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11-22-2012, 01:39 AM
I have voiced my criticism over a few posts lately and its about time to give credits. The price change is a step in the right direction and the kickstart video is very good. You managed to define a clear project which looks convincing, do-able and interesting. I was honestly worried that you wouldnt be able to put it up as a project and that kickstart would reject it. Well done!

11-22-2012, 02:15 AM
Thanks. It's nice to read some positive posts. :)


11-22-2012, 03:32 AM
Yes, a good video it is (background music included).
It shall be very interesting to follow the Kickstarter project. Many promises, many hopes. Best wishes.

11-22-2012, 04:47 AM
Yes, a good video it is (background music included).
It shall be very interesting to follow the Kickstarter project. Many promises, many hopes. Best wishes.

Seems we have been in this boat about 2 years ago. Maybe it will be different this time. I wish we had the people we had back at release in the game now.

11-22-2012, 05:22 AM
I love the direction of Xsyon.
I will support it as much as I can.

11-22-2012, 07:11 AM
znaiika, did you read the kickstarter? Ur much loved feature of a pvp & pve server is included in the pledge ;)

11-22-2012, 08:30 AM
Everyone in our tribe loved the video and we are excited about the future prospects Kickstart can bring. Best of luck to everyone at Xsyon, lets make this work :)

11-22-2012, 08:32 AM
Love the video, and I will be supporting this project up the wazooo.

11-22-2012, 08:54 AM
Seems we have been in this boat about 2 years ago. Maybe it will be different this time. I wish we had the people we had back at release in the game now.

They had kickstarter two years ago? Kickstarter wasn't around during that time. Two years ago was then and this is now, completely different as this would be considerably more funds if the goal is met.

11-22-2012, 09:56 AM
ddt, you should know the last 2 years was prelude, prepairing the game for the next stage, if you tally the list, entire game has been re-written + a ton added in, Considering most companys take 4-5 years to change a game completly, Id say this is amazing from a small dev team. im definitly backing, would suggest you to do the same, you love pvp, now the group that loves pvp with ya will have a seprate server with that fun on it. I look forward to the future of the game :-)

11-22-2012, 10:27 AM
They had kickstarter two years ago? Kickstarter wasn't around during that time. Two years ago was then and this is now, completely different as this would be considerably more funds if the goal is met.

Not sure what you consider "considerably" or maybe I was lied to on how many preordered/bought the game, but I dont consider that considerably more.

Anyways like I said, I hope they get it. We will see if enough people support it like the fans like you that can bring it up to 250k$.

11-22-2012, 10:41 AM
znaiika, did you read the kickstarter? Ur much loved feature of a pvp & pve server is included in the pledge ;)

Yes, now I am happy that many more people whould be able to join Xsyon, not just some.

11-22-2012, 10:56 AM
Ok, I pledged. I am happy to help this game. :D
If Xsyon gets close to their goal, is it possible to increase your pledge at the end of the drive to help them get over the top?

11-22-2012, 10:59 AM
You can manage your pledge on the kickstarter page and just bump it up higher if you want.


11-22-2012, 11:04 AM
Thanks Hael :)

11-22-2012, 11:14 AM
Excelent page / video on kickstart

But believe xsyon lost alot credits in market
because i see this scenario 2 year ago

I think if game become ONLY B2P without Subscription(and ever year you buy expansion pack)
Or Only Subscription model (4,99 usd per moth util game or less util game get 1/2 features promised)

can be great without Damage game
Not personal but xsyon in mmorpg scene , alot low.
I love concept and still look updates

11-22-2012, 03:06 PM
Congrats on the new Kickstarter campaign! Good to see things moving in a positive direction and the future. =) So much potential is in this game... I hope the funding is hit because with what you've done with the limited resources you've had... I can't wait to see what happens when you're funded properly. =)

11-22-2012, 04:01 PM
So will the Xsyon Apocalypse be a patch avail to the current players ? Would we have to buy a new game account for it ? Will Xsyon stop all the development-patch on this current version ?

