
  1. Patch Notes 2021.07.21

    Workshop and Resources Update

    - Workshop building use
    -- Players can set buildings as Workshops
    -- When standing inside a Workshop, all tools and materials contained in that building are automatically available in the player’s crafting panel.
    -- All players with Lock permissions can use the Workshop building.

    - Improved gathering
    -- Scavenging and Foraging now automatically find available items and display them as icons in the Resource bar. Players ...
    Patch Notes
  2. Patch Notes 2021.08.09

    Hall of Heroes & Hall of Legends Patch

    - Hall of Heroes & Hall of Legends
    -- Two new building uses are available (for tents, teepees, etc. like other building uses), the Hall of Heroes and Hall of Legends.
    -- The Hall of Heroes displays the top 22 players in 16 different categories whose tribe is within 1000 meters of the current tribe.
    -- The Hall of Legends displays the top 22 players in 16 different categories in the entire world of Xsyon.
    -- Hero ...
    Patch Notes
  3. Xsyon Autumn Update!

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    I’ve been making steady progress with the DirectX graphics update. As I’ve mentioned before this is a massive update to the game engine. The code for most rendering functions had to be completely rewritten. This is a necessary step though so it will continue to be my focus until it’s done. We’re getting there!

    Since my last major report I’ve completed the following:
    - Improved lighting functions (torches, though not yet implemented will be ...
  4. Xsyon Update In Progress!

    The Xsyon Servers are temporarily down for large optimization patch. For those playing outside of Steam, this patch will require a new launcher obtainable through your account page.

    Back-end systems for the game and the Xsyon website are also being transitioned.

    During this time, new registrations will be disabled.

    I will post again when this patch and transition is complete!
  5. Developer Update 2017.04.05

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    Players who participated in last year's event season can now redeem event tokens though the help ticket or by contacting a Guide in game. Details on prizes and how to go about redeeming your tokens are posted here

    As noted before, several upcoming updates and preparatory optimizations are in final testing.

    The current updates ready for testing include:

    - Revised windowed mode and new border-less windowed mode.

    Developer Updates
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