View Full Version : Considering Xsyon

06-23-2013, 01:32 PM

I am a player coming from Wurm Online. I am getting a little bored of Wurm Online, and am looking for (better) alternatives. I've known about this game for a long time, but I haven't really given it a try. Though, right now I am considering it. But, before downloading 2GB at 200 kb/s (T.T), I have a few questions to ask.

1. Is this a game where you can terraform, build, have your own village etc, or is it more like Mortal Online, which is directed to PvP?

2. How much exactly does the game cost? I think I saw it was $10, but that sounded a bit too cheap, so I'm not sure.

06-23-2013, 02:16 PM
hi welcome to xsyon (: yes you can terraform and doo all that while there is full looting pvp except on tribal land. in order to have your own tribe you need to pay which is $30 for the first time with 1 month free then $10 every month. i think the $10 is worth its got a great player base and you can really do whatever you want.

06-28-2013, 11:26 AM
How's the player population these days? I was in Xsyon for about a year, starting from the day Prelude launched. Had a lot of fun, but eventually the player population got really low. Is it better these days?

06-28-2013, 04:29 PM
Its about the same as when you left I would guess. Population 3 to 6 months after release, is and has been about the same.

10-05-2013, 04:02 AM
As of right now it's all dedicated to PVP. There is talk about a pve server if they get enough subs. Problem with this type of system no pve player will come and play a pvp server and wait for more to endure while all wait for a pve server. So At this point I don't ever see xsyon having a pve server and seeing pvp players are more into looting gear and items from other players and less in the sandbox theme of collecting and building which is more of the pve fan stuff It will never get a fan base large enough to even consider a pve server.

If you are looking for a sandbox pve style game might want to stay with wurm online but if you are like me and got tired of such a slow development stage that takes a year or so for a small patch of something you might want to watch EverQuest Next cause it will offer pure sandbox building land owner ship and battle. It's about the only thing I've seen to this date with any interest at all.

Xsyon is awesome and a great sandbox but seeing it's pvp focused it just killed it's self.

10-05-2013, 04:51 AM
As of right now it's all dedicated to PVP. There is talk about a pve server if they get enough subs. Problem with this type of system no pve player will come and play a pvp server and wait for more to endure while all wait for a pve server. So At this point I don't ever see xsyon having a pve server and seeing pvp players are more into looting gear and items from other players and less in the sandbox theme of collecting and building which is more of the pve fan stuff It will never get a fan base large enough to even consider a pve server.

If you are looking for a sandbox pve style game might want to stay with wurm online but if you are like me and got tired of such a slow development stage that takes a year or so for a small patch of something you might want to watch EverQuest Next cause it will offer pure sandbox building land owner ship and battle. It's about the only thing I've seen to this date with any interest at all.

Xsyon is awesome and a great sandbox but seeing it's pvp focused it just killed it's self.

Just because there is PVP in Xsyon doesn't make it PVP focused. Its building and crafting focused long before PVP. You can log in and ask the people how many times they get attacked in PVP, and most will say "Never". Also with the safety options like tribal protection makes it less of a PVP game than most think.

Once conquest totems come into the game, I expect to see PVP start to pick up. Right now, PVP is just very very unlikely to happen in Xsyon.

I think a PVE server will do just as well as the current Xsyon server does now. I don't see why more people would come play just because they couldn't PVP.

10-05-2013, 12:13 PM
The reason a lot of people left was right from the start it was well known as a pvp full loot. This goes back to a statement I made to jooky in a question thread about pve servers. The statement was....

PvP and PvE will never have a common ground to stand on there 2 totally different game styles of players. And around 80% of the pve players if the word mentioned is pvp server they hang far away from it and if the game has not 1 pve server they never try it.

I was here from the beginning! I know what it was like and what ran a lot of people from Xsyon. Yes the game has 10 times more pve gaming mechanics than pvp. Why it is a pvp game I have no clue. Wurm online developes way slower than xsyon don't believe me ask any gamer who plays wurm took them 4 years to bring multi story housing which that's all it was no new walls same 5 stone walls and same 5 wood walls not much you can build in multi story. So yes so slow it isn't funny yet it has less than 200 players on pvp servers it has 2 servers for this pvp and it has 6 pve servers which hold more than 5000 pve players that are subbed. Xsyon has updates and content way faster than wurm and to even think having a pve server would range the same population as the pvp server you would be so wrong. I'm not just calling you wrong I'm as well as telling jooky the exact same thing. Jooky agrees with you. I don't agree with this cause I've been hammering mmo after mmo trying to find something. So while jooky is busy working on Xsyon he has no time to mingle with the people of other mmo's and seeing you are stuck on 1 mmo right now and happy. Thousands of players are still searching for that sandbox of there game style.

Jooky says he has something coming up that might fix this cause it is being asked for a lot to have a pve server there are other post on this. Maybe if he tries what GreedMonger is doing where this land on this side is all pve and the land on this side is pvp this would work. But then jooky would have to advertise and send out thousands of emails to old players letting them know he now has pve land for the pve players. This idea here alone would bring back a ton of players including me.

