Patch Notes 05.08.2013
, 08-07-2013 at 06:17 AM (4565 Views)
Improvements / Bug Fixes
- Cause of server lockup fixed.
- Memory use by the game client for creatures dramatically reduced.
- Marmot parts stack count increased to match other animals.
- Small creature innards can be dissected into parts, including guts.
- The amount of guts used in crafting revised.
- Artisan and Master armor schemes require base schemes.
- Max craft amount for base leather schemes (leather, scraps, fur etc.) corrected to 20.
- Search not automatically active when craft panel opens.
- Craft panel keeps scroll position after crafting / learning schemes.
- Fidora spelling corrected to fedora
- Leader ranks have all permissions checked. These can't be unchecked.
- Craftsman cart parts require materials of 60 quality to craft.
- Adept cart parts require materials of 75 quality to craft.
- Master cart parts require materials of 90 quality to craft.
- Trading a cart does not require a pack in your backpack slot.
- Death properly closes all containers including carts and buildings.
- Max stack count increased on metal rods, cloth, leather and many crafted components.
- Grass components (cloth, thread etc.) take bonuses from the base grass material.
- Armor bonus system checked and corrected.