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View Full Version : Capture the Flag Event!

05-24-2015, 04:05 PM
Hello Xsyonians,

I'm pleased to announce that thanks the Sark, LaughingOak, and our guide team the capture the flag event area is now ready for use! And equally pleased to announce that our first event will be held this coming Saturday from 12PM-2PM PST.

How it works:

Entry fees can range anywhere from $500-$5,000 depending on what you want to wager on your team winning.
The event will be held on the PVP server, but entry fees can be paid from ANY server and winnings can be paid out to ANY server.
Winning amounts will be paid out depending on the events being held with a minimum of 2x normally occasionally 3x for special events.
Armor and weapons will be distributed by guides to promote fairness.
Teams will be balanced fairly by guides
There will be a flag centered in each fort which has to be carried back to your teams fort center to be captured for a point. At that point another flag will be spawned to replace it. The first team with three flags wins.
When an enemy flagbearer is killed the flag is left in place and can only be picked up again by another enemy.
Any one that gets killed will be resummoned to the event area.

Given this will be the CTF maiden voyage, this will be a 3x event.

Let us know if you will be attending so that we can gauge how many people will be coming out! And don't worry we are currently working on new PVE events and if you are a PVE player don't worry like it says you can pay your entrance fee and get your winnings on any server so dust off you PvP characters and come out for some fun!

05-28-2015, 07:44 AM
Let us know if you will be attending so that we can gauge how many people will be coming out...

where i have to register for event ????????

05-28-2015, 11:35 AM
There is not an official registration, but we would like you to post to let us know you'll be coming out!

05-29-2015, 07:27 AM
i am coming

Hello Xsyonians,

I'm pleased to announce that thanks the Sark, LaughingOak, and our guide team the capture the flag event area is now ready for use! And equally pleased to announce that our first event will be held this coming Saturday from 12PM-2PM PST.

How it works:

Entry fees can range anywhere from $500-$5,000 depending on what you want to wager on your team winning.
The event will be held on the PVP server, but entry fees can be paid from ANY server and winnings can be paid out to ANY server.
Winning amounts will be paid out depending on the events being held with a minimum of 2x normally occasionally 3x for special events.
Armor and weapons will be distributed by guides to promote fairness.
Teams will be balanced fairly by guides
There will be a flag centered in each fort which has to be carried back to your teams fort center to be captured for a point. At that point another flag will be spawned to replace it. The first team with three flags wins.
When an enemy flagbearer is killed the flag is left in place and can only be picked up again by another enemy.
Any one that gets killed will be resummoned to the event area.

Given this will be the CTF maiden voyage, this will be a 3x event.

Let us know if you will be attending so that we can gauge how many people will be coming out! And don't worry we are currently working on new PVE events and if you are a PVE player don't worry like it says you can pay your entrance fee and get your winnings on any server so dust off you PvP characters and come out for some fun!

05-29-2015, 11:27 AM
I'll be there!

05-29-2015, 05:24 PM
Planning to attend as long as schedule permits.

05-30-2015, 03:22 PM
Thank you everyone for coming out, and congratulations to today's winners we hope to have another event very soon!

05-30-2015, 03:43 PM
Although I was the slowest of everyone, I still had fun. Thanks everyone!

05-30-2015, 05:30 PM
Enjoyed it. Thanks Israfel and everyone who attended.

05-30-2015, 05:51 PM
Was that the old Decorative Spear you guys were using as the flags?