you think. You can join a tribe and be protected. Or you can be inside your town and you also will be protected.

05-22-2012, 08:19 AM
I've said this before and so I want to clarify this is not a boast :p I have never been PK'd and I started a year ago May. In part because of what was mentioned above, but also because we are in a remote area of the mountains. We rarely see another person unless we travel down to the lake area. (Xenophobes) Play smart, watch your back and stick to the areas you know well and you will do fine. Also in a good tribe there is little you would have to venture out to get if you choose not to, most of our resources are on tribe, or just outside of tribe. If you get attacked and don't want to fight, just run inside the tribe area. We run all around the world scavenging and even then rarely see another person since the world is so large. I like a good fight, but I don't go out of my way to find them, and your are way more likely to be killed by a critter than a person. ;)

05-22-2012, 10:14 AM
As the others have said its not that bad here. And the world is big enough to where you rarely run into someone now days anyway.

SWG vet huh, there is another SWG still out there... and its pre-cu.

05-22-2012, 11:43 AM
As the others have said its not that bad here. And the world is big enough to where you rarely run into someone now days anyway.

SWG vet huh, there is another SWG still out there... and its pre-cu.

I know, the SWGEmu project, keeping it tracked for years :) but they ahven't even started the alpha -next month happening- as they are an amateur volunteer (very remarkable tho) project.
And about this game i guess i could give it a try and see how it goes. Will surf a bit more the forums, see how much activity there is (as i like having shop and customers or similar etc, and that is not posible if i am isolated or server is almost empty hehe). How are the population numbers? So bad as it seems in some of your answers?

05-22-2012, 11:51 AM
I know, the SWGEmu project, keeping it tracked for years :) but they ahven't even started the alpha -next month happening- as they are an amateur volunteer (very remarkable tho) project.
And about this game i guess i could give it a try and see how it goes. Will surf a bit more the forums, see how much activity there is (as i like having shop and customers or similar etc, and that is not posible if i am isolated or server is almost empty hehe). How are the population numbers? So bad as it seems in some of your answers?

Population is very low. As others have said you are unlikely to see others, and if you join a tribe that has active members then you likely wont have a shop =P

But if you are looking to be part of a tribe with active members working to a common goal there are a few active tribes out there.

Industrial Strength (Click my sig at the bottom for info)
Rainy River
Xsyon Mercenaries

All these tribes are active with 10+ members logging in.

As far as the PVP go, it is FFA PVP full loot, but its unlikely you will be killed and looted, there is many protections such as tribal safety (100%) locked baskets and carts. Also the lack of players lowers the chances of getting killed randomly out in the woods.