Developer Update 2017.08.21
, 08-21-2017 at 09:57 PM (7072 Views)
Hello Xsyon Citizens!
Just a quick update this week to keep you all informed...
As many of you have noticed, I've been patching small updates every few days for the past few weeks. These patches resolve problems with the August 4th patch and include optimizations from the May patch that needed to be switched off and revised. In addition, I've fixed some critical issues that could potentially lead to exploits and further optimized the server for upcoming revisions to creature AI systems.
As of today's minor patch I've caught up with the most recent patch notes
All of these optimizations and changes that seem minor have been a bit grueling, but necessary. As more players are running Windows 10 at screen resolutions that weren't readily available when the base engine for Xsyon was coded, upgrading libraries used in some of the core systems had become a priority.
With all this out of the way, I can get back to more interesting changes.
Many thanks to all of you that provided input and bug reports during this period of optimization!