
  1. Developer Update 2021.06.03

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    With bows released I have switched to focusing on interface and interaction improvements. My primary goal is to make Xsyon more simple and welcoming for new players.

    I've started with a revised crafting panel that is currently on the Test Server. This panel automatically selects materials for a selected scheme from the player's inventory and displays additional information such as the properties of a crafted object before it is crafted.

    Developer Updates
  2. Ranged Combat Is Live!

    Bows and arrows are now live!

    In celebration, Xsyon will be on sale through Monday, May 31st.

    This long awaited feature completes Xsyon's major planned features required for removing Early Access on Steam. However, I will be patching some interface and gathering action revisions before finally removing Early Access.

    These upcoming changes will include revised crafting and construction panels along with streamlining the interface further in general and providing ...

    Updated 05-27-2021 at 09:54 AM by XsyonMaster

  3. Patch Notes 2021.05.27

    Ranged Combat Patch!

    - Bows and arrows functional.
    - Crafting bows and arrows.
    - Ranged and bow skills added.
    - Combat upwards angle limit increased.
    - Revised collision functions.
    - Options to show ping and display creature hp save to file.
    - Player is offset from center by default but can be centered in an option setting.
    - Revised tutorial.
    - Ongoing optimizations both Server and Client side.

    Updated 05-27-2021 at 01:45 AM by XsyonMaster

    Patch Notes
  4. Ranged Combat (Bows) In Public Testing!

    Ranged combat is finally available for public testing on the Test Server!

    This long awaited feature is nearing completion and all feedback is welcome. Please check out the Feedback Request for bows and join in the test session.

    To celebrate this major testing session, Xsyon will be on sale (67% Off) through Monday, May 3rd.

    Bows just need some final adjustments to be ready for patching to the live servers. This is the last major feature required to remove ...
  5. Developer Update 2021.02.01

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    I would just like to give you a current update of what is in the works.

    1) Website backend

    I’m getting the website updated to work with the latest version of PHP and other backend software. This won't change anything noticeable with the site but it needs to be done. I've patched some of the updated files but most of the changes are on a mirror of the website that I am using to ensure the required changes don't cause any issues or interruptions ...

    Updated 02-19-2021 at 10:03 AM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
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