Coming Up: Conquest, Construction Snap, Graphics & Events!
, 08-30-2022 at 05:34 PM (7681 Views)
Hello Xsyon Citizens!
Here's a summary of what's going on with Xsyon over the next few months.
War Server Conquest System
I've resolved glitches with the Conquest System that were reported and that I found on my own over the past month. Several requested features have also been implemented. The latest iteration of the system is currently on the Test Server. While I feel the system is working well enough for public release I will be waiting until October to make it live. Almost there!
Construction Snap
I've added a Snap feature to building construction on the current Test Server build. Check the Developer Zone for more info.
We will be running several events (both PvE and PvE) in September and October. I will announce each event a week ahead of time but we're planning to have an event at least every other weekend starting around mid September.
DirectX Graphics Update
The graphics update is coming along but will take a while longer. I am hoping to finish updating all the graphic systems and effects by the end of the year. Most of the foundation has been updated but the tree system, shadows and effects still need to be converted to the latest DirectX.
I will keep players updated on my progress and when I get to the point where some of the updated graphics can be tested.
That's all for now! As before, my primary focus is updating the graphics code. It's a very time consuming but necessary task and I hope it will be well worth it when it's complete.