Just for your information I was pvped on my 3rd day I returned during a GM event. This was the first time I traveled away from my tribe land. Ruined the event for me and reminded me why I left in the beginning. After this I unsubed and will wait for a pve server or for the land to be cut in half and half being removed from pvp play.

My original advice was a honest read to another pve player. The way he worded "Is this a game where you can terraform, build, have your own village etc, or is it more like Mortal Online, which is directed to PvP?". This line tells me he is a pve player not wanting to step in to a pvp game like Mortal Online Which I have also played Knowing it was pvp. I turn nothing away with out trying it first.

I would love to advertise and sell this game to everyone. But seeing there is no PvE I can not and will not falsify any information to get someone to spend money on something they really don't want.

So will people kill you if off your tribal land? Yes.
Will people lie to you to get you off your tribal land and kill you? Yes.
Will people come to you help you? Yes. Will they then try to duel you with out your consent? Yes Depends on the player but can and will happen.

10-05-2013, 12:38 PM
If people "left" right at the start because of the PVP full loot. Why did they even buy it in the first place? It said in the features it was PVP and full loot?

The truth is, people didn't leave because of the PVP, they left because of the lag, desync and roll backs. You can say it was the PVP all you want, that doesn't make it true. I'm sure there were people that left for many different reasons than the lag/server issues. But most left because of what I just said.

Will a PVE server do better? Who knows, I sure as heck not going to say I know, but I do know that PVP and PVE in this game are not very good. I know people that currently quit because they die to animals. Should we make a no animal server also?

You don't like PVP, so why would you play a game that has open PVP? This is the same issue PVPers try to do to PVE games.
Anyone having issues with PVP in this game are the one's that have not played Xsyon. There is an option to PVP in this game, but rarely does it happen.

You want to talk about Wurm Online? Why does it have so few PVPers on a the PVP server? Because the game isn't focused around PVP. You start adding in options for a real combat system in Wurm and maybe more people will care about combat.
What combat person likes to stand in front on the other guy and watch their combat log scroll by with text of what is happening in combat? No they want to move around, they want skills and powers to use in combat. Lets not compare apples to oranges. Just because another game has a low PVP amount doesnt mean Xsyon should have PVE server.
EVE online has PVP, full loot pvp. What's your point? You can kill anyone anywhere anytime in EVE online. Look at how many people play it. 10's of thousands of people playing that game. Its also subscription based. Wurm online is free to play with limits.

Just FYI this isn't Wurm Online, or EVE Online.

10-05-2013, 05:54 PM
I never mentioned EVE online. Wurm is more pvp focused than you can imagine. Rolf all they concentrate on now days is the epic pvp server. They have neglected the pve servers for a while now which would explain why a lot of people are starting to finally give up for the slow progression on pve content.

What got a lot of people in Xsyon in the beginning was SaintBob and his youtube video's which showed the Pve side. A lot of gamers walked in not even reading about the game. I my self when I first paid for early beta and access I was under the influence they would also have a pve server like most all mmo's on the market. No where was it mentioned there would be no pve servers only pvp game play.

If you was around back then and knew saintbob like I did and was watching the forms not just here but mmorpg which is where Xsyon got a ton of it's base from people reading the massive chat logs from GM's in game and myself included and they flew right in with no warning and bought Xsyon. Launch day there was so much hype from us doing this so many people lagged out the download servers and the game servers so bad cause they couldn't handle the mass amount of people. That's where the major server issues came from. I could go even deeper into detail about all that.

Yes a lot of people didn't like logging in and the server being 5 to 10 mins behind. But a lot of players didn't like it either when they realized Xsyon was only a pvp with not a single pve server. Most people where like me. Sandbox crafting terraforming etc.. pve game with option to play pvp. As I recall it only took less than 2 weeks for jooky to get the servers stable and enough bandwith from his service provider to fix the lag issue. 2 weeks of lag didn't cause that many people to quit playing Xsyon.

10-06-2013, 02:52 AM
Saintbob didn't even make a video until after many people already preordered and played the game for almost a year.

Next you seem to fail to understand is the combat in Wurm PVP or PVE is bad. Just watch combat in Wurm and go watch combat in ANY other game. Standing there reading text with NO options to do anything is not fun for PVE players NOR PVP players, but mostly its not fun the for people looking for PVP because PVP requires combat. Many people call "PVE" players are also crafters and builders etc. PVPers is a niche group of people that require combat with other people. PVE doesn't not require combat to be considered PVE.

I don't think you were playing when the game was first released because it wasn't a 5 to 10 min roll back, it was 10 to 20 hour roll backs.

You say no where did it mention there would be no PVE servers, well you are wrong there also. It said it on the features page. Xsyon isn't like most MMO's on the market nor is EVE nor is Wurm.

Anyways, those days are long gone. Anyone saying XYZ is the reason why Xsyon is dead is most likely just trying to post there agenda. I can say anything is why Xsyon didnt do well. How about Xsyon didnt do well because no ranged combat? Prove me wrong?

All in all Xsyon has PVP, yet the fact is almost no one PVPs in it. The reasons why are up for opinion but I can list a few reasons why. Lack of people playing, no tracking, no reason to PVP, safe zones everywhere/anywhere/anytime, lack of a well rounded combat system. Would be the main reasons I believe PVP (and PVE) are likely not very common.