Patch Notes 04.24.2013
, 08-07-2013 at 07:15 AM (3851 Views)
Improvements / Bug Fixes
- Weight of currency reduced. All currencies set to the same weight.
- Power variable on animal resources and components displayed in item tool tip.
- Issue with door permissions not working depending on order of permissions set fixed.
- Welmeti Deerbone Chestplate recipe corrected.
- Trade totem should correctly display seller's name.
- Trade totem should display correct prices in the allied tab.
- Sort buttons in the trade totem allied tab functional.
- Artisan and Master armor sets require 75 and 90 quality materials respectively.
- Crafted components quality can't exceed the quality of base the materials used.
- Crafted end products (armor, tools and weapons) can exceed the quality of the base materials used.