View Full Version : Xsyon F2P Model with Subscription Options

09-12-2012, 05:47 AM
This is very similar to Fallen Earth's free to play model and that game is booming

I'm not going to say this game is doomed to fail if it doesn't follow the free to play model that so many games are doing now.

What I do believe is that with a Free to Play model that is not Pay to Win, Xsyon could compete with other Indie games and other AAA games a lot easier.

A lot of people think that games go free to play only because the game failed, what I don't think people realize is how much the dev company can make on such a small amount of players with this model. (this is why AAA games that don't meet the player base they want go F2P because they know they can bring in more money on less members)

Pay to Win in my opinion is when a game tries to sell anything that gives an advantage in combat as in selling weapons/armor for real money. (this f2p model does not allow this type of scenerio) It gives players the ability to experience 100% of the game and incentives for subscribing.

Game would be free to download

F2P: XP/crafting gain rate 70% of the current rate
-1 Character Slot
-Can only choose 1 craft - this would help with the economy (all crafting slots unlocked with a subbed account)
-Does not have access to global chat
-If a F2P player makes any amount of purchase from the cash shop the second character slot is unlocked (this will encourage f2p players to spend money in the cash shop)
-If a F2P player makes any amount of purchase from the cash shop global chat becomes available. (part of the benefit for making a purchase)

Standard Sub: $9.95 - XP/crafting gain rate 100% of the current rate
-5% Discount on Marketplace Items
-2 Character Slots
-Access to global chat

Premium Sub: $14.95 - XP/Crafting gain rate 125% of the current rate
-10% Discount on Marketplace Items
-2 Character Slots
-Access to global chat

Platinum Sub: $24.95 - XP/Crafting gain rate 135% of the current rate
-20% Discount on Marketplace Items
-2 Character Slots
-Access to global chat

After a Player has Unsubbed
-Does not lose tribe leadership position if already a tribe leader (if this player leaves the tribe or gives up leadership, they cannot start another tribe as an f2p player)
-Does not lose extra character slot
-Does not lose access to global chat
-Upon login after unsubbing the player is asked which crafting skill to keep available (if the account is ever resubbed anything gained in the other crafts will still be there)

F2P Restrictions
-Cannot Chop Down Trees unless in a tribe
-Cannot Create a Tribe
-Can only join a Tribe
-Different color name tag so others know who the F2P players are
-When an f2p player clicks anything they are restricted from doing a message pops up and lets them know that option is not available to f2p and they need to join a tribe
-Don't give in to the f2p players that complain about not being able to start their own tribe, I think that there would be plenty for them to do!

Create Wardrobe Gear Tab
When you bring up the paperdoll window that allows you to add your armor there would be another tab that would switch to the wardrobe slots, once unlocked from buying the wardrobe unlock from the item shop you would be able to drop anything (crafted armor pieces and item shop wardrobe pieces) into these slots and you would see this instead of your armor. Any armor piece dropped into these slots would not carry over any stats, it would be for looks only. This would allow for many customization options.

A new buttton would be added for your Marketplace Inventory, these items cannot be traded or removed from the Marketplace Inventory Window (other than dragging the items to your wardrobe slot) wardrobe slots cannot be looted when killed.

Marketplace (Cash Shop Items)
-Many, many clothing options (100's even, the idea is to offer as much variation as possible - the more there are the more people will spend)
-XP Boosters that come with 5 charges that offer 20% faster XP gains (credit value about .50 each)
-Crafting Boosters that come with 5 charges that offer 20% faster crafting gains (credit value about .50 each)
-Resource gathering boosters that come with 5 charages that make you gather resources 20% faster (credit value about .50 each)
-Wardrobe Unlock All, this would unlock the wardrobe slots and allow players to customize their look (credit value about $10)
-Indvidual Wardrobe Unlock Slots (credit value about $1 - $2, idea is to make it so that it's a little cheper if they purchase the unlock all wardrobe slots)
-Name Change (credit value should be about $20)
-Extra Character Slot (credit valut should be about $15)

When Mounts are Added to the Game several "different types" of mounts could be added to the marketplace that you cannot find in game and that have only the ability to ride them (they can't attack if this is something normal mounts that you get in game can do)
-Credit value for these mounts should be about $5

Marketplace Options
-Clothing Pieces sold individually and in sets
-Boosters sold individually or in bundles with each booster type for a slight discount
-Wardrobe Unlock All and Wardrobe Unlock individual slots

Credits (this would eventually allow you to sell xsyon credit in stores like Target/Walmart (Target is reall big with selling game cards)
$5 = 400 Credits
$10 = 900 Credits (100 free credits)
$15 = 1400 Credits (200 free credits)
$25 = 2300 Credits (300 free credits)

You could keep going with the amount of credits that can be purchased

I think this would be a great start for a free to play model!

09-12-2012, 08:25 AM
I like the idea and I appreciate the thought you put into it. I just don't think its for Xsyon. The wardrobe slot and selling clothing would take away from the potential of the player economy.

I like the rest of the ideas, I just don't think the player base really wants ftp. I know I don't. I'm fine with reduced sub though.

09-12-2012, 09:02 AM
I like the idea and I appreciate the thought you put into it. I just don't think its for Xsyon. The wardrobe slot and selling clothing would take away from the potential of the player economy.

I like the rest of the ideas, I just don't think the player base really wants ftp. I know I don't. I'm fine with reduced sub though.

the wardrobe is just for looks, you still have to have armor so I don't see how it messes with the economy.

And, f2p would only be able to craft one skill, which means they will have to trade a lot more which would boost the economy!

Also, you say the community doesn't want f2p, what I talk about is f2p with sub options - you still get what you get know with a sub - so how does it take away from the game?

09-12-2012, 10:32 AM
you get too many asshats when games are free because there's no loss for being perma banned for bad behavior....I voted no

you get some anyway...but it gets rampant with no cost.

09-17-2012, 09:11 PM
Here we go again with this so called F2P, most games you will never get the full game with out paying more than a sub add it up, there are players now who spends 50 -60 bucks a month on LOTR, and DDO, and get what they did at 15$ a month, people see free and get suckered it to thinking its free and when they want something you pay for it, so its NOT free and you pay alot more than the sub for what you want if your really into a game, now if your a casual then maybe NOT.

Fallen earth is NOT doing well, I play it, and there F2P model sucks, you can't craft offline anymore, you can only craft one thing at a time.. I sub and have a free account.. But the cheaters are everywhere, before we did not have as many and the community is not as good as it was, I been there since early beta. I play the game a decent amount, most areas in S1 are slow.

But no way should this game go free, if he wanted to drop the price of the game or the box price and just charge a sub, or even just charge a box fee like GW2, and sell some clothes for vanity I think that would be a wise move on his part.....

I bet alot more would play this if it was like GW2, I sell smaller scales games all the time for Box copys and they do fine. GW2 does fine because of it .... Thats what I hear from many gamers to why they always like GW1 and 2

So I would go that route if I where Jordi and team.

Thats my 2 cents on the subject, I think they would take in more money in the long run, if he sold the game for 30 bucks no Sub. Add content like he is, which is slower yes but I bet more money comes in, sell some stuff as I stated to people who really wanna spend money on vanity.

I think this game would do alot better $$ wise in the long run.. In school, Game design that is, we work with DEVS/TEACHERS/ they tell is most companys are going towards F2P sadly, I think B2P works better . F2P you get your self in trouble even though turbine did well with it, the community suffers in the long run in most games.

10-26-2012, 11:34 AM
ill take a bullet if i meant keeping xsyon from going f2p!