View Full Version : Well...it was fun while it lasted

08-06-2012, 04:14 PM
I havn't logged in for a couple weeks. The urge to do so just isn't there. It's not boredom....it's Revenants.

I was having a great time until someone decided that Xsyon needed to become a zombie game. The reasons that I enjoyed the game just aren't possible with the changes, so I cancelled both of my accounts.

Xsyon was a place that I could retreat to. It was a refuge. My own place in the middle of nowhere that I built with hard work. I could enjoy some fishing, hunting, exploring, and working on improving my little home.

It is not my place to tell teh Devs how to run their game, but from what I am seeing from new players posting on these forums, and my own experiences....I kinda wonder what they're thinking.

Anyway....I'll probably stop back some day to see if things have changed.

Until then...

08-06-2012, 05:02 PM
Sorry you feel that way Wharmaster but I hope you change your mind. I am not sure why you feel that way? Our tribe has been having more fun since the Revenants than we have in a long time. We are actually out in groups now hunting and pillaging old tribes, and helping others when we can to clear their areas. It definitely added more excitement to the game. There are some draw backs such as the new player starting areas do need addressing IMO, and if it's that your area has become over run, there are ways to remedy that. We would be happy to help if you decide to stick around. :)

08-06-2012, 07:13 PM
It is your place to tell them how to run there game because you PAY for it so it also makes it YOUR game.

08-07-2012, 12:57 AM
Hello Wharmaster,

We are aware about revenants being annoying for some players, in some places the amount of revs is too much and we are working quick to add a solution for this, I hope is not to late and you can still keep enjoying the game soon.


08-07-2012, 05:28 AM
I personally like that there are revenants in the game. Makes the game more alive ;)

08-08-2012, 07:00 AM
I personally like that there are revenants in the game. Makes the game more alive ;)
Exactly. :) There are just a few too many.

08-08-2012, 07:24 AM
revs themself are not the problem its how they went about doing it or i should say how you get ride of them.After a totem is gone they should just wonder off and not stay in that same spot until you drop a totem on where ever the last one was.I mean really its a bad way of getting rid of them as most people have a Homestead and to force people to leave there place and have to drop a totem on all the spots in there area is dumb all while hoping no one fucks you over while your doing it as your real home now has no totem on it.......im really not sure what there thinking sometimes.

08-08-2012, 07:46 AM
...as most people have a Homestead and to force people to leave there place and have to drop a totem on all the spots in there area is dumb all while hoping no one fucks you over while your doing it as your real home now has no totem on it.......im really not sure what there thinking sometimes.

I can tell you that this doesn't work to get rid of them, or some tribes are bugged. In 1056 there is a spot where Harlequin used to be and I had my alt drop his totem on that spot. Then I cleared up the zombies around it.

Next real life day I removed my totem and it didn't take long before the zombies started to spawn again. If this isn't a bug it means you have to claim the land and hold it indefinately in order to get rid of them.

08-08-2012, 08:00 AM
I see but yeah thats kind of my point is that its just not really a good way for any player let alone new people to have to get rid of them if they dont want to have to kill them everyday or have to avoid the entire time they play and like you said its not even working like they said it would.

08-08-2012, 09:07 AM
I can tell you that this doesn't work to get rid of them, or some tribes are bugged. In 1056 there is a spot where Harlequin used to be and I had my alt drop his totem on that spot. Then I cleared up the zombies around it.

Next real life day I removed my totem and it didn't take long before the zombies started to spawn again. If this isn't a bug it means you have to claim the land and hold it indefinately in order to get rid of them.

We have done this many times and it seems to work as long as your new tribe area covers the spot the original totem sat. If it was a large tribe, there is always a chance you actually missed the totem spot.

08-08-2012, 06:22 PM
I don't mind the revenants. I just want to fight them when I wish to fight them and not have them surrounding my homestead all the time. I thought once the totems were gone, the revenants would go by the mist somewhere but this is not the case. They are perpetually there and frankly its not fun.

