All Blog Entries

  1. Patch Notes 05.08.2013

    Improvements / Bug Fixes

    • Cause of server lockup fixed.
    • Memory use by the game client for creatures dramatically reduced.
    • Marmot parts stack count increased to match other animals.
    • Small creature innards can be dissected into parts, including guts.
    • The amount of guts used in crafting revised.
    • Artisan and Master armor schemes require base schemes.
    • Max craft amount for base leather schemes (leather, scraps, fur etc.) corrected to 20.
    • Search not automatically active when
    Patch Notes
  2. Patch Notes 05.03.2013

    • Creature breeding adjusted to maintain a better balance between all creatures.
    • Creatures increase breeding dramatically if they reach a 'near extinction' level.

    Improvements / Bug Fixes
    • Cause of server lock up due to creatures out of bounds fixed.
    • Effect of tool bonuses correctly balanced when using tools without bonuses for the craft in use.
    • Tree planting permissions on tribe land uses the 'plant' rank setting correctly.
    • Players can't plant trees
    Patch Notes
  3. Patch Notes 04.24.2013

    Improvements / Bug Fixes

    • Weight of currency reduced. All currencies set to the same weight.
    • Power variable on animal resources and components displayed in item tool tip.
    • Issue with door permissions not working depending on order of permissions set fixed.
    • Welmeti Deerbone Chestplate recipe corrected.
    • Trade totem should correctly display seller's name.
    • Trade totem should display correct prices in the allied tab.
    • Sort buttons in the trade totem allied tab functional.
    • Artisan
    Patch Notes
  4. Patch Notes 04.22.2013

    Improvements / Bug Fixes

    • Carrots removed from foraging table. Carrots converted to Yarrow. (Carrots were in testing for the coming agriculture system).
    • Archery skill showing for some characters removed.
    • Using the search function in the craft panel while a search is in progress cancels the craft if the scheme is deselected.
    • Pioneer and Scrapper chalk schemes added.
    • New tools correctly apply bonuses.
    • New tool schemes correctly require matching base schemes.
    • Stumps can be
    Patch Notes
  5. Patch Notes 04.19.2013 - Massive Trade and Quest Totems Update!

    Trade and Quest Totems!

    • ​​Can be placed on allied land.
    • Tribes can place one trade and one quest totem on their home tribe land.
    • Tribes can place additional trade and quest totems on allied land as follows:

    Homesteads - 1 additional trade and 1 additional quest totem.
    Bands - 2 additional trade and 2 additional quest totems.
    Clans - 3 additional trade and 3 additional quest totems.
    Tribes - 4 additional trade and 4 additional quest totems.

    Patch Notes
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