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View Full Version : Weekend Events...

08-02-2016, 09:19 AM
Hi all

Before I whine about my subject, let me state for the populous my current (past 2 years) game activity. I work Retail, the only way for me to get 2 days off in a row, I have to work weekends. I had to get a Doctors waiver to accomplish this. I am like a lot of others, termed a veteran to the game. I consider myself a semi-vet since I was not here at launch. At the moment I play now and then as time permits.

now to whine...as so many of you will say I'm doing...

Why are Events only held on weekends?. In the past year I have been able to attend only one event (Easter) which I only had 1 hour to do before work and then I left because we were told to kill rabbits...ON Easter?

Granted...there is no saying that if you hold them on any other day, I might still miss it due to how retail likes to schedule people. But I would have a better chance to participate if the event days were not always on weekends.

any chance that an event could be cumulative throughout the week ie: bass fishing tourney with entrants handing in what they think is their best but cant change what they did...hand in only once.
