Developer Update 2018.05.28
, 05-28-2018 at 09:12 AM (6148 Views)
Hello Xsyon Citizens!
I apologize for the silence this month. I'm out of the country due to family reasons and am returning home tomorrow (after 30 hours of travel). I've continued daily work and progress on the upcoming new creature AI and features and things are looking good.
I am currently running timed tests on a closed Test Server. The new AI system can handle 15,000 creatures at 20 updates per second. In contrast, the current live AI runs creatures in combat at 10 updates and all other 'active' creatures at 4 updates per second, usually with less than 500 creatures marked as active.
I will be opening up much of what I've been working on for public tests during the upcoming big Summer Sale. (I can't announce a date for this but it's coming!)
We will also launch another Event Season at that time.
The upcoming features are as noted in my previous update but I will re-post them here:
- Fully revised creature AI including movement, positioning, path finding, health, damage and reactions. The new AI system is intended to be similar to the current AI but smoother and reliable and without any of the problems reported over the years. In general, small creatures will be easier to hunt with only the larger legendary creatures requiring groups to kill.
- Pets, taming and associated skills.
- Mounts, riding and associated skills.
- Suggestion Patch 1 - 20-25 improvements based on player suggestions.
- Suggestion Patch 2 - 20-25 improvements based on player suggestions.
- Currency system with dollars linked to each character and not as an inventory item.
- Architecture and crafting revised allowing for easier selection of materials and prediction of final results.
- Vanity pet system allowing players to freeze child pets in time and keep them as cute pets that don't age.
- Architecture part replacement allowing players to swap a building part with another similar part. For example, a wall could be replaced by another wall or a gate.
- Storehouses that allow players to store and have easy access to building materials.
- Animal breeding.
- Hall of Heroes and Hall of Legends where players can check out the current leader for certain skills and actions in their tribes or across the world.