January Update
, 01-18-2024 at 05:52 PM (144413 Views)
Hello Xsyon Citizens!
As many of you know, there were big problems at the data center that hosts Xsyon's game servers over the past few weeks. I've been moving things around and also upgrading the database code.
For now, there is a new Xsyon Launcher for players that play directly and off of Steam. You can find this launcher linked to in the old Launcher window or through your account page on the Xsyon website.
I am testing out locations for a future and more final move but at the moment everything is up and running and I hope it stays that way!
I am returning my focus to the game. I think it will still be a few months before I can release the DirectX graphics update. This mess at the data center was a big distraction but I continue to move forward with the code.
That's all for now!