11-22-2012, 04:31 PM
Best case scenario you are looking at many months to see X Apoc a reality even with the funding goal met.

@DDT I know I was a pre-order on 2 accounts.. so IMO the funds were there at one point. Maybe other issues were mixed into the pudding though.

11-22-2012, 07:02 PM
I like the new prices for monthly costs. I may resub again one day, when I have more time to get back to it.

11-22-2012, 08:20 PM
So will the Xsyon Apocalypse be a patch avail to the current players ? Would we have to buy a new game account for it ? Will Xsyon stop all the development-patch on this current version ?

Yes it will be available to current and new players. This kickstarter project is a way to fund the game to hire more developers in order to take the game to the next level. You will not need a new account.

11-23-2012, 02:06 PM
I like the direction the game is going, a free trial and cheaper is definitely the direction to go here.

As for the kick starter, it had a lot going for it. The video was damn well done, and you have the huge benefit of having a demo out to the public.

However, 250k is a huge goal for a game with a very small community. Indie games such as this rarely get over 100k without big names behind it.

What I would do is to make a second video, detailing what is already in the game, then push the free trial. That's this kick starters greatest strength is the free trail. It shows you are capable of fulfilling promises, and people will see the potential.

11-23-2012, 05:51 PM
I like the direction the game is going, a free trial and cheaper is definitely the direction to go here.

As for the kick starter, it had a lot going for it. The video was damn well done, and you have the huge benefit of having a demo out to the public.

However, 250k is a huge goal for a game with a very small community. Indie games such as this rarely get over 100k without big names behind it.

What I would do is to make a second video, detailing what is already in the game, then push the free trial. That's this kick starters greatest strength is the free trail. It shows you are capable of fulfilling promises, and people will see the potential.

I couldnt agree with you more. So much potential left in this game, but 250k is just not gonna happen. I'm following a couple others on KS and there is no trend to support this goal at all.

11-23-2012, 06:41 PM
I couldnt agree with you more. So much potential left in this game, but 250k is just not gonna happen. I'm following a couple others on KS and there is no trend to support this goal at all.

I would call 35k 'Safe', 50k 'Somewhat Safe', 100k 'a strech'. 250k is a rather lofty goal.

11-24-2012, 06:52 AM
i have backed the project quite heavily but i also have a similar feeling. Not sure they can meet that target looking at similiar games that have had recent kickstarters. Maybe Jordi only wanted to do kickstarter if it meant they got a significant funding boost but who knows. Anyway, i wish them luck :)

11-24-2012, 06:47 PM
They had kickstarter two years ago? Kickstarter wasn't around during that time. Two years ago was then and this is now, completely different as this would be considerably more funds if the goal is met.

Kickstarter started in april 2009 so yes they had it two years ago.

Anyways, would be excited for this kickstarter, but it's not going to happen until the amount gets lowered to something realistic.

11-24-2012, 07:57 PM
Xsyon has never used kickstarter until now, if there is any confusion.


11-25-2012, 06:52 AM
Xsyon has never used kickstarter until now, if there is any confusion.


I think you are confused at what he is saying.
He is saying Kickstarter has been around since 2009. So it was available then just Xsyon didn't use it.

11-25-2012, 10:22 AM
I'm well aware of that, I'm just making a statement that kickstarter has never been used by Notorious games to fund Xsyon in case anyone takes from this topic it has been.


11-26-2012, 04:46 AM
Kickstart, no Kickstart, personal reasons, tax reasons, whatever. We were told that development on the actual game itself would restart this week. We were told 2 to 3 weeks, and it has been 3 weeks. My support for this game will be conditional on whether this "promise" is kept and we actually see something being done to improve the game in a "visible to the players" way. I've been waiting for months, given excuse after excuse for why the game has not seen any progress on this development round.

Show me something tangible and I may even throw in some Kickstarter funds. Give me another excuse, and I may well just bail on the whole project once and for all.

