
Developer Update 09.23.2015

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Hello Xsyon Citizens!

I don't have any especially important or interesting to report at the moment, but I'd like to keep you all updated on what's going on behind the scenes.

I'm still focused on the major revision to creatures and combat as detailed in last month's update. Things are coming along, but slowly. I've further revised and optimized some components that I had considered 'done' last month and I've updated the code so that I can switch between the current live server systems and the updated systems. This will allow me to patch out other fixes and improvements while I continue progress on creature AI.

Some of you have probably noticed the Test Server up and open to the public. Primarily I have been running stress tests to compare the current live server AI and the updated AI. The new AI is greatly optimized and will allow for more updates per second on the server itself and between the servers and clients.

I will open the Test Server this weekend and request feedback on some of the changes in progress and will have more frequent updates here from now on as I start to wrap up and release these major changes!

That's all for today!

Updated 09-23-2015 at 10:43 PM by XsyonMaster

Developer Updates
