Developer Updates

The latest news straight from the lead developers of the sandbox MMORPG Xsyon.

  1. Developer Update 2021.08.30

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    This is just a quick note to let you all know that the next round of testing new features and improvements will be coming after a few weeks.

    Currently my town is under evacuation warning due to the Caldor Fire in California and it's going to be a chaotic situation for at least a week or two. (I already started packing things a few days ago in anticipation of this).

    Thank you all for your patience!
    Developer Updates
  2. Developer Update 2021.08.03

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    Some upcoming features and improvements are currently running on the Test Server!

    The Hall of Heroes and Legends feature allows players to set up buildings in their tribe to display leader boards of the top most experienced players in their nearby neighborhood or the entire Xsyon world. See where you stand amongst your tribe mates, neighbors and fellow Xsyon citizens!

    Further improvements to resource gathering and crafting address requests ...
    Developer Updates
  3. Developer Update 2021.07.13

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    We are currently testing a few upcoming changes on the Test Server:

    1) Improved Crafting. I've further revised the new Crafting Panel and added the Workshop feature. You can assign a building a a Workshop and by standing within the bounds of a Workshop, all tools and materials in that building are available to you through the Crafting Panel.

    2) Improved Scavenging. I'm testing out a new scavenging system that displays icons for several ...
    Developer Updates
  4. Developer Update 2021.06.03

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    With bows released I have switched to focusing on interface and interaction improvements. My primary goal is to make Xsyon more simple and welcoming for new players.

    I've started with a revised crafting panel that is currently on the Test Server. This panel automatically selects materials for a selected scheme from the player's inventory and displays additional information such as the properties of a crafted object before it is crafted.

    Developer Updates
  5. Developer Update 2021.02.01

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    I would just like to give you a current update of what is in the works.

    1) Website backend

    I’m getting the website updated to work with the latest version of PHP and other backend software. This won't change anything noticeable with the site but it needs to be done. I've patched some of the updated files but most of the changes are on a mirror of the website that I am using to ensure the required changes don't cause any issues or interruptions ...

    Updated 02-19-2021 at 10:03 AM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
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