11-26-2012, 08:45 AM
WOW I'm sure that threatening to leave and not support this project will surely get the development team off their back sides and actually doing something. (sarcasm noted) You clearly do not understand the trials of a small development team. You also have clearly not been paying attention to what has been being done. The kickstart project alone would have been a huge project to put together with very limited resources.

I support what these guys are doing because they DON"T have corporate backing. I support this project because it is NOT the same cookie cutter game that every other developer is making. And mostly I support this game because I have watched game after game of what everyone said were incredible games "With so much potential" yet they ALL failed for lack of support and negative PR toward the projects. Wish (http://www.projectwish.com/), Roma Victor (http://www.roma-victor.com/), Irth (http://www.ravenmoon.info/irthguide/) and others are all examples and it's very sad to see those gone for good. :(

If you don't want to support this game then don't, that is your choice. But unless you believe the development team is sitting around in the back room drinking beer and playing video games please save your threats because all they do here is undermine the ability of a small team like this to generate revenues, interest and support needed to make a project like this work, which should be obvious from the kick start project.

11-27-2012, 04:17 PM
This project has my support

11-27-2012, 05:22 PM
I've said this in game and I'll say it again here, the game is not going any where if kickstarter fails. This is a means for development to move further at a faster pace. Some people have been trying to do some fear-mongering by saying the game will fail if it is not funded, this is not the truth. Disinformation/trolling/flame baiting in this topic will be promptly removed, please keep on track to the topic at hand. Kickstarter is a great tool for developers to use in order to fund their projects or push them farther than they could from relying on sales alone as it's a lump sum injection of funds that would otherwise take months if not years for a developer to amass. Successful or not, the game will continue to move forward but with kickstarter it will move at a much faster pace as it opens avenues that can be tapped to get things implemented faster. I think Jordi has laid this out on this forum and on the kickstarter page what he intends to do.


11-27-2012, 05:27 PM
I think most all agree with you Hael.. Our point is the goal is too high, and this run at it is just a waste of the energy used. The goal needs to be more reasonable or what will happen is 40 days pass. nothing gets funded and then we have to go through this all over or they just fold on the idea totally. NOT THE GAME.. THE IDEA OF KICKSTARTER.

11-27-2012, 05:30 PM
I understand that and I have no control on the amount set but Jordi had his reasons based on what was needed to hire the amount of developers required.

You can block someone by going to their profile and on the left you should be able to ignore them. I did not get a pm from you...


11-28-2012, 12:32 PM
I understand that and I have no control on the amount set but Jordi had his reasons based on what was needed to hire the amount of developers required.

You can block someone by going to their profile and on the left you should be able to ignore them. I did not get a pm from you...


Has he considered taking over another game that needs a developer?

11-28-2012, 10:06 PM
He has a game that he is currently developing which is Xsyon. I'm not sure what your post is talking about, could you elaborate?

11-29-2012, 09:06 PM
Hi All,

I have been following the Kickstarter initiative since it was put up. Although I wish it to succeed, at it's current momentum it is unlikely to achieve the $250k goal. A couple of observations for this:
1. Pledge amounts. Normally with these type of programs there is a sweet spot depending on what is being offered. You are offering a number of what I would term "useless items" under the $40 mark and you have 3 items at $10? Typically the sweet spot with gaming pledges is around the $25 mark and this should provide some kind of actual game access i.e. the client, sub fee etc. You should also think about having some pledges at the $1 mark for the bumper sticker ;)
2. Really bad timing for running the kickstarter campaign. You are running this effectively over the holiday season when most people will have large commitments to buying Christmas gifts.
3. The "Wall of Text" that describes Xsyon doesn't get to the point to highlight the games core and best features.. I almost fell asleep reading the first 6 paragraphs.
4. The goal is $250k.. this means you need to be pulling in at least $6.25k a day. You are already 8 days in and only pulled in $5.8k. unless there is a very generous individual out there I don't see how you are going to make your target.

I really love this game and hope the funding works out. Good Luck!

