
Long Awaited Female Armor Sets Are Here!

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Players have been waiting a long time for female armor sets that were in the works but not quite ready for release. Today we've finally released these sets, a total of 18 new cloth and leather armor sets.

Get crafting, scavenging, collecting and showing off your new fashions!

Other notable improvements are further revisions to resource materials distribution and the ability for carts to travel on any slope players can travel on.

Full patch notes are here: Patch Notes


  1. Iocyn's Avatar
    I wanted to share photos of a few of the new female armor sets that my Serenity Reborn Tribemates created. There may be a piece or two missing from some of the sets, but these should give players an idea of the great new armors from the latest patch.

    Thanks for the new duds, Casimyr, Gizzy and Chuggs. <3 you guys!

    Links to 5 of the new leather sets:
    Dahteste - http://i.imgur.com/if3N3d3.jpg
    Oakley - http://i.imgur.com/QWaSPKx.jpg
    Semuk - http://i.imgur.com/pS3sPjP.jpg
    Sawtak - http://i.imgur.com/zMKKxRk.jpg
    Thorny Rose - http://i.imgur.com/fmQQAR8.jpg

    Shots are not as good as The Xsyon Fashion Guide - http://xsyonsurvivalguide.com/?p=91 but how can it be without GuideLailah and GuideMichael as models? ;)

    Will link other leather and tailoring sets as we make them.
    Take care out there, Survivors.
    Updated 09-16-2013 at 10:26 PM by Iocyn
  2. Nephilum's Avatar
    Thanks so much for posting the pics Iocyn!

  3. Iocyn's Avatar
    My pleasure, Krisathel!
    Will see if we can't get a few more sets sorted and will let you know when I post those as well. :)