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View Full Version : Moon Through the Green Mist

05-11-2010, 07:31 PM
The server seems to be getting nice and stable now so I was once again out exploring west of Lake Tahoe trying to find out how far I could go. I entered the green mist but did not die. I kept on trying to go straight but I kept getting turned around. Either it was me or some mysterious game magic was at work. I will need to investigate this more once I explore the northern part of the land.

I thought this was a rather cool screen shot of my character in the mist. The most intense green represents a line of trees, Also notice the small aura around the top half of my character (I always knew I was magical! :woohoo:)


And I high view of Emerald Bay


05-11-2010, 07:38 PM
I want to be in beta just to explore, looks like a massive area to run around in. One question though, hows the FPS with such a huge draw distance?

05-11-2010, 07:39 PM
Thanks for the pics. How long did it take you to walk/run to the green mist from the lake going west?

05-11-2010, 07:55 PM
sicarius wrote:

I want to be in beta just to explore, looks like a massive area to run around in. One question though, hows the FPS with such a huge draw distance?

I have not measured the frame rate since I have never noticed any problems with it.

05-11-2010, 08:01 PM
Chile wrote:

Thanks for the pics. How long did it take you to walk/run to the green mist from the lake going west?

I didn't time myself but I would guess around 20 minutes. Climbing hills slows you down about 25% (while roads speed you up about 25%).

05-11-2010, 08:45 PM
Thanks, Oakstead. I hope I will be in with you in the coming days. Keep the cool pics coming!

05-12-2010, 07:43 AM
Oakstead wrote:

sicarius wrote:

I want to be in beta just to explore, looks like a massive area to run around in. One question though, hows the FPS with such a huge draw distance?

I have not measured the frame rate since I have never noticed any problems with it.

Good enough, don't particularly care about exact numbers, I just wanted to know if it was a problem when draw distance came into play. thanks.

05-12-2010, 10:13 PM
I'll chew up draw distance and spit it out! Phewy!

05-12-2010, 11:04 PM
sicarius wrote:

I want to be in beta just to explore, looks like a massive area to run around in. One question though, hows the FPS with such a huge draw distance?

I pull a pretty consistent high framerate with a GTX9800, default features and a couple extras turned on, at 1360x768 fullscreen.

Can't tell you framerates, but very little graphics lagginess. Some odd artifacting of reflective surfaces on roads and terrain at dawn and twilight if I get the angle just wrong while scanning.

05-13-2010, 06:21 AM
Farmerbob wrote:

sicarius wrote:

I want to be in beta just to explore, looks like a massive area to run around in. One question though, hows the FPS with such a huge draw distance?

I pull a pretty consistent high framerate with a GTX9800, default features and a couple extras turned on, at 1360x768 fullscreen.

Can't tell you framerates, but very little graphics lagginess. Some odd artifacting of reflective surfaces on roads and terrain at dawn and twilight if I get the angle just wrong while scanning.

As to be expected at this stage. But thats good to hear, seems like they are cleaning everything up very nicely.