11-29-2012, 09:48 PM
Blythega we said this day one, and all the posts were deleted. Pretty sure this one, and yours will get deleted also.

11-30-2012, 06:30 AM
IMHO, I think Jordi made his decision for basic reason, if he's going to promise something then make sure to deliver his promise, he needs to make sure that he has enough cash and not being stuck in the middle. How many developers are out there promise and then fail to fulfill their promise? for whatever reason.
As mentioned before, Jordi is not going to abandon his project, but with extra cash the development would be much faster.
If kickstarter does not meet it's goal, that does not mean Jordi will stop developing Xsyon.

11-30-2012, 05:22 PM
It could be worse. If you research through KS pages and other game sites they are wanting Xsyon pulled from KS because it has been released for over a year. I think that is ridiculous considering the amount of help that is needed on this game.
Goal is too high that is a given, maybe after this 40 days passes they will let xsyon back with a more realistic goal.
Everyone speaking for Jordi is kinda weird. IMHO. Only Jordi knows for sure why he did what and what he will do. Seems pointless, kinda like this post. I'm actually being positive and I know this post wont make the cut already.

11-30-2012, 06:32 PM

Jordi talked about the amount today in his post. Posts that don't flame, troll, or bash the game which are all against the forum ToS won't be touched but any that deliberately do will be removed. So quit worrying about posts being removed, if you follow the ToS they won't.


11-30-2012, 06:59 PM

Jordi talked about the amount today in his post. Posts that don't flame, troll, or bash the game which are all against the forum ToS won't be touched but any that deliberately do will be removed. So quit worrying about posts being removed, if you follow the ToS they won't.


I have never read the ToS, so I will have to trust you. lol Looking at the link now. Thanks

The post was a good read thru and it was pretty much what I assumed was the reasoning behind the high goal. It's just a drag to have to ride out yet another storm.

11-30-2012, 07:04 PM
Pathfinder Online, Succeeded Last summer, has a 2nd project up to 1 million. I do beleave xsyon is following the rules.Considering path finder online, did not complete its first task to honor the first KS it did, and now it asks for a second one.

11-30-2012, 07:32 PM
Pathfinder Online, Succeeded Last summer, has a 2nd project up to 1 million. I do beleave xsyon is following the rules.Considering path finder online, did not complete its first task to honor the first KS it did, and now it asks for a second one, You trolls should REALLY start doing your homework.

For the record, if you meant me, I wasnt trolling I was tryin to point out that things are still going well considering the garbage I have been seeing on other gaming sites. Anyone who even mention our game here gets flamed to hell and back. And frankly this is actually a pretty damn good game, it needs lots of work sure, but I have only found one other game even remotely worth looking at.

Just 1 thread you are looking for can be found over in your wurm forums.. I use this one since I know you are there. Worst gaming community I have ever seen over there for bashing other games. It's like where trolls go to thrive. "Brash" yes but oh so true.

01-19-2013, 08:57 PM
Yea, need to do a new kickstarter, the game is fun but the reward tiers need a lot of work. Take my advise or leave it, I just want to see a great game.

Reward tiers need to start with acknowledgements ($1 get your name mentioned) and the very next tier should be to buy the game, or get so many months free or something. While we'd all like to charge $30-$50 for a copy of a game we make, the reality is, if you want to see money the price has to come down.

Most kickstarters succeed on huge levels because of mass amounts of small transactions. People want the game, not a bumper sticker (who has bumper stickers anymore?) of the game they can't afford. If I was you, I'd shoot high in small areas, charge $10 for the game and see what happens, charge nothing and only do monthly charges and see what happens. Xyson is built on an old marketing idea for mmos which worked (AC,EQ,DAoC, WoW, etc.), but doesn't really anymore. Just look at the new major mmos that come out that charge both for game and monthly, they almost always end up F2P or something similar.

I'm not trying to be a naysayer, I just really want to see this game make it, it's a type of game I've always wanted to see on the market.