Patch Notes 2021.07.21
, 07-21-2021 at 01:03 PM (33594 Views)
Workshop and Resources Update
- Workshop building use
-- Players can set buildings as Workshops
-- When standing inside a Workshop, all tools and materials contained in that building are automatically available in the player’s crafting panel.
-- All players with Lock permissions can use the Workshop building.
- Improved gathering
-- Scavenging and Foraging now automatically find available items and display them as icons in the Resource bar. Players no longer need to gather and sort through random items.
-- Players can switch between three different resource gathering modes: Resources, Scavenging and Foraging.
-- In Resource mode, players can gather base resources such as Grass, Sand, Bundles etc. only.
-- In Scavenging mode, players can gather scavenged resources in addition to the base resources.
-- in Foraging mode players can gather foraged resources in addition to the base resources.
- Crafting panel improvements
-- Crafting panel pulls materials from attached cart.
-- Crafting panel displays skill.
-- Crafting panel should not reset when you gain skill or a new scheme through inspiration.
-- Minor potential glitches with the Crafting panel fixed.
- Mouse scroll scrolls active scroll bar in open panel.
- Fix for overlapping animations.
- Your arrows pass through your own pets so that your pets will not block your ranged combat.
- Pets are released to the wild if you delete your character.
- Code for actions and combat cleaned up and reorganized.