I too liked this game because I could relax in my own little piece of the world. To add insult to injury my revenant neighbor likes to swim so... I can't even fish (one of my favorite pastimes) in peace. Please take the revenants and put them some other place where people can go hunt them when they want. I love my homestead. I worked hard to get it just right and I would hate to abandon my totem to start all over again someplace else. I'm at a point where I'm ready to throw in the towel :(

08-08-2012, 06:38 PM
Idk i placed a totem on one of my old tribes and killed them off and havent seen them back all day.While I dont think you should have to even drop a totem for them to move along I dont want to see them all just moved to the mist just because some people want to fish in and stay in there little Homestead solo in peace....I would like to see them just roam around in packs instead of staying by one dudes place all day.

08-08-2012, 07:41 PM
I'm not advocating that they be moved to the mist unclean, I'm just saying they should have a designated spawn area somewhere on the unpopulated map (that is not by my homestead) and people who want to hunt them down can go there and hunt them down to their heart's content.
It is a situation that could be solved to everyone's satisfaction. I understand your position and I dont want to antagonize you. However, us folks who "want to fish in and stay in their little Homestead solo in peace" are also subscribers so our views should be taken into consideration too. If I wanted a "hack and slash" fest, I could do that in WoW. The reason I picked this game was precisely because it had something for everyone.

08-08-2012, 09:58 PM
I'm not advocating that they be moved to the mist unclean, I'm just saying they should have a designated spawn area somewhere on the unpopulated map (that is not by my homestead) and people who want to hunt them down can go there and hunt them down to their heart's content.
It is a situation that could be solved to everyone's satisfaction. I understand your position and I dont want to antagonize you. However, us folks who "want to fish in and stay in their little Homestead solo in peace" are also subscribers so our views should be taken into consideration too. If I wanted a "hack and slash" fest, I could do that in WoW. The reason I picked this game was precisely because it had something for everyone.

Correct me if I'm wrong but cant you build walls and "Fish and stay in your little homestead solo in peace"?

08-09-2012, 05:23 AM
Yes fishing and living in peace in a post apoplectic world that has almost full pvp.And I dont know why you getting upset from what I said as I somewhat agree about revs.I think it is a problem when a new player has 20 around there HS and to get rid of all of them they have to throw down a totem on however many spots had another HS and not even being able to tell where it was because there gone.But I really dont care for the this thing killed me and i want it put far away from me because I want to live in peace......so what do the devs have to go around and ask every HS if its ok if they put something that might kill them around there area?

08-09-2012, 07:29 AM
Taraniel... This game does cater to all types. but it is designed to be dangerous, and the revs do add a bit of danger to an otherwise totally safe game.

You can live in peace, but you may have to do a tiny bit of planning as well.

After all, this is a survival game right? if they keep you from fishing the the edge of your property, then just move up or down stream a bit when you fish.

Besides, soon the rev will mosey off and you will return to your peaceful spot.

08-09-2012, 05:12 PM
I do have walls and gates, that's not the issue. Like I said, I don't mind the revs, I just mind them around me 24/7. I hope Mactavendish is right and they mosey off someplace else :)

08-14-2012, 08:26 AM
I know the reasons I left wasnt because only on the revenants. But on how they operated, and how little advancement in other areas there is currently. I didnt want the revs when he planned on them almost 6 months ago. I wanted totem decay, and some more life to the game, but zombies.... The cost was the biggest factor to me, why I am I paying premium rates for a not quite premium game.

08-14-2012, 08:16 PM
I was having a great time until someone decided that Xsyon needed to become a zombie game. The reasons that I enjoyed the game just aren't possible with the changes, so I cancelled both of my accounts.

I am sure I did pointed that out before the patch.

08-15-2012, 07:55 AM
I am sure I did pointed that out before the patch.

There is no way you are from PA, with your horrible grasp of the American-English language.

08-15-2012, 08:54 AM
There is no way you are from PA, with your horrible grasp of the American-English language.

That is, because I live in PA but not from PA originally.

08-15-2012, 12:02 PM
Revs were always planned for this game. ( look at the in game pictures from the very start back in alpha and beta )

and actually they don't seem anything to worry about unless they spawn in your camp.